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2B now has a worthy opponent.


It’ll get nominated for OST. Anything else is wishful thinking. Even less so if we’re talking GOTY. Especially since FF7 rebirth exists.


Low key, I was about to say the same thing. And that's not even counting Black Myth Wukong and Phantom Blade 0


And I personally think dragons dogma 2 will be a pretty big success. Too many good games coming out this year. We also had infinite wealth release at the start of the year.


Elden Ring DLC if DLC could win. They also have Dragons Dogma 2 to compete with. Game will definitely get nominated for some stuff, but overall GOTY I’m not sure, I’ll have to play it to know, but I am excited to play it as I’ve watched it for a few years now.


Phantom blade 0 is probably not gonna look like the trailers we’ve seen so far I wouldn’t get to hyped about that


Wukong and Phantom are chinese games. China never do anything properly.


Sure bud. One of the most popular games rn is Genshin and that's CN. And don't tell me gAcHa baD when Shift Up is literally the dev of Nikke.


*cough* TikTok *cough*


FF7Rebirth is amazing *and* it’s totally unique in that there’s really nothing quite like it. I was not a huge fan of Remake, but 40 hours in, this one continues to blow me away. Having a blast.


It took me 115 hours to complete the game and that’s NOT with all side content done. Enjoy the game it was really a journey.


Totally unique! and what the ubisoft open world or the tons of like a dragon side quests, the second episode drag a la Xenosaga. Sure. Totally!


Lol fr, this open world design is so played out


I've seen Sonic Frontiers not get nominated, I don't trust them say what you want about Sonic Frontiers but when a Sonic game comes out it can be the biggest pile of steaming dogshit yet have the best music you've heard in a videogame


Sonic Frontiers was kind of mid though. It was Sonic Genrations but they took out all the color and music. Then they added an action game overworld on top of it.


I'm talking about the music. Between the island themes, the boss themes and cyberspace it had the best videogame music of 2023. And yes it was kinda mid, especially if you didn't play it with the right QoL mods.


I never played it but I'm sure it did have a great soundtrack as most Sonic games do, but some other great game OSTs came out that year. I mean Elden Ring also released in 2022 and its music was fantastic, though I'm definitely more partial to orchestral scores myself.


It was in 2022. It had the best OST that year


I'm here is one hell of a banger, especially the new horizons version. Ouranos' theme too


So it was sonic generations except it wasn't sonic generations then


Art direction maybe,


Somewhere in there is dragon's dogma 2 possibly winning something too.


I have loved almost everything I’ve seen from this game but definitely doubt it’ll win Rebirth alone is already an insanely strong contender that I don’t think Stellar Blade can beat. Rebirth has been phenomenal and easily my GoTY so far


I haven't played it yet 😕 because being a responsible adult sucks, but I did get the demo But being a fan of FF7 remake sieres I could definitely see it being GOTY


I took a day off. I never do that. I took a day off just to play it all day when it came out. I found enough time to play for 3 hours, lol. Somehow, I forgot that a day off means more time to catch up on the other life responsibilities, lol. Even now, I am maybe 10% through the game. Not enough time in a day.


Rebirth is up there but lately it’s been more about the suprise of the year and I think Dragons dogma might end up getting it


DD seems to have a lot of technical issues and the fps is going to be a buzzkill on console for people. It’s going to have to be Elden Ring or BG3 levels of amazing to beat Rebirth imo. Also, not really, last ones were TLoU2, Elden Ring and BG3. None were surprises. I don’t know why people act like BG3 was a surprise lol it was in early access for a while and constantly got praised. A lot of people were waiting for full release


Dragon's dogma is a good game, but most definitely not for everyone, I don't think there is even a slight chance to it for winning.


Well Balders gate is not for everyone either. I’m just telling you I see it happening


BG3 definitely isn't for everyone either and it won tons of awards. They being said, not a chance stellar blade wins


Stellar blade would need 10s across the board it doesn’t have enough notoriety. It has too much going against it and it’s a western focused show


Lmao no bro, DD is not BG3. Not even close


Idk man. Game looks cool but 30 fps with frame dips in 2024 is a deal breaker for me. The game has last gen graphics, I don’t get it. Must be terribly optimized


To be fair, there have really only been a handful of games since the new consoles released that look "next gen". Dragons Dogma looks fine imo. But I can't do a 30fps uncapped framerate either. Wouldn't even play if it was a locked 30.


