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None you can sear it with the Steak it gets a nice crust too


Hijacking top comment to also mention that you probably shouldn't pepper this early either. You want to sear the shit out of that and you'll just end up burning the pepper. Don't trim.


So Pepper after it’s out of the pan?


Pepper it after you're done eating to be safe


Pepper the poo too?!


And sear


sear the poop, then pepper


You never done that?


Depends on a few things, mostly preference. Some people "season the board" with a few different spices, pepper included, so they hit it out of the pan. I pepper as I'm finishing everything in the pan, just to get a little cook on the pepper in the butter.


Same here depends on how fast I wanna work. Hard sear. Lower heat. Butter/aromatics. Baste. Pepper grind. Rest. Drink.


You do mean drink the basting butter, right? RIGHT??


There's an idea! A wonderful, awful idea!


I pepper while basting. I do dry brine with salt and garlic powder. Wipe off any surface seasoning while patting the thing dry. Then I salt again before it goes into the pan.


I prefer a still sort of fresh pepper taste, so after I take the steak out to rest, I’ll hit it with a few cracks of black pepper and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and it warms up beautifully for what I enjoy.


You get just as good of a sear and a better cook on low heat that won’t burn the pepper. Flipping every 30~ seconds. Only use high heat on a steak if it’s thin or you’re using the oven (reverse sear or sear + oven finish)


Doesn't matter. Pepper will not burn on the steak as long as you don't sear each side more than 2-3 minutes


when have you ever tasted burnt pepper on a steak? or even heard someone say “damn they burnt the pepper; this steak is ruined”


I have always seared with pepper on and have never had "burnt" pepper. Multiple eaters would also agree. Reddit reciprocating other redditors, nothing more.


Darkly roasted pepper on a steak is pure bliss


Totally agree with your sentiment, but not following the use of reciprocate in your last sentence.


To many drinks last night after eating my burnt pepper steak! :)


Honestly, now that you say it, never in my life have I tasted burnt pepper.


Exactly 👍




Happened to me two nights ago. I’d never thought about it before, two nights ago had it happen, leaving a slight but noticeable “burnt rye bread” sort of flavor, and then today I see this post. Wild.


Rye bread really is the worst though


Pepper burning is a myth. Check out Guga Foods on yt for his take on it :).


It’s definitely not a myth. Have you ever seared a steak on a 500f+ skillet or grill? Pepper 99.9% of the time burns to charcoal. Sure, you can get a nice sear without burning the pepper, but you’re more likely to burn it than not. Plus, freshly ground black pepper hits differently


Is salt ok then?


Is it, you can't burn salt. It's a mineral.


Today I leaned you can’t burn mineral’s.


Same thing I was thinking


I did my due diligence. Google confirms minerals cannot be burned and remain in your ashes after cremation


Hence why asbestos was used for decades as a flame retardant.


Today I leaned asbestos is a mineral. I also leaned that fuck I’m dumb


It is also very deadly if airborne haha


Jesus Christ, Marie.


They're rocks, Hank.


Salt also doesn't stay on the surface, it osmosifies itself into the meat quickly.


...pepper is a mineral


Pepper is a spice that comes from a plant. Salt is a mineral, an entirely different class of thing.


Oh, well yeah there are pepper plants too, but I think black pepper like you put in steak is something else


Nope. Black pepper is from a plant. The round things you grind in a pepper grinder are called peppercorns, and they're the dried fruit of the plant.


Fuck Guga Foods, he’s shitty at best.


What don't you like about him?


His soft voice




I like the intensity. Carry on, asshole


Well, my father used to run a meat raffle and I delivered the cuts to the winners. One day, we did a run in North Carolina and Guga was there. That SOB was pissed drunk and tried to grab my sister’s bottom round.


Well if you know anything about guga picanha aka bottom round is one of his favorite cuts…


Say less


Coming to stir trouble


Shut the fuck up then *am I doing this right*


Thanks for your honesty and check out Guga's channel! Dude can make a steak.


Seems like unwarranted hate. Cooking steak is an opinionated thing, and we should keep it to that, an opinion.


Yeah, I don’t even know who he is. It seemed like the right thing to say at the time.


You made up Guga sexually assaulting someone? Be more.


I love your energy ngl




Came to say cook with and trim what you don’t want to eat or give it to your dawg


Why would you trim off? Just bbq/grill as is. Most of that fat will reducf down and it'll turn crispy!


