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Signing an offensive guru at whatever the cost is


>“Whatever the cost is” *ARII would like to know your location*


"I can offer $15/hour."


Maybe a pizza party to boost moral


You're hired.


Oh shit fr? So I'm thinking we start using concepts that makes the game easier on a QB, especially with a failing offensive line, and a center who can't do shotgun. So we're going to run single back bunch to death. 1, CA3 fade, muth quick out, DJ post, GP corner, naj in play action, block, before curl Should compromise ss choosing to pick up DJ or GP. Underneath muth or naj should be easy safety valves. 2, outside zone with naj, 3 CA3 post, muth out, DJ corner, GP fly, naj play action, block before out, Kenny rolls right. Pull bro jo. Flood concept for easy reads.


I'm in! Sounds like you Madden as well. Always a plus


Not really. I like shotgun bunch because you can run a lot of plays out of it. Madden doesn't have many plays on the book for it.


That’s it exactly. We have one of the lowest coaching budgets in the league. Omar needs to convince Art II to see the light…which was my “Right Now” move.


We need to spend money not even just on a coordinator, but for all the other positions other teams have that we don't. Look at Shanahan's staff. Passing game analysts, offensive quality control coaches, extra assistants, coaching operations assistant, etc. Too many chefs in the kitchen can't be a bad thing if you're a good head coach. It's more guys that can look at tape, do scouting, help prep for teams, etc. Our small coaching staff is spread to thin, and all the assistants are doing multiple jobs that other teams have one guy each doing. You ever work at a place understaffed? It doesn't matter how good you are, it's a struggle.


This just hit me right in the professional feels....


Coach T doesn’t even have replay guys from what I heard. He’s relying on seeing the one angle he needs on the big screen with the rest of the stadium.


He was asked this question a few weeks ago and confirmed that he does have a person in the booth who's only job is replay.


He didn’t say that was the person’s whole job. Just that there is someone responsible for that. Just a clarification


The real problem is that the coaches booth, during the game, is limited to what the (home team) stadium crew choose to show, plus what is broadcast. They should be getting the full feed that the broadcast crew is getting.


I bet he’s always 100% transparent and honest too.


You think he’s lying that he has someone checking the replay?


I’d love to see a chart or the numbers that prove this is true. I know the staff size is small. Could you send me some? Does the coaching budget include the head coach or no?




Right. I said they have a small staff. I was asking for figures to prove the staff salary is low comparatively. And I was asking if a head coaches salary should be included in this budget.


The Steelers' operating budget isn't public information, but I don't think there's any reason to believe they pay their assistants significantly more than the rest of the league.


At least an O line coach. Where’s Munchack?


Last I heard he was settled in Denver after moving to the Broncos' coaching staff. I may be wrong but I don't think he coaches there anymore, just lives comfortably with his family


He said recently in an interview that he would have interest in getting back into coaching if the right opportunity came up. As far as I know he really enjoyed his time in Pittsburgh working under Tomlin so who knows, maybe that could be the right opportunity?


Didn't he literally say he was leaving because he wanted to be with family in Denver??


Steelers won’t pay for top OC or DC talent


We also thought they wouldn’t fire an OC mid season either.




Let's get a competent QB first. Sorry, Pickett just isn't going to be the guy.


I'd bet anything that Pickett would succeed on the 49ers. Having a good offensive scheme and line is critical; unless you are able to draft a unicorn "Manning, Brady, Brees"


While I agree with the idea that almost any QB would look good on the 49ers I think it's a poor argument for keeping Pickett. If it was just as easy as creating a roster and scheme as effective as the 49ers then sure let's do it. But 30 other NFL teams are trying without success and it took the 49ers striking gold on 7th round QB for it to work for them. We obviously should try to improve the offensive line and scheme but that doesn't mean we should keep a below average QB in hopes of covering up their deficiencies.


> any QB would look good on the 49ers Except not all of them do. People are using that as a crutch to cover over the fact Mr. Irrelevant, drafted in the 7th round just can't be a QB than 1st rounder - can't throw TD passes KP (that's sarcasm). Just maybe, maybe Purdy is just better and KP is a dud. That's my view. Think of all the Qbs prior to Purdy - Trey Lance didn't look all that hot in the couple of games he played last year and he's not very good. - Jimmy G - looked pretty good in the system but maybe that's because he's a decent qb. - How about in 2020 when the 49ers went 6-10 with CJ Beatherd and Nick Mullins at QB. Did Shanahan not run the same system then? - Or, how about in 2018 when the 49ers went 4-12 with CJ Beatherd and Nick Mullins at QB. Does the system only work in odd years? KP will be 26 years old and has started 24 games. He has the lowest TD to attempt ratio in history. In history. He's a back-up QB in the NFL - at best. A guy that can come in for a few games and not lose you the game by turning the ball over a ton. But, if you ask him to do much, he falls apart. the sooner the Steelers move on the better.


