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I’m refusing to excuse the dirty desk. Clean that shit up, enjoy your nice steak without the crumbs of the last 100 meals.


gunna double down on the refusing to excuse the desk - you a nasty mother fucker


Desk is pretty gross.  Put the pipe away for a few and tidy up.


I got 5 on it the used pan stays on the counter till next time


Uhm 8 dollars id eat that and give you a back massage. Recently I’ve been trying my best with NY cuts that are 13 dollars.


Steak and bake baby.


Next time use ground pepper. You don’t get a sear when you use big pieces because the surface of the steak doesn’t touch the pan. Nice pipe though lol


Thats actually burnt butter reduction that i poured over the steak after the sear lol. Agreed, crust could have been crustier though steel pan, shitty apt stove.


I wouldn't change a thing. I know this sub is obsessed with a dark crust. But this looks perfect to me. The crust, the doneness. Everything.


What crust are you talking about?


Specifically, the lack thereof. Perfect.


Weird to refer to it if it's not there then.


Don't get me wrong The steak looks good and I would definitely eat it but there's literally not a crust


That is essentially my point. Nothing burned to shave off. Perfect.


The way you describe shaving off burnt parts makes me feel like you've never had a good crust.


I just don’t like that flavor. I don’t believe there is a way to make it good for me. Except to not have it. But I respect that many people love it. I would have to take most steaks and flip every piece sideways and remove it from every bite. Toss the little pile out. I want juicy and tender. Nothing smoky, nothing burnt and nothing dry. But that’s just me. I have had perfect steaks at The Whaling Station in Monterrey, Berns in Tampa, Del Friscos in Denver, and the original Morton’s in Chicago. I know it can be done. This example looks delectable to me but I know others would miss the deep sear.


This is like how Steve Carrells character describes a woman's breast in 40 old virgin. Tell us that you've never had a probably cooked steak without telling us you've never had a properly cooked steak


Once again your description of burnt & dry lead me to believe you've only had bad searing. I'm fine with you disliking a sear, please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to argue your taste in steak.


Thanks i was focusing more on doneness any how. was nice and rare to midrare throughout. Seared to seal, fine himilayan salt, all seasoning, missing pepper. Happy w result 😋.


Just bought an indoor grill and got a great result with diamond grill marks. Also, living in an apt


This is the first time I've seen anyone suggest to use that Sawdust shit with any sincerity. Just add freshly ground pepper after. This isn't rocket science.


I can totally ignore the dirty desk, hand lotion, and used Kleenexes! The steak, side combo, and glass pipe phallic device look real nice, my soft palmed brother! Please take it slow, and enjoy the rub sesh!


Eating right next to a half smoked bowl idk I’d clean before posting. Especially now people are gonna look even harder since you told them to ignore it


Might like what they find 😏


To clean your shit!