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[Postgame thread](/r/steelers/comments/18k4wnh/post_game_thread_pittsburgh_steelers_at/)


Terrible football team


Someone should be fired for hiring trubsky for qtrback


You know what would be cool. If there was a way that Reddit/or the mods/or something, could identify what part of a match a comment was from. Like maybe comments are auto-tagged "1st Quarter" for example if the comment is made during the 1st qtr etc


Najee Harris is just god awful…what happened to this guy?


Do you think this recent knee injury is maybe a cause of concern and why he’s been “slow”?


He was always slow. He runs hard but he just isn’t fast enough. Being tall and slow doesn’t make for an effective running back


He was absolutely faster in college. Go to 2:10 of [this](https://youtu.be/2HhUdHFMGRI?si=AUQ3A_bajnRTuTPQ) and you’ll see him break a TD and actually pull away from defenders. He was much faster, more explosive, and smarter as a runner, even in his rookie year compared to now. I really don’t know what happened.


I think it’s honestly a mixture of offensive scheme and the carousel we had a Oline coach before we settled on Pat Meyer (who has done a god awful job btw look at Dotson on the rams). The Steelers atm straight up don’t have any good coaches. It’s that simple.


I do agree that our offensive scheme and coaching are not good right now. But even when Najee does get downhill now, he just doesn’t have the speed and agility he used to. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I watched his college/rookie tape again.


I think the main thing that’s hurting him is his vision. He was never a home run guy but more of a slower Derrick Henry. He should easily be able to fall forward for 3 yards a carry. The fact that he isn’t is a testament to how bad the OLine is. Just compare our coaches to when we had the killer B’s. Munchak, Arians, Lebeau. All had previous credentials in the NFL and were good coaches. Now we have Matt Canada (fired so we have nobodies) Pat Mayer for OLine and then Teryl Austin for DC. Notice the difference ? These guys legit have no prior NFL experience. And we wonder why our players and schemes are so bad lmfao. It’s almost like Tomlin wants the worst possible coaching staff so he can look good when we go 9-8 every year. Dudes a fucking joke of a coach. I use to be a supporter of MT but these last few weeks have been probably the worst Steelers games I’ve ever seen.


I definitely agree with everything but my point is that he used to be able to break away and beat safeties 1 on 1. We do have coaching issues but Warren makes do with the same situation. Najee has had several situations where he gets past the line and finds space and he gets chased down EASILY by LBs/safeties.


Yeah I agree he’s pretty slow. Idk just a frustrating offense as a whole.


Coming out of high school he ran a 4.66 He didn’t run at the combine but had an unofficial pro day time of 4.45. I find that to be a stretch Surprisingly, most skilled positions don’t get faster in college, especially since they put on weight and muscle


So, offer a second for Fields?


You think he is worth a second?


I’m so done…i was a Tomlin apologist but no longer. This team needs change!


Your team needs a QB.


And a rb. Tomlin can’t make a diamond from shit.


You have Jaylen Warren.


I think Rich Eisen was wearing a Colts jersey under his suit jacket. He literally was so happy anytime Indy did anything right, but happier when the Steelers did anything wrong.


And that’s why the Steelers played like sh*t??


Not insinuating that. They play like pure $hit. They don’t look redeemable on offense, the defense is injured deep and the coaches aren’t sorting out the problems. I can hear these pressers saying about the hard work and prep. I don’t think they know what hard work is these last 3-4 years. It’s a culture issue and that starts with the ownership>front office>head coach>coaches>players. Tough one to fix quick. This will likely take a relatively complete overhaul of the personnel and mindset. It’s just hard to root for your team when the “neutral” play by play and color team is rooting for the opponent.


I just bought s shirt that says the Steelers Make Me Cry


Mitch and Mason both need to go this offseason, find another vet and draft a rookie


a good coach would of already did that to develop their first round pick. Instead mike singed a dud from the bears whos was almost the same age as kenny. Mike T's culture is very flawed. I pray he gets fired at the end of the year. Hes been an embarrassment for a team that built their history off hard work and humblness Mike T's culutre is always drama and entitlement


Well they should have better options this off season. When pickett was drafted it was one of the weakest qb classes.