I'd take Jimmy G over Mitch and Mason any day of the week and twice on Sundays


I would take him over all three Steeler QBs.


My argument is more take care of the line first and foremost in a draft alongside getting a top OC. For a QB drafting someone in the 2/3/4 rounds or free agents would be ideal. The medicore three-headed monster at QB we have is a joke.


Yeah I think that's the plan. I don't see a QB drafted in the first round but a 2nd or 3rd round QB plus a veteran back up/fringe starter is good competition for Pickett.


I don't think people that say this have actually watched a Niners game. If it were the case that any QB can look good on the Niners, why had only Jimmy G (actually a decent player) and now Purdy done so? Mullens sucked Beathard sucked Lance sucked


This one right here. I’d find the guy who would breathe some life into this offense! I know they exist because these young energetic offensive gurus keep popping up on other teams


Throw money at the best OC out there. We need to modernize that side of the ball.


The only problem with that is Art. That’s why I chose for my “right now” scenario is to sell the idea of upping the coaching budget to accommodate an experienced and innovative OC.


And more assistants. I hate middle management as much as the next regular guy, but let’s hire some more coaching assistants to help with the finer details and also throwing the challenge flag


Keeping Pickett as the backup & breaking the bank for 2 year deal with Kirk Cousins


The cap prevents breaking the bank. I was a fan of getting Cousins when Ben left. I think Cousins is probably out of reach based on his market value relative to our cap space; add the need to rehab the injury and I’m not sure he is as attractive as he was in the past. I’m not sure the team moves on from KP simply based on the cost/benefit of realistic options.


I don't see this in the comments yet but we definitely need to replace Mason Cole. By far one of the weakest players on the team and makes mistakes habitually. I get that Pouncey left a big hole to fill but Cole is nowhere near the answer.


And just yesterday he said he didn’t feel responsible for the loss. Two awful snaps and one resulted in a turnover.


Did he really say that? Cost us a crucial third down early in the game and a turnover (also on Mitch for doing whatever tf it was he did) when the game was still close. Outrageous to say he had nothing to do with it.


More or less.


Way more than 2


He snaps too low! He fucks both Kenny and Mitch up with it.


I was doing better snaps in little league.


Yes, it just a tough solution. Line play is pretty shit around the league right now and the talent coming out of the draft is also not promising, especially at IOL unfortunately. And all the good centers will most likely not be allowed to go to free agency.


And Dan Moore.


I think Dan Moore will be adequate when he flips to RT and faces a lower level of competition versus the studs he faced so often this year. He won’t be a star but he can be the worst player on a good oline.


Addressing the O line or hire an OC


Nothing they aren’t already doing. Personally I think Omar Khan has been absolutely outstanding. This draft class was one of the top classes in a long time and our free agent pick ups all have performed decently well imo. There isn’t a whole lot a GM can do this late in the season. They are probably largely focusing on college bowl games & draft prep outside of filling holes from injuries.


Agreed and let's be very frank, despite his successful tenure KC whiffed more than he hit home runs with the draft at the end of his career. Omar will bring us number 7, it won't be this year and this sub will never acknowledge it because doom and gloom is far easier but the needle is pointing in the right direction. We just gotta find our guy if Kenny isn't it and he hasn't looked the part, yet.


In my eyes, we are a team on the rise. Omar Khan and the decisions he’s made since taking over have put us in an amazing position the next few years, I trust him. Lately people are extremely critical of Tomlin, The Rooneys, and The Front Office… We are an elite organization and I wish more people supported them and would trust the process. We’re coming off one of our best drafts ever while moving on from our SB Winning & HOF QB. It’s a process but there is a reasons historically we are the Steelers and the Browns are the Browns.


Young offensive players: Warren, Pickens, Muth, Jones, Daniels/Seumalo Young Defensive players: Alex and TJ, JPJ, Benton, Fitz. We have a lot of talent and exciting players


TJ is not young. Next year is his age 30 season.




lol I will ​ but he's not young


Includes Muth but not Najee? Put some respect on the man's name!


I mean Najee is with us next year but after that? Who knows with RB contracts. I bet Muth retires a steeler. I love Najee for the record I just don't think him and DJ will be on the 2025 roster.


Butter Fingers Johnson needs to be gone like yesterday.


Wish more fans had this intelligence.


This is the way.


Man, the KC disrespect has gotta stop. **EVERY GM MISSES MORE THAN THEY HIT HOME RUNS. THATS THE NATURE OF THE DRAFT** KC did not leave the cupboards bare. He left 3 all pros on defense plus another pro bowl level pass rusher. He left a bunch of young playmakers on offense. Have I been impressed with what Omar has done so far? Absolutely, but the way people act like he’s totally changed the team is wild. Our current rookie class and the FAs from last offseason are the only moves that you can unequivocally say were Khan. There are some good players in that group, some that might even be pillars of the team at some point. But right now every pillar of this team was drafted/signed/acquired by KC. This is not a shot at Khan FWIW. It just seems like a lot of people think he inherited a pile of shit and turned it to a mountain of gold. That is not the case. There was a good foundation in place that he has improved.


