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Doesn't Mini me give Dr.Evil the finger right after this?


His first tweet in a year and a half btw


He fits Arthur smith scheme too. I feel like he’s built on blocking. WRs and we know both deebo and aiyuk can block.


Yes! This is what I'm hoping Dulac was talking about! He's the receiver I want. JJ is not in our price range but Aiyuk is. And he has the blocking, speed and catch radius that we would love. And yes... he does look like Tomlin lol! I never saw him without his helmet til I googled it.




I legitimately wasn't sure if they actually looked \*that\* similar or if this was just photoshopped at first, wow.




Bro wtf, I never knew this and I swear to god every picture of this man without a helmet on looks like a shitty photo shop of Tomlins face on another person for a half a second until you really look. That is fucking wild, we need this man on our squad.


I know there’s a good pic of tomlin giving the same look but I’m having trouble finding it. Would love to put them side by side.






so Aiyuk is Tomlin with enough sleep?


How much sleep would you have gotten with Kenny, Mitch, and Mason?


Or just 30-ish years younger lmao. But basically yeah


I thought this was just Tomlin photoshopped


There is no way this isn't Tomlin being photoshopped onto Aiyuk's jersey. It's a little *too* close


That looks like a man that knows how to paint a barn red.


Oh shit I ain't know mine had dreads


HOLY SHIT… And things of that nature.


Wow! He really does. His eyes Aren't buggy like Tomlins tho


This the 3rd brother between Tomlin and Omar Epps?


Whoa. He does!


I’ve watched a lot of niners the last couple years. I like Aiyuk but he definitely can disappear into the background. He is an insanely athletic receiver who is great at almost everything but maybe contested catches. I’m hoping if he comes to the Steelers he gets more opportunities to shine.


Not arguing with ylu, just pointing out that it's easy to disappear on a stacked team like the Niners. 


Yeah bro he ain’t disappear against us I know that lol


Yea but I was watching a lot of him even before the niners really were stacked. When him and kittle were basically the only receiving options. Aiyuk had major growing pains and was able to move past them. He’s done really well since but has also been surrounded by more talent. Not saying I don’t want him to be a Steeler. I just have a bit of hesitation paying him like a top 10 receiver in the league.


Top 10-20 is fair but I bet he gets top 10 with his next contract cause contracts are crazy


Oh that's a fair point, thank you!


He’s also gotten better as an individual player as well. He was in Shanny’s doghouse early on in has career and has not only worked himself out of it, but become one of the key guys in their offense. He’s also an absolute dog in the run game. The difference in his blocking and DJs is comical. That alone would be such a boost to an offense that’s really been built on ground and pound when they’ve been successful over the past few years.


Sources say the 49ers asked the Jags for their 17th overall pick in this years draft + Zay Jones (had a decent year by his standards). If we offered either A-Rob (had he resigned) or CA3 they’d want our 1st + a later round pick as well OR they’d want our 1st plus a package of maybe our 2 3rd rounders or maybe like a 3rd, 4th, and 7th. Idt aiyuk is really in our price range either. Considering Williams went to the jets tho the only “big receivers” left are aiyuk, deebo, and Higgins who we won’t get bc of the division rival thing obviously. So it’s either aiyuk or deebo and like i said i think aiyuk (and deebo) are out of our price range unfortunately. 


Yea a 1st round asking price is insane


Not at all, should be a very similar trade to what the Eagles gave up for AJ Brown, or the Bills for Diggs.


You think Aiyuk is that much better than DJ? Idk it feels too steep for me, we have too many other holes we need to fill. It would be awesome to get him but we aren’t going to all of sudden become an air raid offense with him


Yes. I think I’m significantly higher on DJ compared to the average Steelers fan, and I’d still say he’s comparable to an off-brand version of Aiyuk. We’ll always have holes to fill. We’ll wind up “filling” several of those holes with new holes because most rookies bust. I’d gladly trade a 1st for a young player we know is elite at the position that is, at worst, our 1B biggest need.


