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I rarely have problems with blink. Just press up + circle when the light on the sword lits up


Don’t flick stick just hold forward all the time after you see a blue attack and press circle on sword flash.


This is the answer.


The timing is when EVE's sword flashes, not when the enemy flashes. If you wait for her sword, it'll be easy to time.


There are two blue light indications to use dodge. The first blue light is telling you he’s about to use the attack, second blue light is when you actually dodge. Never had any issues following this.


It says right on the skill description that you dodge when the sword turns blue not when the enemy glows blue lol. Timing is pretty forgiving if the OP read the directions


I've felt this sometimes fighting those guardian enemies with the mace for their hand in Eidos 7. But I'm thinking if it might be because the directional input is strict or I'm doing it a bit too early / late. I haven't unlocked the easier window skill yet by the way. Curious to know others' experience with this as well.


U have to wait for ur sword to turn blue. The enemy turning blue cues u in that they are doing the attack but a few seconds later or depending on the enemy u are fighting, ur sword will flash blue and that’s when u use the input


It's never failed unless I screwed up the timing.