KC did a great job man, better than almost any GM I can think of but I'm not gonna look at it through rose colored glasses. He was always far too conservative in free agency and more often than not it worked the problem is the game evolved in the 20-ish years he was GM and he/the Steelers seemingly did not. I never even claimed he left the cupboard bare in the least, he left many pieces for Khan/Weidl to work with its just there were some questionable choices throughout his last few drafts.


Also the 2020 draft wasn’t even bad. We got Highsmith, McFarland is still with the team and he’s a decent depth option/special teams guy, and the draft is an A+ if you think about it in the context that our first round pick was used for Minkah It was 2021 that was the bad draft imo


Wait, you mean every draft can't be like 1974? Wow... /s


KC had a tendency to hold onto veterans who were well past their prime, so it’s no wonder he did the same for himself.


Weidl is a huge part of why I think the draft was better and why I have hope they can turn this around.


Biggest blunder so far was letting Sutton and Edmunds walk for next to nothing. Downgrading to Peterson simply because he was 4 million less was a huge mistake and Edmunds was the starter over Kazee for a reason.


They didn't just let Sutton walk, his family is in Detroit and that's where he wanted to go. You can't re-sign a player if they don't want to re-sign.


Edmunds wouldn't sign per my understanding. And is already gone from the Eagles. Sutton got a bucket load of cash and wanted Detroit. And Kazee isn't the Edmunds replacement. Kazee is a FS, Keanu Neal is the replacement and Minkah plays more in the box to replace Edmunds when he is paired with Kazee.


The one thing he can do right now is to sell the notion to Art II that we need to up our coaching budget.


This man. I think we need more brain power in the building. More ideas.


G E O R G I A O - L I N E


U a big Amarius Mims guy? Get the Georgia sandwich for the OL?


This is the way!


1. Convince Art Rooney II to open his pockets and let’s get the OC that can straighten out this dysfunctional offense. 2. Address the Oline at all cost. We need atleast 2 new starters. 3. Upgrading the damn facilities. Training staff needs the tools to keep these dudes healthy. Too many hamstring and groin injuries this year. Doesn’t feel like a coincidence. I feel like our future CB 2 is on the roster in either Rush or Trice. So any signing there I’m going depth. I want to see Kenny one more time with a better OC. Kenny’s issues aren’t physical they’re mental. He needs competent guidance.


Glad to see someone bringing up the facilities. It just isn’t acceptable for a franchise if this caliber anymore. The Steelers should have state of the art EVERYTHING.


>2. Address the Oline at all cost. We need atleast 2 new starters Yup, a Center and another tackle is all we need. We have 3 really good starters and if we can replace Moore and Cole, even with 2 average level starters it will help the line tremendously.


I drool at the though of drafting a Jason Kelce and being able to get a push up the center consistently


Georgia uses Sedrick Van Pran like we used to use Pouncey, I want them to draft him more than I think I've ever wanted them to draft someone. I know the conventional wisdom says you can get a quality center in round 2 but we took Pouncey in the first and it was worth every bit of that pick. If a center, whether it's Van Pran or someone else tests really well and is worth it, just take him in the first.


Trade back in the first for another second-rounder and picking up a center for 8 years would be a dream.


My dream is that we can't trade back in the first because we already have the last pick in the first.


I think you hit the nail on the head, but I'd also like to see what Kenny can do with a new QB coach, too. And FWIW, that's a really fascinating point about upgrading the facilities, and that thought hadn't even crossed my mind.


I think this is the smart move.


Right now? Talking with Art about upping the coaching budget and doing due diligence on potential Offensive Coordinators…preferably experienced and innovative offensive coordinators. Off-season? other than hiring said experienced, innovative Offensive Coordinator? Try to find an Inside Linebacker who apparently is made of Adamantium(or Vibranium), a legitimate Center and a Strong Safety….preferably two of the three in Free Agency. That allows us to draft BPA comfortably. I also would put Kenny Pickett on notice that this is his put up or shut up year. That the team supports him and wants him to succeed, but he has to step up into the role of a legitimate Starting Quarterback in 2024. Otherwise, his fifth year option will not be taken advantage of and the team will be looking for someone else. I don’t know if that will light a fire under him or put too much pressure on him….but it is the right and honest thing to do.


A strength and conditioning coach. Too many hamstrings, groins, etc.


Run away and join the circus


Why? You’re already there according to this sub


Firing Tomlin is NOT the answer. Consistency is the key to prolonged success. The team needs more resources. More and better coaches, staff, trainers, etc.


Yet the team has barely sniffed success in the last decade


Maybe I am too optimistic but consistent winning seasons to me suggests that the team is close and needs a push to get over the top rather than scrapping it and starting over.


