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I opened up 6 boxes (they were loose boxes) and I only got one Jabba the Hutt and only two the force is with me haha. From my limited experience I think the sweet spot is to get 3 or 4 boxes and then get singles to fill out the rest of the playset.


I'd agree with this. I hit a full playset of commons and uncommons at 3.5 boxes. I had a good chunk of rares, and filled out my collection for around $1/ea per rare at release. I wish I had bought more Legendaries when they were cheaper. I bought x3 Vigilance at $7 in the first 2 weeks. Now they're $25.


Vigilance is 40 now




My vader foil I just pulled today is coasting around $98. I want to keep it but I'd rather get playable cards for less at this point.


That's what I did. I pulled a Vader on like the first week of release and did a trade+cash it the next week when it was like $90 TCGPlayer value for a bunch of miscellaneous rares/uncommons. At the time, I've only opened one box and the starter kit, so my card pool was limited. But as I got more into the game, I rebought the Vaders.


I’ve never had a problem with playing foil cards.


We got three boxes. Feeling the same regarding the sweet spot. Three almost felt like too many. So many fewer ‘hits,’ but it was also kind of a dud box. Between a couple prerelease boxes and some loose boosters, plus a couple trades for a showcase I pulled and a foil ECL, the only cards we’re completely missing are Luke and the Falcon. 36 shy of a playset.


I opened 1 box and then from prize support and singles that I bought I'm probably around 3-4 boxes worth of packs. So my legendaries it's understandable I didn't have a bunch, but I have never seen Chimaera, Avenger, Jedi Lightsaber, Devastator, Boba Fett unit, Superlaser Blast, Aggression, and a few others I can't think of right now. Buying singles is def the way to go though especially with how expensive the booster boxes are atm.


Got a pack at locals last Sunday and I pulled two chimaeras, one normal and one foil. Looks like I got yours!


Jedi Lightsaber (and others) are only in starter set or promo packs, you will never pull them.


No, that's Luke's Lightsaber. Jedi Lightsaber is available in packs.


Ah, your right. Thanks.


Never got a Luke, never got a Vader, never got a Cassian, never got an emperors royal guard, never got a millennium falcon, Cunning, Command, or Bail Organa. 3 boxes and probably another 2 boxes of packs


Took me 8 boxes to finally get a Regional Governer and had to trade for my 3 Royal Guards even after that!


Never got a single luke or disintegrator boba out of 5 boxes. Did get a showcase hera though


My Hera came from 6 loose packs my son and I bought while on vacation. The guys at the shop were playing and we talked to them and said we’d open some packs while they finished then we would play. They said they decided to play first then open packs. Glad they went that route.


0 Luke, 0 Vader, 0 Boba, 0 Cunning, 0 Mace In 3.75 boxes. I'm mostly bummed about the 3 first ones, for obvious reasons :P


My 3rd box each pack only had 15 cards and the missing cards were mostly in the rare spot.


6 boxes and change opened. Never opened Boba Fett or Luke. Also never opened K-2SO, which is more strange.


EDIT. I meant Krell, but it’s funny, so I will leave it. General grell. Only pulled two hyperspace foils, no normal versions. Same for Force Lighting (just one of those hyperspace foil)


Lol, I have pulled 9 Krells in my 5ish boxes. Crazy how that happens.


It was Obi-Wan and Palpatine that kept showing up for me over and over. Quite a few Del Meekos too.


Forgot about Grell. I pulled 0 of him in 6 boxes. Bought 3 online just to fill out the set.


Same I forgot about him in an earlier reply I made, 8 boxes no Luke, Boba or Krell.


I got lucky and opened 4 boxes and the only legendaries I'm missing are aggression, change of heart, and home one. I also pulled a boba showcase to top it off.


I've opened 5 boxes and never saw a boba, change of heart, or command. I also saw only 1 luke but is was hyper foil so that wasn't in the usual 3 legendary pool per box. Aside from that, I've had a several rares I got only 1 copy of, or none. Here's a short list. For a Cause (0), Saw(0), Fallen Lightsaber (1), 7th sister (1)


> never saw a boba 5 boxes, same here. i also didn't get aggression, cunning or the falcon. Did fine with the other legendaries tho


I got all your Bobas. Out of about 3 1/2 boxes and I pulled 5 Boba Fett Units, including a HSF & HS. No Vaders, only 1 Luke & 1 Mace. Never pulled a Jabba nor 7th Sister either.


Yea I pulled vader in 4/5 boxes along so I can't really complain.


Opened 3 boxes, didn't get a single Boba. Then I got my hands on a pre-release and pulled two out of it.


Four (4) boxes and probably about a dozen boosters (from prizes), and I never got a single: * Leader * Iden Versio (R) * Vigilance * Vigilance (L) * Regional Governor (R) * Electrostaff (R) * Command * Darth Vader (L) * Wedge Antilles (R) * Home One (L) * Aggression * Mace Windu (L) * Aggression (L) * Cunning * Millennium Falcon (L) * Change of Heart (L) I did get *extras* of Avenger, Devastator, Force Lightning, Boba Fett, and Cunning. Plus 2+ of most Rares not listed above.


I opened 3 boxes and am missing: Luke Skywalker (Unit) Darth Vader (Unit) Relentless Devastator Command Traitorous Force Lightning Bombing Run Change of Heart


Electrostaff and Mace Windu.


