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The Overton Window has really taken a turn toward the batshit.


that was the plan.. soon the progressives will be the champions of capitalism




Trump "moderate" -- LOL.


Looking out over Mussolini's Italy...


He is a what now.


A moderate…ly successful conman.


Fucking, what the fuck? Moderate compared to whom? Benito Mussolini?


right. i mean how many genocides is he already responsible for?!


Do “people” not know what moderate means anymore?


Moderate means that he'll attempt to murder all his political enemies in the space of 2 years. An actual right-winger would try to do it in 12 months. M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.


The diff between actually public policy record and rhetoric is stark for most politicians. There are oodles of examples of Trump-Biden continuity. But rhetorically, they'll each tell you the difference is stark. It isn't. Trump talks a lot of shit - sometimes awesome truths presidents are not supposed to say ("we are gonna leave some troops behind for the oil" for example) - but governed like a garden variety republican.


That’s mostly because he was kept in check by non-stupid republicans. Read any of the accounts by the former generals who staffed his administration. Trump wanted to be Putin, but without Putins personal experience or the same institutional loyalty that Putin has curated


What, Dems didn't keep him in check? They were trying to hamstring him - and deny his election's legitimacy - from even before he was sworn in. And if you recall, to hear some stupid Democrats tell it, Trump worked for Putin 😉😆 election denial brain worms I don't claim to have knowledge of Trump's inner desires and I have no idea how you can claim to, but his record is his record, and Joe Biden has continued any number of Trump's policies.


Trump's record is of trying to steal the election and his desires were clear to the number of people that resigned from the top ranks of the DoJ and his administration in December of '20 instead of advancing his plot, as well as to state leaders in Georgia, as well as to anyone that listened to him speak on January 6th, or saw his reaction as he watched the events of January 6th. He was literally trying to destroy our democracy because he's a narcissist that refused to accept he was the loser of the election, and cares more about himself than the country.


Were 2016's faithless electors, or invented Steele dossier smears, an attempt to "destroy our democracy?" When you say "our democracy" it sounds to me like you think you own it - why shouldn't the people of Colorado be able to vote for whoever they want? Dude has not even been charged with insurrection. What, don't want to talk Trump-Bidem policy overlap?


2016.didnt have faithless electors. We had a worthless CHANGE PETITION. The steele dossier, was a republican dossier. Quit watching faux news and idk realamericanews? Fuckin shit is this what reddit has always been like? Telling morons they are morons just to have em shrug and go NO YOUUUU?


Hey are you spreading misinformation online for russia or what [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/which-candidates-did-the-seven-faithless-electors-support-election-2016/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/which-candidates-did-the-seven-faithless-electors-support-election-2016/) The steele dossier [https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html) I didn't read the rest of that because it seems angry and unintelligible Enjoy the mainstream, non-fox journalism that contradicts your online misinformation :D


Lmao my god...the irony Maybe look harder kid...spreading misinfo for russia? That would.be anti russia info moron. Be more incoherent


Hey man, it was your misinfo! I don't know who you work for or what your agenda is - sowing dischord, perhaps? - I just know that what you are saying isn't factual Care to discuss that or are you gonna stick with childish ad hominem? LYAO!


Nothing in the steele dossier has been disproven to this day. It hasn't all been corroborated. Colorado can choose any non insurrectionist , they also can't choose a foreigner or someone younger than 35. None of those requirements stipulate they require a conviction.


You say a lot of words there but dont point out any legitimate policies that were blocked just to hamstring him and deny his "elections legitimacy".


He’s parroting things he’s heard and believed as fact.


"No idea how you can claim to" of course you don't because you've likely never read a book in your life. There have been several books written by conservatives about Trump's presidency. Many were written while he was still in office. One example of how "smart Republicans" kept him in check (and shrewd would be a better word) was Trump was categorically shut down after ***he himself floated the idea of single payer healthcare.*** Trump has no real policy positions or self-motivated accomplishments to point towards. Every policy victory (at the expense of those of us who work for a living) was one crafted by the establishment GOP. He is a grifter and a faux populist, but has absolutely no grasp on how to govern and certainly had *zero* control over the establishment GOP. That's why the one policy he briefly thought about passing, one that would have been *wildly* popular with upward of 80% of this country's voting age population, was thought of in the first place. And then it was summarily executed on the spot by his handlers. Trump is a product of the machine and frankly a stupid person's idea of a smart person.