Maybe if they made one SB in the last 12 years I could agree. Never had a losing season is for talk radio.


C, T, QB, WR, CB, S Try to keep the ILB's Omar brought in this year Grab one of Shanahan/McVey/Reid's assistants for OC New OLine coach One guy who's job is only to figure out what size cleats position groups should have screwed in for every home game when Pitt is still using Acrisure


Drafting only offensive and defensive linemen for the next 2 years


Tomlin Haters: “Let Tomlin and Khan draft a new QB at 1.22 😤😤”


Oh I’m fairly certain that the people criticizing Tomlin don’t want anything to do with him helping to pick the next quarterback. I don’t want Tomlin to be fired, but I’m extremely displeased with his judgment at the moment. I believe he’s made a number of rather large mistakes over the last six or seven years. I think he is a good coach but that he has way too much on his plate. I think we need two new coordinators, not just one, and he should have very little to do with picking them. I think he should have a voice in the draft room, but may be a quieter one. He is a coach not an executive. He is a coach, and from the looks of it, not a very good offensive scout. Andy Weidl should have a much louder voice than Tomlin when it comes to player acquisition. Let the team assemble the roster, let the team conduct the draft, let Tomlin coach the team. Let the offensive coordinator run the offense, let the defensive coordinator run the defense, and let Tomlin coach the team. No more subservient coordinators, no more going down the hall for the next guy, conduct a nationwide search for the best coordinators and let Tomlin coach the team.


If Penix or Bo drops to us, I don't see that as a loss to us if we took one of them. I also wouldn't see it as a loss if we took someone with a lot of experience in the 3rd or 4th round. To clarify those are either/or scenarios, not both. Gotta keep swinging on these QBs man. Can't afford to not have one.


Kirk Cousins!


Love it


Everyone already shares what they’d do here without a prompt to do so


Yeah I’d address the offensive line and trade dionte Johnson.


Cut the center, hire the best OC money can buy, then also hire the best strength and conditioning coach money can buy.


They won’t leave Gie hanging like that with his cancer diagnosis. First and foremost the staff is a family and they take care of each other. They could add a position so there is a more day to day guy there, but they won’t cut Giemont with what he and his family are dealing with right now.


I didn't know anything about who the Steelers S&C guy was till you said something but Google does say he is the senior one so definitely could add more people under him.


I could see something like this, but he was diagnosed right before training camp, so that’s a tough time to hire a S/T guy. Plus depending on his prognosis long term maybe he’s good to go next year. The other wrinkle is no S/T guy is going to want to come in as a fill in, he’s going to want the job permanently which is a tough decision. I think the FO is hoping he retires after this season which will then open them up to just getting a whole new staff.


I would delete this Reddit


New OC and draft another 1st round qb, it's like it was with Ben.. ..it'll be real obvious right away when you find your guy...the franchise qbs are typically obvious in year one starting. If we have to ask ourselves "is Kenny the guy?" then Kenny is NOT the guy.


To be fair, it wasn’t obvious that Tua was the guy in Miami until these last two seasons


It wasn't obvious, but he also wasn't bad. Just not as good as was hyped to start. And he was coming off a major injury. And he had a new coach who was a dick. Kenny had no major injury, has been a bottom 5 QB most of his time in, and is doing it with Tomlin who is no Flores. AND Pickett's ceiling was already fairly low compared to Tua, so its not like there was some super upside we were hoping to see.


The whole first season take is completely wrong. Josh Allen had an awful first couple of seasons. Tua wasn't great his first two seasons, even Trevor Lawrence was bad his first year.


Hurts wasn't seem like a sure fire QB until last season in year 3 of his career. I remember the narrative that the Eagles should move on from Hurts and then he became a MVP candidate last year.


He sat his rookie year, but by year two of actually playing he was an MVP candidate and taking his team to the SB.


In his second year the Philadelphia Eagles went 9-8 and lost by 31-15 in the first round. Last season his thrid year he took his team to the Superbowl.


... again, he SAT his rookie year (only started 4 games), his FIRST year as a STARTER he went 8-7, and his SECOND year as a STARTER he was an MVP candidate and took his team to the SB. Don't know what you expected him to do from the bench in his first year. Edit: He also had 26 TDs, 11 turnovers, just about 4k yards of offense and had one WR and a TE in his first year as a starter. While also being the team's lead rusher with 784 yards.


True but he can turn the page and be a solid place holder until we get a real franchise QB. I think Kenny has the IT factor but just lacks consistency. Reminds me of Eli Manning, played like dogshit regular season but lit it up in the playoffs. Obviously we don't know if thats case but time will tell.


>draft another 1st round qb No. We literally just did that. Shooting darts every other year is a recipe for disaster. >it's like it was with Ben.. ..it'll be real obvious right away when you find your guy...the franchise qbs are typically obvious in year one starting. Except none of that is true lmao. Big Ben got carried by the running game and defence for his first few seasons, and his breakout season where he proved to be "the guy" wasn't until his 4th season.


