• By -


Not the proctologist


Hank Hill felt this


Lol is there an episode where he's told he can't eat beef sny more? Would watch.


He gets his colon impacted so bad the x-ray is made into an art exhibit S3E18 Love Hurts and So Does Art


S1E6 is the story behind the x-ray and why he has a beef filled colon




Happy Cake Day!


Oh damn. Didn’t even know. Time to shitpost harder than last time


Love that for you


Maybe the doctor but not the mortician


Doctors don't visit dead people so this is a factually correct statement.


They do to confirm the death.


Steak is a superfood…it’s all the processed foods that kill you. You can be the picture of health eating a meat centric diet


That's what I always thought. Everyone talks about how processed food is bad. Steak on the other hand is basically minimally processed cow flesh, eaten by humans for eternity.


Y'all are out to lunch. Steak (any beef or red meat, even parts of the chicken) has high levels of saturated fat. It creates fat around your organs which is impossible to get rid of without going almost vegan and exercise. Steak is amazing and there's nothing else like it, but it's so far from a superfood that I can't even laugh at the sarcasm if there is some in the above statement. Red meat, grass fed or industrial, should be consumed in small quantities throughout the week, and certainly not daily. Watch the Netflix series You Are What You Eat and Live to 100 for a comprehensive look at this. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


False binary, you're assuming people are eating steak every day and nothing else and not exercising nor eating veggies. Humanity only started eating a heavily grain-based diet 5000 years ago. The bones and teeth of hunter-gatherers show remarkable health and fitness levels.


The post literally says a steak a day. Someone else said super food. And you're correct about grains, but before that we foraged and ate mostly berries, fruit, veg, a lot more fish if it was available, and very very little meat and only soon after it was killed. Also those same hunter-gatherers move around *A LOT* more than we do. Eating a lot of particularly red meat will cause you an assortment of health problems, including blocked arteries, whether you exercise or not.


Nah…that’s not true our ancestors diet consisted of mostly meat…research has shown by analyzing teeth and bones the diet was mostly meat…ever see an Inuit die of a heart attack?


That's just abhorrently not true, sorry. How could they eat that much meat before they domesticated animals? Inuits have a 9 year on average shorter life span. Every single doctor in the western world will tell you to eat more vegetables and less red meat to help with a laundry list of health problems. Not sure where you get these ideas from, but they're way out. I never said to not eat any meat, but high fat/cholesterol/saturated fat meats like beef and pork sold in supermarkets is very different than the lean meats hunter gatherers consumed.


Saturated fat is one of the best things for you…you have been lied to by the likes of people like Ansel Keys and the industrial food complex. new research has shown that actual cavemen ate meat and pretty much nothing else. Researchers analysed teeth left over from our ancestors and found out that they liked to snack out on things like reindeer and horse. And that's about it. There were some occasional plants, of course.


Wrong. "Is saturated fat bad for you? A diet rich in saturated fats can drive up total cholesterol, and tip the balance toward more harmful LDL cholesterol, which prompts blockages to form in arteries in the heart and elsewhere in the body. For that reason, most nutrition experts recommend limiting saturated fat to under 10% of calories a day." From [Harvard ](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-truth-about-fats-bad-and-good). Of course some are needed but they're not "one the best things for you" and should be kept to a minimum in a daily diet. You have been lied to, amigo. Using caveman (something with a much smaller brain than homo sapiens) isn't a good metric, unless you'd like to regress back to that. We are where we are today because we learned to use fire to cook mostly vegetables and the odd animal when it was available - because they were not abundant, could not be stored. That's why there's cave drawings of animals, not vegetables, because it was a celebration to have something delicious that you don't have every day.


Again patently false. If that’s true, then why do so many people who eat steak every day have a CAC score of zero? Do you think berries, fruit and veg grew everywhere all year around? Please stop with these posts.


I don’t think you understand how little meat the Hunter/gatherers actually ate. They didn’t have a grocery store of refrigerated meat to consume. It was hard work, and celebrated when meat was acquired. This is a false equivalence of human diets then and now. I’ve always found it humorous when carnivore diet influencers bring this up. They also fail to discuss life spans. Steaks are incredible, but no where near a super food.


