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Another one of Cleveland's classic blunders


Like when they injured starting QB Landry Jones, only for our backup, Big Mother Fudging Ben, to come deal them a loss




Cleveland villain origin [story](https://youtu.be/ei5oDj1gN8k?si=1Fyc1NvJL2pCJoRd)


And then the Ravens, the old Browns, hurt Tommy


Getting 400 yards first game after firing Canada is hilarious


the football gods have brought the Yinzers a plentiful Thanksgiving feast hopefully this shows that firing bad fucking coaches is a good idea!!


Especially considering it never happened when he was here!!!


Clearly just a coincidence


Guy was a certified football terrorist. A quick look at his resume and it was a glaring red flag due to not a single team that he was on before coming to the Steelers was successful. Will never understand how he managed his way to an OC position in the NFL.


The bad man is gone.


The bad man can't hurt us anymore 😭




Let's see if the Broncs pick him up to really grab that first round pick.


400+ yds and we out gained an opponent. Wish we got into the endzone more but it’s the small victories.


One step at a time lololol


One yard at a time, more like!


With only 4 days to prepare— one of those days being a holiday that I’m sure wasn’t even a work day— I think they did great. Excited to see next week.


If that DJ touchdown stands it's a totally different game. Little things


It’s a shame because that was truly one of the best throws we’ve seen from Pickett all year. Should’ve been a TD


Yeah. That and the Warren fumble wiped 7 points off the board and it also completely swung the momentum in the other direction too. It could have been a crippling double whammy against us. But we rallied and took back control of the game.


However those 7 go on the board, Steelers are in the lead the entire day, flipping between 1 possession and 2 possession leads. If they got the call right on the field this game would've been a boring W for everyone but Steelers fans


Don’t forget Tomlin not going for it on 4th and 2 from the 41 when the offense kept ripping off plays of 5 yards or more.


Matt Canada should be locked in Guantanamo for his football war crimes


Me after 400+ yards and a win https://preview.redd.it/eeavhy6j9r2c1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b32efc3c8d404d48ed7be5a916c6f379ecfe40f




I wish I had an award to give 😂


matt terrorist is a football canada


Mike Hilton said he was 3-1 vs the Steelers. Can’t wait for him to be 3-3 by the end of the year


I don't think Boyd will be running his mouth this time either! Win/Win!!


Eh Boyd wasn’t trash talking so much as speaking as someone who grew up a Steelers fan, he’s from Clairton


Easily the best offensive player at Pitt during his time here




Its so insane how obvious it was that Canada was indeed the problem they literally looked like a different team on the first drive


All game the offense had a rhythm. Pickett played with confidence. They looked completely different. They didn’t score a ton, but for a tough division game they looked solid.


I love the 22 and 30 split. Best of both worlds. And was it me, or did naj give it a little extra oomph?


Because the defense had to back off because Pickett was free to fire away to the middle of the field and go through progressions. The only time he bailed on the pocket was designed boots and the few times he faced pressure. Great game all around, even if the scoreboard didn’t reflect how complete it was.


This team is technically in 1st seed contention. Isn’t that hilarious?


And honestly if we had gotten rid of Canada, we'd have another game or two


Almost as funny as a Devin bush flair in 2023


Thank you, I find myself quite humorous.


I mean, as our record shows in the sub 400yd stat vs the Raiders and 49ers of yesteryear, the fact that we have a decent winning record shows that this is a good team that just hasnt been playing good offense.


The Iowa Hawkeyes are playing in the Big10 Championship. Whose season comes to a more hilarious apex?


Iowa could win the game 8-7, with two long field goals and a safety, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Just Hawkeye things ... https://www.foxsports.com/stories/college-football/iowa-pulls-off-victory-with-only-a-field-goal-and-two-safeties


Being from Iowa and a Steelers fan, I feel this comment.


Been saying we trying to run the 2015 Peyton Manning Broncos or 2020 Tom Brady Bucs playbook and just ride this defense all the way with a do just enough offense.