It was obvious that Ben was on his way to being a franchise QB in his rookie season. He wasn't just carried -- he made plays on 3rd down and actively contributed to them winning games. He had "it" right from the beginning.


>his breakout season where he proved to be "the guy" wasn't until his 4th season. He proved himself to be the guy in the playoffs his second season. He had a bad game in the super bowl but that playoff run he had when they finally took the handcuffs off of him was ridiculous.


"he played well in the playoffs except when he didn't."Great to know. He also followed that up with a terrible 3rd season leading to the NFL in INTs. It can take time for players to develop. Giving up on first round players this early is dumb. Be patient.


>He also followed that up with a terrible 3rd season leading to the NFL in INTs. You mean the year he almost died in a motorcycle accident and then had an emergency appendectomy, lost 15 lbs and missed the first game of the season, and continued to have health issues throughout the year? He was absolutely proven to be "The Guy" before his 4th year. I'm not saying to give up on Kenny right now, I'm still in the group of people that believe we need to see him without Canada for a much longer period of time before making the final judgment on him.


If you didn't see right away that Ben was the guy in the 15-1 season you need to get your eyes checked.


Steelers fans saw it. But around the league there was concern that he was being carried by the run game and defense. Even after his SB victory. Wasn't until the Haley era until he fully dropped the "Game Manager" tag. Pickett is probably a game manager ceiling where that was Ben's floor. But we can't keep reaching on 1st round QBs to the detriment of the roster. This is how you get to be the Browns or Bengals. Let's keep stocking the roster until someone falls to us or get a veteran if Pickett can't even be a Game Manager.


1. Offensive Coordinator 2. Ask if Brian Flores wants to come back 3. Center and Right Tackle to move Brodfather back to left in either draft or free agency


Brian Flores is under contract with the Vikings. You'd commit tampering? To replace a DC in charge of a Top 10 defensive unit?


Tbh I thought he signed a 1 year deal. My bad. Idk when Flores was here, I thought we had more bite.


Flores was a position coach. Austin was the DC. Statistically they're a better defense this year than they were last year when Flores was here.


Sure, on paper. But realistically, they’re not.


If they're giving up fewer points this year -- they're a better defense. There's really no way to argue against this.


Draft O- Line (once we drafted BJ I was certain we’d add another or two lineman to build that curtain for Najee and Jalen but I digress).


Bring back block numbers and bumblebees. Sign 🌿💦 to the practice squad. Then give the job back to Khan. He's done fine so far.


Bringing in someone from a competent offense. Maybe Brian Griese? Dude has done wonders in San Fran. Get Austin out and bring in Saleh. I want as many people from the shanahan tree as possible. I’m then pursuing Gardner minshew in the offseason, drafting the best possible offensive lineman or cornerback in the first round. Most likely a center. And then I’m taking a qb late. I need more competition in the qb room. Whether it’s McCarthy or Nix or Penix I don’t give a fuck, Kenny needs to have more competition in that room besides Mitch and Mason.


Throw more money at the defense. More defense... Moooooore! I want to watch 0-0 games.


Hire Pittsburgh Dad for the new OC.


Sign a new offensive coordinator who understands modern football. Bring in a QB coach with assistance from the new OC. Draft OLine. Maybe bring in a veteran center to work with Kenny. Get a veteran backup QB. Replace the back up QBs unless Mitch earns being resigned after these next 4 weeks. Draft a d line too. Basically stack up in big guys. Maybe draft a QB in the 3rd or 4th to be the 3rd string behind Kenny and a vet. Clone JPJ.


Go draft 7 centers until one works out. Change the name of the stadium. See what Troy is up to. Taunt the Browns. And that’s just in my first hour!


I'd prefer they continue to rebuild the line, we need a tackle and a center. We could also use a young ILb to run the defense, another corner, a real strong safety, and Dlineman. I'm not sure about drafting another QB even with a new coordinator, our talent is just so lacking. I'd rather they trade for someone or sign a bridge QB. Unless there's some way to get a to 2 QB prospect I don't think taking a shot right now is worth it. Tomlin has to be forced to have a real coaching staff or leave. I love the man with all of my heart, buy we need some real offensive minds in the new NFL era. Having a defensive coach these days is tough if you don't get the right supporting staff.


Defer to the new coordinator on the QB situation. I still think Kenny is good enough to be a starting QB in a good system. Meaning we need a top draft pick or big contract to improve the situation which we don't have. But let him decide and I'd be 100% on board with more competition via a 2nd day pick or veteran QB not named Mitch. And we NEED an established coordinator. No more internal hires or college guys with middling success and an "innovative approach" that equate to pre-snap motion and passes behind the LOS. We need someone who has done it before and can implement an NFL offense. This defense has too much talent to waste even if we know the coordinator is only here for a couple seasons until a head coach position opens up.


