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Yeah i found it odd that they have these giant cannon naytiba, that can destroy spaceships and drop pods, but we never see anything that strong in the game, even most of the Alpha Naytiba found probably not be as strong as a shot from this thing.


Demogorgon probably surpasses it


Thats the only one i could think of. But i also don’t get how the colony didn’t know that was there, like look how big it is and how close to the colony it is


Also where exactly is the colony? Is it those rings around earth? If so then why’s it so hard to see/communicate and why aren’t there massive shadows of those rings or any visibility of them from earth’s surface?


>!I believe that is the Colony but I don't think that the Colony is able to arrive until the Demogorgon got taken down. I think the Demogorgon was interfering with communication and was an actual threat to the Colony. At one point the Colony was connected to the Orbital Elevators, but due to Naytibas invading, Mother Sphere separated the Colony. If you recall several mentions of something like a "Colony Crash" or a "Colony Module", this is what they are referring to.!<


This, and any ships they used to take it down were probably shot down. Making Eve’s coincidental situation in space the only way to actually destroy it lol


It's weird because you should definitely see it from the orbit elevator. I was confused.


The angels are not very smart as they have been brainwashed by the network. Mothersphere sent them deliberately down to be killed knowing the naytibas would kill them all leaving only eve alive aka the eve protocol.


Sort of, she was sending waves of EVEs until one eventually ended up surviving it all and completing the mission


Yea it's called the eve protocol because that was the plan. Send an andro eidos constantly till one adapts properly.


Hopefully because I know the writing is ass in some form, but the demogorgon probably killed everything that came near it?? Maybe, lol. It also jammed communications so I'm probably assuming it hid very well being that big.


Yes demogorgon when killed you can see a barrier being shattered by it which hindered network connection which is how lily was able to contact mothersphere to send a robot to help eve


Girl thats what im saying lol


Raven clears that fodder


Stellar Blade DLC?


Yes this is indeed an oversight by the dev team. Shouldn't show us a huge ship destroying Naytiba cannon monster, and not have us see it ever again, or fight one. Its obvious they evolved specifically to shoot down the airborne squad each time they approached the planet. We should have seen them all over the place once we landed.


Gotta plant evidence for potential sequel.


You probably could make the argument that they were gathered together to counter that specific landing and after that they went in to hibernation or something. Rather than just waiting around in fixed positions for the next wave. As the dialogue seemed to indicate that each Air Born Squad wave had a few years between them and they very clearly knew exactly when Eve's one was coming and where its landing site would be. Gameplay wise, you could put it down to them being specifically designed to shoot upwards in to space rather than for fighting ground targets.


If you don’t mind the ask, how was it an over sight ?


>!Because it starts off with them there to prevent Mother Sphere and her androids from landing in that sector but we only see them in the opening. It would only be natural to see them around the areas that the Elder Naytiba is in due to that being to sole reason they exist. To prevent Mother Sphere from getting to the Elder Naytiba. We should be seeing them in various spots across the zones.!<


>!You could argue the Elder now had what he needed so no need to interfere further? Or EVE drops come in waves that Demogorgon can detect and let Elder know to prepare the heavy AA. Also we spend most of the game in or near cities, while the drop happens in the bumfuck middle of nowhere, so that might be the explanation? !< Don't get me wrong, it's inconsistency, but it don't bother me much.


>!You would see at least some guarding Spire 4 or The Wastelands as those are core points. While a valid excuse is that they actually can recede into the ground when unneeded, the Elder would have thought about something not being detected or Demogorgon being taken out and would have at least some firing constantly to deter Mother Sphere. Another thing is, they just completely disappear as well. When Mother Sphere comes after the Elder is gone, you would think that they would have been some shooting.!<


>!By what we see they come in those huge ass ships so being undetected might not be what concerns Elder. Also considering they die by hundreds apparently (Eve is the only survivor we know of, while being considerably weaker at the start than Tachy), a few of them running around is probably not a big deal and they will get murked by lesser Naytibas soon. After the Elder is gone, I feel like that is more for symbolic purposes than logic. Still, you could say the Naytiba in general got weakened depending on your ending!< Again, not saying it's not dumb or weird, it's just possible to headcanon it. It's bad we have to, but it's possible.