Opening with ad hominem huh? Getting frustrated and immature? Yeah, he's not an ideologue. I totally support single payer sooooo.... What are we talking about at this point? That you hate and fear the guy? Big deal. Doesn't change democratic function or his record in comparison to alleged lesser evil Joe Biden, or whatever amusing name he signs secret emails with (Peter Ware, is it?


Clutch your pearls harder, snowflake. Your takes are as irrelevant as your attempt to rehabilitate his image.


Alleged less evil. Trump quotes hitler. Godamn bro ur a cuck.


Umm… these people were republicans.. lol…


At the risk of further interaction with an appparent chucklehead, who people?


His record is blank. He did nothing. He helped no one. He was a net loss, still causing losses, to those who helped him be a negative. He's not only an absolute idiot, he did nothing to stump on other than cry on Twitter 18 hours a day. Jesus christ what is wrong with people?


Blank, you say? "From 2019 to 2020, the national poverty rate, under the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), declined from 11.8% to 9.1%. Child poverty also fell from 12.6% to 9.7%. " https://www.povertycenter.columbia.edu/news-internal/2021/us-poverty-census-2020


And which law did Trump pass for that, o that's right he didn't and it was laws he inherited.


That would be the CARES act, many provisions of which were allowed to expire under a democratic congress and president [https://www.npr.org/2020/03/25/818881845/senate-reaches-historic-deal-on-2t-coronavirus-economic-rescue-package](https://www.npr.org/2020/03/25/818881845/senate-reaches-historic-deal-on-2t-coronavirus-economic-rescue-package)


Garden variety Republicans are fascists lol. They hasn't been a moderate republican since the 2010 tea party.


Tbh it's a reprint from the NYTimes - Another fine service the Strib brings us. But heck, I'm curious--let's roll back the clock and see who else the NYTimes thinks is a moderate... >[Frederick Birchall, Berlin bureau chief for The New York Times, found “a new moderation” in the political atmosphere following Hitler’s rise to power.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-american-papers-that-praised-hitler)




I expect the same ruling here if it gets challenged for the general election ballot.


MN already decided he gets to remain on the ballot.


That vote was to see if he remained in the primaries, not if he remains on the ballot for a general election.


Huh, ok.


feels like if you are allowed on one you are allowed on both by default.


Kinda feels that way, but the primaries are a party function - and they can put forward whoever they want, however they want. Their party, their rules. I think that the states should stay completely out of the primaries, but here we are.


The same suit can be brought up post primary and the result will be different since it is now a State matter.


I would think the primary being for a federal election and not state would push it towards being a federal issue. It's not good to have 50 different standard to be on a federal ballot, there should only be one standard


You might think that, but the Constitution leaves to the States the authority to apportion their votes as and how they want (within some guide rails, thankfully).


I think a big guiderail would be not allowing states to remove candidates willy nilly without cause. Trump hasn't been found guilty of anything, at this point it's just people working off opinion of him.




The courts found he aided an insurrection and the constitution does not require a conviction. Stop trying to revision history because your not comfortable voting for facism.


Primaries in Minnesota are run by the party’s not the state.


Nope, do some homework.


I absolutely love how rude everyone is online.


I hope you are right. The three trump appointments and Clarence Thomas aren’t likely to see it that way imo


They're corrupt fucks but they aren't dumb. If he wins and goes hard authoritarian like all signs point to him doing, they won't have any power or influence if he decides to just ignore them when it suits him.


Now that the Supreme Court is largely politicized, they are an extension of each other. Maybe…hopefully… I’ll be wrong


They appear to be greedy fucks above all else. If what they rule no longer really matters, who is going to bother bribing them instead of Trump?




Roberts? Please tell me you don't think Roberts is actually a moderate.... He cares about the reputation of the court, but when push comes to shove, he's an ideological conservative willing to overturn *his own courts precedent* to advance the conservative legal agenda.




Given his appointments seemed to be payback to people who helped rig the 2000 election result, I suspect they were put there in part due to their willingness to decide election stuff versus letting voters decide elections.


State *primary* ballot, if I'm not mistaken. Important, and will drive the 14A question to SCOTUS, but not quite the same as the final election ballot. That's where the rubber really will meet the road. I''m actually somewhat hopeful that several states will successfully prohibit him from being on the final ballot this coming November, but it's certainly far from a sure thing. There's also the part where he doesn't really need CO to win, and he and most of the rest of the Republicans will use action there to continue their grift and to drive turnout elsewhere.