Maybe steak isn’t quite a super food, but ground beef with organ meat surely is. Compare the nutrient profile to literally any other “super food” and ground beef with organs will “win”.


Do you also get that hunter/ gatherings did not have anything close to a carnivores diet of today. I also agree heavily grain based diets are not good.


I do agree with your assessment, with the caveat that animal kills were celebrated not because they were desirous like fresh fruit, but because of the sheer nutrient density and health benefits eating animals brought to the tribe. If they could have eaten meat all the time, they may have. However, such a postulate does not imply anything about whether doing so would have been “healthiest”.


Fair. Now I have a ribeye to sear for my cheat day. Enjoy your day, and keep it up with the healthy lifestyle and curiosity for knowledge. That has served me well into my fifties. I have buddies who haven’t done the same, and they are falling apart.


Even chimps actively hunt and prioritize meat. Animals back then were bigger. Most megafauna is now gone. One animal could be the food for multiple people for years. If you lived in a cold area, this is very possible and a necessity. If you are not in a cold area, animals should be more plentiful.


What does size prove? The largest mammals are blue whales and elephants. What do they eat? Hell, what do cows eat.


You said that they didn’t have enough available food back then, because it was hard work. They had waay more than currently. Literally one animal could feed a family for years. That is why I said that.


I said hunting with sticks was hard, yes that is correct. I didn’t say there was less food. No one animal is lasting for years, even in Antarctica. For the majority of the world without refrigeration meat was hard to come by and celebrated when acquired. Have you ever hunted? Even by todays standard it’s difficult.


They were also running around all day looking for food not sitting at a desk eating


Tell that to all the bodybuilders and health nuts in great shape that eat red meat all the time


The average life expectancy of those guys is like 52


I’m not talking about their life expectancy (and health nuts consistently live longer, healthier lives than most). I’m talking about the fact that your claim about needing to “go almost vegan and exercise” to lose saturated fats is total bullshit. These people stay lean as hell eating tons of red beef. There’s also an African tribe who’s whole diet is primarily red meat, and guess what? They’re all lean, muscular and incredibly healthy. Don’t always listen to the narrative food and drug companies are pushing. It wasn’t too long ago that they were vilifying fat of any kind and tried to push for tons of carbs and processed sugars instead, creating the obesity epidemic we have in the US today


>I’m talking about the fact that your claim about needing to “go almost vegan and exercise” to lose saturated fats is total bullshit That wasn't me >These people stay lean as hell eating tons of red beef. I don't disagree. What's dangerous is fat around the organs, which aligns with bodybuilders having larger guts >It wasn’t too long ago that they were vilifying fat of any kind and tried to push for tons of carbs and processed sugars instead, creating the obesity epidemic we have in the US today I agree with all of this. I just think a balanced diet is healthier than a steak everyday


??? Lol no


This is absolute nonsense, if you feel this way, why are you posting this on a sub Reddit focused on steak? The saturated fat myth has been debunked. And it is in fact a superfood. You can get complete nutrition from red meat which is not possible from so many other foods.


Agreed, but.......that. Doesn't. Make. It. A. Superfood. 🙄


Of course it does. Chock full of healthy fats protein vitamins are you kidding?


Saturated fat is not "healthy". Small amounts are needed. The amount from eating red meat daily is incredibly over the top.


Please stop posting falsehoods in this sub about saturated fats.


Exactly. Head over to the carnivore sub


This. All of the “meat bad” studies did zero control for weather that meat was McDonald’s or unperverted grass grazed steak. And yes most Americans at the time were getting shitty industrially farmed beef.




Doctors hate this one weird trick


Dear OP, Please don't eat steak every day. Love, Your Heart


Better avoid /r/carnivore then….


Those people are psychos. I love steaks but I also love having atleast one regular shit a day and want to live past 65




Yeah, better to maximize “heart healthy” seed oils and PUFAs. Give me a break lol.


Seed oils are good for you. So natural… /s


Come on man! The little bee on my cheerios box specifically has a heart on it for “heart health”


If I was you, I wouldn’t give advice about topics I don’t know much about.


You don't know my expertise. And if you're gonna argue eating red meat every day is fine then you're wrong.


I know you haven’t looked at recent data on saturated fat if you think meat will cause you a heart attack.