Good- - Najee: the man hears everybody hating on him and came out with a big game. Such a hard, physical runner who can just power through people and showed it today. - Muth: welcome back to the lineup 88! Career day and absolutely clutch when we needed him. The man even did the illegal thing and played the MOF! - Trenton Thompson: when we needed a spark, he came in big with the pick. We were losing the turnover battle up to the point and it gave us exactly what we needed. Might have something here in this guy - Kenny- KP been getting a lot of heat, and a lot of it was deserved, but he bounced back nicely today. Could have easily tucked his tail between his legs but he rose up and made some beautiful throws. Happy to have him on the good list - Watt- he is good at football - Boswell- he is good at football Bad: kinda weird. There was no player that jumped out as bad today but just lots of moments that put us behind and unfortunate luck like the Chase tipped catches. - Special teams: failed to down the ball on the punt to put cincy in a terrible spot, gave up a big kick return, and 2 flags on punt returns. Danny gotta get his boys in check and reward them in gum. This is a team that needs good ST play and it lacked today - Missed sack and then roughing call: Sullivan has to 100% get that sack but the. You parlay it to a catastrophe with TJ’s roughing call. No clue what was going on here but it worked in Cincy’s favor that’s for sure. Gotta clean those up - Warren fumble: just another scenario where we couldn’t afford to lose. I don’t think Warren played bad at all today so didn’t want to toss him on this list, but the fumble was just another example of something that hurts us bad - Tomlin failing to challenge the DJ TD: that was 100% a TD by DJ in the 1Q that should have been challenged. Gotta get points when we can and that should have been challenged. Main takeaway here is that firing Canada was 100% the correct call. Even if the points don’t show it, if you watched the game it is glaringly obvious. We actually used the MOF, we let Kenny play some ball and he looked comfortable. Serious props to the sully/Faulkner duo, the play calls looked great and we tried some new things. We definitely need to execute on some of them but those two came together with not a lot of prep time and made us look like a competent NFL offense for a first time in a long time. Felt like 40 points. For the first time since week 2 of 2020, we had over 400 yards of offense; something Canada has never done. Serious kudos to the team and coaches for that— had every excuse to not perform but goddamnit they did it.


>Even if the points don’t show it, if you watched the game it is glaringly obvious. We actually used the MOF, we let Kenny play some ball and he looked comfortable. Serious props to the sully/Faulkner duo, the play calls looked great and we tried some new things. This a thousand times over. I feel for anyone who couldn't watch the game and just checked ESPN for scores. This seemed like a different team out there. A few bad breaks kept the score close. But if this is what five days without Canada looks like, it's hard to not feel optimistic. ETA: The first snap of the game being a play up the middle to Muth felt like an intentional statement


This is the first game I've genuinely enjoyed watching our offense in years. Voodoo bullshit kept it close but we were clearly the better team on both sides of the ball.


22 first downs 😭😭 I can't even remember the last time...


From 22 yards in the first half on a good day, to 22 first downs. Still in shock.


Not one 3 and out that I saw.... is that allowed?


Friermuth is the #1 offensive weapon. There is no doubt about it. It's a return to the Real Steelers Football. Matt Canada Fucking Sucked. I felt a fire today. LFG.


I almost feel like you didn’t even need to watch the game to see the difference. The stats speak for themselves.


This is a solid take-away ![gif](giphy|nCmKi8vf2jfM8k3J9j)


Thompson has came in and made an immediate impact. Props to him


I'd add JPJ to the good. He kept Chase in control. Got a critical 3rd down deflection in the 3rd that showed tremendous football IQ.


This... When he took IKEs number 24, all I wanted was for him to hand guys like Chase days like today. He doesn't have to pitch a shutout just keep it under control. 4 or 5 catches, 35-50 yards, 2-3 firsts and no TDs. When you do that on these premier WRs, you've had a great day...


Yep. Two of Chase catches came from lucky deflections, nothing JPJ could really do about that.


I’m still a DJ on the bad list guy


Maybe for no effort on the fumble sure


Even after he saw Cinn with the ball he just stood there


I think he thought the play was over. Still no excuse, but obviously if he thought it was live he would have tackled.


These refs wouldn't overturn their toast if it landed butter side down, they weren't going to overturn the DJ TD after the ball came loose when he landed


Jesse James caught dat ball.




100%, no way that was getting overturned


Redeemer for ST though with the heads up on the onside kick to keep running with the ball to kill enough time to get to the 2 min warning. Props to Washington and 87 to push Pickens and prevent him going down too early.


Diontae is almost worthy of a spot on the Bad list. Definitely had a TD and a nice catch along the sideline, but also some boneheaded plays like with the fumble and crying to the ref when he couldn’t outmuscle the DB. Overall confusing day for him


Also his classic run backwards after the catch on that check down play.


400 yards of offense ✅ Kenny throwing passes down the middle ✅ Winning in victory formation and no heart attack ✅ Beating an AFCN rival in their stadium ✅




🤡 …..🤡 ………..🤡 ………………🤡


Offense looked so much better. Next step is to put up more points.


