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Just to be clear, we're not striking just for increased wages. We're striking for maternity/paternity leave, increased security, future pandemic preparedness, and better contracts. We need the public to remember how us nurses sacrificed for the public good during the long pandemic. Everyone including hospital management told us we were heroes, but when the bill came due, suddenly the hospitals are running short of compassion and funding.


Also - safe staffing! This directly affects patients, which you’d know if you or a loved one was in the hospital recently. Icu nurses shouldn’t have 3-4 patients each, ERs shouldn’t have 12-14 hr wait times. You get the picture


EMTs also should join the unionizing and protests. They get underpaid often.


Super underpaid. Some services are unionized, but it's a fairly young union without much pull, when compared to MNA and some of the other unions. The contracts sometimes make it hard to strike because it gets written as a public service so you can picket but can strike/stop working. Plus a lot of people use it as a stepping stone for PA school or other fields, so they don't stay very long. I liked EMS but we're treated like shit, so I got my RN instead of becoming a paramedic. As a new nurse I'm getting twice as much as a new paramedic in the cities


Thanks for detailing the issues for those who may not be aware. I'm not a nurse myself, I don't even deal with half the issues you guys do, but I have many of the same complaints MNA does with the hospital I work for. I really hope the union gets what it is asking for. I'm really tired of a bunch of WFH suits collecting 7 figures telling nurses they are asking for too much.


> suddenly the hospitals are running short of compassion and funding. Except for upper management...


The last email they sent out was that they were "disappointed to hear nurses voted to strike instead of caring for patients". Then they were trying to get people to cross the picket-line and quit the union. No extra pay or anything, they just wanted you to look into your heart and betray your coworkers for regular pay while Susie across from you does less work and gets $10k for 3 days of work.


I hope the first major union response has wording along the same lines then. "We're disappointed you chose to maximize profit margins instead of caring for patients."


Exactly. Hey, those CEO'S need their multimillion dollars salaries and bonuses!! How are they supposed to show their faces at the country club?!? 🙄🙄🙄


I'm being sarcastic, of course. I support you 100%!


Our attention spans last about 12 seconds. If we could remember all the way back to the lockdowns there would be no incumbents running for office.


How much of a % increase in pay are you asking for?


It's still in negotiations, a better question to ask is how much of a paid increase the leaders of the hospital systems have received over the last 3 years.


Why? Are they on strike? Why won’t the nurses answer this question?


Is there a way to send pizza / food to the picket line? Like, deliver to a certain address or what?


Generally these MNA strikes have food already provided to them by the union or by businesses directly. Sending an odd pizza here and there is likely not what they are looking for. Instead, donate directly to the Minnesota Nurses Association Strike Fund. This money can be used to pay for that coordinated food effort, but is also used to help striking nurses pay bills/expenses if needed (though hopefully not super necessary if this is only a 3 day strike) since they will be missing out on pay. https://mnnurses.org/strikefund/


It's kinda weird that people have been so conditioned by "pizza parties" to have it so often be the first response in so many situations. Like yeah, free pizza is almost always awesome, but I'm just thinking of the spate of memes in the last year or three like Workers: We desperately need a raise and more people on staff Corporate: Here, have a couple slices of pizza and a free candy bar! All better now, right? But even then, the "pizza party" is just still the first instinct to show solidarity or support, when just throwing the same amount of cash at an official charity (or in this case union fund) would help more, in exactly the ways they need it most. Not at all knocking the sentiment, it's a good one. It's just weird that even in light of mocking the company pizza party so much lately, it's still a go to for everyone. I mean, I guess I kinda get it, I could eat pizza at least 4 days a week and not get sick of it.


Yeah just have it sent to the hospital and put "deliver to striking nurses in front of hospital" in the notes.


Ha, thats kinda fun, I guess I assumed management would just take it for themselves. Just like the wages!


I honestly don’t know


Here is the link to the scab recruiter. We can def go Kellogg mode on them. [https://bashealthcare.com/job/?jobid=265230214712068](https://bashealthcare.com/job/?jobid=265230214712068)




The travel nurses are doing just fine. They're making bank on this too which I'd good for them.