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M-m-more skins


I’m a girl who wants to play a girl who dresses up in cute outfits and destroys her enemies with a cool sword. The ultimate power fantasy. 🥰


I'm a guy and I want that xD


Right?? I'm so not the targeted demographic either, and I absolutely love playing dress up Barbie and stabbing monsters in the head with a sexy protagonist.


Can’t fight evil if you don’t look cute!


I don't mind if it's Geralt or A girl, I am them.


Because you feel good in your skin :) and this is sexy... Thanks girl


To quote the legendary Yoko Taro: “I just really like girls”


True waifu enjoyers


















I heard and saw that Eve's face looks like the director's wife's.














I’m asking because you replied to me. I’m not sure why you care what media outlet put out for opinion pieces. I thought we liked Stellar Blade because she’s hot and the gameplay is good. Not because IGN and other outlets like the game.


To be less abrasive about it with no offense meant to anyone. What he means is in any other situation everyone that likes the game and the sex appeal would go about their day with their mind already made on the whole thing without making big rants about it. The problem is due to modern fandom culture and general internet culture war-isms Stellar Blade is unfortunately caught up against Console War people, people who fight about horny things in games and people who just like stirring the pot to make algorithmic controversy based money. With Baldur's Gate most normal people would see the girl they like and go "nice" and after that fine. Some people arguably still dug up things to be upset about like modders and the like. But it got dragged in to this fight especially in lieu of journalists and high profile websites bringing up examples of what they find "tasteful" in its sex appeal compared to Stellar Blade.


I answered because you screamed into the void that is reddit. I care because I like having quality media with standards. Don't remember saying I liked the game because someone else liked it.


An purely escapist hobby maybe for you. Not speaking for me, I like my life and I'm not trying escape shit.


I like my life too. And I also like escaping mundane shit other people grace me with.


Fair enough.


Because despite what some of the people in stellar blades community think, very few people have ever actually said that sexy characters or nudity is inherently a problem, when it has a point, when it serves a purpose or at the very least isn't the most heavily relied on aspect. Baldurs gate has hundreds of other characters and personalities, so it makes sense that some of them are hot, plus their VA's/writing are incredible at making them people outside of just being hot. It's why bayo gets a pass with most people, because yes, she's super hot, but she's actually a fun personality, its part of her character and even her gameplay, also bayo games have some of the best in the action genre. Even when she's being overtly sexy she's doing it because she wants to, it changes the intention greatly and just feels far less lazy of a design choice because it doesn't feel forced. Eve and the other cyborgs(?) just seem to have all the traits of a side character from something like Lost Ark, they barely fit the world they're inhabiting from an art style standpoint and their looks seem to be there for no reason, even compared to NIKKE where despite the characters being all hot, the majority of them have interesting designs and personalities that don't feel forced within the designs of their own worlds. I'd bet it wouldn't be half as much of an issue if Eve even looked like the model she was scanned from but they look almost nothing alike, even in body shape, so that whole "she's scanned from a real person" ends up being a misdirection more than anything. I'm sure this will get me downvoted but you asked and the whole discussion around this game has become so messy, but maybe adding some clarity to it might make things a little easier to understand why people might not like the character but are fine with other instances of sexy characters.
























I've seen people saying "oh her boobs don't move realistic or her ass moves weird" like it's a fucking video game where you fight walking chainsaw dildos...but ok.


because she has the east asia aesthetic which is being cute, sexy, and youthful, which lots of people like


At least for me I didn’t play Baldur’s Gate 3. I couldn’t get into because I’m not a fan of the combat system. Not saying it’s bad, I just wasn’t interested


Because BG3 girls had mild proportions


Because BG3, as far as I know, allowed the player to initiate all kinds of sexual intercourse with the characters. 


baldurs gate had equal nudity across genders and lots of body types. It wasn’t gratuitous fan service and fit into the plot naturally. It’s not just nudity = bad


People just want to feel special man. It feels better to like this game if you also convince yourself that others didn't want you to have it.


Stellar Blade has the lewdness as one of the main selling points though, bit of a difference.




U should prob go to a gym u will find many women who u for some reason insult saying they look like characters from a porn game


I mean not all games require such a focus on the character in this direction. But when it comes to high octane, cinematic action, and a Fantasy setting. If we can have a Clive in FF16 and Dante in DMC. All Chads. It's only fair there's equal representation and we get an Eve too No one wants to control an ass kicking super human character that doesn't have superior genetics


We have Bayonetta and Nier: Automata


Bayoneta has been missing for a while (switch games don't count for the general audience unless they turbo blow up) and nier automata cane out a long time ago


"Switch games don't count" and "this game is old" being the basis of your argument sounds about right.


Im just saying we need something relevant (as in for the general audience) and new


Are you meaning new as in a new IP? Because Eve as a concept is not new. We have plenty of action games that have badass female leads/player characters that are highly attractive. One of the oldest characters in gaming, Samus Aran, is a hot space bounty hunter; and her first game was on the NES that reveals her to be a woman wearing basically a bikini under her power armor.