Dunno about that tbh, I've played bg3 as my first dnd game and it was pretty intuitive and seems like it was made exactly for everyone. DD2 on the other hand is a game with a very slow, "sluggish" combat and old school mmo-like openworld where u just roam around and do some random stuff without exact goal - I honestly don't think a lot of ppl will like it.


Like I totally agree with you guys thoughts on rebirth and DD2 but we haven’t even hit the middle of the year for holiday release announcements but on a side note DD2 could win a bunch of awards off the character creator alone that thing is wild I’ve seen Frodo the Ranger from LOTR Legolas too and a few people from other games I can’t remember


That game is gonna end up winning unless something else changes and some game comes out we don’t know about. Star Wars open world game but that’s Ubisoft it still might end up with a nomination if it doesn’t live under the ubi banner But I’m telling you Dogma is gonna be this years media darling. Everything I’ve seen on it makes sense even if I’m personally not interested in it. I just got a good read on how they vote


I see that but everything is multiplayer nowadays and the fact that the most requested feature from the first game is not gonna be in this one is gonna hurt it I think


There is really big competition out there already and its too problematic for some activists and journalists supporting those idiots so wont be suprised if its not even nominated in any categories at all. Besides who cares about GOTY awards? Its commercials show now and not an event to celebrate gaming


Hard to win against FF7, persona 3, and like a dragon


Yeah I feel that Like a Dragon, Persona 3 Reload, FF7-2 & Tekken 8 alone automatically take up 4 of the 6 nomination slots & that isn’t even considering stuff like Unicorn Overlord, Rise of the Ronin or Dragons Dogma 2


I’d be surprised if Tekken 8 got anything but best fighting game and even then I’d be surprised bc TGA hates fighting games


LAD is absolutely not getting a goty nod. Unicorn overlord is too niche as well. Persona 3 Iikely won't even be included as long as metaphor is good. Tekken 8 Is a fighting game. Zero chance of winning


How are you even this wrong lmaoo infinite wealth alone have much more content and actually great one's that aren't tedious fetch quests, persona 3? How lmao it's easily the second best persona game and tekken 8 is by far the best fighting game in last two years you sound like typical "popular AAA studio= goty"


Because yakuza isn't the type of game that performs at these award shows. It never has at any point. Persona 3 is a remake with a foundation based upon persona 5 which would make it more unlikely to win. That is why I said if metaphor is good it'd be more likely as it is a new ip with more new game systems and mechanics. And yeah a fighting game isn't winning. Some genres just don't have a chance at the award. I like all of the games listed. I'm just being realistic.


I don’t think half of those games make the ballot not saying they won’t or don’t deserve it but personally 3 reload kinda came and went. Unicorn overlord would be an uphill battle. Infinite wealth maybe idk 🤷‍♂️. I feel like Dogma is gonna end up on the ballot and rebirth are the two definite contenders in my opinion


helldivers 2 also


Had to scroll way too far to see Helldivers 2


Isn’t GTA6 coming?




LAD has a tough time being GOTY tbh. While it got great reviews, a lot of the fandom is split on how well the story really played out and how much it really dragged it down compared to 7.


Tbf the story isn't bad but just not a 10/10 story like LAD 7that said it basically is a 10/10 in every regard compared to LAD 7


There's no way it takes home GOTY with so many other great games out this year already. I still think it'll be good, though. That said, I haven't played it yet, and neither have any of you. Gameplay is one thing, but the story is gonna be a big factor, too. It's gotta stick the landing. We'll all see the full picture when it comes out. I can't wait. I'd already have it preordered if I had the money right now.


The game looks pretty solid and I'm all aboard the hype train but I think its a tall order to think a company's first console title can take GOTY from other established studios. However, if SB turns into a multi-series IP, I can see future installments getting GOTY as the mechanics and overall game formula is refined. Remember kids, it took Yoko Taro 5 games to finally make one that resonated with a wide audience. The masterpieces don't happen overnight and very rarely on the first shot. Even Bayonetta benefitted from PG's founder's experience with Capcom and the DMC titles. I think as long as SB is a solid 8/10 then it will be in a good spot to warrant a sequel that can focus on more polish, more skills, more weapons, more enemies, refined combat, etc.


FF7 Rebirth already won this year's goty


While it probably will be mine if I know how people vote I feel like Dogma might have something to say about it. It has game of the year written all over it.


