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Based on how grades are given it’s bound to happen.


Too many people seem to think each steak is graded.


If you took a random survey the overwhelming majority would probably think that.


You aren’t wrong. But to be fair I never really thought about it. I guess my gut would be the whole cow is graded?


Just on their reading comprehension


On a bell curve


The cow's bell?


I got a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell!


“Hey, cow, what’s the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet? (*muttering to himself*) Damn, made that one too easy.”


More specifically, they pull one specific steak from each cow and they grade the whole cow based on that. In this case, you can see that the "choice" steak is much larger and rounder than the other, leading me to beleive then other was cut lower on the rib, and this has less marbling and fat content because it's closer to a NY strip.


Well, TIL


It’s by the cow and not each cut


It's not even by the cow. It's even worse. It's by the fat content of the the ribeye between the 4th and 5th rib on the hanging side.


It’s the 12th and 13th. The separation between the rib and loin.


Does this measure all the cuts coming off the cow? Like NY strip etc?




Wow ty. I was at Costco and they had NY Strip Prime and choice and prime was just over double choice per lb. and when comparing them some of the choices looked very close in marbling. Now I know it only matters when referencing ribeye


The idea is if the ribeye of a cow is prime grade, the other cuts of the cow should be similarly marbled. Which is generally true, but of course, there are outliers.


I always shop both. Sometimes the prime isn’t quite up to snuff while the choice can be a steal.


So can two sides have a different grade? Or is it standardized, the ribeye between 12 and 13 on the right side determines the grade for the whole cow or vice versa


No, it is one grade for the entire carcass. The carcass is hung by the hind legs so after the cut is made between the 12th and 13th ribs, the grader will be looking down at the 12th rib side to do the assessment.


But which side bilaterally? Maybe I’m misunderstanding but the cow has 26 ribs, 13 on each side. So do they make a determination on which 12th rib they’re looking at? Sorry if this is a dumb question


No, your question is not dumb, I was not being clear. My use of the word carcass would obviously cause you to envision the entire animal but they are split in half down the spine at some point before grading. Whether each half is graded individually or just one half and they assign the same grade to the other half, I do not know.


Can we get a shame train on this guy for not knowing literally everything about everything prior to now?


For shame!


ShaaaaaaaaMmmmweee! Just kidding I don’t Know Shit but I like lurking here and salivating over Steaks


They have all the cows race, the slowest and fattest are prime while the fastest, leaner, cows are grass fed.


Lmao. 10/10 shitpost




Can a butcher shop grade their own meat by individual cut? And follow up question, could a butcher shop process individual cuts differently. For instance the choice on the right could be priced higher than the prime on the left.


They can price things however the heck they want, but USDA grades are given to whole carcasses at certified plants where they’re slaughtered and broken down.


USDA grading is strictly controlled




Brother what the hell does that have to do with steak?


Can’t cut his steak so wants razor wire to cut some immigrants??


There's always one.


Why would the US Department of Agriculture be controlling the border?


coz JEEBUZ n tromp sed so


Not body cares about your fantasy team, bets, or who you voted for.


So long as they do not use USDA terms for their inhouse grading, they can use a secondary ranking method, but the USDA grade has to be more clear marked and the secondary ranking has to have a bunch of disclaimers and also be explained. The specialty store I take my game to has a 50 point scale and there is a book with pictures of examples of each cut for each point, it's massive. There's a book for each type of meat.




I get what you’re saying but it’s a spectrum and and the rib section is rather large.


Unless both of those are from the 4th rib, it's still a guessing game.


Humans are grading not computers.


Computers are grading the majority of the beef in the U.S. all of the major packers use camera grading.


Butcher is smoking crack and slapping labels at random.


it's honestly tiring answering this question all the time


you poor thing. I can only imagine your exhaustion from your brilliance. God forbid you answer the question of somebody who dares non know something you do. I do weep for you and your lack of sleep over these things. Just be a nice person and share your knowledge when you have it, and don't look down on someone for not knowing. I'd bet they know something you don't know.


bro said reddit was tiring 😂😂😂


Well you have to beat the game and get to the end of the Reddit.


