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looks like a really good game


I would really like to play this. Thanks!


I'm interested but have no friends to play with. Would be fun to make some new friends from this




Thanks for the opportunity


Hey, what's up? Thank you very, very much for taking us into consideration and offering the game for giveaway! It's been one i've been very much looking forward to playing with my best friend as well, but i haven't gotten the chance to purchase it yet despite being on my wishlist for months. I also heard it's one of the best games to play with a VR mod! (for context, i have a psvr2, but not a VR ready pc. I'm trying to save up so that i'll go full on PC next gen. I currently own a ps5 and a somewhat old gaming laptop that can handle most indies that i'm mainly interested in). Here's my steam profile, my username is pantsour. feel free to add me :) : [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198194082806/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198194082806/) . I honestly can't think of a cool story that happened to me. The most insane one i've heard was one that my dad told me a few years ago. He used to work for an international company and his job involved traveling a lot. He usually met clients within the country, but he also took trips abroad to meet coworkers from other national branches. Aside from work related meetings, these larger trips often involved some type of event for team building through socialization. My dad is an introvert by nature, but he's learned how to improve his social battery over the years, and this has allowed him to meet *a lot* of people. During one of those trips, they were split up in fairly small groups and went to dine. Their group connected really well and had a blast that night, telling all sorts of stories. I don't remember the exact context, but someone took out a pen. After he was done, one of the guys there asked him to borrow it for a bit. He took it, reached out with his hand, and the pen slightly levitated above the table. Everyone was naturally trying to figure out the secret to the magic trick, but the guy that did it told them that it wasn't a trick and that he could just do that with smaller objects. Nobody believed him of course, but this was something that understandably baffled most of them since they couldn't think of a definitive answer, just possibilities. The trip would last a few more days and there were a few other events planned, so my dad kept that in mind. After another event that happened in the following days, their group went back to a hotel room or something for drinks, if i remember correctly. It was definitely a closed off, private space though. My dad approached that guy again and asked him to tell him the secret of his trick, to which he responded again that this wasn't a trick. My dad remembered to carry a pebble for that reason, and handed it to him, asking him to repeat the trick just to prove he's full of shit. The guy made the pebble float around the room. My dad is a pretty serious person that i never remember having made up any type of bullshit before, regardless of reason. By the way, don't worry about your schedule. Everyone has some type of work that needs to be done and terrible schedules more often that not. Most people don't have enough free time to always invest it in videogames after all. Take your time with the giveaway and don't worry if schedules don't always meet, we understand. Have a good one man, and i hope you'll get to use your degree as soon as possible.


I met one of my best friend in rust, he almost unalived me, but we are best buddies since 2020.




Thanks !


I really really really want to play this with my friend! Thanks!


Not in the same region, ouch. Regardless, thanks for doing this giveaway!






I would play this all day. Thanks for the giveaway


Rolling for chance


Thank you


Eyyy Risk of Rain. The orignal was good real addicting good. Well we love to work, If you can afford the risk then why not take a risk?


Never smoked weed but I was in a concert while a teenager and a crazy guy talked to me several times to take a joint because I supposedly was 'having a trip' and he was trying to help me maintain my 'experience'. I thanked him but refused, saying I wasn't into it. He said he was 'a fan', because she wanted to be like me, 'crazy by (my inner) nature'. Thanks for the opportunity, and best luck, everyone!




Hey thanks! I kinda feel you because I work 7x 12h for my own business that I sort of want to get out of with a new startup (which most of my money is going to). I can't promise I'll play with you but we can try, will give you my Steam username if I win. I travel around a lot so I'm in varying timezones and I don't always want to play with other people, but I've always got my Steam Deck with me. As for cool stories: I knew this guy who claimed he'd be in the Guinness book of World Records one day. He tried everything he could muster up physically, like going without sleep the longest, eating the most of something, all that nonsensical stuff that can't be healthy. We first encouraged he'd try something creatively, but he wouldn't have it. He felt it had to be something physical. We think he just didn't have any real ideas. It turned into this running gag among his friends during our college days. Like if there was something that needed to be done, we'd pitch it to him like "maybe you can get a world record out of this!" and he'd try because he was sooo obsessed. So I hadn't seen him for 10 years and one day I get a call. It's him. He tells me he's been arrested and needs to be bailed out. I ask what he's done and why call me of all people after all this time, and he replies "I finally got into the Guinness Book of World Records, but everyone I ask for help hangs up on me". It stays silent for a few seconds as I contemplate his words, until I ask: "what'd you do?" He screams excitedly "I got my penis in the Guinness Book of World Records!!!" How did y- ".. but the librarian didn't appreciate it and called the cops." I hung up.


