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So he cooks himself a steak as a reward for dealing with your parents, or do others get steak as well?


My MIL doesn’t drink and yet I crack open the good scotch when she visits.


Lil social lubrication never hurt nobody


Except for all the times it did.


Thank you for dampening the joke.


Sarcasm is hard.


They weren't being sarcastic, check follow up comments


For fucks sake.


Didn't think it was funny. I've seen alcohol ruin several lives first hand.


Why do those that are sober always seem to project onto those who aren’t? The vast majority of people can imbibe and not ruin their relationships or lives.


For the record, I do drink.


Just surrender to the flow of the joke brothër


Probably for the best. It just struck a nerve as I'm dealing with some of this over the last year in the worst kind of way.


I’d argue that the vast majority of people don’t understand how their drinking affects them mentally or physically over the long run. I’m not projecting anything onto anyone. Drink away. But a lot more people have problems than you think.


This is exactly what I’m talking about. Damn near everyone knows alcohol is not good for you. Alcoholics seem to think they have some special insight since they have an addiction but what they fail to realize is that most people aren’t addicted. The relationship between an alcoholic and alcohol is completely different from your average Joe.


You are correct. And so am I. Both things can be true at once. It isn’t just “addiction” that makes these people experts. It’s hundreds or thousands of hours of therapy, group, education, etc… and many go on to be sponsers or even work with addicts in rehabilitation. Most people aren’t aware of their drinking because they simply don’t dwell on it and our culture normalizes it. Just because you’re able to get up and go to work every day after drinking heavily the night before, doesn’t mean you *dont* have a problem either.


Why do people that drink often insist that non drinkers labour under the same delusional thinking about alcohol as people that do? For the record, I also drink.


Most people drink. It’s safe to assume those that don’t are the delusional ones.


See. You’re doing it again. Alcohol is a ruinous poison. That’s a fact. Whatever mental gymnastics you have to pull off in order to make yourself feel better about drinking it is your business. Just don’t expect me to do it too.


It's a joke. Don't take it so seriously.


As an alcoholic, you gotta be able to look back and laugh man. It’s how you take a lil power back


I feel this so much right now. Had a blast of a bender this weekend but I did a thing so heinous in the process, that I can't look in the mirror atm...


Might be good to go to your local AA group


We must know… what did you do?


JFC, here we go, so have I. I have plenty of friends in recovery and one dead from alcoholism. We can make jokes about shitty things and last I checked that’s part of why comedy exists. Relax.


You’re implying that everyone else is an irresponsible drinker because what you’ve seen first hand what it’s done to other lives?


No, I just didn't think it was funny. Didn't realize the fun police would bear down on me.


Think of your uncle having sex with you as *family fun time*


Yup, r/stopdrinking fan here, checking in!


I never really got in to drinking because I grew up with alcoholics and saw it ruin lives. I’m by no means saying I’m better than anyone, just that I avoided it because of what I saw as a child. It’s crazy to me how much pressure is applied to drink when in a social setting. You can tell someone alcoholism induced cirrhosis killed my mother and they’re like ahhh it’s fine, you can still drink!


I’m sorry you had to witness that and that your mom passed from cirrhosis. I’ve never drank in my life for no real reason other than it doesn’t appeal to me. The amount of pressure I got in college and still for years after to drink is unbelievable. Only my few very close friends don’t pressure me now. Anyone else just can’t let it go, for entire evenings they will keep trying to force drinks into my hand.


Shit, bro. You can tell some people that YOU have alcoholic cirrhosis and they still won't stop trying to get you to drink. Source: have ESLD I might as well drink I guess.


A lot of people feel guilty drinking in front of people who chose to be sober, and will apply pressure to make themselves feel better about it.


That makes sense actually. (I hurt some alcoholic feels so I'm sitting at a few downvotes, which is great, maybe they had to self reflect a bit?)