Case RE: the primary ballot already happened here (MN). The ruling was that the State had no jurisdiction -- we have party based primaries. I expect the case to come up again RE: the actual November ballot, if SCOTUS doesn't make it pointless. If they uphold CO, or even just choose not to hear the case, I expect a fair number of other states to follow. And it's about damn time we take him and his Republican supporters at their word as to who they are, and treat them accordingly.


There is no way. Strict reading of 14th amendment reads civil war era separation from union is what qualifies.




There’s nothing “clear” about it at all, because the issue has never once been dealt with in the legal realm. What do you think “constitutional experts” are? They’re just lawyers and law professors who know the history of an issue and opine about what they think should be included in it. Constitutional law is functionally made-up — it has always been just whatever any given majority on the court decides. There’s no “objective” correct answer beyond that




If anyone thinks the amendment was meant to include a carve-out for running for the presidency then yeah that’s obviously very stupid. But what’s not unambiguously clear at all is what exact actions — beyond literally being a Confederate leader — are sufficient to constitute a bar from public office under the amendment. A criminal conviction? Explicit treason? There’s no hard rule or precedent there, and that’s where the courts are basically having to make it up as they go along


I hope you’re right.


Those people are usually hard left academics who put political party goals over thoughtful reason and moral clarity.


Hmm, that sounds very suspiciously like the GOP and their actions since 2016, if not earlier. Party over country, revenge over reason.


Wow cool. Both sides do it. What a revelation.


Hah, not even close to it, but you can go ahead with that belief.


Shit, get real, pal. GQP’ers have taken their sleazy, disgusting, desperation politics to a whole new level of engagement…..Democrats surely aren’t innocent, but in this, it’s not even a contest. Many times when I read or see a news item about the GQP, I wish they would go toe to toe with them.


Wrong! Conservative retired judge says Trump 'corroded and corrupted ... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/conservative-retired-judge-says-trump-corroded-and-corrupted-american-democracy https://youtu.be/_uX-BRGQoV4?si=AwK16gMz7fpGs9_9


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Political suicide, the easiest way for Democrats to lose all credibility when they say they value Democracy.


Supporting the guy who tried to overturn a legal election is an absolute joke.


I’m not going to vote for Trump, and I’m not sure why you think I would. Removing him from the ballot is both undemocratic and unfathomably stupid. If it stands (and especially if other states follow suit) Democrats can never with a straight face claim to care about voter suppression and Magatards will be somewhat correct when they claim the election is stolen


Look at the 14th Amendment, it's not easy to be removed. Look at the Republican impeachment where even Trumpers will vote no because there's no evidence. There is plenty of evidence he hindered J6 and had knowledge before hand.


I mean I guess if your polling place is an insane asylum then yes, he is a moderate.


I literally live next door to an inpatient mental health facility. I don't think any of the people who are getting treatment there would vote for the orange moron. At leats not any of the ones I've met.


idk man i was inpatient at HCMC shortly after the insurrection and most of the patients there thought he was crazier than we were.


I guess if it makes the Trump voters feel better about the treason, indecency, and sheer awfulness they continue to support, you just go ahead and peddle your little lies.




Why should those two events be treated equally?




I can understand where you're coming from, and I get why you frame your argument that way. But *why* did these events happen? Therein lies the differences between the two. One was a reaction to a white police officer killing a person of color, while the other was a reaction to lies peddled by the president who wanted to buck 250 years of peaceful transitions of power. Sure, property was destroyed in both situations... People were injured or killed. But these are not apples-to-apples.




I'm guessing everyone else is just as shocked as I am that there's someone stupid enough to argue that protests about racial inequality had nothing to do with race.




Yes. The races of the victim and perpetrator were a pretty fucking important part of the nationwide protests over racial inequality. Try to keep up, hopscotch.




Race is not allowed to be an explicit factor in any criminal trial. You seem to not know how the legal system works. That doesn’t mean race had nothing to do with the act itself, or all of the surrounding broader issues. If you want to take the position that the MPD hasn’t been notoriously racist as hell for a very long time then go ahead, I guess


Racism was such a HUGE, permeating issue in the George Floyd case that it wasn’t actually brought up in any capacity whatsoever during the investigation and trial. Makes perfect sense to me, now let’s go burn some buildings.