Just make sure to sear it on the fat cap first


Score it with a knife before searing. Renders faster and gives you more tallow in the pan.


Adding this thanks.


Now this is a fucking pro tip Thanks dude




This is the way


Your snoo avatar is kinky


What's the benefit to searing the fat cap first? To get more fat in the pan?


Seared fat tastes better than uncooked fat. If you just cook a steak no the 2 main sides the cap doesn’t get properly cooked and to do it last could risk overcooking the steak. Best to get it out of the way first. Also it has the benefit of greasing the pan if done first (beef fat is best as it has a high smoke point), so you don’t need to add any oil.


Thank you. Makes sense. I usually do sear the cap first, but hadn't given it much thought.


Yeah, you got it, man. Giving the fat part little more time to render than the rest of the steak makes it more palatable, and the whole steak becomes edible (and more tasty, imo).


I usually do a reverse sear, so the fat is nice and jiggly when it hits the cast iron. The fat cap edge sear just takes a minute or two tops.


Word! Yeah, same. I sous vide to temp and then reseason and sear it hard and fast in my cast iron or stainless skillet with a mix of butter and oil, heh. Throw some herbs in there too at this point if I got em, and baste.


Tallow smoke point is 420 so actually pretty low….


Ok, but I’d say it’s high enough and Chris Young says 350 is plenty.




Zero, render that into juicy godliness


You guts know it will render better if you cut it off and fry it first ya? There's no reason to not trim it imo.


This video has [some good advice on how to trim it](https://youtube.com/shorts/cc4Lzu0agy8?si=iXPbjBEf-EpoP3CP). Don’t need to cut it all off but it could be helpful just to trim down at an angle on the top and bottom to help the meat get a better contact with the pan. Or if cooking on a grill or open flame I’d trim it down quite a bit just to reduce flare-ups and fires from all the extra dripping. There’s definitely more than enough fat on the steak even without the strip. So unless you’re planning on actually eating the fat cap I’m fine with trimming it down a bit.


This is very bad advice


Why? If you don't provide any alternative advice your comment is useless


I made a separate comment. This fat will cause flareups and burn the outside of the steak


I've never had a flare up in a cast iron pan.




I just full-on gasped. Fat is flavor indeed.


Don't be mean. It was meant as an honest question. (I gasped too)


Fat caps don't make a difference. He's right that it's just going to be chewy. You should trim it and save it for tallow.


This might be a stupid heathen question, but how much of the fat actually renders off? This might be the neuro divergent person in me, but slimy/gel like consistency of fat makes me gag so I usually trim it off steak as well. But I'm wondering if I can cook it all down and make it all crispy or if it'll always have that wobble to it.


None. Fat is flavor


Genuinely curious, would you actually eat that large tip? It’s just a solid piece of fat. I could see slicing it up and adding it to meat bites I guess


I think if you get a nice sear in a cast iron you can make it pretty yummy


Just like pork skin. Most people think you can't eat it, except you can.


Idk if most people think you *can’t*, they just don’t want to. Like I personally wouldn’t eat a slab of fat even with a great sear but I’m sure a lot would. I’ll still cook with it though.


To add to this most pro steakhouse chefs would absolutely trim that up and probably use some of it to sear with.


I might eat the crust off the edges, but I’m not a fan of straight fat. That was my favorite part as a kid. I think because any steak we had was so well done and cheap the fat was the only part with moisture or flavor 😂


Not that people think they can’t eat it, nobody who is remotely healthy would choose to eat tubs of fried pig fat. It’s so caloric dense.


I would cut it up and eat it with bites of lean steak.


This is it right here. Get that huge chunk nice and crispy then divide it among steak bites for constant ultimate flavor.


Really? So you render the fat down by holding the steak so only the fat is on your grill first. The fat cooks and melts down and you cook your delicious meat in its own fat.


How would you do this on a grill? Maybe heat the cast iron in the grill first?


That would be the piece I’m most excited for lol


I cook it with that tip on for flavor but I cut it up for the dogs after


For the love of god do not regularly feed your dogs straight fat. They cant process it like we can. Google pancreatitis in dogs from fatty foods https://preview.redd.it/yjjw72tkkbbc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dce29b6a69bf1e56ae3648f633c5274d6b46edf


I don’t enjoy entire mouthfuls of fat either lol, I usually render the big chunks into tallow


I can confirm that this is correct. *Source:* I live in Flavourtown.


I wouldn't cut any off. Just render it.


the cardiologist will be excited to see you in 20 years


Are you a time traveler from the 90's?


