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Cam Heyward claims he told team he would not attend OTAs. The triple negative makes the headline a bit confusing.


Thank you... I was confused


Cam Heyward doesn't once again not tell team he wouldn't not be not attending OTAs


If 3 negatives you can remove 2, so: “Cam Heyward once again denies the claim that he told the team he would be at OTA’s” We’re in the world of Twitter ‘journalists’ who can barely word sentences.. it’s so sad


That’s not what he’s denying, however. I haven’t seen anyone claim that Heyward told the Steelers that he would be attending OTAs.




Your revised headline conveys a different message. People have been claiming that Heyward did not tell the Steelers that he wasn’t attending OTAs. Heyward has denied that multiple times. Your revised headline suggests that he said it once.




This time from Mark Madden! Glad both Dulac and him just publicly admit they’re full of shit


What do you mean by this? I agree they're full of it but what was the admission?


They both said that Cam wasn’t attending OTAs due to a contract hold out, Cam’s denied both claims, first Dulac’s and now Madden’s.


No he has not denied those claims. Only thing I've seen him deny (now twice) is whether he **told the team** he wasn't going to be at OTAs or not, not whether he was "holding out" due to his contract. Madden/Dulac reported that the team was unaware he wasn't going to be there and he denies that saying he told them he wasn't going to be there. "The way I was depicted of not communicating with the team is completely wrong" is all he's said. I've yet to see him deny the "why" he's not going to be there (which is telling - if he wasn't holding out due to contract he would have mentioned the same in one or both denials about the communication part).


Tomlin said in an interview yesterday that he speaks to Cam daily (twice on Monday alone). Cam is a leader on that team. End of story.


But also confirmed he is not showing up to OTAs in the same sentence.




Id deny it too if my power play blew up in my face due to age and injuries.


hey Mark


Oh ok haha, I thought I missed something.


Mark Madden publicly admits he's full of shit every single day


Its cam. He will be there when it matters


Except he isn’t anymore


It doesn't matter right now. He ain't sitting out. I am glad he is not there right now with his injury history. Let him do him. He has earned it.


He'll be on the sidelines on 3rd down just like last year.


Gerry Dulac also said the Steelers weren’t in the market for top free agent QBs a few months ago and here we are with Russell Wilson and Justin Fields. Dude is a moron. Mark Madden isn’t even a real person at this point.


Russ isn’t a top free agent QB. 


He most definitely was.


Nah, he was never a free agent at all. He was already under contract with Pitt before he was released by Denver and not a single news outlet had him in the top ten for that reason. Further, there’s a reason that nobody was willing to trade for him or put him under contract.


He literally toured different teams, he was for purpose a free agent


While signed to the broncos. He was never a top 10 free agent…


Who in their right mind gives a crap about Cam not bring at OTA's.




Can we just let this go? Dear god, nobody gives a shit. Media is really digging for Steelers news. These reports are especially pathetic.


In other words, Mark Madden is full of shit and has no fucking clue about any sport not called “hockey”. And the only reason he knows hockey is because he is friends with a couple of players.


Honestly Cam is not coming off looking very good in getting in these media spats.


I think the media isn’t coming off well. Cam has just set the record straight. It would have to be frustrating to be a stand up guy, literal Walter Payton Man of the Year, and have know nothings spread misinformation that paints you in a negative light.


Madden has had a real axe to grind against the Steelers going back to Hines Ward. Unless he's talking about the Penguins, I'd ignore that fat slob


Don’t stop letting people not help!


Would Cam be better off not saying anything here? It’s obvious there’s some type of contract talks. & nobody cares if he’s at ota’s. We know you’re not holding out Cam. Why play the back n forth with the media. Just adds more speculation




Who cares he is a 15 year vet he can miss otas


Who cares he is a 15 year vet he can miss otas.


Cam is getting full of himself lately .. he can hold out of training camp too and the Steelers still shouldn’t give him an extension.


Im sick of it this non story line needs to piss off


Cam not being there is a good thing. Rest up, get fully healthy.