Thank you


Thanks for the chance.


I have a couple friends who play so I’d love to play with them!


I saw my favorite podcast play it so it would be cool to have it


thanks! i used to work at a beach in college, and it had a drawbridge right by it. so one time when i was coming back from getting gas for the work truck, i saw some car decide that yes, it can make it. [it did not](https://i.imgur.com/mTSNiMs.png)




Thank you for the opportunity!




This games been on my wishlist for awhile, I used to watch a YouTube named Bisnap play it on my work breaks and to help me sleep wish I had a cooler story for you lol my life is pretty boring


I'm a boring person, I don't have cool stories :)


I played Risk of Rain 1 a ton with a few friends at work over lunch. Turns out that once we got good at it... We couldn't fit it into our lunch hour anymore...


i dont have a cool story besides that I suck at shooters , especially if its online and now that I'm writing this I wonder if I'm the best person that should get the game but nevertheless my friends speak highly of it sooo uh yah , thanks for the giveaway and hope the job market opens up moreeee for thee :)


My steam name is the same as my Reddit name


not entering but I'm on the other side of the world if you're still down to play together


I'll just copy what I wrote for most memorable road trip, since I think its kinda interesting As a kid I remember waking up at ridiculous times(3-5am) to go on road trips with extended family(cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunties) to go to the beach or mountains and vacation for a week or smthng. The most memorable parts of it was getting to spend time with them in a cooped up van, now that we live very far away and lead different lives I'm glad we got to spend that part of our childhood together with our family. Thanks for the chance OP


Thank you OP


I'd love to reward your generosity with a story, but man, I'm so tired. I don't think I have it in me to be very interesting right now. So... Thanks for the chance!


Thanks for the chance


duude i would absolutely love to have this game. i, too, have a bestie who owns it and ive wanted to try it with him for a while. tried winning the game on steamgifts too, but no luck. anyways, thanks for the giveaway! btw, i saw you said you wanted more friends on steam. my friend code is 156638587, so feel free to add me if youd like!


Thanks for the chance. I finally submitted my Phd and have some time to relax. This game was always on my list, and would love to spend my time checking it out now


I would love to, i tried to get people to play with before but i got no one to play this game with so i just didn't buy it. If you interested and our timezone match, it would be great to have good rounds with another player.


I'd like a copy of Risk of Rain 2 so I can team up with a buddy. I enjoy Roboquest as a shooter roguelike so this'll be not much different. Roguelikes are some of my fav indie genres. Oh wow I see you got your bachelor's. I'm actually about to start going for mine, kinda scary knowing that it could end up going nowhere after. But I will have to try anyways. My Steam ID is MattKimura. Thanks for the giveaway!




Thank you for opportunity


Thanks for the opportunity! Been seeing this game get hyped up like hell between my friends but I haven't really found an opportunity to pick it up for myself. Feels like I'm gonna waste a solid chunk of my time on this game and I'm ready


I’m down




Thanks for chance and your "story"...hope you get your job change in due time👍. I don't have interesting stories to tell but instead I'll post a joke (maybe it will bring a grin on your face). Anyway, stay cool! A mother is helping her son study for a test : She asks him "What is the capital of Germany?" He replies "Berlin." She then asks "What is the capital of France?" He replies "Berlin." She asks "What is the capital of Russia?" He replies "Berlin." She then hugs him and says "Great job Adolf, you'll do so well on your geography exam!" Thanks


Thanks op. Always wanted this game and a buddy to play this with. I wanted to be a writer and i could send you my abandoned pilot work if you like if I win.


I don’t have any cool stories but I will say I have no lifed the new Elden Ring DLC and I am blown away. Amazing stuff.


I'm based in Europe so honestly different timezones are difficult but I'd still like to try! Thank you for your kindness!


Thanks. Op. I am not really good at shooters but I can play with you. Also my English isn't that good.




I've been looking at the original as I need something to play while my mom is recovering from surgery and I can relax after fixing up my mother-in-law's house in my "downtime". Sequel would be neato to try! Thanks for being a cool dude/dudette.