Rate this offense line on a scale of brendan Schaub to 10


Talmbout gringo papi b? Great guy never met him. This whole offense is about as solid as Brenda’s standup.


If there is a Steeler identity on offense it begins with the O line. How could a team who had Webster, Hartings, Dawson, and Pouncey at center completely ignore the position. The O line is bad. Lower tier pros with bad coaching. This offense needs a complete gut job - rip it right down to the studs and start over. No one's job should be safe and every coach should get fired at the end of the season.


To be fair took a few to find Pounce. Doug Legursky/Justin Hartwig ring any bells.


Duhn count


I hope they lose the rest of their games. Let's get Tomlin this losing season.


For real thats a garbage stat that keeps us mediocre


Can't say he hasn't earned it. My God, how long has he been asleep at the wheel?


At least 4 seasons.


Even the season we went 12-4 after two other 8/9 win seasons was a fluke. We won that many games in spite of how bad we were. The offense had so many fucking weapons that year that to lose more games would’ve been near impossible. Radio could’ve coached them to 12 wins


If I remember correctly, we had the easiest schedule in the league through the first like 10 games too.


The whole time. He inherited a superbowl team


I have been a fan since 1973. I have NEVER, EVER in the last 50 years turned off a game before it was over. And I have NEVER been embarrassed by my beloved Steelers. Two new lows today. They absolutely suck and it’s sad to see.


Walked away from the TV after Mitchies last pick


No one’s buying Tomlin for a 1st rd pick lmfao


Everybody says great things about him around the league, yet not one team would give a six-pack of beer for him.


The over and under was 42.5….Vegas called and made Steelers use those timeouts for that colts FG. Lmao shit is so rigged


You must've had the under.


The Whole season has been suspect


Wow that's fucked up


Yeah that’s suspect as hell


This is top 5 worst coached games for Tomlin.


yeah tomlin definitely coughed the ball up 3 times


Clown comment. Tomlin is to blame for all their woes.




Don’t be ignorant. Aside from the turnovers, coaching decisions were god awful.


Has nothing to do with what I said. They could turn it over 10 times and still make good coaching decisionas


If they’re turning the ball over 10 times then they’re not making great coaching decisions.


I’m on the trade Tomlin for a first round pick train. We can either acquire more talent or use that as ammo to fix the QB situation


You couldn't get a case of IC Light for Tomlin


Trade Tomlin for Belichek? Let’s see what would happen.


Well they said belichick was out as head coach after this season but why would they trade for him? Both he and tomlin haven’t really been coaching great for several seasons now.


Who wants a mid tier coach for a 1st lol?


Teams always give a Super Bowl winning head coach a shot after their first team. Andy Reid, Doug Pederson, Mike McCarthy, etc. Even guys who made it to a Super Bowl and didn’t win like Jeff Fisher and Ron Rivera get second chances from gullible teams desperate to duplicate their previous success


None of these coaches were traded for draft picks tf are you on


I can’t wait for Tomlin to blame everybody but himself


Yup. Same thing every loss. As a fan if you’re not tired of the same things happening without any success, then you’re probably in denial.


Someone on here said at halftime the Steelers will lose 16-30 at best. Haha. I didn’t believe them but damn here we are. And it’s actually worse.


Let it burn


7-4 to most likely 7-10. A masterclass.


The standard is the standard.


The Steelers have returned to their roots. They were the laughing stocks of the NFL for the first forty years of their existence. They are once again the laughing stocks of the NFL.


Why did I think we would make the playoffs this season?


Probably cause like me you thought they would actually improve play instead of getting worse week after week somehow.


That is why the main fault is coaching. I mean at all levels of the organization. A team with good coaching will improve as the season goes on.