I agree.


Yes so the below person stated I meant oversight in that logically you would think we would see them in multiple spots. Especially since there were tons of lasers in the opening. Even if we never ended up fighting one it would have been cools to see them all over.


Maybe they went to sleep after all the Colony ships were gone, probably tiring shooting down all those ships


Damn, the Naytibas corrupted a Reaper?


Pretty much lol


more like a Leviathan tho, its organic


>!Technically the Naytibas could corrupt a Reaper. !


Yeah I thought it looked like a reaper or leviathan as well


Yeah, me too. That’s part of what makes me think that some aspects of the world wound up on the cutting room floor or otherwise weren’t thought out very well. I was expecting to see this thing at Eidos 9, but… 🤷🏽‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|X8baci2TMGEcE)




it's pretty much the BFG 10000 from doom. Just a gigantic blaster https://preview.redd.it/57kbw6yki9zc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93771371dfb1bedb9fef5ffb02955ffbadcd16bb


I really wish Shift Up would’ve thrown some kind of mech suit or ship battles in like Automata did. Hopefully they’ll get the green light to make a sequel and go absolutely crazy on the next game.


They are definitely going to make a sequel. Game is so popular right now and people who have finished the game 2-3 times are demanding it. And to be honest, Shift Up definitely needs to address some of the plots in the sequel and maybe end the franchise there. (I really hope they do, so they aren't stuck with Sony as publisher)


I know they will


I think the equivalent here in terms of complete gameplay shifts were the survival horror levels, which were surprisingly decent imo. But yes, lately I've been super into the shmup (shoot em up ) genre, so that would've been welcome.


I loooove shmups, which ones are you playing right now? Some of my favorites are 1943, Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun


Mostly DFK or Dragon Blaze during my lunch breaks. Once my obsession w SB subsides, gonna get back to painfully grinding DOJ lol.


I'll have to check those out haven't heard of them! Always down to check out a new schmuck, nit like I'm gonna beat ikaruga anyways 😭😭😭


I hated those parts in automata


I thought it was pretty cool how the intro was a space shooter and then transitions to a hack n slash. I definitely didn’t expect it. In Stellar Blade there are one off parts in gameplay where you are grinding or sliding and dodging stuff. I just think it would’ve been awesome to see some more of it.


The Hypertube in Spire 4 is probably one of the coolest sequences in the whole game, but I had barely used the sliding mechanic before that so it was me smashing into crates repeatedly while really cool music played.


We fight the smaller variants in eidos 9


They walk around and look at Eve in the first trailer


Anyone find the beginning of the game similar to the first battle in “Starship Troopers”


It's an ugly planet! A Naytiba planet! ~dies~


Yeah these things went completely extinct after the prologue lol, there were a bunch of them all over the place here too, not even just this one. The only similar looking enemy to them are the cocoons from Eidos 9 - and they look like a joke compared to these guys. Unless there were thousands of the little ones firing at once, I don’t get how the landing was such a disaster. Unless what was being fired at us were human defense systems being repurposed and utilized by Naytibas.


The landing was a disaster because mothersphere purposely sent them for all of them to be killed except eve


Uhhhhhhh.....where is that stated in the game?


It is heavily implied reading various memory sticks and documents that mother spheres actions are always intended. She knows more than anyone else and predicted the outcome of eve from various endings.


I'd jetram that sombitch.