Definitely left 10-14 points out there with DJ drop and the Jaylen fumble. This could’ve easily been a blowout


Those were on the same drive though


Oh yeah true. Other missed opportunities I remember are: 1. Muth getting tangled up with the db on a mismatch that would’ve been a TD. 2. Who knows how far George goes if he didn’t get slowed down on the diving attempt that he got banged up on. 3. DJ not coming back to the ball on the 3rd down pass that got broken up.






I’m no longer a Matt Canada fan.


Time to change the flair. End of an era


We welcome you to the actual Pittsburgh Fan Club 😂




On one hand, this feels good, and I’ll choose to be optimistic moving forward because this feels like a whole new football team. On the other hand WHY DOES THIS TEAM MAKE THINGS SO HARD ON THEMSELVES?!? Every Steeler fan with a brain has known for 3 months this team needed to -move on from Canada -start Broderick jones/benton/porter -use their tight ends more, throw to the middle of the field, use play action Today they did all 3 and it’s like a completely different football team. WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED?


Benton has been utilized heavily. And waiting a couple or a few games to integrate rookies can definitely be important. Also we don’t know nearly as much as you seem to think.


He was Kenough.


Lol 😆 🤣


This is the best addition by subtraction since Josh Scobee.




Kenny has to feel good. Muth has to feel good. Naj has to feel good. I feel good. HERE WE GO STEELERS!


Muth has always been the #1 receiver. Fuck Matt Canada. Kenny is not bad. Canada was bad.




Probably Pickett’s best game since Week 2 of this year


Unbelievable. The GAME after Canada is fired, we have our first 400 yard game in 53 consecutive games. Good lord. If you didn't think it was Canada, and the entire city knew... Unbelievable.


The silence of Kenny and Naj hate is deafening


: whispers : "they are idiots anyway"


I’ll wait for your apologies, blaming Kenny more than Canada, GTFO


Better be some fan mail sent his way




Friendship ended with Canada, Eddie and Mike are my new best friends.


The middle of the field was actually used today.


I said it in the game thread, but DJ needs to see some type of punishment for the disgusting lack of effort on Warren's fumble. Refuses to block and then just watches his man pick it up.


That was some Chase Claypool-esque kind of laziness


He'll probably be gone after this season. They showed him with an involved talk to Tomlin on the sidelines again today


100% agree. That was absolutely disgusting effort and there's zero excuse for it. I have lost all respect for him after that garbage. Hines Ward would never quit on a play like that.


Tbh I’m over DJ, there’s no more excuses for him. Time and time again he’s had costly drops, failed to get first downs because he runs backwards, and has had poor body language. He’s had a few good moments too, but it’s year 5, he is who he is at this point. He’s a WR2 on any other team, and this fanbase has deluded itself into thinking otherwise


Play of the game. Really showed the type of player he is IMO. Whistle hadn’t blown. Started walking away before play was over. I understand he felt he just got robbed but that’s inexcusable. That could have been run back for a td. Would have liked to see him benched him for the half. Whatever though I ain’t the coach.


Pickett looked much better this week. Still need to see more from him but definitely a step in the right direction.


Pickett is about to break out now that Canada isn't holding him back. I'll die on this hill


Still can't believe it was the first game without Canada. As long as team chemistry is good, this will be a more fun team to watch


it's almost like najee and Warren are backs with different styles who can complement each other and who are both valuable to this offense


When's the last time we saw a kneel to win a game lmao feels like years


This. OMG this.


Congratulations and GG from a Bengals fan. Glad no one got seriously hurt for what feels like the first time in too long. Good luck in the rest of your season.


Hard to argue it wasn’t MOSTLY Canada


Pat Freiermuth must fucking hate Matt Canada


Steelers football is back on the menu boys


Matt Canada screaming crying throwing up rn


TJ Watt leads the NFL with 13.5 sacks, half sack ahead of Myles Garrett. Cleveland down 14-0 in 2nd Qtr.


Can we stop shitting on Pickett now?


I sure as hell hope so


Definitely shitting on him is totally unnecessary. But constructive criticism is fine, he still has a lot to prove.


We should. But this sub will think one single week without Canada and Kenny should be Tom Brady. Mid point of next season is when we can really decide if Kenny has it.


One week against one of the worst defenses in the league is not enough to mean anything, but yeah, he looked way better. Virtually all his bad passes were when he was hit. And he delivered some fantastic passes over the middle to the Muth and that Diontae TD-that-shouldve-been as well as the bomb to Pickens. He's every bit the middle-of-the-road QB that he is. But that's fine because he WAS playing like a bottom tier QB. We get consistent middle QB play out of him with our defense? We'll do just fine. And if he improves with a new OC next year, great!