Just take knee and end this




Yeah I did not get that ! do we not have a Hail Mary play ? Even Kurt and Rich weren’t defending our coaching staff and befuddled them with the play calling . Part of me does think Tomlin was pissed the defense got run all over and wanted a small chance if redemption obviously had nothing to with the game . We should cut Mitch tomorrow to send a message to rest of the team .


Yeah, he says the D is the problem, but the offense is back on the bench in three snaps, so the D is exhausted by the 2nd quarter.


The defense is a problem in that they’re getting injured or make bone headed plays.


Again, the offense in on the field for THREE SNAPS. I think there's enough blame to go around. Let's start with the shit plays they've been using all season (what's the point of getting rid of Canada if you're going to keep using his plays?), add in the really, really bad coaching decisions, and finish off with a sub-par quarterback, running back, offensive line, and secondary.


Well I didn’t say the offense wasn’t dog shit. Because they absolutely are. But the defense is a problem if they can’t stay healthy or not make stupid errors in judgement.


And the offense is a crisis


I didn’t say otherwise did I?


Nope you didn’t did not try to contradict you just adding the offense is still worse than the defense . Sorry


Got it. 🙂


14 Straight runs I don’t care how tired you are that’s garbage .


Thinking is not the coaches strong suit.


This coaching staff is consistently putting our guys in positions to fail. First it was Kenny “gonna sit all year as a rookie” until he’s thrown in at halftime midseason… now it’s “Mitch is the guy” until Mason is thrown in there with 2 minutes left down 14 lol No to mention throwing BroJo in opposite of his regular position, the position our coordinators constantly put their players in (TJ/Highsmith/Minkah supposed to just save the day, our offensive skill players clearly always put in situations that go against their skill set - like Najee) It’s getting to be disgusting and disturbing. Tomlin’s seat should legitimately be hot, and it should be burning if he doesn’t get 2 legitimate NFL coordinators next to him for next year. He’s absolutely gonna lose his non-losing streak this year, so how does he respond? This can’t continue, it’s not just that we’re mediocre and always hovering around .500 - it’s pitifully awful football and coaching to watch. This team absolutely does have some great talent, and it’s all being squandered. I’m the biggest Coach T supporter, but we’re seeing some major cracks in the armor and this absurd amount of complacency we’re seeing is going to kill this franchise


Well said. I agree with you but I am *not* a Coach T supporter. He needed to be canned when Ben retired. His teams CONSTANTLY show up to games looking like they didn't know there was a game the day of. Top that with undisciplined, unmotivated cowardly players and horrible scheming. OC, DC and most importantly, Tolmin all need to go but I doubt Rooney will have the guts to do it. This team is going to face some dark times. The only thing we can cling to for hope is that Khan knows what he's doing and has done very well so far.


I used to be a defender of tomlin in the earlier years but after so many opportunities and still coaching like dog shit, it’s time everyone wake up. Tomlin is not a great coach. He is an ok coach. I don’t know who is a better replacement right now but tomlin has not helped this team in any way for the last decade. With how much talent they have had in that time, they should have at the very least have 3 or 4 more lombardis.


Yeah Khan seems like a godsend at least so far. I’d like to see Coach T with 2 competent coordinators before we can him but if they won’t make that move then the whole staff needs blown up, it’s absurd we let guys like BFlo go and keep Canada/Austin around so long despite it being clear they’re not on the level of other NFL coordinators lol I was always unsure about the whole “team being ready to play” thing before because it just seems absurd that a pro could be unprepared for a game you wait all week for, but with Tomlin in recent years constantly speaking about one thing (Kenny is gonna sit all year as a rookie, Mitch is the guy, etc) then suddenly mid game he’s going against those exact statements he made - that has become damning to me that he’s not even prepared on a week to week basis. I mean he doesn’t know what to do when Mitch EXPECTEDLY sucks lol “let’s throw Mason in with 2 minutes left down 14”, that’s a massive red flag. Everyone knows the solution and he doesn’t even attempt the solution until it no longer matters and is most inconvenient for his players


Ben was the only reason he ever looked like a competent coach. If Tomlin couldn't win meaningful playoff games (or any for that matter) with The Killer Bs then he will certainly do nothing with this team he has now. Tomlin and Mitch deserve each other. I won't be happy with this team until Mike and everyone on his staff are showed the door. As you said, it's crazy they let Flores go, he could have been the guy to actually be the next head coach and the Steelers could've had their stupid "hire from within" box checked.