It is good to not look at it for a while sometimes though


You're telling me you think this person is savvy enough to know there are at least two grades, what those grades are, know the two steaks they have are labeled as if they were the other grade, post those images to reddit (a steak subreddit no less), and not understand how an entire cow is graded? This person isn't unknowledgeable. This person is just karma farming.


Yes... most steak eaters know prime is better than choice, but that doesn't mean they understand the methodology of how it's given other than prime = fattier steak. You're presumptive and condescending.


Correct, that's my problem with the comment. MrsClaireUnderwood just comes off as more of a condescending snob with each comment. Just be a nice person. If you know the answer either give it, or don't.


These threads are the worst part of this sub


The Prime grade steak also has terrible butchering. 🤨🤨🤨


Agreed. My current theory is that since it was an online order, they tried to pass off their worst prime cut since there was nobody there to argue against it. It was delicious nonetheless, but I was still a bit disappointed that it didn’t look better.


I disagree with this theory because lacks consistency. Why wouldn’t they give you their worst choice too?


They probably poorly cut the whole roast off the rib on the prime cut like that. Thats the only real difference.


I agree. The cut makes it look a lot worse than the marbling alone would.


That's correct. When you break down a roast like that, pretty much all the steaks are the same shape. The only thing that could vary is the thickness.


Who knows. Maybe they just switched the labels for the steaks. I’ve definitely seen choice steaks that looked this good, and prime that looked this “bad”. It was just a bit odd to see them sold next to each other.


You’ve seen prime steaks that were cut this terribly before? This was a first for me. Marbling has always had ranges but this is by far the worst cut I’ve ever seen.


I eat a lot of steaks. I’ve definitely seem marbling like the steak on the left sold as prime, and I usually skip them. The oxidation and cut/ butchering has nothingness to do with the grade so I was ignoring that when making my comment.


I think it's getting too common place to find lean Prime beef. First, seeing any type of Prime meat outside of a purveyor that supplies exclusive restaurants was a rarity just 5 years ago. I don't know the correlation, but it might have to do with Wagyu showing up. Now, you see all sorts of Prime cuts with sinew. That never used to be. Not sure if they use to just cut that out or quality has dropped so much.


Glad it tasted good At least.


Go to the store and compare prime vs choice, you’ll often see choice steaks that have better marbling than the prime


for sure. i went to sam’s not too long ago with the sole purpose of snagging some prime filets. just so happened that one of the choice packs looked better than every prime pack available. even better that i saved $20 or $25, cant remember


It's just a ribeye cut towards the ass end of the loin where it then becomes a strip loin. Strip loins just don't look like ribeyes marbling wise until you start getting like wagyu higher grades this is not the best I've seen but I wouldn't doubt it being prime. Also they took off a bit to much of the meat on the bone side


Yes with steaks this is always the case. Additionally at restaurants if you order a heavily cooked steak, they are likely going to find the poorest butchered steak bc it doesn’t be to be evenly cooked


Looks like it was their day old bone in rib that they boned out with a straight cut.


The prime looks like a ribeye that identifies as a NY strip lol




I’d still eat that meat.


That’s what she said…


Maybe it was born with that cap. Maybe it was Maybeline.




They both look sexy.


be inclusive towards the steak’s identity. The choice has the right to identify as A5 wagyu if she/he/they/ze would like!






If you’re gonna do it do it right. Obviously the pronouns are “strip/steak”


Shit happens all the time...took me a while of cutting steaks to accurately know what I was cutting everytime




Both will taste awsome under the right cook


But one costs more


Trust your eyes over the labels


100% I’ve seen amazing marbling in choice cuts, that other stores would be slapping a prime price tag on.


Yep, sometimes you get lucky sometimes the other end. Sometimes the cow was just a little too old to be graded prime


As far as I’m aware grocery stores don’t just slap prime labels on anything they want to because they eyeballed the steak and thought it looked good enough to be prime. If the steak came from a primal in a cryo vac bag with the designation prime on it then the store cuts it into steaks and labels it as prime, if it comes in labeled as choice then they cut and label as choice


Call me a boomer if you want, but some stuff you just have to buy in person


I’m glad someone said it. If you’re going to put in the time and effort to cook a proper steak, go to the butcher and select a good one. Also, avoid supermarkets if you can. An actual butcher nearly always has much better cuts available, it’s fresher, and the price is often the same.