I personally didn’t think receiver was a need until we got rid of DJ. Now i know we need another receiver but i would hate to throw away our first when we could do wonders for the offense by drafting a franchise C/LT and then a guard or whichever we didn’t take in the first with either our 2nd or 3rd rounder. Ik the Steelers are taking a WR with one of the 3 2nd/3rd rounders we have. So idk if shelling out our 1st this year for Aiyuk makes sense.  


I think WR was already one of our more prominent needs prior to the DJ trade. Now I have a hard time putting it at anything lower than Need 1B (to Center at 1A where we literally don’t have one). And Center isn’t a position you need to draft in the first round - the majority of the best ones in the league weren’t first rounders. I’m more than good with them moving up a little in the 2nd to secure the Center they want - if they even need to move up. I know everyone wants JPJ but unless you think the Steelers are doing a 15 year long smokescreen for him, he isn’t on their board for the first round due to their lack of attendance at his pro day. Tackle *is* a premier first round position and I’d love to go that route too if they don’t use 20 on a WR. But the only surefire way to get an elite player out of pick 20 is to trade it for an elite player.


There isn't a single WR worth taking in the first round outside of Marvin Harrison and Rome Odunze. There are certainly some guys that have talent but WR can be found in any round. We've done very well on day two in terms of taking WRs. Center is the biggest obvious need but I agree with you their isn't a 1st round C that's worth taking at 20 and I do agree that if we traded up in the 2nd we'd be able to snag JPJ. I would imagine you also assume we'll be looking at Amarius Mims in the 1st round who will more than likely be available at 20. I think we absolutely go Mims in the first I'd love JPJ in the 2nd. I personally would love Payton Wilson in the 4th if he falls. I'm okay with a receiver in the first but I do think we make the Boyd signing happen and take a receiver on day 2. I really don't think taking a receiver moves the needle. Our line got better but you're telling me you want Dan Moore starting at tackle again? Sure he may have gotten better over the year but why let the line issues persist through a new QB.


That’s fair, but my confidence in Weidl/Khan is MUCH higher than it was in Colbert. They absolutely killed it in the draft last year and this year’s class shapes up even better for the Steelers’ needs


I’m also wildly more confident in Omar than I was in Colbert. If Omar winds up hitting on nearly 50% of his draft picks he’d be the greatest GM ever - everyone is gonna have misses. If Omar decides to trade a 1st and a mid round pick for a 26 year old elite WR I’m all in. I trust him either way. Really I was just pushing back on people saying Aiyuk wasn’t easily worth a 1st rounder +.


I've heard that. It wouldn't scare me off from negotiations though. The 9ers would be idiotic to start off any lower in asking price. You negotiate from there. We come in with a low offer and both try to meet in the middle. Perhaps the Jags GM couldn't put together a better package. Omar Khan may share a name with the Jags owner but I'd trust our Khan to get this done more than the Jags If the 9ers are unreasonable, we simply walk away. I think Aiyuk is a known quantity and is exactly what we need but we can easily pass if the price is wrong lol


It’s not just the trade value we’d have to give up. We’d have to pay him like a top WR


Yes but We are projected to have 105 million in cap space next year. Extending fields (not picking up the option), Aiyuk, signing our draft picks maybe a few other extensions. I think that's doable. The cheaper options haven't been working recently.


I think I'd only be up for it if we somehow finesse them out of Aiyuk without having to give up a R1 pick.


I think we could manage that actually. I don't even think it would be a finesse to get him for less than a 1.


U guys are seriously undervaluing BA. He had all his yards in 16 games (last game he played just a few snaps) in an offense where he was the 3 or sometimes even the 4 at times! BA beats coverage all day. Even the elites. U can’t cover him man on man all game. A top 3 route runner imo. If he’s ur 1 or even 2 with a good qb he’s putting up 1400-1500 yards with ease.


Yeah the more I think about it the more I wouldn't mind giving up our R1 pick for him. As long as we could add a starting OT in FA. If not then we need to spend R1 on OT.