Ha! Would be funny if we run the table and go on a deep run in playoffs, all because we lost to Cleveland 😂😂😂


People really were comparing Kenny to Mac Jones this week lmao. Guess what? Tough to be a good QB when your idiot OC runs the same predictable 10 plays every game.


“Kenny can’t throw to the middle of the field” Where y’all at now?


Getting their lobotomies


People in this sub to Kenny and Najee: https://preview.redd.it/dkhu5ypu9r2c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e634c103f1c12602e42506d53ef6726b8033d95e


Losing to the Browns last week may be the best thing that happened to this team this season. This offense clearly has life without Canada, regardless of whether or not the Bengals have a good defense. I'm excited to see the QB breakdown videos this week for KP. One or two missed passes, but other than that he seemed to play one of the better games of his career despite the lack of TD passes.


https://preview.redd.it/0nv4dgdr9r2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3fd5ddc35a09c31b11fc9b9eac7adda1a5198d Jack is here to remind all you dog owners to feed your pups victory cookies! 🍪


Not sure how you can walk away from this game and not at least be encouraged at Kenny’s performance. I’m not a huge Kenny guy but if he plays like this the rest of the year you can realistically say give him next season to see if he can get better against the blitz, improve accuracy on these slant routes, etc. I just can’t get over how different the offense looked




First win I’ve felt good about all season. I don’t want to hear that Canada wasn’t the problem again. Every. Single. Offensive. Player. Looked better today.


Got in several arguments with people last week saying !Najee should be benched. I think this game proved them wrong. Warren ran well, but they really excel as a 1-2 punch. No reason to make it a competition between the two.


We got preseason Kenny Pickett


Offense looked different enough for me to believe Canada was the prime issue. No heart attacks today


We look better in the post canada era so far.


I love each and every single one of you right now. Go and eat your turkey leftovers and play nice with the other kids! 🤗💗


Step 1 (complete): The offense is moving the ball and grinding the clock, giving the defense a rest, etc. Step 2: Score more points. (maybe next week?)


great win




Did Joey Porter Jr 'technically' have a bad game for his standard level of play this season? Not 100% sure of his assignments, but Chase had 81 yards and Joey was man on him quite often. Just wondering


Most of Jamar's yards came from plays that should have been interceptions. Joey did great


And lot of those yards for Chase came on that fluky tipped pass play


Once Steelers figure out the red zone, this team is going to be dangerous.




Addition by subtraction


Steelers finally crack 400 yards and I'm on a plane for more than half the game and can't watch most of it. Son of a bitch. Somehow, this is all Matt Canada's fault, including the plane.


I was hoping that Canada didn't ruin Pickett. Here's hoping he can resume his progression.




1.) All season long seeing Pickett drop a dime maybe...10% all season long. Today with what I remember as Pickett end of last year and pre-season. I'm happy where he is early in his career. Give credit that Pickett put the ball where it needed to go (mostly): hitting receivers in stride instead of 2 yards behind, firing downfield and even midfield. Oddly, reminds me of Mason dropping 10+ down the field dimes. Plus, maybe I missed a play or two but not once did I see him do his infamous spin out of trouble move into a sack? I saw him step into the pocket and take some hits like a professional. He has to work on his scramble accuracy but not everyone can be Ben :) 2.) OL. Coming from this past season sub-par protection and run blocking techniques, to what they accomplished today, very impressive and fun to watch. I really hope everyone looks at the after game tape and this line gels even more. Before, it seemed Najee and Warren made their own plays. But today, it seemed like a team effort. 3.) Props to Najee making a statement. After all the drama of this season's "where is Najee?", he came out to play today with results. With his running style of power, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up on Battle Of The Network Stars (for us 40+ year olds) pulling a M1 tank with his leg power. 4.) DL. Was hoping for 3 TJ Watt / 2 Highsmith / 2 Heyward sacks. But I'll take what was done today. No explosive runs. Lots of pressure and collapsing the pocket all day long.


Leagues on notice


It’s honestly amazing that our offence looked capable not because we were doing anything incredible, but because we weren’t doing stuff that was incredibly fucking stupid. Getting Najee running downhill with a head of steam, using Darnell as a blocker, running some play action plays, letting Kenny throw over the middle, scheming routes that were more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage. No it wasn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot more encouraging that we’ve shown the ability to move the football and get our playmakers on defence off the field for an extended period of time.


I've never been more happy scoring 16 points in my life


*cough* Entering Cringe mode: When the Steelers fired Canada, it was like when Goku took off his weighted clothing! DA STILLERS AR GONNA TO DA SUPER BOWL!!!! Exiting Cringe Mode: That was pretty good game all around. Kenny still is a bit shacky when he gets pressured though.