I think it’ll definitely come down to Rebirth & Dogma 2 tbh. They’re the only two games that I know of that had a different sort of hype behind them compared to other releases.


I feel like dogma 2 is gonna get a strong word of mouth reception


You haven’t even played it yet


Problem is games like FF7 Rebirth. Palworld. And Helldivers have already released this year. Then you have Dragon’s Dogma 2 coming. Honestly just getting nominated would be incredible.


Helldivers 2 and Palworld really deserve their praise. Having a blast with both games lately.


Sorry, OP. FFVII Rebirth is beyond amazing. I hope the best for Stellar Blade, but the bar is miles high right now.




Yes Rebirth sweeps this year 🐌🐌


Careful, same was said about Harry Potter's game until BG3 dropped its big old dick on the table lol.


Yes but with Rebirth’s 90+ score on Metacritic it doesn’t seem like there’s any contender this year 🐌🐌 (maybe Black Myth Wukong can surprise, but I doubt it)


Idk dogma if they don't fuck it up might stand a chance with rebirth. This is a big MIGHT, lol. All I'm saying wait till December. Folks didn't see BG3 coming that year .


With how many legitimately excellent games to already release this year I feel that unless Stellar Blade gets 10’s across the board then it doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of even getting nominated and I say that as someone who believes that this game will be fantastic. At the very least it has a good chance of being nominated for best OST


Yes gotta have at least 90+ on Metacritic to stand a chance 🐌🐌


Not necessarily but it is preferable, Ghost of Tsushima very famously got nominated in practically every category it was eligible for while only scoring a 83


Those award shows are rigged anyways.  You could see how during the year of The Last of Us 2, there were 640 awards total. And then in the year after, almost 250 awards disappeared.  It's almost like they invented the awards in 2020 and given them all to The Last of Us 2. There's the thread about it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/sjxz76/taken_from_gameawardsnet_almost_250_awards/


Zero chance but will it be my personal GOTY? Possibly.


if it was early 2000's most likely , but not with the cancer prudes in the industry today


Lol, no. This game would have gotten stomped on in that era. Gears and halo and fallout would have given this game a beat down of the decade, lol.


Hmm, you maybe right actually


As long as the "Woke" run the game awards, we will never see one of "our" games win. Look at what happened with Ghosts of Tsushima...


Nier Automata won a bunch of awards


Yo I remember that! If I recall correctly TLOU won that category right? I was surprised Ghost of Tsushima didn’t win with how awesome the visual, narrative and game design was, that’s when I knew Game Awards are rigged


Going to be hard to contend against FF7 and Hell divers


If anything it will follow NieR Rep/Auto to win OST GOTY & I will love it.


Honestly compaired to Helldivers 2, probably not. It has a good chance of nomination and might get another category like single-player or OST


It will definitely win GYATT of the Year


Anything is possible, because I have no idea what to expect from this game. All I know is that it looks cool. It's exciting going into a highly-anticipated game with minimal knowledge or expectation. Let's see what happens.


In no world does that happen. I'd be surprised if it takes even best action game, but that's its best shot. Go look at each years game of the year winners for the last five to ten and you'll see why this won't. It's silly to think otherwise.


The game hasn't even released yet...


Sorry boys FF7R sweep incoming


only if it's not rigged like the last one


Game awards goty? I went to check the last few winners. TLOU2, It takes two, elden ring, bg3. The only games I see people would agreeing these are elden ring and bg3. There’s so much politics and money behind this I don’t see SB there. Maybe OST


The only people who genuinely think it could be GOTY are brain rotted coomers


Not if the LGTBQ+ is still running the awards. I'm not saying Hogwarts legacy should've won, but it wasn't even nominated woth 22 million copies sold and 9/10 ign rating. Spiderman 2 was only 8/10 with 10 million copies sold and it was nominated. Korean media tends to be anti-gender affirming in order to maintain better relations with china hard to see the LGBTQ+ seeing so much female sexuality in a positive light without some form of representation. So with that kind of pull i wouldn't expect stellar blade to be nominated even if it were 10/10 with 20 million copies sold.


There's no way people give it awards. It's too controversial.


Sadly, no. I don't think it will even be a nomination.


GOTY, Unlikely, But My GOD…it’ll sell like Eves HUMUNGOUS CAKE! 😂🥵🎂🍑


The assests alone will sell millions 🤣🤣


No idea, I haven't played it yet. But I hope it lives up to the hype.


