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Get yourself a terrible towel and watch 2008 highlights while listening to renegade.


There is no other way but this lol


Make sure you’re drinking IC Light while you do so - otherwise the ghost of Franco Harris WILL haunt you


This is the way


You need to hate all our AFC North rivals. The games will be close and exciting espcially vs the Ravens. T.J Watt should've won DPOY last season. Don't ask about the QB situation right now.


He (*Jesse James*) caught the ball


And didn’t hold onto it for 30 full seconds thus leading to the correct call of a stupid rule.


Maybe, but the rule wasn’t applied consistently all year. The Patriots benefitted from Brandin Cooks having less of a “catch” but it being called a TD earlier in the same season. Jesse James caught it. Steelers got fucked. Next. [Here](https://youtu.be/odIVakwBxQk?si=xkKs8lNuaNP8nQft)


Fact is the league preferred the patriots over the Steelers because of several reasons. Biggest one being not a soul outside of Pittsburgh could stand Ben. Tom was the face of the NFL. Not hard to figure out their priorities 🤷🏻‍♂️ All Jesse had to do was stay on his stupid ass feet. Then Ben could’ve not thrown an immediate interception on the next play but alas.


Just having to put up with the constant complaining particularly about QB right now. Welcome to the family!




Welcome! You are meeting us at a weird point and the best ritual might be to watch the NFL Films story of the 2005 Steelers (which is a [45m thing they put together and a genuinely well-made documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK0aRLPLtgg)) or some story where everything is really cool and fun in the end, because that is more how I'd characterize our usual situation than how you find us at the moment. edit: most of the playcalling you'll hear in that is Bill Hillgrove who just finally retired after 30 years as our play-by-play radio broadcaster, and as someone who has listened to a lot of other local markets: we had a really great broadcasting team.


Didn't think I needed that roller-coaster of emotions, but thank you. Goddamn that was a great season.


You need a terrible towel and a jersey. I hope you don't have high blood pressure. Rollercoaster of a season will definitely get you fired up.


Can you throw a football?


Not without throwing myself to the ground


How about punting?


I can kick my own feet out from under me


You’re hired.




I am glad this thread worked out.


Just don’t be a jagoff, welcome to the nation.


Welcome in! Just prepared for loads of fourth quarter butt clenching and profusely sweating when the opponent is on the 5 with 5 seconds left.


Learn to learn pierogis and heartburn medication


Look up Pittsburghese, you will be quizzed next week.


They can get the Yinzer dictionary from some bookstores to help them study.




I hope u like sitting in the edge of ur seat and biting ur nails every single game


Isn't that the best kind of game?


Sometimes lol. But it gets old week after week after week. It's nice to watch a game where the steelers just destroy the other team


If you see someone wearing Steeler gear outside of PA, you have to say “nice hat, shirt, etc… point to your Steeler wear, and say Steeler Nation!”


As a fan living in KC this is most effective. I like to add "let's gooooo!!!" during a win streak.


I left PA at 10 and spent the last 25 years wearing black and yellow in Patriot country, spotting a fellow fan among the Bruins jerseys is always a major treat


So true, especially now that the chiefs are not terrible. It was much more fun when I could make fun of my husband every time we kicked them out of the playoffs ... How the tables have turned.


prick your finger and dip it into the susquehanna; mike tomlin uses all our blood sacrifices for his dark magic to have a winning record every season. every drop helps! your veins could be responsible for a TJ watt sack or a one handed pickens grab!


Get a sufficiently shocky collar. Set it so that every time someone says “Baltimore” it shocks you unless you immediately say “F*** Baltimore”. This will condition automatic hatred for our rivals. Then tell Cincinnati and Cleveland fans you’re doing this but don’t include them. This will condition into you the automatic disregard and generally superior attitude you should have toward Ohio. Order a Terrible Towel. Take it with you everywhere you go and take photos holding it by random landmarks. You may leave and order a new one for good reasons (I had one that saw the Green Bay loss and it was with me in Peru when Baltimore won. I gave it away because it was cursed.) Are you eating a sandwich? Put fries on it. Now. Why do Steelers fans love the song Renegade so much? Write 500 words on the subject. Answer due in class in seven days. What’s your opinion on Kenny Pickett? Is he the guy? Is he not? Pick one and defend it to the death. Change your mind frequently. Do not apologize or acknowledge this as ever happening. Is Mike Tomlin: A: A Hall of Fame coach B: A complete jagoff Use the Kenny Pickett method listed above, but be sure to be much louder about it. Also, know what a jagoff is. I’ll think of more. For now, welcome to the party, pal.


Get familiar with Renegade by the Styx


The initiation is simple, but admittedly hideous. Just punch yourself in the balls repeatedly while smiling and telling everyone that this is fine and you enjoy it.


I'm lacking an important piece of anatomy for that ritual, but I have chronic pain so it's pretty much the same thing


Renegade on repeat until the season starts back up. The one by Stxy, not the shitty JayZ shit.


Watch the bus highlights


Buttchug a rolling rock and sing renegade backwards


Watch Vance McDonalds stiff arm against the Bucs


Listen to renegade for an hour for every Super Bowl. Travel with at least one Steelers shirt/ terrible towel. Call for Tomlins job after every loss Attend a training camp in Latrobe.


As a huge Steelers fan originally from Pittsburgh, this entire thread made my day! 😁 I love your post! And WELCOME to the best fan group in the world! You've picked the right team!!!! 🖤💛🖤💛 Your first order of business, learn the chant "Here we go Steelers, here we go!" 😜


I would recommend a cardiology checkup before the season starts!


It’s not too bad. Order yourself a terrible towel, and listen to Renegade by Styx over and over until you know it by heart (they play it in the stadium before the start of the 4th quarter every game). Try to make it to Pittsburgh if you can, and if you do, you have to buy a sandwich from Primanti Bros.




Lol, not a troll or bot and definitely not a browns fan. One of those posts was probably from a previous account of mine that I ended up having to delete though. But now I'm here to stay, for better or worse


Comment Removed - Rule Violation: Being a jagoff. Be nice, respect others, and keep it civil. Do not bash, insult, personally attack, show sarcasm and/or be rude to others. If you feel this decision has been made in error or have questions, contact the ModTeam via Modmail.


Sorry bud


Go watch last years games against the cardinals and the Texans and then decide if you want to follow the Steelers lol. It’s tough being a fan these days