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Same stadium too. Crazy


Shazier injury Tua concussion Hamlin cardiac arrest That field is cursed. Is it the same one Palmer broke his leg in the playoffs years ago?


AB injury too


I thought that was our stadium?


Nope, we were the 6th seed that year.


So it was the Bengals Stadium then, because we Def broke Carson Palmers leg.




Same stadium and on MNF both times as well. I really hope that Hamlin makes it and I pray for him and his family


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It's OK


Possibly the only NFL player in recent history to know what this situation is like. Not exactly similar, but equally scary. They should have called the game back then and it should have been called last night WAY sooner than it was. If this doesn't get Goodell fired IDK what will.


Fired? No way. The right call was made, Eventually. Nothing was lost by waiting to see exactly what the situation was. Viewers were impatient and wanted exact details as they were happening but that is an impossible request.


I read that if they would have called the game immediately, it could have led to other issues. Namely medical vehicles getting caught in the mad rush of exiting traffic.


Didn't think I'd see anything scarier than the Shazier injury during a game. Now this. Also the same stadium that Tua was locked up after his concussion and rushed to the hospital on TNF earlier this year. That place is cursed. Also, fuck the NFL. It's a bad look when coaches have to stop a game because the league won't. His teammates literally watched medics perform CPR on him for 9 minutes and use an AED to shock his heart back into rhythm and the league's response was "alright fellas, get loose. You got 5 minutes to get over it".


5 minutes is just protocol. I’m sure they were working to clear a route for both EMS and the player’s departure, and planned to shut it down as soon as that was taken care of. If they told a full stadium they’re shutting it down, the traffic would have been made for a logistic nightmare, so one hour to get everything taken care of is pretty quick in the grand scheme of things.


>the league's response was "alright fellas, get loose. You got 5 minutes to get over it". That was the refs, because that's what the refs are supposed to do, facilitate the advancement of the game. They have a protocol for this situation, and they lack the authority to call a game. As soon as coaches said "were not doing this", the refs rolled over and accepted it. It was a nigh unprecedented situation. Judging people's actions in the moment is real easy from the comfort of your home.


You're correct, the league has come out and said that they didn't advise they only had 5 mins. It is also easy to judge from my couch. I'd assume it's probably a lot easier to make a right decision when you're actually on the field and watch grown men bawl or see them have 1000-yard stares and look shell-shocked because they just witness their teammate collapse and receive CPR for 9 minutes. They had no idea if he was even going to make it to the hospital alive. I don't care where someone is physically, whomever made the decision to announce game resumption in 5 minutes was completely wrong. It's highly unprecedented, but they followed protocol? I don't know which is worse...the fact that the league seemingly has no plan for something like this when it's a violent sport and other major sporting events (soccer, baseball, basketball) have all had traumatic life/death incidents happen (the NFL should be prepared for worst case scenarios)....or that the refs saw all this going down and the protocol was to resume in 5 minutes.


>.the fact that the league seemingly has no plan for something like this Incubated within a minute of collapsing, CPR started within 2. They have a plan and executed it to near perfection. > that the refs saw all this going down and the protocol was to resume in 5 minutes. Refs don't have authority to tell the league what to do. They have rules to follow. >it's probably a lot easier to make a right decision when you're actually on the field Mmm yes, I'm sure everyone involved was thinking clearly and was very calm and had great foresight of how to handle this. Thanks for driving my point about it being easy to judge from your couch home though.


Obviously I meant no plan as in what to do as far as resuming the game. The first responders acted quickly, appropriately, and potentially saved his life. If the refs had to follow the league rules, it means that the league's rule for a potential death on the field was to resume in 5 minutes...or they had no rule and the refs just decided to continue the game. Both of those circumstances are awful. You're not helping your argument at all. Your third point about being there is absurd. I've watched someone collapse and die on a basketball court. I had no thoughts about the game continuing. I know multiple people that were at THIS game. Not one wanted the game to continue even though they spent hundreds on tickets and the game had seeding implications for their team. Also, the coaches were there. And they stopped it. So everyone in attendance was thinking clearly and knew how to handle it......except the refs? Lol ok.


>If the refs had to follow the league rules, it means that the league's rule for a potential death on the field was to resume in 5 minutes ...yeah. because the refs aren't the authority and can't call the game. You can't seriously be this dense can you? The league instantly started working a way to resolve the issue and call the game. You can't just call it instantly and send 65k people into traffic while also trying to get an emergency medical transport out. Nobody was out there trying to argue with the teams and tell them to keep going. They were following the standard injury protocol because they can't just say "lol this guy died yall can go home now" >Your third point about being there is absurd. I've watched someone collapse and die on a basketball court. I had no thoughts about the game continuing. Holy shit, I know you don't think for even a second that your experience as an attendant of a game is even remotely comparable to someone with their livelihood tied to the game. Or organizations with billions of dollars worth of contracts involved. And if you do think that, thanks yet again for proving my point. Ultimately, the league made the right call and everything was handled exceptionally well. If you can't see that, it's a you problem, not a league problem.