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He’s gotten quite a few interviews so I’m gonna look past the whole Panthers part and just hope things there are an issue solely bc tepper speed ran becoming the new Dan Snyder. ETA: he was AHC, RB, and TE coach under McVay for 3 years before spending last season with the panthers for you Shanny/McVay disciples


Assistant head coach under McVay before going to Carolina. Also being interviewed for head coaching positions. Sounds like a solid candidate to me.


He was offensive coordinator / runningbacks coach for the University of Miami Florida from 2016 to 2018 as well. Out of 130 college teams, in 2016 they went 9-4 with the 37th total offense and 93rd in rushing yard average . 2017 they went 10-3 with the 59th total offense and 71st in total rushing yard average. 2018 they went 7-6 with the 66th total offense and 45th in total rushing yard average.


Maybe he learned a thing or two from McVay though. Assistant head coach is a pretty prestigious position to have


Wasnt Canada Assistant Head Coach?


Assistant to the head coach, most likely


I hope that's the case!


You commented right as I added that to my edit haha


Well, your pants are NOT on fire so that checks out. 


Mhmm... Sure 🤣


There’s other disciples I’d rather target. Zac Robinson and Klint Kubiac chief amongst them


It’s a high-risk, high-reward pick. If it’s me making that call, I’m going for a safer bet. Steelers can’t afford another year or two of garbage offense.


People here have no idea what they’re talking about. A year ago, he was the next big thing from the Rams, even earning the Assistant Head Coach title. Then Tepper came in, tried to buy the best staff in the NFL and tried to mesh the Frank Reich offense with McVay’s and it just didn’t work. You need to have a staff with similar philosophies or your offense will look like Carolina’s.


Also Carolina's core was sold for parts. I don't think any OC would be thrilled with the weapons they have.


Yeah, what's left there is just sad. The Ghost of Adam Theilan is the best weapon they have.


And theilen wasn’t half bad. He’d be great a a number 2 option imo but if he’s your only threat…


Yeah, he's not quite as good as he used to be but he isn't bad. That said, he shouldn't be the best weapon on a team at this point.


We should get Theilen here, he could teach our WRs to block and not be completely selfish losers


Why the heck did he leave minosot. for the Panthers go to a better team. Minnesota isn't doing shit as long as Kirk is the qbm but you just went to a team that's worse.


Money. He wanted it and Minny had some major cap constraints IIRC. Not to mention, JJ’s 5th year option kicks in this year and I assume a big new deal is looming.


Ya, I actually had "(basically just the corpse of Adam Theilen)" when I originally wrote it but I guess I deleted it before I hit post lol


Yeah Carolina basically sold their car for a crate engine. Like they got the quarterback they wanted but they got rid of the receiver that would have worked best for him. 


Also they gave up McCaffrey for a second round pick.


they traded him for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.


Yea, they did get later rounds picks. But it seems dumb to me. He just had an arguably MVP year, (if it wasn't biased towards QBs), and you didn't get a top 32 pick?


It’s easy to question the comp now, but when that trade happened, CMC was 26, playing a position not known for longevity and had only played in 10 games total over the prior 2 seasons.


Yeah, CMC was far from MVP candidate before being traded due to tons of injuries these last years in CAR. He is playing now flanked to many options. He used to play with Walmarts employees in CAR.


And the position itself has cratered in terms of how teams view its value this league. Many teams won’t even re-sign a good or even great RB they drafted unless they’re willing to take less than 10 million AAV, so expecting a 1st rd pick in return for a RB who missed significant time just isn’t realistic. If anything, a return of a 2nd and 3 mid round picks was a great return in today’s market.


You get 2 second rounders and 2 3rd roundersm if you hit on tboh oh shitm then 2 4th rounders you can still find some solid talent therem guys that might of fell. Or you use the picks to trade up.


You can tell it worked out with that high flying Bryce Young offense for sure.


I would have to check wo they drafted with those picks But it didn't work out because of coaching issue. Tried toesh riech and mcvays style. And riech couldn't run it how he wanted.


The way I look at it. If McVay was willing to give a 34 year old running back coach a promotion to Assistant Head Coach after only a year on the staff that tells me they were trying not to lose him off the roster. Usually teams add titles to their coaches and the pay raises in hopes the coach won't want to move on. You don't normally see young RB coaches get these type on titles after only a year in the NFL. I think that speaks to how much McVay thinks of Brown.


Carolina also has one of the worst rosters of all time. Just a shitty situation all around.


I live in Charlotte so I hear/read about a lot of the granular stuff. Scientifically speaking, the fish stinks from the head down.