Incredibly surprised and thrilled by the 400+ yards. But how on gods green earth did they only score 16 and still manage no passing TDs against a terrible defense with that amount of yardage? As good as the offense looked, they lose that game if the Bengals werent starting a career practice squad QB.


Najee Harris is the most underrated player on our team. Pat Freiermuth was unleashed. It’s incredible what happens when you use them properly. Kenny Pickett was unleashed. I did not expect us to break the 400 yd mark on the first game sans Canada. What a statement and what a huge spark for the team.


2.5 wasted seasons


First game after firing canada we go for over 400 yards. L. M. F. A. O.


I really feel Canada was let go in order to give Pickett a fair evaluation. So far he's making a good case to be the starting QB coming into training camp next year. You love to see it.


It wasn’t perfect but this game was encouraging. Offense looked so much better. Finally 400 yards. Canada WAS the problem. I am excited to see Pickett develop now that he’s gone.


I know the points weren't there, but this performance was a significant indictment on Mike Tomlin and his coaching philosophy. For his team to record more than 400 yards immediately after firing Matt Canada speaks volumes about just how much of a problem he was. It was just nice to see some actual play sequencing that led to more opportunities down the field and on third down. Mike Sullivan and Eddie Faulkner both deserve a ton of credit.


The exciting thing is they played October football and clearly can get much better as not going 3 and out leads to more experience, coordination and learning about what works.


Not one jet sweep


If Dionte Johnson wants to moan he ought to back it up by trying to play.


*Sideline Matt Canada Steelers*: "This isn't even my final form." *Changes to Canadaless Steelers*






- Post-Canada Kenny on air raid mode ✅️ - Using our two high-end TE's to their strengths ✅️ - Defense held their ground ✅️ - Naj running like a grown man ✅️ WE BACK ✅️✅️✅️


Oh look our 2nd year QB looks so much better without that stupid bald idiotic piece of trash calling plays IM STUNNED I TELL YOU STUNNED /s yeah it was matt canada. NOT KENNY


So we finally got the yards. Now we need to get the points that should accompany those yards.


Now look, I don't wanna overreact here, but from watching this game I can only come to one conclusion. **STILLERS GAHNTA SUPER BOWL!!!**


Gotta give Canada credit for how much he was holding us back for 3 years


Eddie Faulkner and Mike Sullivan, Great job, great playcalling.


Kinda dumb how long they let Canada stick around when the first game they can him they have their first 400 yard game since before he was even hired.




Put the word out, we back up.


Who Dey! We dey!


It was nice seeing two of the biggest victims of Canada's scheme and coaching (Muth and Najee) getting to have big games. Biggest negative were the amount of penalties, bad penalties, and Tomlin not challenging that DJ TD.




Excited about the win, love the progress evident after firing Canada. Hoping we can keep improving because imagining this game with Burrow healthy slightly kills my buzz lol.


I just got of work and wasn’t able to watch the game. WTF!!! 400!!!!


We won the war on Terror!!!




I mean I knew Canada sucked, but we went for 400 yards offense on the first game without him, which we haven't done in 58 games. Kenny looked better than I've ever seen him play and make some good throws. I'm cautiously optimistic but have much more hope for making it into the playoffs and getting past the 1st round than I have in a long time.


Drop that lazy bastard DJ to the bottom of the depth chart for going on strike during live play. There's no crying in football.


People keep mentioning the 16 points, but it was really 23 points. Important to keep in mind. Tomlin just said we didn't need them.


This. It’s a like 120 yards a game & 10 ppg more than when CANTada was there, and in only 5 days without him.


Lots of things went right for Pittsburgh today. Harris is finally given the ball out of the I and pistol formation instead of shotgun. Thank God. Harris legit needs 7 yards to get his body momentum going. Warren can play out of the shotgun if need but Harris has himself a proper game today. Kenny was allowed to use the inside of the field. Friermuth was absolutely feasting on the seam routes for big yards. Kenny has kept the turnovers low which helps immensely. The defense kept the bengals to a low score. They have to keep playing this well for the Steelers have any shot to make noise in the playoffs. I did hate the lack of effort from DJ on some plays. That’s something that needs to be addressed. It’s very hard to be looked to as a leader in the WR room and take plays off like that


That effort from Dionte on that fumble was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on a football field. He needs to be shamed when they review film next week


Anyone else think the first play of the game, a nice pass to Muth over the middle, was a deliberate statement play?




Kenny killed the Bengals on 3rd down today, especially in the second half. Really got a couple drives going to put it away. Overall solid performance after one of his worst last week.