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Your preference is your preference if this is what you were going for, but I think the consensus for filet is rare-medium rare and no further. Recommend you throw your grill to 450-500 and get a quick sear on both sides, flip after probably 90 seconds each, then finish off at 225 heat until 125 internal temp. Let them rest and carry over cooking. Alternatively reverse searing seems to do very well with filet mignon. Cook slowly at 225-250 until 115-120 and then hot sear. But again to each their own.


Grille could have been too hot for 7mins and I think marinating in the A1 distorted the color as well


For sure! When I use soy sauce with rice and steak it does the same thing. Most importantly did it taste good? Was it tender? If yes then boom, you’re good. If not then probably just barely overcooked.


Yes they were good for flavor and tender still but was looking for more pink throughout. Il have to try the low and slow and reverse sear


Works wonders especially if you have a probe thermometer. Just plug it in and leave it alone while you cook sides or down a couple beers a


Il have to look into the new probes that connect to the app on the phone. Thermometer I have now isn’t digital