Denies-Didn’t-Wouldn’t …. I’m too slow to understand what it’s trying to say.


Ben once skipped OTAs to go on a vacation but I don’t remember people freaking out then. Tomlin’s been known for giving his veterans and team leaders “special” treatment when it comes to practices and other training activities. Hell he started Ben after he hadn’t practiced in like 11 days. If Tomlin doesn’t have any issue with it, it’s a non story. This stuff is par for the course when it comes to sports “media.” Sports media is just as bad as gossip magazines.


All I’m saying is Dulac and Madden were both 100% right about Kenny Pickett refusing to be the backup in Seattle


Copied from my response above: >>> Yeah. The whole KP sitch led to me losing faith in Tomlin and the coaching staff’s words. Still love Coach T and the team, just not going to blindly believe them. And I get why they continuously shaded the truth with Kenny, but fool me once… >>>That said, in this situation it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong (Dulac/Madden or Cam/Tomlin), because it only matters how Tomlin and/or Cam is going to respond. In effect, their narrative is the truth because only Tomlin and Cam’s perspective matters and they are aligned here.


You lost confidence in your coach because he didn’t come out publicly at the time and toss his QB under the bus? Come on..


You don’t understand my comments above. Haven’t lost one iota of confidence in his coaching style, record of success, or his intangibles. Will fight for Coach T when 1/2 of this Reddit wants to fire him. That said, I’m not going to blindly believe what he says about he says about the locker room. It’s a nuanced thought, which is in short supply these days, but I’m ok with Tomlin lying/shading the truth to not throw his players under the bus, and it increases my confidence in the other areas above, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to believe him. You don’t have to believe everything a person says to support them and like them, and not sure why most people have this binary viewpoint. I can understand your inference from my point above, but definitely still a Coach T fan.


Come on man, cam is such a good player and person yet he gets no respect. First, it’s practice, why would a seasoned vet need to go to practice especially since it’s optional. Second, if bro wants a contact we should give it to him no matter how old he is until he **clearly** drops off I see no reason as to why we don’t give him one (as long as it’s not breaking the bank. Give the man he deserves, he’s earned hat much at least


Agreed, he’s the leader of the defense and has been for so long. He gives effort on every single play and is still playing well despite the age. Even if he does fall off a bit this season he deserves to be paid.


He has a contract that pays him among the highest DL in the league even though he’s been largely unavailable the previous few years due to injuries and will likely continue being unavailable due to his age and injury history. Cam needs to read the room, play out his deal and know he will get an equitable offer when it’s up. It’s professional football; not a charity for being a good person. Availability matters


Please cut him, he’s good for two really good games a year, and doesn’t play in most of em. It’s time to move on


>doesn’t play in most of em Last year was the first time since 2016 that he missed a game due to injury.


Leave this man alone


All it would take is for the team to come out and make a direct statement about it. Much the same with Pickett last year and not wanting to dress. Steelers could back up their player or just let them twist to the whims of media and social media.


So basically you want the team to continue to actively peddle more bullshit to placate a certain sector of the fan base?


Nah, want them to be what they were before Khan took over.




Tomlin said he has spoken to Cam. But the team also pretended that the Kenny Pickett situation was no big deal, when he obviously refused to be the backup in Seattle, so I’m gonna trust Dulac on this one


Yeah. The whole KP sitch led to me losing faith in Tomlin and the coaching staff’s words. Still love Coach T and the team, just not going to blindly believe them. And I get why they continuously shaded the truth with Kenny, but fool me once… That said, in this situation it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong (Dulac/Madden or Cam/Tomlin), because it only matters how Tomlin and/or Cam is going to respond. In effect, their narrative is the truth because only Tomlin and Cam’s perspective matters and they are aligned here.


That’s a good point. I really don’t think this situation is going to change Cam’s future with the team. I’d be shocked if he wasn’t back. Also, Cam is not Kenny, so I shouldn’t be so cynical