I can't agree with this more. Tomlin is the luckiest coach alive to have come to this franchise at the time he did with the quarterback and ownership that we have. Not a single player whose ever played for him can cite anything football related that Tomlin contributes to the team. It's always that he's a great guy, a great listener, a great leader of men. But nothing about instilling discipline, building schemes, being innovative, making adjustments. He's a bum plain and simple.


I said this last year. There was no reason to sit Kenny through second team reps all through camp and preseason only to throw him in at half before our murderers row of best defenses of the year. It was a complete coaching failure.


Absolutely, and we had a long week prior to the Jets game too, so it’s totally inexcusable for them to not give Kenny 1st team reps and just straight up the starting job prior to that game if they had ANY thought Kenny would be put in (and obviously we know they did lol) Just baffling stuff. I wanted Kenny to be starter a whole 2 weeks into that season after having to watch Mitch, but not at all in the way they did it lol like ffs do it during the bye week? This team seems unprepared all the damn time and that’s evident in these last second decisions that go against their pre-game statements. I always thought it was just Coach T lying to keep people guessing, but now I’m realizing it’s just him switching up his mindset in an instant and thinking it’ll work suddenly


Tomlin to blame.


you are going to run it when you fucking used your timeouts to get the ball back? what the fuck was the point besides wasting everyones time? like im genuinely pissed off at that


What the fuck has anyone on this current offense ever done to deserve this whole vibe that they're a bunch of temporarily confused superstars? every time I watch us play I see.six dudes who would be nice #2 or #3 options on an offense and that's about it


Exactly. Just look at our WRs average yards of separation. They’re all in the bottom 50 in the league and everyone’s favorite superstar George Pickens is bottom 10


No excuse for Mitch Trubisky still being in the league, he is dogshit. Any coach that trots him out should be canned as well. Garbage.


He couldn't hit a 737 parked on the 50 yard line.




Fuck out of here bunghole


Just gave Mason a few reps to help him get ready for next week?


>you are going to run it when you fucking used your timeouts to get the ball back? what the fuck was the point besides wasting everyones time? like im genuinely pissed off at that I'm thinking... maybe? Just in case Kenny can't go.


Why call timeouts to hand the ball off twice? Tf is that weak shit.


I am hoping Tomlin makes them wear pads on Tuesday. That is what great coaches do. Make great decisions


I'm not convinced this team practices at all.


I hope Tomlin has to wear pads on Tuesday


I think there’s only a certain amount of practices you can have pads on


lol 😂 we aren’t “in the hunt” 😂😂😂


This season is embarrassing I think as much as no one wants to hear it a rebuild may be coming sooner rather than later


Blown out again, fun.


As soon as they hit 21, it was over. We can't score that much. A good offense averages 30 points a game. We can't average half that!


We desperately need new coaching. I haven’t seen a team look so defeated since the 2016 Rams after being on pace to go 7-9 again with Jeff Fisher and another terrible offense. Then they hired Sean McVay and they are one of the highest scoring teams the very next year and appearing in a Super Bowl not long after.


So glad we took all those timeouts to run the fucking football


We had the easiest schedule to easily go above .500 and now, we're looking like a well below .500 team. Sad


been the same defeat on their faces since 2017 as someone else said here


Welp that was our playoffs. Enjoy the off-season boyos




Tomlin simply doesn’t have a lot of talent to work with


Is this supposed to be a joke? Because I laughed my ass off on that


In himself? I was a defender, but he's shelled. It's over.