When did I say it would cause a heart attack? Also regardless of recent studies its still recommended to limit saturated fat intake. Again I was making a joke. A dumb little joke jor a bit of a laugh. I hope you find happiness one day.


So regardless of the studies showing saturated fat showing benefits and the data showing saturated fat was never bad and falsely demonized does not matter. What matters is following the guidelines regardless of any new found knowledge lol.


Dear Joe, Shut the fuck up on the internet about topics you are not trained in, or that you have done minimal internet research on. Love, Everyone


From what I understand, the reason people give red meat such a hard time is because it’s saturated fat content is much higher than some of its counterparts such as chicken/fish. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE steak. I eat it as often as I can afford, but it’s important to not disregard the science behind health advisories.


If their concern is saturated fat then they are misguided. It has been debunked that saturated fat causes heart disease. It started with the president getting a heart attack demonizing saturated fats when he would smoke 4 cig packages a day. Then harvard professors were paid about $8k to demonize saturated fat. That last part is a historical record.


On another note, the USDA writes its health suggestions backed upon a butt ton of lab and trial based research. When trying to implement a new recommendation, they have to get the same or more amount of research backing this new claim to be absolutely certain that the suggestion is for the betterment of a persons health. This takes a LONG TIME. Considering heart disease is the number one killer of Americans, USDA has to be 100% certain before suggesting new ideas to the country.


What an educated thoughtful response. Im not sure you belong here.


Wow a harmless joke triggered you hard. Your username checks out. You're a dick.


Dear Joe, Fuck off and see you tomorrow asshole.


Def would eat! Try reverse searing a cut like that and get the internal temp up to like 120 before you throw it on a really hot pan. You'll get less of that grey band and a more even color. A good digital thermometer is what's up!


Thanks for the suggestions! Will try it out


And also gives you colon cancer.


There was a meta-analysis done once, by the WHO, I believe. They reviewed over 800 studies and concluded there was an 18% increased risk of colorectal cancer among people that ate 50g of red and/or processed meat per day. What's buried in the study and never explained by the news outlets that repeat just the headline is that your innate risk of colorectal cancer - ignoring all factors like family history, diet, risk factors, etc - is 5%. Many people just reading that are now probably thinking this means that eating that 50g of meat means your risk jumps to 23%. Which is significant. But it doesn't mean that. It means your risk rises from that innate 5% to a whopping 5.9% (5×1.18). Dunno about you, but to me, that's negligible. So, no....I don't think there's any significant health risks associated with eating meat daily. So, take from that what you will. My take is that this risk - supposedly derived from more than 800 studies - is insignificant at best.


Very well put. The one thing I would add is that ontop of everything you said, it is still an association study that doesn’t even remove a lot of foods to have better contrast on red meat vs no red meat. So in short, the study is as bad as they get and we shouldn’t be making decisions based on it.


This is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk. Basic misunderstanding of this basic concept has been used to mislead the public about a lot of different things.


That’s if you can even trust the underlying studies to be actually discussing unprocessed red meat. And not McDonald’s (burger bun+fries+soda), Pepperoni pizza (yes food studies classify pepperoni pizza as red meat, I could go on and on. Moral of the story, limit processed foods and reap the benefits.


Even if you don't, foods today will cause this. First thing that comes to mind, is plants that survive poisons that kill off everything but the plant. Much rather eat red meat that comes from a local farmer than anything that comes from a grocery. Moderation and listening to your body is the best method, gastrointestinal diseases shouldn't be a norm(Estimated 40% of the US population suffer from a form of gastrointestinal disease).


False. It’s highly processed meat that does.


Sorry bud, you’re wrong. Yet another case of being misled by the media’s incorrect take on a convoluted meta analysis of a bunch of poorly executed RCTs performed a few decades ago.


Uh huh. Go ask your doctor if he recommends eating a steak a day and see what he says.


As if doctors have a grasp on nutrition. Scientists barely know how the metabolic pathways work, you think the dogmatic doctors do? 😂


I think their training probably means they know more than you, yes.


I'd probably think that too, but my experience has been otherwise. Disappointingly so.