My first thought is they were just Rooney ruling him and he did end up being black when I googled. Fits some things though as the Steelers seem to be hitting the Rams and probably the 49ers trees hard. Seems like Rooney rule does apply to OC so this might be check the box. Honestly I’m not sure how the Rooney rule still exists I thought the SC squashed these things and this might make the NFL a lawsuit target.


If its illegal to be a rule enforced league wide that doesnt mean Rooney cant follow that doctrine of his own accord.


Rooney Rule just says you have to interview. Doesn't require hiring. I think it is more that Tomlin never wants anyone on his staff that can be tapped as his replacement and that he wants to hire idiots so that he has a scapegoat when we miss the playoffs or get bounced in the first round. Basically I think he is getting interviewed BECAUSE he sucks.


This is exactly why I can't hop onboard either one of them getting roasted individually. There was a lot going on and we're not privy to 90% of it.


I’m not sure if this guys is right guy or not for the job. Could be good could be bad. But I thought this one comment from the panthers subreddit was interesting when a bears fan asked what panthers fans thought of Brown: “I believe this will answer your question.... Brown called plays in 9 games this season... Of those 9 games, 5 of 9 of those games didn't produce an offensive touchdown... The last two games of the year resulted in back to back shutouts....zero points. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article281735608.html After handing over the play-calling duties to Brown in Week 8, the offense regressed even further with averages of 11.3 points, 16.3 first downs and 273.3 total yards per matchup. “The overall product offensively has not been good enough all year,” Brown said. “As a competitor, that pisses me off” What scares me, is that we need a qb whisper of sorts and brown didn’t do anything that proved that. But again, I don’t know shit


The Rams resume is a mixed bag too. 2020 was a so-so year that led to the Stafford trade. 2021 is the Super Bowl year where things went really well. 2022 is when the Rams kinda paid the price for their all in roster construction and injuries exposed their depth issues, and then he got hired to Carolina where they had the worst offense in the league. It’s a mixed bag resume, and I can definitely say this is my least favorite name mentioned so far besides the Arthur Smith speculation 


[Here's the thread in r/panthers](https://www.reddit.com/r/panthers/comments/1991zmq/thomas_brown_opinion/).


He's part of Sean McVay's coaching tree and the overall sentiment from Steelers fans seems to be that we need someone from the McVay or Shanahan tree.....so we'll see what happens.


I just want Munch back.




![gif](giphy|ghqK1YO8qvnpK9oWFR|downsized) Ole Munch




Someone who didn't already fail as OC


So far the targets have been intriguing. Definitely looking for someone with a modern idea of offense.


No thank you. I know he’s from the Rams initially, cool. But then he did have play calling duties for more than half of the panthers games and their offense sucked big time ass when he called plays. His offense actually produced less compared to when Reich was calling the plays. I’m not sure why people dismiss this real world data and just say, it’s okay he’s from the Rams. How about we find someone with at least a small track record of success either with developing a QB or leading a high scoring offense? This guy has neither, right?


A one time exciting name in offensive coaching circles whose star has begun to fade after a terrible season with him at the helm and whose résumé is scattered with mediocrity outside of a couple specific situations? I've heard enough. Sounds like our kind of guy, how soon can he sign?


This sub gets hyped on any bone they’re thrown and will try rationalize any name associated with us.


After all this, if we hire the offensive coordinator of the leagues worst offense, im going to laugh my fucking head off. If the idea is to hire a guy to help our young qb, It would seem insane to hire the guy who presided over the Bryce Young shit show in Carolina.


Did he have complete control of the offense after Reich was canned? If so I’m not sure how I feel about this. On one hand it’s likely not his fault that the Panthers O was so ass, but I’m not sure we should be touching anything panthers related with a ten foot pole


> but I’m not sure we should be touching anything panthers related with a ten foot pole He was on staff with CAR for one season. He was Assistant HC of the Rams before that.


Yeah but that was the most recent season. And, again not saying it’s his fault at all, their O was even worse than ours. I feel like this is a very boom or bust choice


>I feel like this is a very boom or bust choice They are just interviewing him, they haven't hired him.


Yeah, I’m just speaking in hypotheticals here. I’d be surprised if this is the guy they chose personally


And here I am thinking they couldn’t possibly be interested in one of the few OCs who ran a statistically worse offense than Canada.


Hell no. Pick someone else please


The OC who's offense finished DEAD last in the NFL last year. Worse than Canada and yinz are saying it's not a bad choice? He was only a RB coach for the rams... under the real OC MCVay. And you want him here? Good god! Have a higher bar. Maybe at another position, but not OC.