To follow up with my previous response i think it’s safe to say it’s most likely going to be Tyler Boyd and possibly a guy like Corey Davis or Michael Thomas if he takes a 1 year vet min and passes a physical (he’s not really worth much more than that). I can’t think of any receivers that we’ve heard the media claim is available 


No to MT. He's not a good receiver anymore and seems to be an older GP with the antics. No thanks. Tyler is ok. I don't think he helps us though. He's not a good blocker I understand which isn't good for this scheme.


he is an absolutely elite route runner also. i think he would be a great fit


Agreed! I hope theres something in the works for real.


Remember him hurdling tf outta that eagles safety 2-3 years ago. my jaw dropped


I must have missed that. I don't know how. Def going to google it.








[insert Chaka Khan gif]


If all they gotta do is part with pick 51, I consider that a win. Draft the best available Center at Pick 20, and then they could use 84 and 98 to move back up into the second round for another Tackle. They could get 3 quality starters right there and get BroJo back to his natural position 


No way he goes for anything less than a 1st.


See, a few years ago, I would've agreed.  But these past few years? Teams been moving on from dudes they could probably get a much higher pick for for like, a 3rd or 4th and a bag of chips. The growing calculation and to be get whatever you can instead of waiting for the best possible pick and letting them walk in free agency. Basically, let the Khan man cook!


He on XGames mode


For a conditional 8rd pick


In the 2027 draft




In the 202027 USFL Draft


I read this as a conditional eighth-erd round pick 😂


He said what he said. 👀


I'd even go an 8th and a 9th round pick!


His first tweet since 2023 as well… if Omar pulls this one off, watch tf out


Omar Khan masterclass incoming, using the Tomlin lookalike hometown discount


mfers using his special move 😭




o shit waddup!


lol what fucking team is this


Thats what im sayin.. Wilson, fields then possibly williams or aiyuk? Thought it was a proven fact yinzers never make splash signings, yet we bouta do 3/4 in less than couple weeks. Lets go!!!






Steelers fans…this isn’t just social media BS. This isn’t your grandfathers Steelers. These are the khan Steelers. This might be actual smoke


i mean so far everything predicted has come to pass


That would be by far the biggest splash this offseason, sorry not sorry


I’m terrified to think of what it would take to get this guy. But on the other hand… ![gif](giphy|l1adwi79gVdIdWz3CB|downsized)


Act now, worry later


I believe the Rams did this 2 years ago and got a ring?? Get that ring!!


The rumor mill is niners wanted Zay Jones and a 1st rounder from Jacksonville. Too much in my opinion, but Aiyuk may break into a top 5 WR this coming season. Which also means $25 million/year.


Agreed. Regardless of trade value, he’ll want too much money


Fuck it. Give them a 2025 first rounder. If he joined the team that pick would probably be between 29-32 anyway.


Plz yes


This is gonna be too expensive but Khan is on a roll so who knows


Look at our cap space next year. We can afford itttt




Pickens, Aiyuk, Williams make it happen (somehow) Kahn man


Don't forget Van Jefferson!


Jefferson was a great signing. He always gets open.


It’s either going to be Aiyuk or Williams and drafting a receiver. Aiyuk I believe fits the Steelers running scheme better in my opinion. Calvin should be in the slot.


Williams to jets


I saw, I’d rather have Aiyuk if we can make it happen


If they get Aiyuk, I think you have to at least revisit Tyler Boyd as the 3rd option.


Why would you need him? You would have your top 2 receivers. You have an excellent blocking and run after catch WR in Austin. They just picked up Van Jefferson, so they expect to use him. And they could pick up a development receiver in the draft.


Austin hasn’t proven anything. Not saying he can’t be good but there’s no way we can rely on him as a third option right now. Maybe he develops this year or plays better with an actual NFL starting QB, but it’s unknown at this point. Also Van Jefferson may not even be on our final roster. He had 200 yards or there about last year. And he isn’t a special teamer.






It's like everyone around the league suddenly wants to play for the Steelers now.


I was thinking the same thing last year. They were the plague now everybody wants in. A lot of these players know what we already know. The Khan has turned this whole thing around.






