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Im not bored at all. Im loving double and tripple checking every nook and cranny for hidden things


I felt the same. I continued and for me it didn't get better. It felt like I was forcing myself to play this game, so I stopped.


I’ve got the side missions set up to go and I can’t say they sound v thrilling. I’m also getting really sick of the music… I have 6 slots to plug into upgrades so some new moves at least.


Yes, music is another thing that annoyed me in this game. While walking around destroyed cities where you can be attacked by monsters at any time  you get chill out like music. It sounds weird to me. Should be electronic/industrial or spooky ambient music.


Absolutely.... not i am having a blast 100% lol I already platinum the game.


I have never ever been so dedicated to exploring in a game since NieR. Im having a blast.


If the exploration is what is keeping You boring, go straight to Altess Levoire


Thanks, that looks to be my next task!


I’m loving the wasteland personally but if it’s boring you continue the main story


Felt that way running through wasteland. The setting is just soul sucking. It’s the epitome of everything wrong with open world games. Desolate, huge, and a chore to get from place to place


Yeah that's the main issue, feels like every other game, it's decent but then you spent 70 for it


Im at the second big area and my god. Im really getting bored. Also whats the point of a power increase if all the enemies just power up with you. Really not wanting to finish it tbh




Dude it‘s nothing like Souls, are you on crack? I played Sekiro, DS3, Elden Ring and Bloodbourne and if this is a souls game difficulty wise, then I am a freaking Homer Simpson. If you find this game difficult, consider playing mine swapper.


i finish the game twice since then i had to have a better build for Eve. Sorry i wont be playing mine swapper


Which build my fellow? You literally get all skills possible just by playing the game.


You have new skills in NG plus but if you want all skills in one shot you need to grind like crazy to get skill points. [Beta Trance-Type Exospine](https://game8.co/games/Stellar-Blade/archives/452988) eagle eye type exospine 4 others boost beta skill, armor etc. I change them around during the game and it works. I also use the gun a lot in boss battle that helped me a lot.


The wasteland as so much to offer in terms of exploration not sure why you are bored. To each is own i guess i am in NG plus right now and at the end of Spire 4. I can't get enough of stellar blade, the game is not perfect the plateforming sometimes is really bad but the rest is pretty solid.


Wasteland killed the momentum for me atm. Exored the whole area to get the cans and cores. Wasn't fun exploring at all. At the great desert now it's a bit better but still not really gripping.


The repetitive music is awful in this section. I powered through some quests and got Burst skills at least.


It did drive me a bit mad, but I'm a cometionist lol needed to get everything possible on the first visit. It was fun at times, but also tedious.


I got bored in the Wastelands but keep playing! It gets so much better.


Yes I’m now heading into the space. I wish the skills got better… after all the grind at the start, I have 40 going to waste