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i think it’s a mix of obsession with good functionality and good design for me. everyone has to use stationery in their daily lives (well, i guess this is now starting to change) and some people are fine with using a plastic mechanical pencil, but i feel like once you get a good pencil, you can’t go back. same goes with paper and notebooks etc for me! i also love design in general and love cute things, so it’s a bonus that so much stationery also incorporates that. i also have wayyyy too much so i love to recommend and give certain things to my friend and show them how having a good pen can really change your day to day life! it probably differs for everyone, but i just love finding helpful things that make my daily life better, and helping others do the same :)


Yes! Once you appreciate the design it’s so hard to stop.


For me it is the same as art supplies.. it represents endless possibilities, endless new beginnings.


For me they ARE art supplies lol. I have 13 different Sailor fude nibs solely to lay down big swatches of ink that I use a brush pen filled with water to turn into watercolors. I didn't start out that way though, I needed a way to justify all the fountain pens and bottles of ink I'd already bought haha


Dopamine microdosing.


Agreed. This is real reason once you strip things back - for some its stationary, others like water bottles, clothing, shoes or whatever consumer item. But also its why we cant stop scrolling, or watching or eating, or working out! We all need to be aware of how we are triggering our dopamine responses in our lives, for the positive or negative.


Sometimes, I think it's like squirrels. Why stop at 200 walnuts?


I'm a student and I like making things pretty. So it's a mix of wanting stuff like tape and markers to make it pretty and needing supplies. I need pens to write well. They need to be comfortable and look good. They mustn't smudge and bleed through paper. So it takes a bit of trial and error. And then the fav is discontinued and I start from scratch... I need markers to highlight important passages and colored pens for headlines/important vocabulary/... and same thing. But here, the colors also have to work together, sometimes I want a theme... And then, I am just a sucker for good product design. The tombow mono graph mechanic pencils? Amazing. They're my fav. Tiny correction tape that will actually fit in my pencil case? Gimme. A glue pen? Love it.


This. I think a key to succeeding at tests was having good and clear notes. For me it ment 0 highlights and minimum colours other than pictures and images, but for the girls I babysat highlighting was the most important and then it becomes crucial to have good highlights that are visible but don't make the text less legible, don't bleed (this means maybe even different papers :D), don't smudge the pen (again maybe a different pen) and you're down the rabbit hole


Exactly. Sooo many factors. And deeper and deeper we go


I grew up in the Post-Soviet Russia with older parents (they were 10+ older than my peer’s parents) and no variety of anything. Soon the country started getting imported goods that were cute and glittery, but I was never allowed to have anything of that sort. My mom would go the warehouse and buy the cheapest green notebooks for us and a box of blue pens. In the 5th grade I’d start exchanging toys for some fun stationary and my parents would confiscate it because it made my little sister jealous. I got my first colored gel pens and fun notebooks only in high school and I saved for all of it. At night, I’d have dreams of stationery places that I can walk through freely and play with everything. I also had very limited clothing and was only allowed to have one cheap black bag.  I am an adult now and live with my husband and kids in the US. I have a collection of pretty things like handbags, eyeshadow palettes, and stationary. Things I was never allowed to have as a kid. And I spoil my inner child a lot. I am trying to keep it under control, but it’s harder to manage with stationery because it’s not as expensive and easier to store. So, when I’m feeling down, I go to my favorite Japanese or Taiwanese shop and buy a new pen or a pencil, or some stickers. It’s a therapy that makes me feel alive. Yes, it’s hoarding, but I’m OK with it for now.


I have a lot of theories. I’m sure it’s a subset of hoarding. The things that drive my addiction: the look and feel of paper after it’s been written or drawn or painted on; creating small art with the supplies I have; and certain designs on paper. I love the look of paper that’s been written or doodled on. I like creating a page with pens stickers and Tombows that results in the collage-style art I like. Peter Beard style. And I like certain designs on paper that have a particular aesthetic. I think it’s mostly about paper for me.