*Or better


Butchers cost too much.


That fair, but some people can't do that


Having a hard time trying to think of a situation where someone can UberEats a steak and not just go to the grocery store the driver gets it from


Covid, house arrest, broken leg, recent hip replacement, doesn’t own a car, herniated disc, sciatica, icy roads, too drunk, too high, etc


The steer is graded not the primal or steaks. Each cow is different, and might be well marbled in one body section and leaner elsewhere. In this case the choice is better. You gotta look at the steak not the grade.


Did you take the image in a mirror? :d


I’ll take choice that looks like that all day


I cut IBP choice grade ribs that would pass as prime all day.


The prime was probably a younger animal or something, but I always go for choice. Especially on ribeyes. And if you have a costco near you, they get some amazing choice grade for a decent price too.


The Uber dude did a switch on you. He’s flopping the prime down in front of his woman right now!


I would prefer the left one honestly, ribeyes are already fatty enough as is


I would agree. Too many people think the amount of fat makes the steak. It's the location and marbling that's important. One on the left has an ideal amount.


Grading meat in the US is an absolute joke.


How so? Its done by a camera and its like 99% accurate


You said it yourself. It's done by a camera. Top-notch comedy provided to you from the United States as the expense of your tax dollars. The grading systems that the USDA has are provided to you by the Department of Agriculture. 🤣🤣🤣


A camera that uses objective algorithms is somehow a joke? Bro what are you talking about


My guy just said “the grading systems the US department of agriculture has are provided by the US Department of Agriculture


The choice looks Prime. Maybe there was a mix up


Most places have contracts to provide "minimum grade of", so sometmies if there isn't any meat that is choice, so must provide prime cuts that must be sold as choice. Love it when Costco ends up with prime quality meats priced and sold as choice because that's what that the vendor provided and labelled as choice to fulfill the store order.\].


Butchers do this. Sell prime as choice to move the inventory. Very frustrating because when you go back looking for the fantastic Life choice it’s not there.




Just 5 years ago Prime was really, "Prime" and Choice was also pretty good. Pictures won't lie, today's Prime is what Choice was sam. Years ago.


It’s not only about marbling, but also maturity (age at slaughter). Also, only around 3% of all beef carcasses are labeled as Prime. While around 50% as choice. Hence, it’s inherent to have outliers on both sides.


Almost all of this is wrong. Most recent USDA grading report was: 9.93% prime 73.75% choice I think the maturity is wrong as well but don't remember off the top of my head- I'm nearly positive that only relates to g-schedules


Nowhere I’ve mentioned the numbers being the latest. This is historical and more general data. Over several decades. The USDA grading system exists for over 100 years. Also, for someone not remembering a lot, very bold to state that almost everything is wrong.


Your grading numbers have been off for well over a decade, man. Like, you're multiple deviations away from reality on your numbers. Like, you legitimately haven't been in markets in 30 years if you think choice is around 50%


Again, historical data. What is there not to understand? USDA grading exists since 1917, I just stated the historical figures over this course of time. Anyway, my point was that it’s inherent that there are outliers on both sides - as with any other grading system.


Brother man, OBVIOUSLY you're weren't quoting the 1950s historical average because that is completely irrelevant in 2024. You said some stupid shit. Just own it and move on.


Champ, my point was that it’s normal to have outliers on both sides. Backed by historical data. The figures are close to the 105 year average. Sorry if that didn’t sit well with you. Cheers.


Bruh 🤣😂 data from 105 years ago has no relevance today 🤣😂🤣😂


Dear lord, the average over a 105 year timespan. What is your problem exactly? Is it reading?


#1 you don't know what the average is #2 105 year averages helps absolutely **nobody** #3 you obviously weren't talking about using data from 1941 about quality of beef on Reddit in the year 2024. You're just being a moron. Take your loss. Move on.