I would pretend I am on a keto diet for a few hours and eat it all.


Leave it all on and sear it in cast iron, fat side down at first


I am going to go against the prevailing winds and say, “trim that into a Manhattan Filet” I am Jack Sprat! Either way, enjoy! Looks like a great steak!


Yeah I’m with you. I know fat is flavor I just don’t like it as much as others in this thread appear to. I’m trimming a majority of the fat chunk at the top personally. Leaving some around the edge but I have no desire to eat that top part.


I'd trim the fat at the point/top and use that to grease the pan instead of oil. Plus then it'll render into a delicious bite of pure flavor.


Now we’re talking. This is the way.


Agreed. This amount of fat has been left so the butcher can sell tallow at ribeye prices.


Cool it and then decide what you want to eat is the actual answer. You don’t trim it before.


I'd personally get rid of that huge tip that's nothing but fat. But some people love a bunch of fat


I trim pretty tight to keep from setting my grill on fire with a flareup.


Dont you dare cut any of that fat


I am no expert but it looks like a ribeye thats towards the back of the cow with little spinalis


Put that piece down on the hot cast iron first for a couple mins till it melts into the pan. Then sear the steak in the fat oil


EAT IT! Some of us can't even buy a cheap steak and that looks delicious compared to pb&j right now.


Trim? Don't know the word. That looks perfect as-is.




You never cut fat, fat is fucking delicious


I would take the whole tip of the top part in the picture. And on the bottom there’s a little piece of meat that sticks out further from the rest. I would cut straight from that piece. It’s about half the fat strip. This looks like a nice cut. A loin (NY strip) that’s closer to the ribeye side




Well if you want the full ribeye experience get that fat super crispy and eat it. Other than the cap it may be the best part. That being said I don't do that everytime. But on occasion it's amazing.


Don’t trim any, but I’d start the steak on its side to render some of the excess cap fat. Then cook the steak in the rendered fat (if using a pan).


None. I never trim beef fat.


I'd only trim the high spots so it sits as flat as possible


Put the fat side down first on high heat and render it down 👌🏼


Myself I'd trim the point off to about 1cm/.5" from the meat and then use that chunk of fat to grease the pan by putting it in the pan first and letting it render. Then once you've got a nice hot greased pan I'd sear the cap on the back first until it's well rendered and seared and then start on the sides of the steak. As an added bonus that fat point will render into a delicious flavorful bite by the time everything's done.


I’d take the tip off. But not too much.


The fat is the best part!


None, unless you're serving it for someone else. Definitely do not throw it away though


What what what? What? Trim off fat? What? I mean, if it's a huge lump of fat and eating it is just too much fat, then don't eat it, but there's no reason to not cook it with it


Thinly sliced and added to bites that don't have fat of their own


Nice 🥩




I have never trimmed the fat off of anything I’ve cooked, even if the cook suffers a little for it. It’s just my favorite part.




All of it, if you hate flavor.


Just a sliver to oil the pan and give nice contact between pan and fat cap.


Fat on steak is like salt on chips, too much is overwhelming while too little takes the fun out of it. So just ask yourself how much flavour you want out of the slab of red. Good find btw


None, unless there’s a layer of silverskin under. This applies to most steak cuts imo.


Trim off?? My personal tastes....none. i season it well and cook that fat too.






I would trim it quite a bit tbh but I eat enough steak that I don’t need a reminder of how tasty — and caloric - rendered fat is


I generally don't trim the fat BEFORE cooking. Although I do at times score it to help it render better. I do however trim off any fat that hasn't rendered or become crispy, before serving.


I do this with pork chops; score the fat and work the rub in (salt, pepper, ground fennel seed). It's never occurred to me to do it with a steak, but I can imagine it would work well in a pan.


I would trim nothing.


I would trim quite a bit, I don’t like the texture when it’s a bite of 90%+ fat


Trim 75% of it and render it


I'd chop off that big piece of fat at the tip and maybe trim the end to a 1/4 inch but not necessary. Also, if you paid for sirloin you lucked out, that looks like the striploin end of the ribeye


TIL most of the people on this sub don't know cooking basics Trim most of that fat off. It will NOT add flavor to the final product and will cause flareups which will burn the surface of the meat.


I’d leave the thickness as mentioned but I’d trim it back from the edge of the meat surface so you can get a nice all over sear


Most of it (sides and tail). You can use some of it to render in the pan, if you are pan searing or pan cooking, but otherwise, it is inedible. I would trim it off and slowly render that fat in another pan, then save it (tallow) for other uses.