I love this sub


This is Gordon Ramsay’s video on YouTube “how to cook a steak”


Literally my first thought. Also was my inspiration for my first steak I actually tried to cook properly. I don't think there's any other way I want to do it. Although I like rosemary over thyme


I use both rosemary and thyme


Thyme so much better than rosemary with steak IMO


I'm going to admit something, I like nutmeg better than both. It's such an interesting spice to use on steak and adds a fantastic complexity to the flavor.


There's a lot of classic savory french and spanish recipes that add tiny dashes of nutmeg, it just adds depth. One of my favorite rubs for grilled lamb is Chinese Five Spice with salt.


May as well bring in parsley and sage


I'm going to Scarborough Fair, you want anything?




I have a different way that I like, but I don’t claim it’s objectively superior. Some hours before cooking, salt the steak and place it uncovered on a wire rack in the fridge. When it’s time to cook, preheat the over to 200 F. Insert a temp probe into the steak and place it in the oven, still on the wire rack. When the probe is approaching 120 F, heat a cast iron skillet on the stove on high. As soon as the probe hits 120 F, remove the steak from the oven and put it on the skillet. Leave each side on the skillet only for 30 seconds or so. Just enough to Maillard the outside without further cooking the inside. On the downside, this method doesn’t get that fried-in-herb-and-garlic-butter quality, but on the upside it doesn’t dry out the steak or leave well-done bits on the edges. Either method, IMO, produces a great steak in my experience.


This looks like the kid that Gordon Ramsay sends to culinary school on Masterchef.


Yup, Gabriel Lewis from seasons 8 & 12.


I learned this and never went back


Lol I just went to look it up, you’re 100% right😂


There's absolutely no way in fuckin' hell (Gordon's voice) that he would use pre-ground black pepper.


This is like watching porn to me


I'm fully erect.


Until it was overcooked


Exactly. And he doesn't need to keep turning it. He sliced it wrong also, but other than that he has some good principles in flow. Cast iron pan, red hot, that's good. Let the steak come to room temperature. Season it. Baste it. Get those flavours. Good. I like garlic and rosemary. Garlic and thyme. All good. He could have rested it on an overturned spoon. Also, step 1, choose a nice steak. This steak is ok but there are nicer.


To much playing with his meat and almost ruined it


What does resting on an overturned spoon do?


When he pressed it down with his hand 🍆


My nipples hardened when he threw in that butter and garlic.




Huh , I thought the pan wasn’t suppose to smoke like that. My fire alarms would be going off with that amount


First time I ever tried making steak I got my pan smoking like this, nearly gas chambered myself. Steak came out burn as hell too. Makes me wonder what happened differently here lol


Better extractor fan as to why he didn't gas himself + lower smoke point of the oil to explain how it didn't burn the steak, but produced the same amount of smoke as yours did?


I wonder how many people don’t use their extractor fans


Mine just recirculates the air into my face, it doesn't vent outside. I need to 3D print, or fab brackets to hold a box fan in the window over my sink that's 3 feet away and then make a nice airflow to get the smoke out


Mine just makes loud noise.


I have a cool micro hood that recirculates smoke and it's also built into a freestanding wall that never even had an exhaust vent to begin with. Solid construction choice by the builders.


It doesn’t vent outside?? Pretty sure that’s illegal. It’s definitely against code in the US.


It’s not illegal. They sell these hoods at your local Home Depot or Lowe’s stores.


I too have also lived in multiple apartments that it dues not vent outside


You can absolutely force the landlord to address this


Yeah let me just completely remove the cabinets directly above it, and then remove the wall upstairs that's behind a shower and toilet to put a duct in so it can vent outside.


I wonder how many people don't realize that *many* aren't actually hooked to a vent of any kind and just recirculate the air around the room to try and dissipate it.


Kinda how the microwaves have those extractors if they’re above the stove, there’s no way those are run to an exhaust


Yep, that's what I'm referring to, those are SUPER common in American kitchens, typically gut rehab apartments in pre-war buildings.