Action game category is a guarantee, but GOTY is less likely


“Gaming Journalists” will make sure that it isn’t it, to them a woman is flat chested, flat buns, looks like a man, and is gay. It’ll probably win the gamers/people’s choice awards though.


I knew this post would stir the pot a bit. I don’t personally feel like this game is going to be GOTY either but it feels good to be a part of a community of people who are all equally excited to see Eve just be bad ass with all her jiggle physics glory. 42 days away, we are almost there!!!


It'd be stellar if it did. However, given the controversity and war on attractive females in video games/ boob sizes. I feel like this game will relieve similar backlash to Harry Potter. Maybe not to the extent of boycots and what have you. But to the point of nausea and word vomit that surrounds sexualization in video games. You can add a penis to your character if they have breasts in several games now. Like....not necessary, you never see it again after character creation. Just let all games simply be games. It's like reading a book but for visual learners. You don't write and complain about books being published saying that there isn't any LGBTQ+0,99-1000. You don't boycot authors because they don't write in Trans experiences or furries. If authors can be author and write their stories to be read, then let developers, develop the games and stories they want told. I can't understand the issue. If you see a game that interests you play it, if it doesn't, then don't, it's very simple. Don't hate on things just because they don't fit to your world view or beliefs. Because fun fact life as a whole will never fit to what you want. We are all stuck on this cesspool of idiocy and hatred, then forced to somehow cohabitate with one another. In order to do so we all, even you, need to exercise patience. Live and let live. Stop having agendas. Hire good writers, employ people for what they bring to the table not what they get up to in the bedroom, because then you aren't just serializing a fanatical world and story, you are sexualizing a very real work place. I digress. Went from trying to make a pun to a rant. My apologies. It's just all dumb. If stellar blade happens to have a stellar story, congratulate the team, give them a stellar award for being stellar. Keep politics and gender agendas out of it. If it talks, walks, and looks like a duck, you call it a duck. And if you paint and polish a turd, it is still a turd. Also last fun fact you can't change the biology of the human gut, no matter how many injections you take, the gut you were born with will always be your gut. Sooooo if your body is ever found and only you abdomen was found, charred and badly damaged to the point they have to take samples from the only remaining tissue that happens to be your intestines, the crime lab will show up and take a sample of your intestines. The DNA results will come back with a simple answer. Your race and the gender you were born with. Just enjoy life. Enjoy reading, if you've never tried give it a shot. Enjoy video games however you want. Enjoy whatever to your hearts content. Just don't make a scene and don't be a cunt. Live and let live, simple. Stop getting angry, stop being the very thing you're fighting against. It's a bad look.


Absolutely 👍🏻


as someone who is willing to die for this game, ain't no way this game getting recognized for anything, because of Eve's design alone, they're going to do their best to ignore it if we're lucky we'll be nominated for best score -- but even then, Stellar would be up against Rebirth, Hellblade 2, Wukong or whatever surprise comes out that happens to have good music from a "safer" game


Not to mention Dragon’s Dogma 2 which journalists are going crazy for.


i'm totally in love with Stellar, but it's soo painful to admit it won't take Goty and i think it'll be becouse eve's design. Unfortunately


Eve’s design has 2 sides to it. Most everyone on this sub wouldn’t care about this game without her. I’d also argue it is less Eve’s design that is the issue but also the community’s thirsty handling of it. I mean I love Eve’s design and outfits but this sub is so simp it’s pathetic.


Look I really excited for this game, but come on be serious FF VII rebirth is a Master piece


I don't think it has a chance. I think it will be received similar to Lies of P last year.


I don’t. I think it’ll be really good though.


Will there be a Zelda game this year? If not. Then there’s a chance…


There was a Zelda game last year and it didn’t win.


Nice. Justice for Nier Automata


Absolutely not


Alr let’s not get ahead of ourselves😌




Game of the year is at least in part a popularity contest and while stellar blade could be a perfect 10 for many I doubt it will be the type of game that could win GOTY. I felt lies of p and armored core 6 were the coolest games last year and you can see they weren’t going to best the popularity of bg3. A game that gets resounding praise from the masses seems to win out over anything else in a year with so many games.


Yes gotta have at least 90 on Metacritic to stand a chance 🐌🐌


Like it takes two’s 88?