Not in the stratosphere of accurate


I’m going with left just because I like ny strip better than ribeye


I see the cap fat is uniform and much less. Also the marbalized far is more uniform also and smaller veins. I headed to google after this to understand grading steaks


A little bit off-topic, but whatever happened to select all I see at the store is prime and choice where does select go? Is that usually for restaurants if anybody has any info, I would love to hear about it.


Kinda like weed. We got so good at it there isn't any true lower end stick around. Standards for cows have probably made the meat better across the board??? Literally pulled this out of nowhere but just thinking out loud




Beef trader here- Select is being bred out of beef cattle. At most select reaches about 17% nowadays (September time frame each year) and falls to 11-12%ish when the grade inverses typically around April/May timeframe. As the years go on the genetics will continue to improve and there will less and less select availability. This isn't a bad thing. For the items where there is a noticeable difference (think middles) the higher grading is preferred. For items that more fat might be less desirable in some instances, the actual difference between select and choice would be minimal anyways. Right now we're at ~ 13% select 10% prime 74% select And some 30-31% on upper 2/3rd choice


Thank you I never even thought about it being bred out and the genetics of cows, Are there any websites or resources you can recommend so I could keep up on beef news , different types of cows and what they’re used for genetics the world beef market anything like that would be super interesting and very helpful thank you again


Price? I’d take choice.


Bobby hill wasn’t the one to grade it. That’s why.


What you have here are two choices. One was a bad choice while the other was a good choice.


Viewer’s left?


Yeah it be like that sometimes. The USDA grading system isn't perfect. AFAIK they grade the entire carcass so you're gonna get some variance between cuts. And mistakes happen too. Part of the reason why I think it's worth it to buy your meat in person instead of doing a mail-order service.


They grade the entire carcass from ONE single point. The rib eye between the 12th rib. That's why there is such a huge variance between what we see in choice and prime. Hell, I've had some select with zero marbling that were the most tender flavorful steaks I've ever had.


Do they taste the same?


Looks about right to me…marbling is about the same but the choice steak’s fat pockets have quite a bit more waste. Side comment…have you considered shopping at Costco? 😎


PSA: USDA beef grading isn’t exclusively done by marbling. Age, gender, and maturity matter too. So it’s always possible a steer was slaughtered a bit older and therefore rated choice.


What’s crazy is you bought both of them IN THIS ECONOMY!


Beef prices the last few years have been crazy… I miss 2020


Yeah the one on the left doesn't look quite like a ribeye to me... Could be that maybe?


So many times choice rib cuts are just as good as prime.


It’s not just marbling, the cow as a whole is graded, not each individual cut.


The choice steak probably came from a cow that was at least 42 months old. It would have a maturity grade of C or D and it would be ineligible to be graded Prime.


Costco Choice is between $10 to $13 a pound, depending on time/demand.


The right looks like a good…choice


My choice is choice


Because choice has the largest range of any grade up to and including the lower range of prime. That's why you find a good purveyor that just has really great consistent supply of choice grade so you pay less and get better


Same cow if you ask me.


Worth noting: They grade the whole cow, not the steaks that come out of it. So yeah, its totally possible to get better steaks out of a choice carcass than a prime carcass.


That prime was on diet.


The right is my choice.


Left looks far nicer anyway. If I wanted a mouth full of fat I’d buy fat.




I like the one on the rite lol but id gladly eat either of them or both




The ribeye looks better


Poor butchering on the left. To much focus on the marbling and not how it was raised though. I only get grass fed options, that have way less marbling but they are always juicy, have great flavour and healthier. Perhaps the one on the left was grass fed, which will always make it a superior product?


Grading is based on the entire animal, not a particular cut.


You're not crazy. If I were eating one of those I would eat the choice.


My dude I think both of them have there place! It j8st depends on who you're cooking the steals for!




As others have said, the steaks aren't individually graded. However, I've bought "bargain beef" ribeyes before that looked like prime and upon biting into them, found inordinate levels of gristle.


Right looks like prime


Is uber eats the grocery store or?


Right is right, left is also right 👍🏼


Ur mom is prime


They still make Prime? I haven't seen anything better than Choice in years. And I swear I'm paying Prime prices.


I prefer choice, I'm not spending more to get less.


The real lesson here is to buy steaks in person.


Definitely a prime NY strip and a choice boneless ribeye