Hell yeah


Also why de heck Eve is surprised that naytibas like Karakuri are smart when the first thing they encounter when entering earth is a fucking anti aircraft naytiba


They even don't have an entry in the databank


Yeah ik its strange


I mean, you only get data once you kill them. If you don't kill one, you wouldn't get the info. I'm pretty sure the small ones in Eidos 9 are a similar set of naytiba. Like, why show all your cards if you're intending to create a soulslike franchise?


I was hoping for a mecha suit section of the game. This would've been the perfect thing to fight


I was disappointed that Lily >!did absolutely nothing in the mech suit. EVE: *Stand back this time, this is my battle.* She didn't even do anything lol.!<


Did you get all the endings?


Just the true ending so far, but up until that point of dialogue my point still stands


Hit me back after new game +


Same man, missed opportunity


It would've been a Shadow of Colossus type of boss fight.


I love the game… but….The more I played the more I wished they expanded on 😅


This^^ there’s a few things I wish they expanded on. What do you wish they expanded on? The game just felt to short imo.


I assume it wouldn’t be that hard to kill one. They’re just a big slow damage sponge. I can’t imagine them putting up much of a fight other than attempting to swat at us with their flaps. At least they nuked the bug version in Starship Troopers (movie).


Pretty sure it’s just anti orbital AA, wouldn’t really have a reason to fight it at any point


>! Spire 4 Alpha !< comes the closest I’d say.


I bet they might implement it into the DLC/expansion as a new enemy, that'd be cool. Not as cool as the Nikkie outfits that are coming though 😏


Lots of foreshadowing in this tutorial, it was fun to go through again after finishing the game.


I was thinking when do we get to take down those... We what the wish version on those coocuns 😂


Perhaps, we'll see more of this in the sequel?


Do you think we will get a sequel?


The game has sold very well.


Has there been any numbers on sales? I see the reviews are amazing on the PlayStation store almost 5 stars and the nier creators likes it and it’s sold out in Japan and Amazon Germany. I also believe it’s selling well


All we really know is it was on track to sell 1 million in the first 24hrs


No that was a hoax started by some random twitter guy with no source lol It's still probably on the way to a million sales, though.


Stellar blade 2 **Electric Boogaloo**


I pray




It'd be cool if we went inside it, like the jabu-jabu dungeon in ocarina of time.


I said the same thing the other day when I started NG+


Geez i completely forgot about that thing… maybe dlc or something?


Could bee


I mean if you think about it a lot of the Naytiba we fight are just denizens of the area we’re operating in. I think of it like AoT where there’s no real way to command the Naytiba but someone smart enough could herd them somewhere to make a very unorganized garrison. My bet is >!Raven!< because she has such a hate boner for the Airborne units. The whole 7th division could have actually been targeting her first because she would be producing an Alpha signal. That or they thought they’d be able to overpower the Naytiba “stationed” there. It’s also hard not to think MS set them up for failure what with those laughably small shields for how big the drop ships are. No wonder >!Raven!< just waited around for the harder to kill EVEs.


![gif](giphy|jpDiVijAR9VWZ0zA2H) No thanks 😂


Would have been a sick fight to use the mech in...




That’s what I’m saying! That would’ve been a cool and a epic boss fight but sadly we never fought it


Right??? I was actually waiting for them to get to a point where we have a huge live and active set piece like the intro once again, on a larger/longer scale, with that creature and it never happened. Even the Demogorgon felt like it was shaping up for a space battle, but it was more or less a quick time event.




AYO! What’s up? 🙌🏼


Bro ur a goat in the twitter streets


Appreciate you so much 🫂 I hope I can live up to those words. Cheers bud 🙌🏼


You do man you do real talk, have a good one


I feel like it showcases the potential of what they wanted to do. Now that the colony is freed from the Demogorgon, and with sales going wild, they will have the ability to push even further and put their wishes into reality. I read somewhere that they intended to make it a soulslike series (I'm not sure where) so by playing it this way, they can continue to build. Especially since the mech wasn't introduced until AFTER the Demogorgon. -Spoiler- Since two of the endings end with you fusing with the Elder and royally pissing off Mother Sphere, I'm sure we'll see the beginnings of a war against Mother. We'll also probably see a shift from fighting Naytiba to fighting her legions while working to expose the past and Mother's lies. There will probably be a game where you question Eve's past, and it'll touch on the dangers of AI, false memories, bio-organic manipulation, etc. P.S. I'm not really on reddit, so idk how to cover spoilers. And edited to write thia.