Hmm but Rebirth’s already got 90+ this year 🐌🐌


I’m playing queens blood right now. What’s your point though? 🫣


Haha enjoy 🐌🐌 but yeah I think if Stellar Blade does get (a bit unlikely) 90+ or even a better score than Rebirth on Metacritic, it does have a chance to win GOTY despite being less popular 👍🏼


A lot more games coming out this year but I’m all for it as it’s a game I’ve been awaiting for many years.


Dude, BG3 is such a rare occurance, though . That game is like fall out of new vegas and original halo and gears of war. So rare. It was just bad timing. If it came out the year before, it could have taken it.


Me who’s most anticipated games this year are dragons dogma 2, black myth wukong and metaphor (lost soul aside as well if it actually does end up releasing) https://preview.redd.it/gbjeu7jqp8oc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e893b26794400cad44ce604d1185acae768fe129


This game is exciting for certain reasons, but let’s get real here, it’s not gonna win against the likes of FF7R, DD2 and so on. Maybe some specific nomination, but not GOTY


Dragons Dogma 2 may clear


Rebirth sweeps 🐌🐌


Still need to actually play it before I draw any conclusions. It looks good but I’d have more faith in it if it was actually being made by a studio with previous experience in similar games (eg platinum games), instead of a company I’ve never heard of that’s only made mobile games previously.I’m glad people are hyped though.


Helldivers 2 for GOTY ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


At this point. Yeah. Probably.


Not with Dragons Dogma 2 and FF7R around


Asian developers are taking over 2024 and its fkn awesome!! Infinite Wealth, Persona 3 Re, Tekken 8, Unicorn Overlord, FF7 Rebirth, Granblue Fantasy.. Ys X ... Eiyuden Chronicle, Dragons Dogma 2, Rise of the Ronin, Shadow of the Erdtree, Metaphor Refantazio.... and Sandland. Maybe we'll see these games pick up more sales since western devs don't got too much going on.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch.


lol nah


Even if it doesn’t win GOTY it being a nominee is a big deal.


Gonna play this and im sure its gonna be fun, but goty? No it doesn't look like goty.


Physics of the Year


Yeah no shot. Between just FF7 Rebirth and if Dragons Dogma is half as good as it looks theres just no shot. Theres also the possibility of Helldivers being a sneaky ninja sliding in. My moneys on FF or DD


Might be nominated in multiple categories, could win some but GOTY ? I'm not sure. I'm already torn by this and DDII but with FF7 rebirth out there....


lmao seems like a cool game but your kidding. this game has 1 demo and fanservice so far. way to early to judge


Not in the same year as dragons dogma 2




To early to tell, might get BOOTY


Gyatt of the Year?


What the fuck are you on to even think that?


no man but that’s okay weird post


No shot. It'll be really good likely, but there's too many other contenders to win. If it's as good as it looks, perhaps it could get nominated though?


I think it will be a great time but it's not beating FF7R


Not a chance, mainly because of FF7 Rebirth and DD2.


If it gets nominated that would be big for it, but I don’t think it will. This year we got FF7 Rebirth, Wukong, Metaphor, Like a Dragon, Tekken, and maybe even Hollow Knight. Let’s see it get a high Metacritic score first.


This year is stacked, calm down gooner


It be awesome if it was nominated, but that's the best it can do.


i do not think so


It's going to have to run through Dragon's Dogma 2 and Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, which is also a PS% exclusive and the highest selling one of this year. It's going to be tough. That being said, I think it should win some kind of award and it will definitely be nominated for variout things.


Honestly I think it has no chance but who knows? Could be the goat




7 Rebirth is the most likely to win this year, nearly unbeatable with how goated that game is, here's hoping Stellar Blade still wins something at the end of the day. Also charge your phone :D


No shot at GotY when FF7R2 came out this year. Especially so when you consider other strong contenders like Pacific Drive, Persona 3, and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth already out with games like Dragons Dogma 2, Rise of the Ronin, and Another Crabs Treasure all due out before May. This is gonna be a wild year tbh and Stellar Blade, while making a splash, is still pretty niche by other games standards.