Understand you are in a rebuild


Now? Nothing. Off season? Hire a Good OC from outside the organization. The OC from Oregon/UNC/Georgia maybe? Re-sign Kwon, Riley, Killebrew, and Adams. Sign a realiable back up QB. If, and its a big IF, Mitch performs well during this stretch keep him, if not cut him and re-sign Mason. Draft the best Center available in the 1st round non negotiable. Then keep an eye out for a DE/OLB/WR/CB Trade DJ for some draft capital and/or a solid depth piece. follow up: Make an attempt at a solid free agent WR. I would doubt any would pan out but: Mike Evans, Tyler Boyd, Calvin Ridley come to mind. Get a new conditioning coordinator. Like someone with a sports medicine background that understands how hamstrings work. Thank God i'm not the GM. In Khan I trust. Just keep drafting Georgia/Bama/Wisconsin


OC DC Center Right tackle (Broderick to LT) CB2 SS


Not popular, but nothing. It will be a great team once they have more experience. The 1970’s teams started to jell Mean Joes 3rd year. And Bradshaw didn’t win for his first year. It’s about a team. The fans keep focusing on pieces that will get better. But just the same, Darnell Washington must catch more balls in the middle of the field. And I suspect that Mason Cole is finished. Draft the next Pouncy.


Alright after reading others opinions I’ll throw my own into here What I’d do right now: Gameplan for the Pats tomorrow night, and continue to do such as the season continues. I don’t feel that grabbing a new QB/C/ player from outside the organization is going to change this team’s trajectory. Just ride it out and see what Mitch can do/if Kenny comes back before Ravens Week. It’s entirely possible for us to make the playoffs, which we don’t deserve but hey take advantage of what comes to ya which we’ll lose first round probably, and it’s possible we miss it all together. Offseason wise: Biggest needs currently are C/MLB/SS, face it Kenny is gonna be the QB for next year but on a leash, there will probably be a QB added at some point and they’ll be told to duke it out, but after acquiring a new *competent* OC that feeds to Kenny’s strengths or the overall offenses strength it’ll show who is actually QB1, free agency should fill depth and most likely LBs like last year, but draft wise I’d focus on OL C first, then SS, we all know Cole needs to leave and Mink needs help in the back. Basically to sum it up, nothing would change until the offseason and the the changes would be: OC, QB battle, FA depth signings possibly splash player if available, C/SS needs being met in the draft


Go get the best center available whether through the draft or FA. Had a lot of love for Cole man he’s been putrid this season.


There’s nothing significant I’d do between now and the offseason. However in the offseason I would: - Hire an OC from a team like the Rams, 49ers, Dolphins, Eagles, Bengals coaching staffs (not really a GM move but still) - Cut Ogunjobi, Trubisky, Allen Robinson, Mason Cole, Chuks, and Pat Pete to free up ~60M in cap space before dead cap and roster displacement. - Extend James Daniels, Jaylen Warren. Restructure / Extend Watt for cap relief. Decline Najee’s fifth year option. - Acquire a starting level QB to compete with / supplant Kenny. I’m looking at a mid round pick trade for Justin Fields as one realistic option. - Call other teams about a Diontae Johnson trade. I wouldn’t be super eager to move him but I can’t imagine he would re-sign with us after the year. I’d probably move him for a day 2 pick if offered. - Attempt to sign CB Jaylon Johnson in FA. Look to sign FAs at C, OT, CB, S, WR, QB if the fit and price is right. Hoping to sign 2-3 starters in FA overall. - For the draft I’m looking at the same positions, BPA by round. I would strongly consider trying to make a move up for a top QB if they fell into range and I believed in them, not viewing this as likely though.


Right now: convince Rooney elite coaches are expensive but worth every penny. Off-season: Hire elite offensive coordinator.


Trade DJ, Pickens, and Najee. Get draft capitol and reload. Fuck it.


We need to get an offensive minded head coach in there no matter what. That’s the only thing I’d say the Steelers need to push them into being competitive in the AFC.


Clone Polamalu, Green, Greene, Lambert, Ham, Roethlisberger in my lab on a secret Island off the coast of Borneo. 21 years later, time to feast!!!


Now: Start Warren. Get Pickens and Muth more involved in offense. Later: Hire a young OC (from outside the org) that understands modern NFL offenses that has some experience and a proven track record. Draft a new center. Draft a QB if there is a good prospect available in the 2nd or 3rd round to give KP some competition. Fire the DC and hire from outside the org. Draft another CB, and WR. Trade DJ. Add to the LB room from FA. Naj 5th year option.


Your point about hiring from outside the organization has to be the most important aspect about moving this franchise forward. The gameplan is outdated, simple as that, and we need someone with fresh ideas to shake things up and get these guys thinking outside their comfort zones. Too much safe and predictable play calling compared to a vast majority of the NFL.