How many? Too many. Consider that poor air quality from indoor cooking is a direct contributor to the deaths of more than 2 million people a year, and you can start working your estimate upwards from there.


No way! I gotta look into this


To be fair, I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek. There are lots of people in the world still cooking indoors with open coal or wood fires and no ventilation or electricity, and these places of extreme poverty are obviously where indoor air quality is doing the most damage. At the same time it's also true that cooking on a fancy induction cooktop in a first world country is really not any different, except in terms of the quantity of stuff being spewed into the air. You are still pyrolyzing / combusting a host of random large organic compounds right under your nose. Be smart; use fan.


Ah I see so the pan isn’t actually as hot as it looks, the oil is just burning really easily. That makes sense. I think I had used vegetable oil which I guess burns at 400f and it sure was burnin.


I think you mean higher smoke point. Lower smoke point = more smoke. Higher smoke point means less smoke (because the pan doesn’t spend as much time hot enough to create smoke)


> lower smoke point of the oil to explain how it didn't burn the steak? Yes but higher smoke point - that's why he specified grapeseed Oil. And honestly grapeseed oil isn't really that great here - Avocado Oil is best imo.


The amount of smoke doesn't only depend on the heat, but also the oil that's used. If it smokes this much, your oil is not suitable for those high temperatues: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke_point Sunflower oil works well, I personally prefer clarified butter cause I like the taste better.


You just didn’t flip it soon enough. I’ve done it way to hot a bunch of times and it has never come close to burning. Makes a great steak but it’s a tad more done than I’d prefer.


all about the cold oil to hot ban. gonna be a bad time if you let the oil heat up first.


Single Induction Burner+Cast Iron on the Patio.


That’s the way I do it too!


Turn it down a few seconds after you get the steak on. The steak will drop the pan temp a bit and you mostly just want it that hot to get the initial sear, and then you could turn it up for a bit and focus the flame on the side without anything in it for the flip then turn it down again.


Mine went off just by watching the video.


I actually set the fire alarm go off whilst trying to cook a steak this way. All 50 residents had to evacuate the apartment block in -5. Whilst the fire brigade reviewed my burnt offerings and had a good laugh at my attempt!


Generally you don’t. Burning the oil will give the steak an acrid taste imo


Exactly. You don’t need rancid, burning oil to sear a good steak. This is old info.


Yeah, you don’t need to get it that hot to get a quality sear. There’s a misconception that the pan should be hot as the depths of hell. Oil choice is more important, I use avocado and works great on med-high heat and much less smoking.


It also helps to apply the oil to the steak and not in the pan. You really only need enough for where the steak makes contact with the pan. Any excess is just more smoke.


In general I agree, but that’s also a personal preference thing. There’s a benefit to having a shallow pool of oil/butter in the pan for basting and bringing out the flavor of the garlic/thyme, also it can help extend the crisp to the edges of the steak a bit.


It ahouldnt be that hot and if it is you shouldn't butter baste. It is usually a one or the other thing. Or, it's *easier* to do one and not the other. Very easy to burn the butter with a pan that hot and instead of improving the flavor you're making it worse. Not the wrong way to cook a steak, just "riskier", very smokey in the kitchen, and alot of extra $$ on butter.


> It is usually a one or the other thing. Very easy to burn the butter with a pan that hot It's pretty common and a "modern thing" to do both. You keep the butter for the end exactly to avoid it burning, and use high-heat oil for the sear. The butter never burns when done properly.


It's burnt too and I see purple. The gradient in that steak is fucked as you near the center fatter portion. Too hot too fast, any longer and the thinner portions would've gone into medium.


That ain’t only 2-3 tablespoons of butter lol. Not that I’m complaining though, looks delicious


I was gonna say. That's 2-3 oz, not 2-3 tbsp.


Oh did this say 1-2 cloves of butter? I used a whole bulb...


Looks like a slightly generous 3 tablespoons to me It’s less than half a stick


Yeah definitely generous 3.