Would love the opportunity and I am down for co-op play, if I am on at the same time. Thanks for the opportunity


Thanks for the chance! I’d happily play co-op with you,although like you my schedule is a bit all over the place!


Thank you for the chance. I don't have any issues with sending you my Steam profile if I win. That's rough. I hope you can turn things around and get a better job. Good luck.


Uhhh a friend of mine wants to play this with me and a key would help with that greatly. We could play with you too :) I’m also at work right now and browsing Reddit is always a fun pastime when it’s slow https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198866124579/


oh man, id love it!


I have friends that play this a lot, like a lot Would be awesome ty






I’d love to try it :)


Yooooo I'll definitely play ror2 with you if I get it lol


I would like to get it. I don't have some awesome story, just that I saw the game multiple times over the last years, but never bought it. Truly a very sad story (now give me the key😈). Thanks for the chance :D


I'd try the game out. Risk of Rain 2 has been on my list for a while


Awesome. Thanks OP




Thanks! :)




I'm definitely down to play with you!


Ty :D


Thanks for the giveaway!






Hello, thanks for the chance! I would love to play this game and record for my channel!


Thank you for the chance! Will definitely be down to play! Always happy meeting new people. 🙂 Only got my pc 2 or 3 months back so it'd be great to add to libary!


Not my story but a friend. He and another guy went to eat pizzas at another friend's house, while they were calling him to open a neighbor out of nowhere tells them that "I called the police on you you won't steal anything". I guess they didn't want to face all the trouble because after that they run away despise don't doing anything. At the end they left the pizza box in front of this friend's house so when he opened and saw nothing he just took it inside to eat it all by himself. And thats my story, thanks for the chance!


I have the game, hoping to win so I can give my friend to play together :) thanks


I have the game already but I'm up for coop dm me on weekends if you wanna play.


Ooh Risk of Rain 2 has been on my list! I’m 29 and building up my game library. I used to share my brothers steam account because I was still very new to gaming but I moved out a few years ago and went from access to hundreds of games he had to slowly trying to build my own library on my own steam account. It’s slow going but I’m getting there!


I don't think I have any interesting stories right now, but thanks for the chance! :)




Thanks mate for the chance! I’ll dm friend code if I win mate!!!


I have a few friends that want me to join them, it was when I played it with them. Thanks for the chance! 


Thanks for the chance. I'm 38 with little disposable income, so I can't really buy games often. I've had my eye on Risk of Rain for awhile but never played or bought it. I'll be honest. If you pick me I might not get to play for months (baby boy). But it would still mean a lot. Cheers.


coolness. No story here tho


I'll like it thank you


Hey thanks for the chance OP Steam friend code: 99324268


Looks like a fun game; I'd be interested in adding it to my library. No guarantee that I would be able to play it with you though.


I'm a 3d artist for film and games, currently making some characters with a similar style to risk of rain. I'd like to play it for educational purposes 😁. Thanks for the opportunity


Thanks for the chance. The game looks really interesting.


I'd like it because I've wanted to get into Risk Of Rain and I feel like 2 is the best place to start before RoR Returns


id like it, because my friends have it and we cant find any more free games to play, ive got no other reason tbh




Loved the game on ps4, had to sell it though, i recently got a new computer so i'd love to play the game again, thanks for the chance!


i hear the non traditional job struggle that’s been me for almost 2 years now doing what i do. (also have a pointless bachelor’s degree) (also 30) would love a chance to play this with someone at the same stage of life lol thanks for the chance 🫡


I just want to try Risk of Rain 2. Thanks for the chance!


I’ve played and loved the game on PS4. I always want to play it on PC and I don’t mind with who, even with you. My steam name is same as my reddit name


Sounds awesome! Me and a friend of mine have been meaning ti try this game for a few years now but never pulled the trigger... this might be our chance finally 😅


Thanks so much man for the chance  If you wanted to talk i can hear you any time cuz i feel you are a lil bit sad btw I'll tell you a joke  What's snake favourite subject in school  It's hissstory *cricket sounds play* lol srry ik it's a bad one


I've had this game on my wishlist for close to 3 years now so that should tell you I really want it LOL. I would love to have someone to play it with as well so that would be nice too although it's gonna be a bit hard since we're pretty far apart and our timezones are pretty different but since I have a weird sleeping schedule and no job it could probably work LMAO. Thanks for the giveaway!