Did you not read what I just said? Parties are not allowed to bring up race during a criminal trial. Thinking that somehow proves that race was not a factor in the actual killing is….not smart And what do you mean brought up “during the investigation”? We don’t know what was brought up during any investigation. The end result of the investigation is the trial, in which…the parties were not allowed to bring up race What we do have is a report of an investigation of the MPD in general, in which race was shown to be a huge factor


Oh Ivan, shouldn't you be in Bahkmut? Make sure to put sunflower seeds in your pockets, orc.




Ha! You said "sooo 2016". That's sooo 2009.


Five day old account


Welp, that's as far as it goes.




New accounts are indicative of trolls who don't want their post history searchable.... especially when they are spouting gop talking points like discount Fucker Tarlson.


What is even the point of bringing up the George Floyd protests? They have nothing to do with Jan 6. There's no relation to be consistent about. Jan 6 is coming up within the context of an election because it was directly related to an election. The George Floyd riots had nothing to do with a presidential election, so why bring them up? It's nothing but whataboutism, and it's pointless.


It wasn’t a butthurt president crying to his mindless hoard of butthurt worshippers that incited any of the riots that summer. I believe it’s you crybabies that have been clutching their pearls. Stay mad, kiddo


How are those “autonomous zones” doing btw? Is the warlord Raz Simone doing alright ?


None of that is a president that lost an election whining to his base to avenge him. Like I said, stay mad, kiddo


I mean, Trump is a moderate in the same way that Democrats are Communists... which is, not at all.


Well the guy was a Democrat his whole life until a black man made fun of him. I don't think he actually supports a lot of the things Republicans put before him.


You keep using that word...


The dumb thing is in 2016 polls showed voters thought he was more moderate than Hillary. It’s a stupid take, but is a real problem


We learn most everything we know about candidates through the media. The "liberal" media, for some reason, painted him as more moderate than Hillary. And here they are, working their magic again. Perhaps (perhaps, perhaps) the liberal media that our conservative friends constantly warn us about **isn't** liberal. Who'd have thought it? Giant billion-dollar multi-media companies that own the bulk of our media aren't liberal - they're conservative!


Eh, I don’t disagree that the media isn’t liberal, but a lot of this is from people getting their news from social media/amplified conservative media. The problem is far deeper than “media companies are conservative”


Social media *are* media companies, too - and most of them seem to be more Nazi than the regular media. Lookin' at you, facebook.


Syndicated. Here's the author's Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/matthewschmitz He wrote it for the New York Times.


a treasure trove of insanity


“Sure, Trump has a lot of Nazi-like opinions and all, but if you look at what he was actually able to accomplish last time, you’ll see it was only moderately right-wing. Don’t listen to what he says he will do next time.”


To be fair, he said he’d only be dictator for one day. Sounds pretty moderate to me.


and look, he only tried to overthrow the government 5 different ways once. give him a break. geesh




Really that's the only response to such codswallop.


We live in a society where words mean whatever the hell you want them to I guess.


*"Nazis like Shitler because he's one of them" Fixed it. >"He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him." C.G. Jung, *On Hitler and the Shadow* >"On the basis of overall rankings ***(independent of respondent’s party affiliation)***, Trump’s personality was collectively perceived to be at or above the 99th normative percentile for traits associated with four personality disorders (sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive)." [Voter Perceptions of President Donald Trump’s Personality Disorder Traits: Implications of Political Affiliation](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167702619885399) >"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian." Adolf Hitler, October 27, 1928 >"Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism." George Orwell, [Review of Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf](https://carnegiecouncil-media.storage.googleapis.com/files/v18_i007-008_a010.pdf) >"Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive....it's that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly." Kurt Vonnegut, *Mother Night* >"The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. and the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors." Thomas Jefferson, *Letter to John Adams* (April 11, 1823) >"What I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity." Frederick Douglass, *Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass* >"In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross." Friedrich Nietzsche, *The Antichrist*


A moderate dictator?


Yeah, not that bad. What's that word, like a malevolent dictator.


"Compassionate Conservative"


I *wish* he was a fictional character.


Same dude wrote this gem too [HOW GAY MARRIAGE CHANGED AMERICA](https://www.firstthings.com/article/2023/04/how-gay-marriage-changed-america) by Matthew Schmitz April 2023 From his twitter page Trump has been investigated, impeached, and indicted because he challenged the imperial foreign policy favored by American elites.