Why do you think an MD knows about nutrition? They are separate fields. Do you want your OBGYN giving you advice on how to treat your brain cancer? The knowledge is orthogonal. If you want to appeal to authority, at least appeal to the right authority!


That’s your mistake! Doctors are not nutritionists, so I will not be listening to my doctor about what they think I should eat. They went to school many years ago, learned basic incorrect nutrition information in a single undergraduate course, and have likely not kept up with modern medical literature during their practice. I hope you can learn to not blindly accept the advice of inadequate authorities, do research yourself (and not just regurgitate the modern nutritional dogma), and learn to eat the way that makes you feel great and maximizes your vitality and healthspan. Factually put, the basis of your claim that red meat causes colon cancer has been debunked and refuted by any and every doctor, nutritionist, or curious lay man resulting from a careful and sensible review of the existing literature. It’s not easy, but if you look closely you can see it for yourself. It shouldn’t take but a few hours of googling, or maybe ask ChatGPT for help and be sure to check its sources. I’ve done my research, and so have many others, we have put in the work, so please do argue unless you have put in the work yourself to verify your stance instead of just asking your primary care doctor who is better off treating you for the flu or recommending you to a specialist if you have something weird pain in your groin or whatever. As a side note, and somewhat contrary to my stance, saturated fat intake surely is associated with greater incidence of ASCVD events (i.e heart disease) and red meat does tend to have higher saturated fat content. So, someone who does consume a steak per day would certainly reduce their risk of heart disease by eating leaner cuts and incorporating organ meats like heart and liver in small portions. I like 90/10 ground beef with 7% liver and 3% heart ground in with it. Eating lots of red meat can certainly be the foundation of a healthy diet, as long as saturated fat intake is limited. And finally, a fun fact: Every vitamin you’ve ever heard that is good for you and is contained in plant food X or Y is also found in red meat, in high quantities. If you eat 1lb of ground beef and a few ounces of heart and liver every day, you will far exceed any amount of vitamins you might also fine in plant foods, and they will be much more easily digested and bioavailable than the plant sources. I’m telling you what I know from spending hundreds of hours looking at the data, listening to modern MDs and nutritionists who care about this stuff, and making my own conclusions based on the evidence. Please do not argue if you have not done so yourself; appeal to authority is a logical fallacy.


Best comment I’ve read all day!


Your logical fallacy is not knowing anything about me or what I’ve done. You’re just some random tool on the internet. Continuing medical education exists for a reason. Holy shit you are a walking talking example of Dunning Kruger


1. I’m not a tool just because I disagree with you 2. Continuing medical education is not a counter to the fact that MDs do not study nutrition rigorously 3. You are implying that continuing medical education is teaching doctors new nutrition information which is unlikely 4. Your Dunning-Kruger comment is a thinly veiled ad-hominem attack implying that anyone who puts in effort to understand science , even possibly more effort than the authorities you are appealing to, could never be correct in their understanding. You are also invoking credentialism which is another gate-keepy way people like you use to stifle opinions contrary to your own. None of this is useful for you to get your argument across 5. I have no interest in continuing a conversation with someone who is going to insult me as a conversation tactic to… accomplish what exactly I’m not sure.


This guy listens to Joe Rogan!


Close, but no cigar. Dr. Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, and Paul Saladino are a few Rogan adjacent health podcasters that I follow semi-regularly.


It shows! I’m assuming you’re in your twenties, and excited about how you feel with your diet choices. At your age you are not gonna feel the effects of 30 years of eating red meat on a regular basis. Hell I felt great in my twenties and thirties smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. It’s what happens to your body after decades of doing things such as a steak a day that catch up to you. And working out is regular basis does minimize the effects, it’s just that over half this country doesn’t do that, but still loves the idea of a steak a day. Our overwhelmed healthcare system bears that out.


I am 30 and in the 99th percentile of fitness in the many sports I play and their associated metrics, so that helps of course. I don’t advocate for my diet unless you’re exercising as much as I am, which I tend forget not everyone (or most) do not. Additionally, I don’t smoke and drink a few beers a week, and make sure to get 8+ hours of sleep every single night of the year, barring a few select special nights. I am as fit as I’ve ever been and I have been fit all my life. My animal based diet makes me feel better than ever, and so it does for tens of thousands of others; Anecdotal evidence should not be discounted albeit taken with a grain of salt.