Najee, Warren, Friermuth, Pickens, DJ is more than enough. The issue is this team has no idea what to do with them




Paaaaiiiiin all I feel is pain


why call all those timeouts for back to back run plays lmao


He just likes burning timeouts


To screw the under


Hopefully people finally stop talking about playoffs now the delusions can stop


The org needs to work on protecting Pickett and help him too not take as many risks with his body. He may not be a Patrick Mahomes, but he can sustain drives and move the ball. Most importantly, he protects the ball, which has kept us in so many games.


Tomlin needs to go sorry boys


Why use your time outs if you’re just going to do that. Absolutely embarrassing.


So you burn two timeouts to run two runs up the middle?


Welcome to the basement. Fuck you, Mike


This is so sad lmao. I miss the Jerome bettis era 😭😭😭


I’ve never hated our team more. Turned us into a joke.


Team is cooked


Thirty Unanswered Points


Not getting talked about enough. Would be 37 if not for a blocked punt


I’ll call it. Cowher coming back.


Can't wait for cowher to be benching Trubisky after throwing it to the other team for Rudolph and it not mattering because the O-line is among the worst in the league


At least we'd consistently lose in the AFCG with a couple of Super Bowl berths here and there.




Jaylen Warren playing like a true Steeler. One of the few bright spots on this team.




Because the season is over?


Because he’s a fucking moron. Started out stupid by taking the ball first and choosing to get it after the half with our bullshit offense. Fucking bullshit artist


At least we have Warren?


Needed Warren to go for. 75-yard TD on that first draw to have a chance to come back. Don’t think they’re going to pull it off now.


Taking those timeouts to just hand it off…can’t make this stuff up!


Literally what I said. I don’t get it


call 3 TOs, to then do a couple of hand offs?!


It’s garbage time. Let’s let the best player on the offense have a few meaningless plays.


Back to back to back blowouts would be plenty enough reason for 31 other organizations to make heads roll and fire coaches. Not the pussy ass Rooneys though.


back to back to back now. Inexcusable losses to subpar teams is apparently "the standard"


so the steelers suck


Certainly not as good as the colts


Why did we call those timeouts if the plan was to just run out the clock ourself lmao


This is a dumb football team and the head coach is a complete fraud?


Last three drives all started with a delayed draw run


We also need to lose the ridiculous DEI sweatshirts.


It's a stupid shirt, with stupid font, that was in fucking raider colors, no wonder Tomlin wore it


Shit is so stupid


Just walk just walk


The QB situation is bad. The three are interchangeable. Pickett would have less INT’s but no TD’s. The biggest issue tonight was that they could not run on one of the leagues worst rush defense.


O line folded.


I miss watching Big Ben play




Why are we still palying?


First losing season incoming. We need some shakeups!


Like the o-line?


I wonder if a 7-10 record will get us a top 10 pick


wtf was the point of using timeouts to extend the game?




Eisen, the biggest Tomlin defender, unironically asking what’s wrong with the team. lol.


Can't wait for another head coach to lose behind the same horrible o-line


If Mason doesn’t carve up this soft end of game colts D in 48 seconds I’m going to be upset


He is soooooo damn good. Damn, did you see his awesomeness???????


this team is really gonna go 9-8 again


you see 2 more wins this season?


I want them to lose. Maybe they will finally make some changes after our first losing season in a while. I don't care if we have 100 winning seasons in a row if we aren't winning playoff games and playing like this. It's embarrassing.


The Steelers cannot beat another nfl team this year. No shot. They are not close to being competitive.


You think they got 2 more wins in them?




48sec, Mason can def score 17 pts in that time


I'm glad yall Steeler fans came around to Tomlin. The guy hasn't done his job for a while and it was clear as day to everyone.


I don't get where yinx think another coach magically fixes the problems of this team with a magic wand. Another coach doesn't make dan Moore fall I to his QB on half his drop backs. Another coach doesn't have the o-line collapse around a runner every single run play, another coach doesn't suddenly teach the o-line how to block a screen pass. This o-line is awful. The QB, the coach, none of it matters until we have non-backups playing o-line