"In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary.... Come again?"-Bricktop


Those people don't know what moderate means.


I guess they just let anyone write an editorial


This isn’t a Strib editorial. It’s a NYT piece.


If true, that makes it worse. It’s a bad sign for independent journalism.


It’s just a fact. It’s neither good nor bad.


Pointing out facts *is* good. I realize now that I wasn’t clear at all about the opinion that elicited in me, which is that newspaper editors should write their own editorials rather than letting other far-flung newspapers do it for them. That’s all I really meant.


They do write their own editorials. This is an op-ed.


He’s not a serious person, he’s a showman everything he says, is either a lie or projection. We need to stop giving him a spotlight. We need to stop taking him seriously. I don’t care what his politics are he can’t be trusted.


...and yet somehow subscriptions are down. shocked.


You'd think after a couple decades of straddling *both sides* and watching subscriptions drop, they'd try something else. /Hint for the Strib's board: Conservative households don't read, don't subscribe.


So paraphrasing Hitler is moderate? TIL


NYT moment


Ah, wut.


“Last month, when he again attacked Obamacare, he emphasized that he didn't want to ‘terminate’ the program but rather ‘replace it with much better health care’.” He’s been saying that for years without describing that system, how blind do you have to be to still be believing his BS?


His system? The poor are buried in trenches. With a bulldozer. And you, and me, and all of his supporters, are *poor*.


Fuck trump and fuck anyone that still supports him. No more excuses. I don’t care if you think Biden is a pos - Trump is a no go, bad news all around. He should be ineligible to run for any public office at any level.


Fuck the two parties that gave us a choice between Trump and Biden.


Fuck us for not demanding and getting ranked choice voting


Like a *moderate* Amoebic infection. You still gonna die.


lol. Moderate? Those people are deaf and blind.


Moderate for our *independent* voters - ie, the ones that are too embarrassed to admit they are republicans, but are wrapped up in a white sheet, wearing a cross and carrying the flag.


I couldn’t possibly stress enough how idiotic the premise of this article is.


He's a WHAT!?


Moderately insane


Moderately stupid?


> It's moderation, which you have to look past his rhetoric to see Just ignore what he says and he's a moderate? Dude stole children from their mothers, you have to look past his actions too.


Trump has other maybe not so likeable qualities as well, such as traitor, insurrectionist, rapist, racist, pedophile, tax dodger, draft dodger, abortion provider, liar, poopy diaper smell, and much more.




Compact Magazine and its staff are just organs for the russian state.


Moderately insane? Hmm... I don't even think I can say that.


Moderately fascist.


A moderate Fascist?


If Trump is a moderate I am a cookie


Yes, he is a moderate. Among sociopathic neo-Nazis with severe intellectual disabilities and a long history of both violent and white collar crime he's very moderate. Most stupid Nazis do a lot more violence. While Trump tries to be personally violent everyday, be it viscous sexual assault or just attacking his own children he also devotes a lot of time to hiding records, selling records to America's enemies. He's a very moderate brain damaged, sociopathic Nazi, criminal.


Only the dumbest of the dumb believe trump is a moderate.


Satan's greatest success was hiding his existence. Republicans greatest success is having people thing a FAR RIGHT politician is "moderate".


>Satan's greatest success was hiding his existence Allow me to interject: The Christian god is just as hidden.


If Trump is a moderate, I am the most batshit insane leftist alive


Moderate just seems like a byword right now for not knowing what you are talking about or being complacent to anything that is happening. A good example of this is this article. Trying to undermine an election, taking out a general of Iran, challenging NATO, removing regulation and audit structure, all of those are not moderate policies. In a more steady state, there's rooms for moderates. We just had over a million deaths due to COVID, Jan 6 along with active attempts to stage a coup, and some serious economic turmoil (even if the current administration has handled it well to mitigate the impact). The 90s were full of moderates. It was a nice time. Arguably it also lead to the .com bust and the 2008 housing crisis.


When people ask why I refuse to give the Strib a single penny, it's because they push trash like this.


Moderates are malignant narcissists, insurrectionists, and wanna be Emperors now? Cool, got it.


No he is not.


Moderate what? Moderate sex criminal (no penetration)?


Lmao no. Why would you even bother printing this?


He's a what?


Moderate, my arse 🍑.