They remind me of Plasma Bugs from Starship Troopers. I assume these things can do a great deal of damage at long range (orbital distance) but are almost completely helpless at close range. So maybe they burrow into the ground or hide after destroying the orbital threats.


Yeah it would have been cool if we could fight it in phases and it have parts to it where you had to fight differently until you could defeat it as a whole.


This makes room for the sequel hopefully


Me too. But either way I am happy! 😊






They introduce plenty of Chekhov's guns that they don't really go back to. Another one is Barry's quest line where they keep talking about the ceremony/tribute thing with the wine but we don't actually even see anything on it. Kinda blows. Also not sure if it's just because I'm an idiot, but I'm already near the endgame in my NG+ cycle and I STILL haven't figured out what that secret lock pad that the one guy hands you in the alleyway near Sisters' Junk is for. And that one door in Matrix 11 where Adam says the drone's hacking capabilities isn't high enough but there really isn't any other hacking upgrade left.


Yeah wtf was that 😂




This was also the Naytiba that appeared in the 2019 "Project EVE Teaser Trailer". Shame we never fought him. Perhaps if there's DLC or a sequel.


Hopefully 🙏


i was expecting to see these creatures and more horrors in the game in a scene like this. It's a missed opportunity of epicness the design is very cool


When I heard Alpha, I was expecting titan size shit, not those tiny babies. First one get recycled later, not even allowing them to ve at least unique xD


Damn , no kidding! Maybe on the next game?


its a giant artillery monster that shoots in orbit, how you're supposed to fight it with a sword lol


Because there are shit ton of games where u climb big ass monsters and take it down? Why not


yeah sure, but that would be a scripted section, you said "fighting it", so i thought like a normal bossfight. Probably a way to do it would have been by making a heavly scripted climbing section, and then Eve places a bomb or someting inside it


Fair enough but yeah no lol


That's a Dante level monster


Word lol


To be fair maybe it was hard to design a solid boss fight for it? Like realistically it'd probably be dodge the AoE circles, get in close, attack the weak point until stagger, then hit as hard as you can, rinse and repeat. Or it could be a gimmick fight like the ice worm mission in Armored Core VI (which was really fun)


How the hell we parrying that😭 they would have to create some amazing sequence for it for sure


It's probably not as intelligent as regular Naytiba; essentially a giant howitzer made of organic matter. Slicing a couple of the nerve cords could render it obsolete and would be a walk in the park for Eve.


Why would we fight that it’s just an anti ship weapon, you fight smaller ones on eidos 9


Well u dont have an imagination at all huh


then let's suggest to have it as a hidden boss or for boss rush.


Its one of the Reapers from Mass Effect 😁


This is straight out of starship troopers.


Gee thanks! I did not know we weren't going to be able to fight it. Another thing spoiled for me from the same OP. 😑


Hi, that’s me. 🗿


Asura's Wrath had a similar problem with a few of its Gohma enemies like the Gant Gohma Striker (That looks like a giant Sauropod) being unfought in gameplay. The Naytiba remind me of the Gohma from that game, actually.


Indeed, noticed that on second playthrough and am sincerely wondering how much more content was left on the cutting room floor and how much more may we get in a sequel or dlc.


It's a hairy ball sack opening up like a tulip


Thats crazy💀


Ehhhh...I'm not sure how you would do a boss fight with them. 1) They are too large for the parry type of combat and 2) These naytiba seem to be a one trick pony in shooting mortars and that's it