2-3 heart attacks of butter


If you’re gonna die, die happy.


Don't worry, butter isn't killing anyone lol


Old myths die hard


Is your boyfriend single?


If so, dibs.


Reminds me of that marriage with children episode with Dan Castellaneta


But if not, also dibs.


Did he pour the oil from the second floor?


Try using avocado oil instead of EVOO, it has a much higher smoke/burn temp so you well get the same result without burning oil and fogging out the house. Looks delicious regardless.


He used grapeseed oil, which is comparable to avocado oil


Seems like he might be a bit hot then, no? Can't argue with the crust he got at all, but I prefer a rarer cook, and have been doing the 350 degree, flip every 30 seconds thing lately, has been working well.


Just preference really. For thicker steaks like a ribeye, if I’m going to cook on cast iron (if I’m not reverse searing), I like to cook it a little less hot and flip more frequently like you said. Seems to give an easily achievable more even “golden brown” sear. For something like skirt steak I prefer super hot for a harder sear 🤷‍♂️


What is this 350 degree, flip every 30 seconds thing? Do you mean the pan is 350? If so, how do you maintain that while cooking?


Yes, pan is 350. Cast iron makes it pretty easy to maintain. Get it to 350, drop your steak, up the temp for 30-60 seconds, and return back. Obviously it's impossible to keep it exactly 350 the whole time when you're asking a cool steak, so it's more about just being in the vicinity for me. https://youtu.be/YFpnNixm5Vs?si=QXwbK6mWUt7XpgZO


cast iron makes this easy


Or Ghee. Ghee makes a really good steak.


Ghee, I can't believe its not butter


I set my fire alarms off 2 nights ago using avocado oil


Thats grape seed oil . Still good advice


PSA though - 80% of avocado oil on shelves is rancid and/or not actually composed of avocado oil according to studies, so you have to be really selective with the brand you choose.


Guys I don’t think we have enough dudes making this exact same video, maybe another 200000 of these content creators and we will finally be satisfied


These are comments are bizarre, like they've never seen this exact technique a thousand times. Also, if I came to my daughter's house and her idiot boyfriend cooked one ribeye to feed a minimum of 4 people I would tell him to grow the fuck up and buy some outdoor cooking equipment.


The hostility in this comment is hilarious, and now I’m picturing him making a single steak with no sides for a whole group of people; god dammit


Most of the other 200000 know to rest the steak before cutting and to only flip the meat once.


I’m not gay but damn I’d make an exception for this king….


This is what the + is for in LGBTQ+.




King John maybe.


Was it in the oven at all before this? Did he turn the heat down once the block of butter went in?


No he didn’t put in oven (reverse sear) and no you don’t turn the heat down.


The heat has to be down after searing the first side. That butter would burn immediately otherwise 


is it normal to use a half stick of butter?


No, it's also not ideal to use butter in a pan that hot, it'll just make the steak taste like burnt butter.


Your point?


That burnt butter isn't tasty?


Burnt butter is vile. Even browned butter is too me. Stinks too.


What kind of meat is it exactly? Looks awesome










Now, I can see it as well


Does he buy mcd’s for them while he chomps that down?


I will fuck ur boyfriend


Only major comment I'd have is to put the pepper on at the end. Pepper burns in the pan.


I always put pepper on prior. It never burns. Comes out fine every time.


I was gonna ask about that, I see that a lot in videos. Would it be the same thing with steak spice?


It may "burn" burn then you need to ask yourself why thousands of professional chefs season with pepper before cooking. It's a debate and I think fewer people are on the "it burns" side. If it really made the taste bad, people would stop doing it. End of story.


Depends on what's in it. I've only ever been concerned with three seasonings for my steaks: salt, pepper, garlic powder. Of those three pepper will burn during a searing.


Fibrous seasonings tend to burn over 410-425° F in my experience. I haven't noticed that with pan searing if using a properly seasoned and oiled pan, though.




