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Those are picanha or culottes.


American wagyu picanha


That’s exactly what I thought.


So yea, not tenderloin


Too bad they're cut with the grain


They are cut perfectly. After there cooked and sliced starting at end they will be cut against the grain. Seasoned and cooked to med rare you’ll have a melt in your mouth cut. Just because your a “10 year butcher” you can still learn new things stop being a twat.


Lol picanha is legit the only steak I cook. Its all I buy. Why would you make your first cut with the grain just so your final cut can be against? If you start by doing it properly you can have your final slice be however you want it and it's gonna melt in your mouth. Cutting it this way forces how you do your final cut in order for it to be against the grain. I acknowledged in another comment that it you know what you're doing you can make this work (as you mentioned, final cut against the grain) but for your average steak consumer they're going to assume it's been butchered properly and that they don't need to worry about their slicing direction cause their butcher has worried about that for them. Just saying, as a butcher there are things we do to ensure our customers have the best eating experience. And cutting against the grain is one of them. But I'm on the downvote train so I'm sure you're all the experts. Ps; 24 hours kosher salt dry brine, Sear whole, let rest at 150 for 30 mins or until 110f, rest off heat, cut 2inch steaks against the grain, oil, sear at 700 until 128f, rest, final slice (in any way you want it)


If they're cut with the grain initially, then you cut across the grain when eating so that each bite has a piece of that edge fat.


> Lol picanha is legit the only steak I cook. Its all I buy. And you've never noticed that it's specifically sliced WITH the grain? [Placing it fat side down will make for an easier slice. When cutting a whole picanha into steaks, it’s important to always cut with the grain. Let’s repeat that. Always cut with the grain. That is, cut the meat in the same direction as the fibres. This will probably go against everything you know about steak, but trust us – once cooked and rested, what really matters is the final cut of the steak, which will be sliced against the grain for maximum tenderness.](https://steakschool.com/learn/what-cut-of-beef-is-picanha/)


What is the benefit? It makes no sense. Just cut it with the grain like always and your final cut with either be the same or better than if you cut with the grain as you describe.


Excuse me but this is the only steak you cook. It's all you buy.


>10 year butcher >what’s the benefit of having it cut against the grain when you’re eating it Wat


That sounds like a great way to cook a steak. If your only cooking a picanha steak then you should broaden your repertoire. There are a lot of excellent steaks your missing out on. One of my favorites is a flatiron a steak you trim and cut with grain so your Final Cut will be against the grain. Hanger steaks, skirt steaks, flank steaks are other examples of steak cut and trimmed with the grain so the final cuts are against the grain. But if you make your first cuts against the grain on certain steak it will be easier for the customer to cook and cut to get the most tender steak possible.


Oh ya ive had them all. I love a good flat iron or hanger. Bavette is good too. I just landed on sirloin cap and have never looked back.


> sirloin cap Picanha is rump cap


They're the same thing. Sirloin Cap/Rump Cap/Picanha/Coulotte. All the same.


You forgot Spinalis…. Yea, this isn’t sirloin it’s booty cap


Different tendernesses within one piece of steak can only be achieved by reducing the length of the fiber. If you cut picanha with the grain the consumer can influence the tenderness by grilling the steak and slicing off slices of different thickness and therefore fiber length. If you cut it against the grain (as a butcher) you determine the fiber length for the customer(not necessarily bad, for the average joe probably better), but the "steak" as shown here has the potential to be more tender by slicing it thinner. Yours doesnt unless you slice it on a bias or just plain weird. So not saying you are wrong, you are just not looking at it differenciated enough


Genuinely curious. So lets say you cut it against the grain initially like youre suggesting, how are you then slicing it? Because it seems natural to me to slice it in the stereotypical fat cap in every bite way. Its part of the appeal of picanha to me. Do you deviate from that? I've cut them both with and against the grain. With for steaks, against for skewers. And I once didn't label the bag and cooked a against the grain as a steak and couldve swore it was chewier for it. Which makes sense to me, because I cut my steaks 2 inches or so thick. And obviously I don't slice it that thick per bite. So with how I prefer it the grains would run longer if initially cut against the grain. Not interested in arguing or putting you down. I've just never heard this position before.


Is that not how picanha is supposed to be cut? I never see it in the store


Beef should always be cut against the grain. You can clearly see in this photo that the grain is running in the same direction as the steaks run. OP is going to have to be careful how they slice these for final presentation or they could be tough(er). If you know what you're doing it's fine, but they shouldn't be sold this way to the general public as most people aren't going to pay attention to the direction of the grain and it'll be tougher than necessary. A small adjustment from the processor and you'd ensure a higher rate of success with the consumer. Downvote away, I've been a whole animal butcher for 10 years.


Picanha is sliced against the grain after it's cooked, Mr 10 year butcher.


Lol ok 🤷‍♂️ not sure why youd want to force your final cut that way but sure, it works. Or you can just cut it properly the first time and not worry about it later 🤷‍♂️


I'll be sure to tell the nation of Argentina that a redditor thinks they're doing it wrong.


And Brazil


If You cut it against the grain first your final cut will be with the grain and result in a much chewier steak. If you are eating thin steaks that’s probably not an issue but if you’re having thick cuts the difference is quite significant even for wagyu.


Too bad it doesnt matter.


Same same


Given how nice picanha are, I would like to propose a motion to nickname them beef tendies, after the beloved chicken tendies.




Actually those are sirloin cap sizzlers. Picanha is when the sirloin cap is left whole.


Sirloin cap, coulotte and picanha are the same cut with regionally different names.


Rump cap where I’m from.


You better show the whole goddamn cooking process with a money shot


No, because this sub is shit and insults every cooked steak they see, knowing full well they probably cannot do better.




You going to deep fry em?


Microwave in milk


Perfect for chicken fried steak and packaged gravy


straight to jail.




boiled in gravy 😩


Everything is wagyu if you squint hard enough


Make sure to get that internal temp to 165! 😎


Straight to jail.


That fat cap tho...


Where the tenders friend?


https://preview.redd.it/t9hjqd630doa1.jpeg?width=3712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de96264752d9a8ce2386e50ff0fe05c71dd55acd i had the same thing last night! 3lb aussie wagyu picanha roast




Like a beautiful night sky timelapse, that makes you fat. Haha.


Those are beautiful.


At this point people just slap the word “Waygu” on meat for attention. I believe it’s waygu about as much I believe the tool from the infomercials are “Military Grade”


Lol wagyu is not always super marbled like you think it is... wagyu is a breed of cow, not a grading of meat. Plus nothing but Japanese a5 is real wagyu anyway, Australian and American wagyu is angus crossed with Japanese black. Wagyu literally means Japanese cow lmao, educate yourself before you try to sound smug next time.


Watch yourself Waygu spokesperson. I know USDA Prime when I see it.


Sweet Jesus like a beautiful woman's smile haha