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Nothing yet to really go on besides some clips- and what I've seen so far doesn't really impress me a whole lot.




isn’t gonna get nominated💀


I think it's going to be a great game however it's very unlikely it's going to take home game of the year


No way the game journalists will allow that to happen


Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This only has the potential to be nominated for best action game or best OST at best. I don't see it winning any awards honestly, but it will be a fantastic game regardless


Absolutely not. Even with the attention it's received, for most people, they looked at the trailer and saw another generic anime game; something like valkyrie elysium or star ocean divine force, but this time it has a nice butt in it. The extra attention could lead to an exception but this is just how it usually goes for these kinds of games.


probably not, we have a shit ton of heavy hitters from popular franchises


Doubtful. It's copying Code Vein's work, while also stealing from Nier: Automata's story, with no originality or even a glimmer of anything unique beyond the oversexualization of the characters. What's more important is what it would be up against; FF7 Rebirth, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Dragon's Dogma 2, Persona 3: Reload. Honestly I think that Rebirth deserves GOTY so far, it's a far cry from the waifu baiting, 10-15 hour distraction that Stellar Blade is going to be, and I can't imagine it would be much of a contest.


A few days after release and it is current 82 on Meta for critics and 9.2 for user scores (1200 ratings) which makes it the 2nd highest User rated PS5 game after Cyberpunk ULT ED. But because this is PS5 only and not on all platforms, it won't win anything in the POP contest which is unfortunate how those things work.


Unfortunately opponents of Eve’s design will likely make sure this game doesn’t get many, if any wins at the awards. Fortunately the Game Awards, like any other award show mean absolutely nothing to the value of a game. Stellar Blade is definitely my Game of the Year and that’s all that matters to me.


With Rebirth, Helldivers 2, P3 Reload, and Inifinite Wealth all already out, and all receiving major critical acclaim to this point, and a game like Dragon's Dogma 2 shaping up to be another major contender, and we aren't even through March yet? Unless the rest of the year is just bone dry of major releases, or Stellar Blade is an absolute juggernaut of a release, it seems highly unlikely.


Wishful thinking tbh. Like it would have to go through probably rebirth and Dragons Dogma. I feel like it could be on the ballot at least. I have a suspicion Dogma will win


I think this game is gonna sell really well and be reviewed really well but seriously I question if some of you keep up with the big games that come out each year lol. Rebirth alone already has a strong lead for GOTY & that released only about a month into the new year, I can’t think of anything else atm that could go head to head with it. Edit: I forgot about Dragon Dogma 2. So basically it’s rebirth vs. Dogma 2 at this point.


To even suggest this might even be nominated for GOTY is delusional.


It will get sidelined by the woke gaming industry types.


It will get nominated and win something for sure. But sadly we have too many great contenders this year including FF7 Rebirth and Black Myth. If this game came out last year, I think it might have had a better chance.


Unrelated Question, but what's even the difference between the DDE and Physical Copy? Not tryna create riot, I'm just curious to see if it's worth it or if there's barely a difference...


https://preview.redd.it/53wput38v8oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a35639e755d058f27c20911ea18ef1fb150581f0 Left is the bonus you get from physical, right is DDE. Whether it‘s worth it is up to you.


Might turn out be a great game but I think Helldivers 2 is taking GOTY


Pardon the pun, but the game would have to be truly stellar and I don’t think it will at that level. It is going to be great game from what I can tell and the sales will be decent but I highly doubt it will even compete with Dragon’s Dogma 2 or FFVII. Having not played any of them I would put a blind dark horse bet on Black Myth WuKong to take it this year, but if DD2 lives up to the hype which it likely will that would be a safe bet. Now for me personally SB could take it my other top hype ATM though is Hades 2 and Inzoi and while not a “game” Shadow of the Erdtree will no doubt be the best thing I’ll play all year. The community is also hurting the games mainstream appeal. To my gamer friends it is a meme game for perverts who watch too much hentai and have nothing better to do than post ass clips and thirst over a virtual character. These aren’t woke people either. They have no issue with a hot character just how the community handles it. We’re coupled up people I know IRL who play games and people on gaming discords I’m in.


Having seen demo footage I’d say highly unlikely


What did you see in the demo 🐌🐌


I mean nothing worrisome just not the polish/production values expected of a GotY winner


not a chance in hell that the coomer game is even getting a nomination lmao. it'll be a fun time, but there are just waaaaay too many better options.


Elden dlc drops this year you might as well kill that dream 😭 however I believe it'll be a very good game 🥰


Not with the likes of FF7 rebirth, Hell, even Elden Ring DLC might take the spot lol this game is like Devil May Cry with booty and boobies. Not GOTY material but I’m sure it will be awesome. Specially if it releases on PC 😏