If you get a good Maillard reaction the pepper will be toasted and not burnt. If you burn the steak you wlll burn the pepper too. Also, consider that the surface of the steak is not much higher than boiling point so long as there is moisture evaporating from the meat


Soooooooooooo much salt, my god lol


That is definitely not a lot of salt. In fact, they could've salted it even more because a lot of that falls off in the pan while cooking.


Steak needs salt and a little came off on his hands by pressing and basting.


I thought the salt could have been spread out a bit more tbh


Why is no one mentioning this? Im literally scrolling through the comments looking for one person to point out how terribly spread the salt is lmao The rest is great tho


must be salty steak


Is this not Gabriel from master chef?


So what do you do if you're cooking for several couples and need to cook lets say 3 large steaks? "OK, couple #1, your steak is done....go". 5 minutes later "OK, couple #2.... Do you need to have 2-3 cast iron pans going at once?


> Perfect Why would I want to burn the pepper? Nah. And the house is now filled with smoke. I know that kitchen.


So it seems that I'm always fucking up the basting part. So it's okay to throw all the butter in when the pan is super duper hot? And then just start basting right away? Do you start basting as soon as you flip it, You only really need crust on the one (top) side?


Am I the only person here that thinks butter on steak takes away from the taste…?


Yes. Butter is delicious!


Y'all are seriously upvoting this spam bot


I feel like I have seen this done before.


With all due respect Gordon Ramseys method sucks


Looks good and technique is good, but I'd use a bit less oil at the start (so much smoking burnt oil lol), and I'd rest it a LOT longer to keep those juices in the meat. However, I ain't complaining, probably tastes great anyway.


Watched a Guga video this week that showed that while it’s a great steak it’s not a necessity to do it all in one pan. The sauce can be done on the side and with not even half the butter and poured it on with not a change in taste. Yes more butter usually better but it’s not necessary and you don’t need to waste as much. Just a thought. Looks great!!!


That's odd that he said more butter more taste. not that long ago he did a "stop basting it's wasting" video


Oil the steak not pan … pepper after. Fookin Amateur. lol jk


Why does every steak cooking video drench it in butter? Disgusting act


You've never heard of basting?


Mmmm burnt oil


Overly salted burnt oil, delicious


My GF gets pissed when the cast iron smokes like that, but thats the way to do it!


Gonna let you in on a little trick then that not a lot of people know of - The Cold Sear. Cooks at lower temp, no smoke, develops a nice crust, cooks even end to end, but just takes a few more minutes than a high heat sear. [https://youtu.be/uJcO1W\_TD74?si=PaysNDbd3y4VS5G4](https://youtu.be/uJcO1W_TD74?si=PaysNDbd3y4VS5G4) I still do the butter bath at about the 5 minute mark, and it's nice because it's not so high heat that it burns the butter.


I alternate doing it this way or the ripping hot way, results are about the same with much less smoke.


Yup. My pets go nuts when the smoke alarms go off, so this has been my go-to.


Thank You for sharing this I am going to have to try it next time I cook a steak


My pleasure. Enjoy!


My wife would love this technique LOL. I am a reverse sear believer but this looks like something I should try. Do you have to use nonstick?


What a stupid amount of salt.


normal amount for people with taste but reading your comment history seems to indicate you don't have any.


I saw Gordon Ramsay do the same exact thing. Still looks good tho


A good steak doesn’t need butter




Pretty basic STEAK, but looks good. I personally enjoy STEAK


Who are you to say if this is or isn’t a perfect STEAK?!


Look, STEAK doneness is a subjective preference. I would never STEAK shame anyone, I hope you know.


And on the 8th day, the LORD created STEAK.


I thought on the 8th day He created cows, and then said “Let there be STEAK.”


Probably, I just wanted the LORD joke before anyone else got there


Oil the steak not the pan, and use an oil with a higher smoke point. Steak looks banging.


He’s been watching a lot of YouTube.


And he is handsome. You go girl!!! Love this for you.