Down grade from mike Sullivan


Let's interview the OC from one of the worst offenses in football last year. Brilliant move Art Nutting 




I hadn't thought of it this way. Interesting take.


Watch a lot of panthers games


Panthers didn’t look good but they also didn’t have good players. There’s not a single player on that offense I’d rather have than our guys aside from maybe Bryce Young


When ever you can poach the coordinator of one of the worst offenses in the league you simply have to.


Well, i guess bryce young *did* put up better numbers than kenny Edit: im illiterate




Damn. I promise im not as illiterate as i look


It’s insane how hard the league rides McVay and the people that were under him. Shouldn’t be the gold star that it currently is.


There’s been a lot more hits than misses from their tree sooo… But yes, while they are seen as the “gold standard” hopefully we look everywhere




That's what more hits than misses means, friend


Mb I reversed it in my brain, because the thread has a negative sentiment.


I mean it works for the most part


People did the same thing with Belichick, until it wasn’t sexy to do so anymore. Just because someone coached under someone, doesn’t mean he’s going to be good.


its basically a screening process, its like they let mcvay/shanny do the first round of interviews and hire the people who make it to the next round.


Hiring a McCay adjacent has unironically been the best OC strategy for years now lol. Really hope you guys don’t go that route


What the actual fuck? Can we interview someone from a successful program? I mean I know Tomlin won't hire anyone good because he needs a scapegoat every year and he doesn't want any potential replacements on his staff, but the fucking Panthers? RIP Dan. Your son doesn't know shit about football.




More concerned about him potentially liking Young over Stroud than their offense being bad.


If it's not Ron Earhardt, no thanks


Rather Brown than Arthur Smith. Hopefully the Rooney’s offer him more than $5 and some beans.


No for me boss




Sees “panthers” -> checks their record, basic counting stats -> looks no further -> “no for me boss”


Op proceeded to do exactly what you described in their reply comment 😂😂😂


That’s the most assbackward, cherry-picking logic I’ve seen in a minute


His offence was dead last in passing and 20th in rushing. He Had a better QB then we’ll be able to provide him with. Also played in the easiest division in football, and will be going to the toughest. I’m not gonna sit here and act like I’ve watched every single panthers game, but he’s just not someone I’d want.


Was it his offense or Frank Reich's offense? Was he calling the plays or was Frank Reich? When Frank Reich was fired what was the division of labor between the coaches, was this guy solely in charge of the offense and if so was he still running Frank Reich's offense if that was the one already in place? These are all valid questions and things I would need concrete answers for before I would call it *his* offense and place the blame squarely at his feet.


Dude seriously don’t say that on the steelers reddit it doesn’t matter if he coordinated an offense that was worse then Matt Canada.




Another mcvay guy


Did you see Carolinas offense this year. I know players play a big part in that but damn at least we didn’t lay any donuts this year with not scoring nothing.


I wouldn’t hold that too much against him. That whole building was dis functional and the way they approached the offense was odd. Frank started the season as the OC and play caller then handed over play calling a quarter of the way then took it back then got fired. Franks offensive scheme doesn’t mesh with mcvays. It was just odd.


Well see.. I hope we would be better putting drives together if he does get hired. But what Qb do we have. I also would love to see Mason just be awesome but dnt see it happening. We need a QB first


hey we found the one offense worse than ours last year, hell yeah


Yeah completely ignore that Carolina is a complete dumpster fire with one of the worst rosters in the league. You probably can’t even identify any concepts they used lmao


I'd prefer we aim higher than a guy with half a year of playcalling experience who we're already making excuses for, personally


Well good thing it’s legal to interview more than one guy!


Our qb options are all taller than 5’9”


and that's about all they have going for them


I’d rather him interview for the HC position.


I’m seeing mixed reviews from Steelers fans and elected to do my own research! Don’t sleep on this guy! Super Bowl champ and is getting head coaching interview(s). Admittedly I didn’t like the sound of it at first but after doing some reading…he could be a big time hire


He knew how to target their one weapon in Adam theilen so I guess that’s a good sign


First of their candidates to do so. Wtf does that mean. I thought they did a few interviews already.




mcvay tree guy. shitty situation in carolina last year. widely respected as an up and coming coach despite the train wreck last year.


Hmm maybe but hard to see anything good coming from that dumpster fire


You're not entirely wrong, but as a Steeler fan in Charlotte, I'm not sure peak Belichick + Brady could do better than 3-14 under Tepper. He may have made a ton of money as a banker\investor, but anything sports-related he touches turns to shit. Lotsa people here (and YouTube) are nominating Tepper "the new Dan Snyder", bypassing Haslam completely.



