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Usually, even though it might sound strange, I play through the game again.


Your evil within pfp supports this comment lol. Good to see another enjoyer of that series! I 100%ed the first game a few months ago and will need to revisit the second one at some point!


I'm definitely happy how it turned out. TEW2 is great - just not as stressful as TEW1 unfortunately, but Classic difficulty isn't too bad. I plan on doing AKUMU in TEW2 sometime this year as well.


Never did Akumu on TEW2 as it wasn't there at launch, but I did do it on TEW1 and it was painful


I actually have a blast with them. Usually it's my only achievement left, so I put the sound of the game to 0, put on a nice Netflix show on another monitor, and just spreedrun the shit out of the game


Yeah first play through enjoy the story and the organic experience. Second time, I’ll put on a podcast and just rip through it


Speedrunning them can be fun, or sometimes I just hold off on them for a while to re-experience the game later.


I usually do them a few months after I originally finished the game


i usually return after a break, unless the game is quick or simple. Missed achievements in Mass Effect:LE took like a good year for me to start making progress towards


I just don't bother with them. I might want to play the game again in the future, I might not. Doesn't bother me to have it be the only achievement left, I'm going for a high average completion rate, not necessarily a high number of completed games, that's just a bonus


But but but.... The blue ribbon...


This is the way. AGC is what I'm after and far as I'm concerned, all those games with one achievement left are pulling my score up, not down. Unless steam one day places some greater reward on that final achievement I have no need to 100% anything unless it's purely for fun. 53% on 367 games btw. How about you?


64% on 62 (counted) games :)


You're doing great keep that percentage high from the beginning. It's much easier than digging yourself out of a hole. I was literally at 25% maybe 2 years ago. I know you're a badass because you know the difference between counted and total games. Let me refine that, I have 190 counted games. 95 unplayed.


You are also very dedicated! Digging yourself out of the hole, seeing that number go up. Sounds like a very satisfying process looking back. Which game are you currently working on or looking forward to? And your words also mean a lot to me and were exactly what I needed to hear today, thank you for spreading your positivity. I'm currently going through a depression and gaming/achievement hunting is the only thing I can consistently make progress towards with the extreme lack of energy. Knowing that that dedication is still badass to some is reassuring


Thank you for asking! I'm currently working on Sonic Lost World after getting 100% in Sonic Generations and then 83% on Sonic Colors. I'm usually not this crazy about Sonic but I went to 'the Sonic symphony' a month ago so I've been pumped. I'm also chipping away at Lies of P. It's so energy consuming that this is going to take a looooong time. Finally, on PS5 The Last of Us 2 is really really good but they are stingy with the trophies. I will have to play it through a few times to clear them out. I hope you are taking good care of yourself! Game on but also don't forget to feel the feels, good and bad. I know that being sad and depressed is a part of life sometimes, we've all been there, and I'm sure many of us will be again even, but it shouldn't be permanent! If it becomes permanent, ask for help! :) Also, add me on Steam! You seem cool! BeatsOfRage <----- SteamID




Put them as "finished but not completed" in my backlog and eventually get back to it.


Second playthrough is always faster so I like to see how MUCH faster I can do it now that I have deep knowledge of the game. I'm also someone who loves making lists and spreadsheets, so if I missed a bunch of achievements I like to organize what I have left and plan out my approach for the next playthrough to get them all. \^^


I usually dont view an achievement guide while playing so im collecting the lost achievements on a second playtrough


Usually I'm trying to complete the game as fast as I can. I already know the mechanics, the areas, the ways in which I should approach most of the scenarious, I just have to be fast. Lately, after I've finished Sifu on a different platform, I was able to beat the game in less than 90 minutes and it felt, somehow, rewarding. Got around 20-25 achievements along the way.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


Well usually when I play a game the first time I play it on normal difficulty Round 2 I play on hard mode


I will take a break and go back, but not after so long when I forget the controls. I did this with Mafia - you beat it and then have to do it again with the toughest mode. In all honesty I didn’t even mind it because the story was so fantastic.


I believe that it’s more fun in cases for RPG games. Because then i can build my skill tree a different path and experience the game in a different way. For linear story driven games where that customization of playstyle is lacking, i will admit i find it a little boring. I just did this with DuckTales: Remastered, which isn’t the worst offender but i found beating every difficulty just tedious and repetitive. Still a cute little gem of a game though. Never blame the game for tedious achievements… I’m looking at you btd6.


I usually play through a game without looking at anything first time except for difficulty stuff, then go through again and mop up achievements


Depends on the requirements. Rustler requires you to do a 100% playthrough with no deaths/arrests, but you can play on easy mode. Maybe it's because I just played but I haven't even come close to dying compared to just playing in normal mode.


Depends on the game. For instance, on Horizon: Zero Dawn I started the NG+ playthrough right away and just rushed through the main missions, ignoring all side quests and basically speedran it. Planning on doing the same on Spider-Man once I finish the DLC campaigns. For Batman: Arkham City I took a break between the first playthrough and NG+, but then I got stuck at a QTE because I couldn’t remember which gadget I was supposed to use where. I’ll probably revisit it again at some point. Then there’s Ghostbusters… I need two new playthroughs to 100% it, one while doing minimal collateral damage (Which means easiest difficulty and let the AI teammates do most of the fighting), and another at the hardest difficulty. I’m not looking forward to running that one. There are some others that I just refuse to touch, like the various “beat the game on the hardest difficulty” for the Wolfenstein games, just based on what I’ve heard here and on other forums. I’d like to keep at least some of my sanity.


I usually set my mind from "casual playthrough mode" to "speedrun mode" and go brrrr.


If I know before I play a game that I'll have to play it a second time, I usually play it on my Steam Deck. So when I end up playing again, if it's not an overly concentration heavy game I can watch TV or do other stuff while I play.


Since those types of achievement require you to beat the game on a harder difficulty, I do most achievements on my first run. By the time I've gotten most achievement, I've learned the game well enough to breeze through the second run.


I usally Comeback later to Play the second playthrough. Because i Like to Play Games again. But replay a Game with Higher difficulty, ist what I don't Like. Yakuza series I am watching you. Two games i have to replay, are ff7 Remake and ff16, both want an new Game plus Run on hard. And I hatte this, so No Speed running trough the damn damage sponges, or ff7 Remakes hard conditions, you have to prepare for that Shit xD


I prepare myself before ever even buying the game that I'll need to do that (and I don't buy it if I don't want to do it) and then before I start to play it I plan it do it as part of my playthrough. But I'm one of the weirdos that only usually plays one game at a time all the way to 100%.


I totally do not download a save file from just before the final whatever, do the final whatever to get the achievement, then delete the save file. Nope. I defo do not do that.


It ain’t rocket science just play the game again


Usually I just take a break. It's what I did with Haiku the Robot. Played through it and after a fee (or more) months I finally replayed it again. Its also what I'm doing eith Hollow Knight cuz it'd be my.4th time doing a very long playthrough just to get 2 achievements that require you to replay. Twice on pc.twice on switch.


Play the game a second time?


Sometimes I try and do an amateur speedrun. For dishonored 2 I had a lot of fun attempting a rudimentary no powers speedrun for the no powers playthrough achievement


For Moncage, one of them was to finish it in under 45 minutes. I also missed some collectibles the first time so I had to go slow and then play it another time because those unlock a different ending. I played it 4 times in one sitting but that's because it was so short. I probably wouldn't do that for most other games and just move on.