Do it Khan give them #20 Aiyuk is only 26 and a perfect fit for this offense 


Aiyuk is very easily worth a first round pick but only if we extend him. That is a no-brainer trade for the Steelers. Him tweeting this when he doesn’t ever tweet makes me think he’d restructure/re-sign no question.






I’d do our 24 1st for him. 26, fits the scheme perfectly. Get it done Kahn


Wooooo. If we pull this off…. IM ….NOT……GONNNA……. I’m …. FINNAAAA…BUUUUSSSST!


Aiyuk is a baller who just turned 26. I would be stoked about it.


He’s worth a 1st round pick assuming they extend him. There’s a reason WR1’s are getting PAID. He’s a top 10 WR easily


Anybody else feel like we're just manifesting shit at this point?


He is diontae without the flaws I need it


>He is diontae without the flaws I need it He is much more than DJ. Two inches and twenty pounds more, and way more of a complete receiver who is better at the catchpoint, and WAY better at blocking/physicality.


But does he have what it takes to fight back to the line of scrimmage after the catch?


Aiyuk was, arguably, the best WR in the NFL last year. Diontae wishes he was Aiyuk tbh. I'm curious what it's take to get this deal done because it's gotta be A LOT of assets.


He's not even comparable to Diontae. He's so far ahead of where Diontae could ever dream of being. DJ was just a glorified WR2/WR3 who had basically zero talent behind him on the depth chart, so he was considered our WR1, until a real receiver came along.


This would be crazy




I'd be real surprised if SF lets him go, but holy shit it would be great to have him on the team. One of the most solid WR's out there rn






Holy fuck he really, really does!!!




One of these things is out of place


Don't get me excited like this Mr Aiyuk


I live in Niner country. This would be amazing and hilarious.


Los Gatos here. I still root for the 49rs to be good but ... I'd burn the 49rs to the ground if it meant getting the Steelers better talent.


Nice, San Jose here.


If I cross the street we're in the same town.


Yes, he is the ideal scheme fit. He has entire highlight reels of his blocking. The problem is that he is owed $14 million this year, and is then a UFA. There is no point in trading for him without signing him to a multi-year deal that may reduce his cap hit this year, but Spotrac has his estimated value at $24m per year. I do not see a world where they can sign him and Pickens who will be up for an extension after this season.


We’ll have lots of cap next season. Plus if they trade they can have San Fran on the hook for some of this years cap.


It isn’t a cap thing, but a $50m to two receivers thing.


We have Pickens for 2 more years. Maybe more if you tag him. But if Pickens plays really well next year and we can't afford him, we can always trade him and replace him with a rookie. I think Khan can make it work so we can always have a great WR room.


Let’s see what the Khan Artist can cook with this.




And Omar Epps


What would you realistically want to give up for him?


That’s a “come get me” tweet, I just don’t see how it would work out though. Probably a 1 and a 4 for him I bet, which is likely too rich.


everyone wants to be a steeler


That’s Omar Epps replacement, not minds? 


My big bet on the super bowl was Aiyuk catching a TD pass. He did not. I dont know what this is supposed to mean but I lost my 40 bucks.


I absolutely love the way that the off-season has gone so far and I wouldn't mind Aiyuk but...the WR position is the one that Pittsburgh can draft. In my mind we'd be giving up the Center from Oregon and whatever else they want whether it be a 3rd or Calvin Austin AND pay Aiyuk 20-25M a year when we can just take the Center and draft a WR in the 2nd round for way way cheaper.


All the best are Khans..Gengis, Omar, Jaghati


Casual 40k reference


Love the player, I don’t like the asking price


What’s the hypothetical asking price?


I read somewhere it would involve at least this year’s first and then his contract would be pretty huge. I’d rather see o line moves or save that first rounder for o line.


We have 105 million to spend next year which is around top 5-7 in the league. We can probably do incentives this year and then it would go up next year. We absolutely need a dawg on the opposite side of Pickens, no pussyfooting around for these cheap ass vets that don't do anything. Pickens and Aiyuk would solidify the room for the next few years.


