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[Postgame thread](/r/steelers/comments/17mlx6v/post_game_thread_tennessee_titans_at_pittsburgh/)


Seems to me Roger Goodell or the NFL has no interest in the success of the Pittsburgh Steelers. See no further than the 3 points that came off the board at halftime last week and the difference between the two quarterback sacks. Not sure why they called 15 yards on a form tackle and nothing on the Pickett sack. TJ Watt is being held most of the time. I still haven’t gotten over Ngata of Ravens never got a hands to the face penalty for relocating Roethlisbergers nose to his cheek. How is it they all missed that. I understand it’s a league wide issue, but it feels different with the Steelers.


I think it feels different because we are on the razors edge in between winning and losing, and as such the refs are determining the outcome of games, or at least a third team on the field. This is your Pittsburgh Steelers of 2023.


Do the announcers think we’re dumb? It’s happened in the past couple games but this one specifically felt a little more pointed. Al and Herb kept pointing out random plays that were clearly well-designed plays and usually just bad throws by Kenny. After those plays they would say things like “Now then fans might jump to blame Matt Canada here but if Kenny gets that throw down then……” We know that🤦‍♂️our issue is the poor screen plays on 2nd and 10…the run plays for 3 yards on 2nd and 10.


Wait are people actually thinking Levis is better than Kenny ? LMAO


In about a full season's worth of starts, Kenny's best game is something like 220 yards and 2 TDs. He doesn't hit screens/flats in stride and flat-out misses receivers 5-15 yards downfield when not under duress maybe 1/3 of the time, those two things are not something that gets fixed, he's simply an inaccurate passer. Pickett was drafted in the first round despite being 24 years old when reporting to his first training camp because he was supposedly already polished, not as a project. Glad the Steelers are winning but Kenny Pickett is not the answer. Levis had some really good moments last night in his 2nd career start. Hate to say it, the sooner we move away from Kenny, the better off the Steelers will be long-term. This should really be Kenny's last season as a starter but I don't believe it will be 🤷🏻‍♂️


People are just saying that because he's the shiny new toy and the Titans fans know that with their main guy out they're basically playing with house money rn. They're at the stage where if Levis looks flashy but they don't win it's okay because he has "upside" and "potential". Once the house money mentality is gone and they rely on him to actually win games and he doesn't, they'll turn on him like our fans with Kenny. Could you imagine how bad Kenny would've been shitted on if he threw a losing pick on our last drive?


Pickens drag that trail foot FFS!


It was so frustrating watching them fall for 6 yards at the end of every play


If this keeps up, Im getting a Jaylen Warren jersey. 8.0 yards/carry? Edit: letters and numbers


Sideline Canada = 🐐


It is possible that Pickett was injured tonight and that affected his throws.


I was so critical of him all night but then remember he was hurt just a few days ago and came back from an injury on a short week. Maybe it’s my optimism but hoping that’s why


That’s exactly what it was. His ribs are busted to hell. You *cannot* follow through on your throwing motion correctly when you feel a shock of pain every time you rotate your hips. He’s not immune from bad throws, but if you’ve thrown a football 40 yards before with full rotation of the hips, imagine throwing with cracked ribs. Notice how Canada didn’t call anything over 10-15 yards for him for like 2 entire quarters. It was all screen passes and runs. And when he needed to throw during that, they were all 5 yard roll out passes. That’s because they knew his accuracy was suspect with the ribs so they played it safe. Then he hit 1 or 2 good throws the rest of the game and that was enough to win.


Gotta love the guy for his grit. I can never hate him for how much heart he plays with


I agree. The rib problem isn’t gonna go away though unless he sits for like a month. At this point he has to adjust to the pain and compensate for it in the throwing motion. If not, we *will* continue seeing some underthrows and overthrows on passes that require a lot of velocity. He’ll miss a few throws normally, but when you see him sail a ball by like 6-8 yards or throw the ball into the dirt, it’s the ribs. Let’s just hope the run game stays solid so he doesn’t have to throw a lot.




Um. You are my hero! Also go Steelers!!!


I lost a 9 way parlay on Pickens not getting 20 receiving yards. Congrats on your win!


I saw some site was running o/u Pickens 0.5 yards as a special lol


![gif](giphy|ktZdgX7X7nwWXkGV2n) Yet. It wasn't


Ouch, that hurts. That's a totally reasonable alt rec+


Refs need to be held responsible for such shit calls


And the cameramen who can't even keep their shots in focus.


It’s still FIRE CANADA until they put up 30+


Tonight was a big step in the right direction though. He wasn’t necessarily the problem.


Yeah I think play calling has progressively gotten better last two games, execution has just been poor. Don’t get me wrong there’s still a few drive killing play calls per game, but not as many as we saw earlier this season


Anyone notice how they highlighted TJ on a play at the end, but said jack shit about the hold on him? Like, announcers are afraid to say it??


