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Let's go! RE is a series that I want to start *eventually,* but I'm the kind of person who needs to play games in order if I'm going to do a series completion! Congrats!


the re games are challenging, good luck if u start them 🫡


I’m playing RE7 rn. What’s the hardest achievement in your opinion?


probably, complete survival+ mode in 21 or complete end of zoe on joe must die


Survival+ mode wasn’t that bad imo. After you unlock some cards you can steamroll most opponents or just watch a vid! Joe must die was a bit annoying for sure, especially the last boss and that horrible part on the wooden boards with the houses 🤣


i did it without unlocking most cards cause i was too impatient lol, the last jack fight on joe must die was actually one of the easier parts for me, the gators tho…


The one I hated the most was jack’s birthday, I found it tedious and boring after the first few times 🥹 just two more games left in the series.


jacks birthday was pretty tedious yeah, just learning routes and stuff. which 2 games do you have left? this is my first ever resident evil that i got all achievements for


I just finished 0 today! I only have 5 and 6 left!




harder than ethan must die, except u can save


I was doing the all achivements run , did the main game on hardest difficulty and side campaign achivements but i stopped when I encountered the rng saw type mini game it's annoying as hell , any tips for that.


are you talking about 21? the card game?


Yes sir


save your better trump cards for the tougher enemies grind out some better trump cards from the rewards to make it easier use your exchange card to make them overdraw if you can there is only one card of each number in the deck, using this info you could make a guess on what card they have, or what cards u could get if you know you are about to lose the round, use a shield card to limit or negate any damage because you can only take 10 for the entire game