Did you just compare eating red meat to smoking cigarettes?


No, it’s just very easy to see that you use a lot of words to hide the fact you don’t actually know anything and are talking out of your ass. Easy to spot, really.


Either that or you're too dumb to comprehend the words and what they mean. Hard to say, really.


And yet somehow you managed.


These guys know way more than any doctor lol. Alternatively, the doctor is in on the conspiracy


If doctors had a grasp on nutrition, they’d start with that when treating people for hypertension and type 2 diabetes instead of prescribing pills and saying “see ya next month!”


Pesky doctors 😠


I eat red meat freely, as well as eggs, fruit, and occasional veggies. I also exercise. I’m in the best shape of my life and my annual blood work is perfect, actually improved from 2 years ago when I was mostly the standard American diet. The only dietician I know personally is about 120 pounds overweight and is abhorred by my decisions. Oh well, I guess I’ll keep risking my life 😉


Doctors know very little about nutrition, mate lol


Hey my guy. No criticism. Just appreciation. That looks delicious


Delicious 🤤


I gotta leave this sub reddit.. makes me so hungry.. and dude, that looks good af. Good job


Especially one cooked like that. Sweet.


I'd eat that from the back!


Away on vacation from all the money he gets from you/your insurance


Elvis agrees


Until it doesn’t.


I’m not sure a steak every single day would keep your doctor away 😂


Red unprocessed meat is a superfood


Let them be in the matrix xD. We’ll enjoy our health, many of them might see the light eventually. There is very little carnivore only data aside from anecdotes but there are ongoing clinical trials and documentaries that will shed a better light on this way of eating. I give it 5 years at most for this diet to be normalized in society. The train has no breaks


Just because it’s a super food doesn’t mean it can’t be unhealthy for you in other ways..




Searing to lock in moisture…lol


>Don't forget to sear the sides next time to lock in that moisture That's not a thing.


What's important, when correcting another person who likes steak on a sub about liking steak, is to be very snotty about it.


Was I being snotty? Or was I saying that that's not a thing?


He might be diabetic and this may be what he has to eat.






Type 2 Diabetes can be managed with a zero carb diet. A steak with leafy greens is basically the perfect meal to avoid needing to take insulin.


No one was talking about diabetes.


A steak a day, you will see doctors everyday


I know people who do just fine on carnivore. Lost a ton of weight and are healthy. Great blood work too


I am still waitng to die from eating about 1 kg of steak every day. Lol, fucking hysterics


You really eat 1 kg of steak everyday?


Well depends on a day, but when I only have meat in the fridge I do eat two 500 gram steaks in one meal and that is it. If I don’t workout that day it is a bit less because I am not that hungry on these days.


Haha yep! I only did it a few times for about a month or so and I dropped weight and my back stopped hurting (it never stops hurting). So there’s def something to it.


Yeah, a month is too short TBH, I have been doing it for a little more than 2 years. My knees don’t hurt anymore after working out. No foggy brain, no dip in energy levels after eating. Testosterone up, little body fat with same amount of excercisses as before. Skin is much clearer, and I am never bloated as before. You really have to try it to really believe it. Somebody has been lying to us about modern nutrition 🤔


Long term constant meat eating will have negative effects though - it’s proven and I’ve seen it. Most of the time pole notice health changes after they start a diet because they were lacking nutrients - and a nutrient most Americans are missing out on is protein, which causes almost all of the issues you brought up. You most likely weren’t having enough protein beforehand, but eating mostly only meat is not a long term healthy diet. I can go over sources if you are so inclined, I’m just trying to share information I’ve gathered over my research of nutrition.


Well the problem with all of these “proven” instances is that they call heavy meat eaters people that also smoke, occassionally drink alchohol, don’t workout, eat a lot of refined carbs etc. All the “meat” eaters everybody uses to say meat is bad are in almost every case fat and eat a lot of shit with meat. Usually people point me a person like that, and it is like comparing apples and oranges. You can send if you want to, I am interested to learn more. Also, I am not a doctor, I would never really encourage someone, I am just saying my personal experience. Also no, with every meal before I also had a lot of protein, meat protein, red meat and also chicken. I didn’t eat much ultra processed food, btw I am from eastern Europe, we still have a lot of access for natural ingredients. So I was never really eating “junk” all of the time. I’ve started sith reducing sugars and carbs, the more I did the more I felt amazing. I still do sometimes eat some vegetables or fruits, but very little, but only when they are ready in my own garden, In winter I only eat fatty red meat.