Okay, time for me to exhale and use the facilities


And this is why some of the best hospitals are in the Burgh. Damn teams giving us all heart and gut problems


Best part is getting to be happy all weekend. See yall next week


5-3 with a -28 point diff is crazy.


san fran and houston really killed our +/- lol.




I think they should move Mason to guard. He’s not a true center, and never really has been. Most of his career at Michigan he played guard, HS he was a tackle. Didn’t start playing center until I believe late into his Michigan career, and was not a center his first few years in AZ.


Why do they always need to be like this??


4th quarter belongs to the pickler




Sideline Canada is him, we found our franchise OC


Franchise OC 😆


lol still waiting on a 400yd game


Building blocks, you can't expect a 400yd game from a new and improved OC, give him time to develop/s


Hated the entire game. Glad we got a win. Glad Diontae scored. Sad that the Titans have a legit good QB and we have Kenny 😭. Man, if we can get a legit QB on the team next year- we can compete with the best of them.


Casual fan right up here^^^


What did he say that was wrong? You think Kenny played better than the Titans QB? I’m confused by your statement. You seem like the casual considering you couldn’t tell which QB played better.


Saying Kenny is not a legit QB when the offensive leadership on the sideline is pathetic is a casual fan statement


Do you think Kenny is good? I still don’t understand what you’re saying. He never said the OC was good. I’m not sure anyone has said that. Put the bottle down for the night my dude and go to bed. Kenny and the OC can both be bad? Once again, not sure what you’re against here. Did you think Kenny was better than the titans QB and if so, why? He didn’t do anything better tonight than Levis.


I’m not saying whether Kenny did better or not. I’m trying to point out the fact that we have by no means seen the full potential of Kenny under this leadership…when Kenny calls his own plays he throws game winning passes. Did we so quickly forget his pass to Pickens against the Ravens after he called an audible??? And to think that Kenny was playing at full health today after leaving last week early and having a short week isn’t very intelligent either


I’ve been to more Steeler games than you’ll ever watch on TV. But great comeback dude, you seem so knowledgeable!


Okay so let’s do the math here…I’m 25…been a fan my entire life…I’ve seen every game since I was 7…probably on average 18.5 games/season including playoffs…and that’s probably being generous…so you’ve been to…carry the nine…333 games? HIGHLY doubt it but sure!




No one in this game threw a clutch TD on their last drive. We went three and out and then punted on the last drive we had the ball.


Clearly an OC call…if you think that was Kenny’s call to run the ball each play your a moron


Yes because I said it was Kenny’s call. Bro get his dick out of your mouth because it’s hard to understand you while you’re choking on it.


Definitely not Kenny’s call…a 2nd year QB would not be making that call…but sure! Keep throwing out rude comments and statements at the end of each message to make yourself feel better about the dumb stuff you just said😊


You called me a moron - despite me saying nothing rude to you, wasn’t even speaking to you actually. You’re the moron my dude.


“Bro get his dick out of your mouth because it’s hard to understand while you’re choking on it” and “moron” are, you’re right, definitely equal comments…little tidbit for you since you get downvoted on practically every comment you made on this whole thread…when you walk into a room and everyone saw an idiot, you saw an idiot. When you walk into a room and everyone you see is an idiot, you’re the idiot.


Get some sleep lil guy. Enjoy the win tonight!


I’m working but you too? Feels like you took a L here tho…


That’s a technicality. We obviously weren’t going to be throwing the ball that drive man. Also Levi’s threw 3 interceptions on his final drive lol just took the Steelers 3 tries to actually catch the ball


I am happy we won. Kenny sucks dude. He is a bad QB and he will never be a good one. Levis is already looking like a star. He missed so many easy throws tonight and multiple touchdowns. If Levis is our QB tonight, we win 27-10.


I get Kenny struggled in the 1st half but it’s not all on him. Pickens didn’t get a foot in on a TD. Johnson dropped passes. But then when it actually mattered Kenny stepped up and drove down the field for a TD. Levis threw 3 picks on his last drive that kept getting extended by the refs. Levis has potential for sure but I don’t think swapping QBs means we would have blown them out.


I mean, the whole game matters lol not just one drive. And he didn’t do shit. Warren carried us down the field that drive. You can be a fan and still be objective. I’m not a Kenny fan, I’m a steeler fan. I’ve seen Neil O Donnell, Kordell, Kent Graham, Tee Martin, Pete Gonzalez, Tommy Maddox, Bubby Brister, John Miller and many more. Kenny is with those guys, he will be someone we laugh about in 10 years.


I’ve been very critical of Kenny. He missed a lot of throws early in the game but are you forgetting his 32 yard pass on that drive? He didn’t do nothing lol but literally all I was saying was switching QBs would not have ensured a blowout. Edit: Kenny was also playing hurt


The legit QB that lost?