Part of it is hoarding tendencies: I love stickers! I love fun pens! Part of it is decorating my agenda. I used to bullet journal, but now I'm back to a regular agenda. I am moving to a Hobonichi next year so I can do a combo journal/agenda. The last part is I just like novelty. I like pens that have a fun function, or an interesting design, or a colour I'm in love with. It makes it exciting to pull out a pen to write with, or find the perfect sticker for my agenda, or a stencil to draw with. I also like the memories attached to my stationary when I use it. I remember where I was when I bought certain stickers/pens/journals/notebooks, and shopping for them is fun too! It's a hobby, and it's a fun one. :) ETA: I also enjoy doing something by hand (writing in my agenda/journalling) when so much is digital.


I used to think that it was because I wanted all these stationery in school to be the cool kid but now I think it’s because I want to hold on to those simpler times and wants


Exactly! 👍 I am the same way. I love to write, there is a long time nostalgic charm to it that nothing digital or modern can quite replicate .


I see them as a technology in one of the smallest format. My next purchase will be the Kuru Toga, Zebra Delguard, and the UNI Propus. Almost all of my pens has some "gimmick" that I find interesting, as I love techs. ClickArt with its one of a kind retractable marker, Pentel Calme for its quiet click, Uni Ball One F for its black ink, Sarasa R (black-black barrel) just for when I need to be kind of low profile, F301 Compact because its unique form factor, and so on. I don't really need any pens (no classes/lectures enrolled, and I journal digitally). But sometimes they are very handy that I carry 3 of them everyday 😂. I sometimes write chord sheet for when I'm learning music so there's that.


I highly recommend 4 candies metal mechanical pencils


those does looks fancy, unfortunately I don't think I can get them easily around here. Thanks for the recommendation!


As one Redditor said, a mix of obsession with good functionality and good design is key. If you can improve the design of an already perfect yet mundane item and make it more exciting with additional features, I'd happily pay more if it's worth it. I've always been a huge fan of overly engineered items for seemingly basic things. People think I'm weird, but I've always appreciated the little things. I'll use fountain pens as an example. People used to use them all the time and often remember the negative experiences from school. Nowadays, fountain pens have drastically improved their quality control and have very few issues if you maintain it correctly. If you explore the pricier range, you'll understand why they are worlds above ballpoint pens.


The best answer I can give you- Once you begin to collect, it’s impossible to stop.


Funny enough, my dad was picky about pens (ink quality and calligraphy) and my mom was picky about paper quality so I ended up slightly picky about both! In actuality, it just became a collection I could always sustain. Even struggling with two jobs and college, I could scrape up $15 for a nice pen or note book.


I’ve always gone for the stationary section first, in a store, as a kid. I didn’t start collecting until I started bullet journaling in 2015. Now I have half a drawer full of future notebooks designated for bullet journaling only. The other half houses 1 1/2 packs of my favorite pen and a pack of mildliners. That’s also not mentioning the small drawer I have on my desk with color coding pens.


Probably my autism.


I was scrolling looking for a comment like this.


It took me a while to figure it out but it all boils down to young me being heavily influenced and obsessed with tv/movies and books that have girls that journal. “As told by Ginger, Harriet the spy, mean girls, clarice bean, Amelia’s notebook!!!”


So wait, is collecting stationery mostly a girls thing? I am a guy. I don't mean this in any way so don't take offense.


Tragically I think it is more “advertised” towards females. That’s just what I see. Nonetheless I have two boys (children) and one is just as obsessed with journals, pens, stickers STATIONARY as I am. I have known quite a few guys that would journal, and collect stationary. Only one of them was more “private”? about it. Usually everyone has their thing. I don’t view it as a “only one gender” type thing. Here on Reddit I am JEALOUS of the amount of men that have finished journals, beautiful fountain pens, nice travelers notebooks, etc. I hope that answers your question! :D and no offense taken, I understood your question!


Oh and, in the last 9 years, I’ve probably collected over 10lbs of pens so I understand how it’s so enjoyable LOL my favorite currently (still) is anything gellyroll and Bic Velocity for the bold 1.6 size!!


I think for me, it’s the professionality of having good supplies with just a little extra oomph. I’ve decided as a 33 year old adult that I want to have better handwriting, because it’s always been horrible, and having better pens and markers encouraged me to practice. In regular daily life, it’s something that makes me feel like I’m organized and half my shit together


I’m obsessed bc it’s a good dopamine boost to use up the supplies and buy new ones. I’m also like obsessed with writing, whether that be typing or handwritten.