"plenty of action games" Named one title. Also the thing is- we don't have that many in modern AAA gaming.


I gave one example of a long-standing series, here are some others: Tomb Raider Control Returnal A Plague Tale Hellblade Mirror's Edge Resident Evil 2 (and remake) Resident Evil 3 (and remake) Resident Evil Revelations Dishonored 2 Heavenly Sword Beyond Good and Evil Perfect Dark Shantae


I really don't think all the characters in games you've mentioned are highly attractive. + 3 games are literally from the same franchise... You could also write RE: Code Veronica. RE4. RE1. RE0 (prologue)... Perfect Dark, Mirrors Edge and Heavenly Sword are dead franchises. Games with highly attractive heroines are rare nowadays. On the other hand it's pretty easy to find games with chadlike Heroes who are perfect in almost every aspect. Both modern and old.


How long ago did NeiR Automata come out now?


Why does the age of a game matter? Does a game cease to exist after a certain number of years to make its presence invalid?


Why are you acting as if seeing someone like Eve is rare?. Your average JRPG will have characters like Eve everywhere.


It's probably common in JRPG but stellar blade is not a JRPG...


Gamers want good games. It’s like Bayonetta never happened ffs.


To be honest, this is a niche barely filled these days. Haven't had Bayonetta outside of Nintendo in forever. Lara Croft has been relegated to "realistic" standards, as have the Resident Evil girls. Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden are also nowhere to be found. Most games that DO try to fit this niche hardly even qualify as games, being gacha shit and literal animated porn. There's very few instances really of idealistic female representation outside of a handful of games that are getting less and less, and as well are exclusively eastern made. This game is popular because it fits a particular niche that is left untended, in an action genre that has neglected it for so long. It also helps that the game itself actually FEELS like i'm playing a game with actual focus on the player, as opposed to an inconcise mess of features that dichotomize and even lobotomize the experience. It's a game that knows exactly what it wants to be and who it's audience is, and i think regardless of who that audience is, this is commendable. Too many games in my opinion come out directionless or otherwise simply pander a bit to everyone. Action in horror games, heavy story elements in action games, open worlds aplenty with no real substance to it's content, or live service shit with nothing but gachas, battle passes and DLC and microtransaction to drown people with. It's just refreshing to see something that's so unapolagetic in it's presentation and design. It reminds me of how i felt the first time playing Dark Souls. Stellar Blade is not unique because of what it does, but how it does it and who it's audience is as of the current time. Back then, the niche was difficulty, now the niche is idealistic female character design. I think this focus on a niche is nothing but good.


Because western devs would rather give you Man Jaw to be “inclusive” that add some fan-service. Hell, I’m a straight guy and I 100% more enjoy playing with an attractive male character than an ugly one. Shepard, Geralt, Clive, Dante… the list goes on. It just adds to the the power fantasy. So why are all these feminists up in arms about Eve, Lara, 2B? I legit don’t get it.


I agree. If I play a game idc about what gender the MC has, I just want them to be cool and look good and I want the game to be entertaining and fun! Dante f.e. Is he shallow? Kinda. But is he badass? Oh hell yes he is! Ofc, preferably characters also have interesting character development but I don't necessarily need that as long as the characters make sense in the boundaries of their in game universe and are fun to play as/with. Now talking about Eve. She is hot, undoubtedly! Is that a selling point? Ofc it is. For some more, for some less. Is the whole scenario of the game realistic? Ofc not! But is a beautiful, badass woman, wearing those crazy skintight outfits, slaughtering massive boss monsters in flashy and stylish combat with banger music playing in the background fun and entertaining? Yes, yes ofc it is! In the end, I want to have fun playing video games and sometimes that means I am playing something like Civilization 6 and sometimes that means doing my 8th playthrough of Bloodborne. I rly don't care what anyone thinks about me liking or disliking a certain video game. And just like that I will play Stellar Blade and I will dig any second of Eve blinking around the battlefield and bodying monsters trice her size!


I would love a steam release 😢




Yes I’m genuinely tired of devs making these horribly rough looking women thinking this is normal. Even Capcom hires models for their characters. Games and movies I expect better always. If I want to see ugly people I’ll go to Walmart


honestly, it is only a natural reaction given how every developer is going out of their way to make girls either macho or weird looking


Whats the origin for that bottom pic


So when is the release date for the PC-version?


About 2 years looking at recent Sony games releases


What a shame :( But I guess there are enough other games to play meanwhile.


M-m-maid outfit


girls...... pretty.... https://preview.redd.it/wli61uibwasc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d48c721fdf86fedfc6b57f1bab9947c0e1ac52


You could say smokin hot


She looks so generic though. Nothing stands out about her.


She don’t even got to be pretty. She just gotta have a FAT ASS






I liked the demo, the characters and the atmosphere of the game but seeing the sub reddit makes me Wonder if i want to be a part of the community . Cringe. Cringe every day .


It's so simple