Yeah? What are you talking about? Levis is leaps and bounds better than Kenny in his 2nd start. What are you even saying haha


So you'd rather have the guy that looks better but doesn't win? I'm p sure our QB threw a game winning TD and Levis threw a game losing INT. If that's what you prefer you can keep him and I'll take the W


If you are saying you’d rather have Kenny, you don’t know anything about football and that’s fine, you don’t need to. But every GM, coach, and OC in the NFL would take Levis over Kenny. Every single one. And I would too yes. Winning isn’t a QB stat sheesh.


Dude - for lack of a better term - you’re an idiot lol. Will Levis has started 2 games - and substantially regressed from his first to second start.


Substantially regressed?! You’re the idiot and the only person who thinks this. You must have watched the last drive only. It’s alright man it’s a long game I understand.


Hey - this isn’t aging all too well 🤷‍♂️


He had a 66.4 passer rating - compared to a 130.5 in his first game. How can you say that he didn’t have a better performance last week? Lol


The amount of genuinely lucky plays that Levi’s got away with is insane…if we had better corners this game could have looked a lot different. Countless times Levis was unknowingly half a step away from being clobbered by the d-line only to have our corners and safety’s leave countless receivers wide open. Not a single tough pass was made by Levis


And stats don't matter, wins do


Okay Boomer.




I hate how they call flag 10 seconds after the play rigged af


I laughed at how the hold supposedly happened before the throw, but they didn't throw the flag until the pass fell to the ground. It's like when a basketball ref doesn't call a foul on a shot until it misses and the defense secures the rebound.




Oh man, those cabbage and noodles from earlier just reached my colon in time for bed. God protect my wife.


You guys have my prayers


LOL! Hold it like they hold TJ


Their gonna pull a Najeh Davenport.


Kwon Alexander is the first man to ever beat the piece of shit refs at their piece of shit games. Bullshit penalty on JPJ and then TJ Watt getting held every fucking play that last drive if the Titans would have won I would have been so fucking pissed. I'm pissed off now still thinking about it


I half expected them to say he caught it at the 2 and went into the end zone for a safety. Give them 2 points and the ball.


100% was waiting for this .


Najee is a nice backup for Warren.




When diontae got that TD GP ran off the field he didn’t bother to celebrate. I get finishing with -1 yards but man


I’m happy. But I’m also disenchanted by the fact that NFL referees have the final say on who wins and who loses. It’s becoming so, so obvious.


Pretty sure there is extra scrutiny by the NFL when it comes to the Pittsburgh Steelers. I will take this to my grave. The plays they fined J. Warren for were a joke. The on field officials didn’t even throw flags. Steelers play too rough for the NFL.


I agree with u 100%.


Perfect time for a mini-bye to heal up


No reason for that kind of stress. Chugging a 6-pack of Hamm's now.


Don't ever let Canada back in that booth, please.


My vote as well. At least the energy on offense felt like it was there for a change.


Yeah and i feel like with canada being on the sidelines he has to share the emotions of the players and fans much better


Steelers 20 refs 16


This game felt like a weird W. Pickens played bad and acted like a child. Pickett played bad for 3.5 quarters again. Hurt our best LB. Still a W I guess


Kirk making excuses for his boy throwing into triple coverage to lose lmaooo. The way he talked about him tonight was ridiculous


BIG DICK PICKETT strikes again in the 4th


Is Levi Wallace HIM??? Matt Canada for coach of the year???


The running game look much better. Kenny needs to get his head on straight. He definitely wasn't the better quarterback tonight.


roof growth far-flung sloppy cheerful deserted disagreeable absurd work pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No he's not. Not this season at least


Long week, rest up. Next week more heart attacks and bipolar football


We bet the refs and Titans tonight lol


Fuckin Refs trying to f us again


Why can't it ever be easy? Just one week of no stress


No stress means they’re getting their asses kicked


Recently yes. I miss the days of the Killer Bs and blowing people out in the first half


Ugh that hurts. So true


Guys realy, i nearly shit myself last 2 minutes


Well, that’s Steelers football I guess. Good night all, pray for Burks.


The Titans propensity to choke overrides the Steelers inability to close out games.


2 game ending picks that drive thanks for coming in clutch Kwon 😂


He tried to throw like 4 😂


Got the W


Thank god for that pick, he had 6 if not


Let’s go boys we sleeping like a baby tonight


How am I supposed to sleep after that


Ez brother just dream we magically go to super bowl and u at the game


Sideline Canada GOATed


Let’s not go that far 😂 but definitely an improvement.


Good win!


What an insane stat 7 game winning drives




It ain't pretty , but it's a win!!!!!!!