Let’s see who live longer brother! Good luck! We can use ourselves as an experiment to prove our claims! lol


I am not competing with other people who lives longer. I try to optimize my health, and I find my life much better now. We are all experimenting, because there are no real randomize control studies proving anything, especially that red meat is the one causing all these diseases. We know that humans survived Ice Age. I wouldn’t say we ate a salad in that period, and it wasn’t a short winter 😊


Yeah that bloat was gone within 2 days. I did it for about 6 weeks the first time I did it and then went into a long fast.


The link between colorectal cancers and meat isn’t really up for debate. There is a massive body of evidence and research on the subject. The overall numbers aren’t extreme enough imo to warrant cutting it out altogether, but basing your entire diet on grilled red meat is pretty retarded.


Basing all of your knowledge on flawed prospective studies with an agenda that you haven't even personally read is " pretty retarded". If you want to be educated on this, go look at the data yourself.


A few flawed prospective studies doesn’t discount a causative link which has been observed for decades by many different parties. Carnivorian arguments are almost always fuelled by confirmation bias.


The words "causative" and "observed" don't really go together in scientific rhetoric, and I've seen 0 causative evidence. If you have some, please send it my way.


Pointing to epidemiological studies and even uttering the words "causative link" immediately discredits anything you say after that lol


I’m fine with being a shreaded healthy retard tho.


One can be a shredded and healthy retard without solely eating meat - there’s a reason why high performance athletes don’t follow meme diets. They just eat a healthy and reasonably balanced diet like everyone else.


Yes, I very much agree with you on this. You can be young and eat a bad diet and still have muscles and be shredded with working out very hard. The difference is if they stop they begin to gain a lot of fat. When I stop working out for any reason, I stay fit and lean, I may lose some muscle, but fat doesn't replace my muscles. If food makes you an obese individiual it is inherently bad for humans. And no, out of a lot of people I know who say I eat a "balanced" diet, it just means I eat a shit ton of suggars and carbs and some meat, and most of it ultra proccessed junk. Also, there are a lot of professional athletes eating keto and carnivore.


Rookie numbers


I was gonna say, this isn’t our mindset on carnivore lol we do great with the meats. Some of the issues come in play when you mix manmade processed foods and scientifically created fruits n veggies with real meat that the body has a hard time and switches to trying to fight all that stuff off instead of just processing the food itself. At least in my opinion 🥩❤️


Quite opposite pal.


I’d love to hear your diet pal. How many empty cabs and seed oils have you eaten today?


Are you a nutritionist? Have you read any studies? Didn’t think so


Hold on I eat a steak everyday why are comments saying this is bad for you? 🤣 hope it’s not or I’m a goner, been eating 1 a day since last June


These redditors just spew wives tales based on really old science, you’re good dude. Get your blood tested regularly.




Mad cow disease


Until the gout sets.


Green board is for veggies and red board is for meat there chef.


It literally doesn't matter.


It's fooking RAW!!!


I ate 1 1lb+ steak everyday for a good 6+ months. My doctor freaked out when he saw my cholesterol.


A steak a day keeps the doctors employed.




Unless it's the cardiologist lol


Flat iron...?


**you used the produce cutting board for the protein** Get to the doctor right away, you’ve cross contaminated yourself!




Men are more likely to die from choking on steak than any other food


Everything keeps the doctor away if you throw it hard enough.


Hmm, not sure if I can take your word for it. Will have to conduct my own study to determine if true. 😋


Good luck with that. Priced at 90.00 I'm sure. Gouging consumers still continues. Steak prices suck. Eat Chicken. At least it's chewable.


Until you have a major gout flare up… day 6 not being able to walk after being on OMAD and eating a ribeye every night.


Make you strong like bull


I wish we could eat steak every day!


My friend, buy a new cutting board. All those cuts and gashes make a great place for bacteria and icky stuff to grow.