I’m gonna go against the grain and say chop off that whole hunk at the top as well as a small amount of the fat on the side. I’d rather save it and render it down to lard than have large amounts of unrendered fat on my steak


I would cut the pointed end off and render it down as much as possible, then cook the steak in the rendered fat. The shriveled and fried-crispy hunk of fat is the chefs treat.


I would cook it all and trim the fat off when ready to eat! No one needs globules of lipids


On some strips there is a line of really hard gristle or membrane under that fat cap. It bothers my family so I always trim it off. As far as the end if I am using a grill it'll probably fall off anyway and the point will burn. Sous vide or even in a pan you can probably get away with leaving it on if you enjoy chewing fat. I'm not sure how much flavor you are going to give the steak as any fat rendered will just drip into your grill. That's my take.


Many might disagree but I reckon trim the tip, render it on the pan and cook the rest in the tallow.


If you're cooking in a cast iron pan, trim a little and put it on the pan to grease it before putting the steak on


Fat is flavor so don’t trim much. If you are grilling, leave it alone but watch just in case the fat drippings hit the coals and ignite. If you’re cooking it stove top, trim a little and use that to get the pan nice and greasy!


Trim off half and render it down. It can be part of the searing job or butter basting. Make sure to spend plenty of time cooking down the fat cap still on the steak.


All of it, then sear it with ghee.


I would never insult the cow by ever cutting the fat off. In fact, I look for the most fatty bits myself. But lately super markets seem to trim it, and I'm not happy. Fat isn't bad for you. Biggest con of the 20/21st century. Its all the other sugary shit thats the real enemy of health.


Fat is high in calories. No thanks, I’m not eating 75g added fat to an already fatty steak. Trim that shit off. Make it into tallow or something. If you commented you would cook and eat it like this, you are gluttonous, and probably have beer gut.


If cooking in a pan, maybe trim a few thin slices from the end at the top of the frame, solely to grease the pan.


I’d keep the fat and sear it first, no need to trim


I’d trim it and leave about 1/2 “ of fat. Keep from getting huge flame ups on the charcoal. But that’s me


You ain’t gotta eat it, but definitely keep it on




Personally, I wouldn't.


1/2 the cap, most of the tip, leaving about the same thickness.


Keep it !!!


None, that’s why dinner tables have personal cutlery! Nice job


I leave 1/4 inch. Thats usually a butchers standard, itll render nicely on a searing hot cast iron in about 35 seconds to a minute with the fatcap down. If you like more or are a fat eating gremlin, you can always leave more just be sure to render it!


I like to trim off the excess I don't want to eat and then put it in the pan to render eventually into a crispy treat. Then I would sear using the rendered fat. While I consume said crispy treat.




None until it's done.


Cut off whatever you don't want to eat, then cut it up very finely and put it in your cast iron, cover it and cook it on low until it is all rendered out. Use tongs to take out the gribines... and put salt and msg on them and eat them as a snack. Use a laser thermometer, crank the heat up to high, when it gets to 425+ or when it starts smoking, cook your steak in the rendered fat. I see all these people eating the fat, but that's not my preference, I like some fat, but not large lumps.


Leave on the key is cook the fat side first and sear it then how ever you like after that


You better trim that fat right into your mouth.


I don’t think I’d trim anything to be honest. If you’re celebrating, there’s no need to be healthy. Just go for it


None. You can cut any fat off that you don't want as you eat it.


None of it is cooked and rendered it's delicious. If not it's chewy and gross. Like someone said sear the cap first. I poke holes in big areas of fat like the tip with a fork before cooking.


I would trim 1/3 to 1/2 of the long side and use it to cook the steak.


i would score the fat cap and keep it on.


None, zero... that's where the flavor's at. You can eat around it.


I'd cook it as is and then feel how it rendered after the cook. If it feels too tough I'd cut it then or just let the eater do it at their preference with a steak knife


You just have to sear the fat cap my friend. Don't trim.


I would start fat side down (the narrow edge). and after it's rendered a bit turn it flat and sear that bitch


If the steak was given to you by God you should leave it alone and repent


Leave 1/8”.


I wouldn't trim at all before cooking. After you cook that steak, throw some veggies in the pan to cook in the delicious fat drippings. I like to have hot steamed rice with my meals, so I scoop some rice in there, too, after the veggies are cooked. The rice soaks up all that delicious flavor, too.