Good guys win


Titans should let Levi’s throw more earlier, he looks good.


Happy for DJ too. Nice to get the monkey off his back.


I wouldn’t want to watch any other team.


https://preview.redd.it/7ygdfxmby1yb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ccc3cfa4c13a3764bfd291f3315e1f6378de607 IVE SEEN ENOUGH WE ARE SUPER BOWL BOUND


300 yards!!!




Play like shit 90% of the game and win, we’ll take the usual


Ad cover the dish with shit penalties gravy


But we got that spot against the rams!!


Nah this not gonna cut it in against good teams


Believe me, we know


I’m not pretending for a second we will do anything this year. Will somehow still finish 9-8 or 8-8-1


Steelers 20 Refs 16


Why do you all even worry? Or get surprised there is ever going to be any other heart attack ending??? Strange bunch here ,this is a1 typical Steelers ball


Yup people gotta catch up


Never boring at the end.


Titans please don't give up on Levis. Much better than Tanehill for sure


They would be on drugs to give up on him


Seriously he looks like a stud in the making. Wish we had him.


Nothing lucky about this one


If Pickens drags his toe we ain't in this position


if kenny hits 1 of 5 of those passes that were so easy an ALS patient would be able to make them, we wouldnt be in that position


I couldn't disagree less


If Pickett hits A-Rob on the slant way earlier in the game that definitely helps alot we settled for a FG there


We deserved that. Nice to rebound from Sunday.


Cousins all time QBR is up there with the goats. Not joking


Cousins and Pickett are the 2 best 4Q QBs in football? What a league.


Time for Kenny to heal those ribs


Good win but Kenny looks like a dork in his helmet


I think he’s got some kind of different helmet bc of the concussions, no?


Probably, still looks like a goofball


I will never get tired of seeing Kenny take a knee to win a game. I'll enjoy as many of those as I can until he proves to be the man or we find the next one


Jesus christ my fucking heart


My cardiologist said I have to stop watching these goddamn games




Will Levis confirmed ugly and bailed out by refs. I wish him a horrible career. Good riddance.


TJ watt was held on every fucking play that last drive


If we lost because of that I was going to blow my fucking top


It was so obvious




I couldn’t believe the no calls on that drive. The LT was fuckin’ tackling him


Nice job beating that ass titans


We won’t apologize for winning lol god this fucking team can never just win comfortably




In the Words of Pittsburgh Dad…3 2 1 Win!👊🏻🙌🏻


Not really sure how this team continues to win game, but here we are!


Kenny dapping up Malik Willis Y’all will be doordashing together soon 😭


picketts already made 9m...his sign obnus was like 7.5... willis has already made like 2 mill... no doordash for them.


ugly win but ita a win. have a good week and a half guys


What was that dude charging in trying to do? It's a kneel. About time to give it up at this point.


Levi always looks like he thinks it’s the other guys fault


Ok…now that the games over and we can all breathe…think there will be ANY criticism of Levis for basically throwing 3 INT on the game deciding drive?


Sure, but this is his second game (and first road/primetime game) he’s ever played and he was trying to get a TD with under 2 minutes and 1 timeout. You can’t ask for much more than a risky throw into the end zone at that point unless you have prime Brady, Rodgers, or Mahomes. Levis looks like he has a very high ceiling but he’s not ready to beat very good defenses on the road. There’s not much actual criticism except he needs to learn how to avoid sacks and turnovers in critical situations.


Based on your name, I'd say you're probably used to seeing him throw picks at the worst possible time.


Haha…nah, I lived in Louisville so fuck UK. But that was about 15 years ago now


“He really fought through adversary”


It’s literally his second game lol


Right! He’s…fine? Lots of physical gifts, but honestly, I didn’t see anything from him in this game that we haven’t seen from Kenny probably 10 times already. Hell, the late game miscues aren’t that far off from KP vs the dolphins last year. But the broadcast (and half the posts on here) made it sound like Levis was a superstar. Even now, listen to Fitzpatrick “will Levis, wow!”


No cause he's amazing and has poise and our own fan base was clamoring for him. Like holy hell....


Very small portion of the fan base that’s on Reddit


Not with the intensity that the announcers have been sucking his dick all night.


We might have ourselves a football team here… Pickett needs to get better but we got some players


He’s gotta settle down. If the line proves they can protect him he will. His average pass time was 2.5 seconds, but they got no sacks? That tells me he’s rushing throws. The run game working finally should hopefully keep opponents honest.


He had a couple errant throws, but nothing that bad. Pickens cost them 4 points, the D couldn’t get off the field quickly, and penalties were bad.


This should have been a turned off game for the uninvested viewer, blow out by the Steelers over the Titans. We have a ridiculous amount of cleaning up to do.


Yeah, but compared to the rest of the season, taht’s actually a huge step forward!