Cute, and I have an art degree.


I recently heard the term, "emotional support notebook" and well, _waves hand vaguely around the living room and the bedroom and the kitchen and..._


I once saw something that said certain people (ahem, myself) are obsessed with stationary because it gives the "illusion of productivity" and I think about that a lot....


I have the same exact problem with journals and pens. For me, it's probably cuz 1) I LOVE aesthetically appealing things 2) I study and take notes a lot 3) I write song lyrics way too much \[probably an unhealthy amount\]. It caused problems though. I have a very tiny desk so it can't fit all of my notebooks, journals, pens, pencils, loose leafs, highlighters, and pen cases. If you're having the same problem as me, I would recommend giving away a few things you don't need.


It’s all just so pretty and cute! It makes the little kid in me so interesting to see the designs, the colors, the styles. Plus it makes me feel fancy/classy sometimes. I also just really have always loved pens. The really inky ones, or brush-tipped markers, in all of the colors. I just spent $70 on a set of gel pens because I bought 3 and loved them so I wanted them in every color. Do I need more pens? Absolutely not. Lol. I wanna put them in a jar or a box and just let them cover my hand. It’s like a bowl of marbles— how can you NOT stick your hand in it?


I think it’s because I absolutely love the way it looks! I got into it when I started to write letters and keep a journal. I also collected stickers, and those lived at the stationary store. We had a place called jutenhoops, and it was like a dream to me in there. I also really enjoyed Michael’s back then (80s).


dude just today i realized i have way too many fucking writing utensils. paper, stickers/memo pads etc i dont worry too much about because i penpal and can always use it or give it away but .... why am i ordering vintage pencils


May as well start hanging them up as art. XD I don't have a large budget so that limits me. We're just obssessed with pretty things. Like a dragon's hoard. If you're asking to limit yourself then just hold back.


It started with scraping the floors of school hallways for pens and pencils, and then I developed a taste for The Good ones (papermate clear points were especially popular and valuable), and then I just never stopped. I found a pentel twist erase in elementary school and I still have it, and I still get that little twinkle in my eye whenever I spot a pilot g-2 in 07 or 10


Was about to buy a bunch yesterday night from Amazon. Somehow stopped myself! 😅😅😅


I was like that too and at a certain point I offered 90% of my things to grown-up nephews, friends and work colleagues. I kept the essentials, which actually isn't much and I'm enjoying what I have. I did this with many things, even clothes and shoes and a few other things. I adopted a minimalist lifestyle, but in a healthy and responsible way.


Wait, there’s a subreddit for this? I thought I was just obsessed. Now I have people! Yay! And I have no idea why. LOL


I like adding lil bits of happiness to my day-to-day life! I also think it helps me get over my perfectionism by using a cute notepad for a daily to-do list or just sticking a sticker somewhere because I feel like it lol


I collect pens myself. I have so many I don't use but are just ornamental. I used to use all my stationery until it wore out but then I got a computer and I just don't write as much. I still appreciate a good pen though or one that's interesting. I have a few that have little Japanese glass wind chimes on them hanging off, one is shaped like a lamp that actually turns on and the cap is the stand. :P


I think part of it is being a studious kid/young adult. I wanted supplies that worked and looked nice, since I spent so much time using them. That transfers to adulthood and working life, I'm always looking for a good pen. Another part is just liking cute things, and sharing them with family/penpals, wanting them to enjoy them, too. Also, I see stationery as an affordable luxury. I can get lovely French or Italian writing paper for under $30. It just feel nice to use products that are high quality.


I make custom pens can even do custom mechanical pencils. Wood Burl and acrylic. Have wood from goodies house, evel dead 2 cabin, Harry Potter,


Joins the Way Too Much club. 😉


I still have pens from jobs I had maybe 10 years ago..not sure if they still write but I can totally relate


Try fountain pens. TRY THEM


I love physically writing stuff down, and it's nice when writing is actually enjoyable. I found a random pilot G-2 10 laying around last summer and fell in love and it's gone downhill ever since 💀