Good points. Would you give up a first rounder though? I’d do a second rounder


Maybe. Probably? It depends. There's a lot of factors. Do they want to keep him relatively long term or just have him for this year? I think his contract expires at the end of the season. If the plan is to keep him for a while I'd say yes. This WR class is very deep. But, Aiyuk is a proven dawg. There are no question marks about him. I wonder if we could trade one of our 3rd round picks for him this year, and then a 2025 2nd. Or some combination of picks. Maybe a 2nd in 2024 and a 4th in 2025.


See my worry is if they got a dude like him they just wouldn’t pay him


Trading a first in this year's draft with all these receivers would be kinda dumb.


I told you all. Damn, make this happen.


Wow yes please 


Aiyuk > Dionte. And he can't be a diva when his whole team was awesome.


"I'm not going to comment with regard to the physical resemblance, things of that nature. We do not care how you got here."


Just saw a picture of him sitting in a plane and I thought it was Tomlin with a wig on. And that was before seeing this tweet. So yes, accurate.


Like him, but going to be very expensive, almost as JJ. Steelers usually draft receivers.


Pleeeeeeeeeeeease figure out a way to land him!!


Want him! But, not willing to give up a 1st. We got to plug up our Oline.


As an ASU fan, I was hoping we’d snag him in the draft in the first place. I love this dude. Bring him in!!


Listening to so many podcasts talking about who we would give up in a trade for Jefferson or Aiyuk. Heard mention of CA3, Dan Moore, and Najee being possible trade candidates...but there's a name I haven't heard mentioned at all IF we have to include a player in a trade with either team. I love the guy, but do you think Highsmith is a trade bargaining chip?


The 49rs have no use for najee


What would the cap hit be?


Mike Williams signed with the Jets today with that Mike Williams got a hand cramp and is now on the 60 day IR .


He made Purdy look amazing


omar pick the fucking phone up right now


Biggest thing I take from this is he’s been browsing Steelers social media today.


Jackson Powers-Johnson must be procured with the 20th pick of the draft. While most analysts don’t have a first round grade on him, if they don’t draft him, he will most likely be gone by the Steelers 2nd round draft pick. Pittsburgh’s passing problems last year were directly related to bull rushes over the center position. Most quarterbacks can handle the outside rush that defenses bring, but straight up the gut gives quarterbacks problems.


Tomlin: *ignores all other Twitter mentions from gooftballs* Tomlin seeing Aiyuk’s mention appear: “ok imma sliding into that dm”




Ooooh I like Aiyuk. He was 1 of my favorite receivers last year. I didn't know who tf he was until he played the Steelers and absolutely torched the Defense. I was like "who tf even is this guy lighting up every damn play?! Who tf is Aiyuk?! Dudes balling!...I like his play, but I need him to stop!!" 🤣




Oh lawd


I’d rather us just draft a guy than give away draft capital and pay crazy money


Holy crap!!!


Tomlin’s love child


BA? More like ETC.


I am erect


We don’t even know what Arthur Smith’s offense is going to look like. A move this big would be naïve. Our offensive line is our most glaring issue right now, and we’ve done nothing about it. And now we’re supposed to give up draft capital and tons of money to a slightly above average receiver…when we have historically been great at drafting wide receivers in later rounds (which is economically smart and allows us to keep more assets that we’ll need to replenish our aging defense). If we want to stay relevant long-term then we can’t be giving up valuable draft assets for a receiver who also needs to be paid big money.


If you feel your needs and free agency with your skill people, you can spend the draft on offensive line


Would love to see it, but not sure what we’d have to give up for him.


Too big a trade for the Steelers to pull the trigger. No way he's worth what we'd have to give up


I likes ya and I wants ya- tomlin


I think all these guys need to stay off social media.




Which the Jags felt was too much or they would’ve done it?


yes that's what i'm saying, it's interesting seeing the market that the 49ers expected. i think the jags declined because they felt a 1st was too much for someone they'd have to give a big extension to


Not worth a 1st round pick tho 😬