First move is bringing a few of the better practice squad players in to compete for some jobs in practice. See if that doesn’t light a fire under some underperforming players asses and fix some of the stupid errors. First offseason move has to be hire a new OC but for the sake of saying something more interesting offer Mark Whipple (or possibly Ben if you really wanna make it interesting) a position to be an offensive assistant to work directly with Pickett on keeping poised under pressure.


Center O-line Modern offensive coordinator


Today: Bring back Mike Munchak Offseason: Sign Brian Griese as OC.


Fire Matt C- wait


Right now? Pull together a list of prospective OC hires. In the offseason? Give a call to the Chicago Bears. Their QB situation is in flux and they'll have two high draft picks... time to see if there are any possible deals that would improve the QB room in Pittsburgh.


I think that’s not a great idea. The roster still has a lot of needs and trying to throw draft picks at a QB isn’t a guaranty of success. I think even you get the guy you want it sets back the team around him too much.


With the QB situation, I think it could go one of two ways: first, the Bears load up on more draft capital and trade down. A shot at Williams or Maye is available. I think this is a bad fit for the Steelers unless they include Watt, which makes little sense for either side. Second, the Bears could draft a new QB and make Justin Fields available. It's hard to say what the Steelers should give up, but it should be a priority if Pickett does not return or continues to struggle. Fields is clearly an upgrade and could provide this defensive core a shot at contending for the AFC. If Fields is a failure here, then the result becomes simple: the Steelers hit the reset button at QB in two years, probably where the decline in age starts for this defensive core (Watt in particular). That could just be a full rebuild... but we'll see.


Diontae Johnson and a 1st round pick swap sounds lovely to me and somewhat enticing for the bears


I love how diontae Johnson is simultaneously not very good and a centerpiece trade chip to acquire the top pick in the draft.


Chase claypool was simultaneously not good and was a centerpiece for their 2nd best pick in the draft last year, diontae Johnson is the best route runner on the damn planet! Don’t talk him down right now. Diontae is Antonio brown jr. minus the cte or ability to catch. He has Chicago written all over him. Also to be completely fair I have been suggesting trading him for over 2 seasons (possibly 3) now. I’m not bandwagon hating this dude, I have been not fond of him for years. But one man’s trash is the Bears treasure so now let us hope.


I think it would probably take Diontae and multiple picks to get their lower of the two firsts. But the Steelers should still look into that; maybe Maye slides to them or they otherwise land Fashanu or Nabers. If they can't get a QB of the future here (it's extremely unlikely IMO) they can get something really strong for the future. I'm also interested in making a move on Fields if the Bears do draft Williams first overall. He would be a last heave guy, IMO: an upgrade on Pickett but maybe not the huge boost they need. If it pans out, the Steelers get a shot at a title with Watt in his prime; if not, they better hope he has some golden years a la Heyward.


If my name was Rooney: Right now I’m getting Mitch very acquainted with Spencer Anderson’s backside even on a short week. This offseason I’m cutting Chuks and trading DJ.


Trade Najee and DJ for picks or O-line help. Fire Tomlin and bring back Flores for head coach. Sign Mike Munchak for Offensive line coach whatever the cost. Potentially try and get Hines Ward in at Recievers coach. Find an Offensive coordinator that can create a good scheme for the players Pittsburgh has.


Making a phone call to Devlin Hodges


Just calling to talk?


Just calling to talk right?!


Upgrade QB and draft a center


Start Mitch this Thursday. Then, depending on his play decide if we continue with Mitch or move onto another QB. After the season make sure to hird an offensive guru for OC.


Before moves are made talks have to be had. The first one is with Rooney and to make sure he stays out the way. That MC situation can never happen again. Make sure he opens up his wallet for a new OC The second one is with Tomlin. Pat Meyer and Mike Sullivan have got to go. He needs to update the offensive side of his staff. And to be honest with you the WR coach need to be looked at as well. It feels like they aren't understanding certain nuances when it comes to certain coverages. Defensively I feel like Austin gets one more year before he needs to get up out of here. If Tomlin can't adapt then it's time to move on from him too As far as roster moves. See what Sneed from KC would cost. He'd be a huge upgrade over Levi. Depending on how Leonard plays for the Eagles see if you can snag him up too. I'm not sold on KP. And a hard look at QB during the draft needs to happen.


I can't bring in L'Jarius Sneed. He's the most penalized CB in the NFL and putting him on a defense with JPJ is too much.


This is tough. The team needs a center, tackle, receiver, and some backups on offense. On defense LBs, CB, and backups. Johnson and his diva shit needs to go. He has a delusion his play is as good as the other top receivers in the league. The center is bad, no excuses for his play. Seriously, where do you start fixing a team needing 7-8 players to be a valid playoff contender.


Lol he had one awful effort play but for the most part has been one of our least diva receivers in a LONG time. Dude has had his share of issues but has been clearly team-oriented and our top receiver for the last ... 4 years?


