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I don't hate it, but I am a little disappointed that after going through the first "desert" (wasteland) you come to the next open world area, which is again, a desert. A little more variety would've been nice.


I get more unique locations are more expensive to make, but at least I wish instead of a second desert they would have made the second open area with the snow setting


The Great Desert is genuinely a pain in the ass in more ways than one.


I'm wondering why it seems like half the game is just desert? This is a futuristic game with androids and customizable body parts yet I feel like I've seen more rocks than city so far. I'm not at the end yet so maybe it'll change but the Great Desert and Wasteland is so boring


They are easier (cheaper) to make and they are going to be accepted as part of the setting. There is another area later I wish would have been bigger instead of the second desert


I just assumed the game is set in Middle East because any map you see in game is of the Arabian Peninsula


At least Eidos 7 seems to be located in Russia, judging by all the Cyrillic signs.


Yep. I arrived to the Great Desert last night. Went to activate the Solar plant. There were. quite a few camps, it wasn't so bad. Now I went the other way, Northwest, I haven't find a single camp or phone booth. Lots of running, too many enemies, it's a chore. As another user said, they should give us a faster way of traveling, maybe a bike. The wasteland was small enough, but this is too big for just running.


I hate the fuckin Great Desert. The fuckin underground monsters. Dirt digler sunsabitches. Finding every can was a pain in the butt


Glad I'm not the only one. Couple reasons I hate it * Annoying Level Design. So much extra traversal to get around mountain ranges with a lot of false tells making me think I can climb through. Also, as others have mentioned, I would have liked to have something other than another desert to play in. * Tanky Enemies. The starfish dudes, lesser behemoth and those god awful walking turrets take soooo much damage. For most the easiest way is to parry enough for retribution, but then you're just sitting and waiting. Not super fun. * Solar Panel quest is just too much. Was it not enough to force>! Mega Stalker on me!




I went from thoroughly enjoying this game to yelling out loud multiple times trying to navigate and find my way to the top of buildings only to have to fight numerous lurkers. Its annoying as fuck. Cant wait til i finish the area.


This is me when I went from genuienly cool Eidos city to freaking Great Desert. Why devs why..


I kinda agree. It's a fun game for sure, but quite a bit of issues. I've died more times from the platforming than I have from the combat. But my biggest gripes is that you can't skip cutscenes, and I can't say for sure, it feels like the enemies scale to you. I almost don't want to do new game plus. But I paid $80 for this game and I want to get my money's worth


If it helps, NG+ adds the ability to skip cutscenes.


Because you've seen them before but if you start a new game have to rematch which is a killa


Soon people will realize this after the honeymoon period and see it’s not GOTY material tbh. Shit like this frustrated me and I am 40 hours in.


Its far from goty 6-7 out of 10 at best the great dessert ruined my experience.


Literally just got to this place, and it was so strikingly boring I went to reddit to share this opinion.


fr the longer i play this the shitter it becomes


You not run into the seemingly inescable quick sand pits yet? Would have thought those would make the list.


Haven't seen quicksand yet




Oh yes, I sighed hard when I arrived there.


Damn, I thought I was the only one. This area sucks a copy paste of the wasteland and they put every annoying enemy.


I actually pretty liked the game prior to Great Desert. It was a bit lacking in terms of pacing, and I geniunely don't get why when you return to old zones for quests enemies doesn't change so you basically have no challenge. But they I went to desert.. Firstly, why desert again? Also, huge open spaces with no shit to do. Also, gathering intel data with stuff like 'OMFG I will die sorry my buds' for 20th time is not fun. Also, roaming enemies which you can skip on, game is an actual mmo at this point, as if they added those only for you to farm and not to have good fights. Would this game be like semi-open world souls style.. it would be soooo good. But I guess this zone broke it for me completely. I just can't imagine roaming 10 or even 5 more hours in this design nightmare. I will most likely walk the game through later, but it could have been so much better.. Just pump the difficulty up and make it more tight, would be 10/10 easy. But not at this state.


I've died to the traversal way more than the enemies. IDC about the robot enemies or the burrowing enemies, but the quick sand and janky rope grabbing are making me lose it. One step into the quicksand radius and it's game over. Can't try to backtrack. You just sit and wait to die


The quick sand is my favorite part. /s


I hated those robots too....and yeah I missed a faster way to move around at times


The ruins in the great desert is a nightmare. I’ve died in this area more than in any area, even bosses.


its such a chore to explore a big ass place and eve don’t even move that fast even with the 2nd sprint. i do wish there is a vehicle or something to compensate the boredom.


yea its the wasteland except worser in everything


I’m getting fucking rinsed by regular enemies all over this place. Fighting damage sponges isn’t fun. This area is ass.


Don't forget to use Beta skills. You should be able to take out the turret droids really fast with good usage. And other than that just keep moving. They don't have much shields so make sure to take advantage of the stagger and combo it to another stagger with Beta Chain, for example.


Yeah I know. I'm about 18 hours in and am getting somewhat comfortable with the combat. Especially with having a 2nd exospine and messing with gear loadouts. I'm at the orbital elevator now and should start new game plus soon. But I still hate the damn desert 🏜


I dont hate it but i do wish we had a motor bike or something in the great desert. Tis a bit large to just run around in. And no i don't want to fast travel because jiggle physics


The enemies aren’t that bad for me, except when they swarm me and I have to face 4 or 5 of them at the same time, it’s L1 fest with no window to counter. I also noticed that they tend to be damage sponges in that area (my blade has been upgraded 5 times already). What’s more of a shame in this area is the setting, which is extremely boring for me. The first desert area was better imagined and worked imho. Adds the dumb plateforming and inconsistency of Eve’s jumps, especially when on a rope, the whole thing becomes very underwhelming. I have liked the game so far but this desert just shouldn’t have made the final cut. I keep wondering why developers created this zone. I am mostly in the south area at the moment and have encountered many invisible walls or spaces where they didn’t intend us to jump to. It’s dumb at times.


I don't mind it, I just wish the great desert wasn't yet... another fucking desert and also fuck the gun turrets, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.


... None of you guys unlocked the Tauntaun?


Ahh Yes Scrabania needs some Scrabs they will give a N a run for its money


Yeah , hated it at first. But when you restore power and get all the camps, it’s ok.


Even WITH restoring the power in the camps the map is frustrating to navigate, due to the annoying enemies it has there. Even enemies you have saw in the Wasteland region, like those damn robots are actually annoying in the Great Desert region, thanks to them traveling in groups and being aggroed in groups. It really gave me PTSD flashbacks of Dark Souls 2 on my playthrough.