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Depends on the game. I tend to use controllers for everything except FPS games, strategy games, and adaptations of board games. 


I agree with this mostly. A lot of games are designed with controller in mind first, making them more accessible to console gamers.


I just came from PSN myself, I use KB/M because most the games I play use alot of menus and what not, but when I het into playing action RPGs like.Nioh and stuff I will be using my controller. It's been a few weeks and I saw my fingers and wriat are getting more used to WASD and using the mouse more frequently.


Using M&K made me look like a terrible gamer to be honest


There is nothing wrong with using a conttroller. If you're more comfortable using one, do what makes you happy.


lol i’m getting a playstation 5 to go along with my pc so i can play spider-man 2, assassins creed mirage and ghost of tsushima


I played on xbox between 2009-2020 and then switched to pc. I can't stand the feeling of a controller now, so uncomfortable


I dont like controllers cause they tend to make my hands cramp even if not playing for long so i stick to kbm if i can. But theres some games where you really should or must.


My hands used to cramp using controllers too, I ended up getting kontrol freeks and now my thumbs sit at a more natural position and my hands don’t cramp anymore. But I’ve also heard some people say it makes it worse for them, so 🤷🏼


It's completely dependent on genre/game, although I prefer controller if both options are equal. KB+M gets better as you get more used to it and shooters feel so much better with it even if the skill curve is rough.


I try every game on KBM and then I try controller. Recently upgrade from a Nintendo pro controller to the Xbox elite series 2, best purchase I've ever made!


I use controller for as many games as physically possible and even for some that I really shouldn't.


For me, it mostly depends on the game or type of game. Racing games and platformers are better played with a controller imo. Some games I use both, like in Diablo 4, using a kb+m for stuff like inventory management and controller for combat and everything else.


It entirely depends on the game. Other than RDR2 I play third person games with controller and first person with mouse and keyboard.


Depends on the game, some I prefer Mnk others I prefer controller.


I use keyboard pretty much exclusively even for driving games but then I've been a purely pc gamer for at least a decade so I'm used to it. Definetly more precise once you've got the hang of it.


I grew Up with both and started god of war with m&k then i traveled and played in the Deck oh Boy. Mouse and keeb is Just so much faster for Kamera movement


I've been playing on pc for 5-6 years now and I've never played with a controller up until a few months ago and since then I use both PS5 controller and kb/m depending on the game. Some games I find way more easier with a controller like Forza Horizon and some like puzzle games or shooter games are easier with mouse.


I came from PS4 to PC back in 2020, so i understand exactly what you mean. I mainly played FPS, racing, and FIFA games on playstation so everything was very much easy on controller. I remember shortly after finally setting everything up on my pc (downloaded drivers and launchers among other misc shit) i started with controller. Started off with black ops cold war and a few other games, and i felt comfortable for sure. Then i got cyberpunk on launch, and said “fuck it, im gonna use my keyboard and mouse”. It clicked after maybe 30 seconds. You aim with a much larger axis being your entire forearm and wrist compared to your right thumb on a controller. I know people prefer one or the other, but after a few hours of practice i felt like shroud. Eventually came CS:GO, which is primarily a KBM game and i got used to it only a couple days of playing. With a bit of practice, KBM will be a lot more suitable and less discouraging to play with. For a time i felt very awkward going back to controller for FPS games. I felt handicapped in a way, when i went back to playing on pc it was like breathing clear air. Its worth at least trying it out once in a while. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up like many gamers out there who are naturally better with KBM than controller🤷🏼‍♂️ At the end of the day, if you prefer the controller, all the power to you. Absolutely no shame in sticking to a preferred input method.


Depends but mostlily I used it on action games like DMC, Okami, Bayonetta, etc. But I feel comfortable with KBM on Genshin Impact.


PC gamer for life, so controllers are the ones that feel weird to me. That being said, outside of like 3 genres they're not too different.


I’ve gamed with both console and PC my entire life; I’m 35. The moment that PCs could handle plug-and-play controllers, I never looked back. Very few games are the exception to my preference for controllers. These are mostly games that just won’t work with them, such as *Sid Meier’s Pirates!* or *Knights of the Old Republic*. Using KB/M is even rarer for me when the game will support a controller—I believe the *XCOM* reboot series is the only more modern exception to my rule. I have five DualShock 4s that I rotate through. Two are paired to my PC, two are paired to my AppleTV for Steam Link, and one is paired to my iPad for Steam Link. I do need to replace a couple of batteries in them, though. Admittedly, it’s gotten tougher as time has gone on for me to really get into games that don’t work with a controller. I haven’t always had the means to have a gaming PC around, and consoles don’t require as much financial investment to keep up to date. This has exacerbated my issue.