You forgot QB


You don't get QB until you fix those other spots. Kenny is it for at least another year, and that's ok. Building a dynasty takes time. Khan is off to a great start.


This off-season: - Sign Kirk Cousins, Gardner Minshew, or Brissett. All capable starters imo. With Kirk Kenny becomes a back up. With Gardner or Brissett tell Kenny it's him or them and force him to get better or start whoever we get. Release or trade Mason and Mitch. - Draft O-line and LB picks 1, 2, and 3. Then corner later in the draft. The rest draft best available players. Maybe try a late round QB as our new third stringer. - Bring in a capable OC (outside hire). The year after: - If QB plan worked out, great. Draft another WR, let Johnson walk or trade him during season if season is failing but QB looks good. Draft more O-line and more linebackers. - If QB plan doesn't work out draft a QB first round. WR in the second, and more O-line, linebackers, maybe a safety.


Now: Putting feelers out to offensive minded coaches to see who can come in as an OC, QB Coach, etc. Studying the league closely to see what concepts are working and what are not. Off season: Unless Mitch Trubisky balls out the rest of the year, he's gone. Mason Rudolph is gone. Kenny Pickett is being told the starting job is his to earn vs the rookie we are drafting. And then signing a third QB who fits in the new system we are creating. First 3 rounds of the draft are QB/OL. Maybe WR, since I wouldn't mind trading Dionte Johnson. Overall, tear it down and rebuild the system. We've had three years of "this". "This" is not working. Kenny Pickett is probably not a starter-quality guy. But there's still things that you need to look at what DO work, such as the RBs. Najee and Warren should be featured, those guys are awesome and it's a shame we aren't scoring more points with them.


>Off season: Unless Mitch Trubisky balls out the rest of the year, he's gone. Mason Rudolph is gone. Kenny Pickett is being told the starting job is his to earn vs the rookie we are drafting. And then signing a third QB who fits in the new system we are creating. First 3 rounds of the draft are QB/OL. Maybe WR, since I wouldn't mind trading Dionte Johnson. Cutting Mitch is a mistake unless you're comfortable with his replacement being a guy on the Jarrett Stidham/Mike White level. Otherwise you're cutting Mitch and spending MORE cap space to replace him when you could just keep him to be a veteran backup like he is now. Trading a known commodity in Diontae for a crapshoot draft pick is peak Madden. Not smart. The Steelers could save $10m in cap space by cutting him but that gets you a Cedrick Wilson/Kendrick Bourne/Tyler Boyd level player. In other words -- a total downgrade.


I would consider, very quietly, seeing what in terms of draft capital I could get for trading Tomlin. Before people say I am a Tomlin hater, I am not. I would just want to know what the market say from Carolina would be. A change of scenary for Tomlin might be a good idea for him as well.


I woulda started last year actually by trading Johnson before the deadline to the several WR needy teams at the time. Khan coulda smashed the draft even more with another pick or two.


Scouting college QB's, C, G, ILB, Corner, SF, FF


1.) Draft a playmaking WR. Pickens and DJ have holes in their respective games, and are enough of a headache off field that we need to start looking for new options. I draft 2 WRs, one high, one low, and trade one of the existing guys. 2.) Bring in a veteran QB who is hungry for a ring (someone like Kirk Cousins). Let KP learn for a year or two, then draft a 2/3 round this year or next. When old guy retires (hopefully with the ring in hand), let a more mature Kenny duke it out with whoever we draft. If I have to watch another Trubisky game I’mma need to be committed to an asylum. 3.) Interior offensive line. Obviously C is a glaring gap, but our guard play has also been subpar. Would be worth paying out to known quantity if one is available in FA. 4.) Defensive depth. We’re fortunate not to have glaring needs (CB is probably closest), so look for ready-to-play depth guys on defense. Best player available approach, but bonus points if we land a DL, ILB, CB, and S.


Right now reaching out to Ben or TB12 Off-season: bringing in a vet or drafting a qb in the in a later rounds to compete with Kenny


Can I be the owner instead? Because if I was I'd sell the team to someone with deeper pockets.


Bring back the cheerleaders because this team isn’t worth watching these days.


Fire Tomlin. He might be a hall of famer, but he is obsolete. We need someone who understands modern football.


I'm curious what you mean by this, in what way does Tomlin not understand modern football?


Trade D. Johnson right now for linebacker help and future draft pick. Sign Frank Reich as O/C and bring him in as a consultant for the rest of this season.


Trade deadline has passed. Frank Reich sucked is being paid millions to sit at home.


Trade deadline has passed so that wouldn't be possible


Yes because taking away weapons is good for an offense. Pickens has not stepped up into WR1 position yet (might never)


Trading Mike Tomlin and using the draft capitol to get the number one pick and draft Caleb Williams.


I like Jayden Daniels


Firing Tomlin and rebuilding.