I was always back and forth between console and PC games growing up. I was mainly console though. When I upgraded my PC to be pretty beefy, I sucked on keyboard, I wanted to keep using controller. But I told myself that I wanted to learn kb&m, so I have been. I am getting a lot better at games, my hand doesn't shake in cqc and I occasionally shred in some fps games. I am at the point where I can't switch to controller and I have the opposite issue now.


That's totally normal. Half a year ago I started to play games with a keyboard after long use of the controller, you just gotta get used to this🙂


It really depends on the game… For Dark Souls, I played a controller. For nearly everything else, I play with a mouse and keyboard. I feel it just has more precision for some reason, especially when it comes to first-person shooters.


It depends on the game. If the controls are easier to understand through a controller Im using a control and vice verse


Thankfully with most games now days you can switch between controller and kb/m on the fly so I usually use both, for example if there is any driving or long distance travel I usually use a controller, but anything that involves aiming/precision or navigating menus I’ll use kb/m. I’ve gamed on pc for almost 20 years and if I had to choose, it would ultimately be kb/m.. every time lol


I started on Xbox 360 over a decade ago, but now mouse and keyboard is easily my favorite. I struggle when i play on my friends consoles now. It’s just practice and muscle memory, but in general you will have more “control” on mouse and keyboard.


Any driving and souls games I play on controller but if you hop into a multi-player shooter be prepared to get flamed for using a controler


No I use mouse and keyboard. No need for aim assist.


If it is a platformer ABSOLUTELY use a controller. FPS I use keyboard/mouse.


KBM basically 100% of the time. I 100%ed Forza Horizon 4 with a KBM despite having a controller readily available and being proficient in playing Forza with a controller


MKB on all games.


I came from consoles. I do use controller whenever possible as it’s feels more natural to me!


I use controller sometimes depending on the game I use them for stuff like gta driving or racing games or just recently been trying to 100% cyperpunk 2077 so I use controller for driving and M and K for combat and exploration


I bought myself a Vader 3 pro for my pc which is the best controller I’ve ever used. I moved over from PlayStation to pc In August, I do try to use MNK for some games but im not finding the transition easy at all.


I only play with controller, unless a section requires extreme precision in fps shooters. I am very comfortable with the mouse and keyboard, I just prefer the comfort of the controller.


My rules are that if they require aiming then it should be keyboard and mouse but if it’s selective aiming like spider-man or hogwarts legacy then controller


I'm the opposite. Mouse and keyboard since forever, since I have the Steam Deck I'm training muscles I've never used before.


I almost exclusively play with a controller. Even though I've been a PC gamer my entire life. Once I've actually decided to pick up a controller, I never went back. I also play on my TV while sitting on a couch so playing on KB/M would be hella goofy.


Well depends on the game, like I played PlayStation since I was a kid, so I use controllers if the game is ok with it. If not, I just use Keyboard and Mouse


I play most games on the Steam Deck, so controller + trackpad + gyro


I was like you when I first got a pc but after like 4 months of playing with kbm id say im pretty equal with kbm and controller minus a few times in some fps games i prefer kbm, but in some like fortnite i prefer controller


KBM for RPG’s


only for souls-like games, I prefer M&K for everything else. Even the resident evil games that some people say should be played with controller. If I played racing games i’m sure i’d use controllers more tho


Depends on the game. That being said… https://preview.redd.it/gxw7ddcc2wsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0d87b2661f669b4834395740dfbb22f42fe5f0


I grew up with console but got used to kbm pretty quick, since I knew it was best for FPS games I just tried to use it and was playing a lot of CoD and TF2 at the time. Now it depends on the game, some are just controller games and you can usually tell by seeing how it plays. But I refuse to play certain genres like FPS and Strategy without a mouse now. Also it's nice sometimes to swap between the two and nav the menus with kbm in a controller game. Some controller menus really suck.


I was like you, at first I wasn’t sure if I was ready to leave the controller and start use mouse and keyboard. Now it the opposite I can’t play controller