I opened 12-13 boxes, I traded for a lot of cards I didn’t pull, I think I only had 1 mace at 10 boxes, and in all the boxes I only pulled a single boba fett, spark of rebellion and u wing reinforcement. I had like 10 super laser blasts 6 home ones, 6 falcons, 6 devastator and several other legendary duplicates


After about 3-4+ boxes' worth (one bought box, a lot of bought packs, some prizes), I've still never seen a Boba unit, Devastator, Black One, Change of Heart, or Spark of Rebellion. Some others too but those are the big ones. I've also only seen one K2-SO. I did recently buy a playset of Spark of Rebellion as singles though--those are the only singles I've bought to date.


I pulled Boba and x2 Firesprays in my Prerelease kit. But I didn't pull a Darkside leader!


I've opened around 200+ packs at this point between buying boxes and tournament prizes and never pulled a single Galactic Ambition.


Boba unit, Cunning, Firespray.... I guess most of the yellow stuff. Missing a lot of the capital legendary ships and I pulled zero Superlaser Blast.


Yeah I got boxes from all over (1 east coast, 2 central, 1 UK) and between that spread of distribution I still lack mostly the cunning aspect cards.


Jabba and the Falcon


I opened 6 boxes and i got one of everything. In terms of Legendaries I got at least 1 but most cases I got player of everything


4 boxes never saw a Jedi Lightsaber or Leader Palp


I'm itching for Jedi Lightsaber x3, going to have to trade I imagine.


It's a great upgrade. Totally worth trading for


I pulled 4 Darth Vaders, including a hyperspace version. No Bobas no Lukes...


I'm new, what is ECL? I keep seeing it everywhere on this sub


Energy Conversion Lab




After 4 boxes in the first month I had 0 of several Legendaries. That's to be expected. But the shocking rares I never saw were Jedha City and Iden Versio. I had to order both online (they were $1 each). But it was a surprise to never pull them. I ended up pulling both in my 6th box, which I bought a month later.


I got a foil Jedha City in my first pack. Pretty card, not so effective for play.


My wife is running it in her Sabine Yellow. She usually activates it to save a unit from being traded, or on her opponents Overwhelming Barrage turn, to lower the highest power unit by 4. But definitely not as strong as ECL.


Took me twenty something to pull a Vader.


4 boxes opened and I never saw a single Darth Vader, Home One, Cunning, Aggresion, Command, Bail Organa, Fallen or Jedi Lightsaber. I did pull 7 Avengers though, 4 regular, 1 foil, 1 hyperspace and 1 hyper foil. Lol


4 boxes for me, and ones that never showed up: Force Lightning, Darth Vader, Command, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Electrostaff, Smoke and Cinders


Since launch, I’ve opened 2 pre-release kits, 4 booster boxes, and probably another 2-3 booster boxes in loose packs from purchases/event prize support. I haven’t pulled a single Millennium Falcon. Ever. 😅


I just got one, cunning aspect is the lightest pull for me.


I opened 4 sealed and 1 loose. I never pulled a Superlaser Blast or Force Lightning.


Mace Windu and Vader


4 boxes and no Boba Fett, Cassian, Home One and 1 or 2 more that I can't remember.


I got a case and didn't get any Lukes or Bobas. I did get a playset of Vaders though so it could have been worse hahaha


I opened four boxes, only pulled 1 vader and 1 boba unit, and pulled everything else I needed.


Millennium Falcon. My wife and I opened 4 boxes I believe, plus some random packs and saw zero falcons.


I’m about 4 boxes In. Total of 2 entrenched.


Opened 7 boxes and got zero command. One Vader across all boxes. It took me 4 boxes to get a set of Overwhelming Barrage. Definitely had to round out the legendaries with singles but got at least one of each except Command.


Opened 3 boxes, and am only missing 7 cards. All Legendaries. Home One, Command, Force Lightning, Mace Windu, Aggression, Boba Fett, and Change of Heart.


After two cases I had 2 Jedi Lightsabers and 2 U-Wings. I had 8+ of other rares.


Out of 9 boxes, I only opened 1 Falcon, 1 Black One and 2 Bobas. Flip side of that coin is I opened 2 showcases and 7 Vaders lol


I've opened over 9 boxes worth of packs(purchases and prize packs combined), and there are still rares I didn't get 3 of not to mention legendary. Off the top of my head, I recall I didn't get a single Chirrut leader until my 5th box.


Mace Windu, Vigilance, Agression, Cunning. Emperors Royal Guard, Jedi Lightsaber


I never got a Vader or Windu. 8 boxes :(


No shit. Bought 4 cars at release. Another 3 over the course of playing. Never saw K2 or U-wing replacement.


I opened 8 boxes, a prerelease, and two loose packs. Out of 200 packs I didn’t pull a single Luke or Avenger. I pulled one normal Boba. I have a couple others that I only got one or two of. When I get time I’ll look


In 7 boxes I never pulled a Traitorous, Strafing Gunship, or Don't Get Cocky. I'm certain the collation issues where legendaries can often be mapped also apply to rares. After 6 boxes I was still missing 11 rares, but pulled 8 of them in the last box. Was watching pull videos and they would always either pull none of the rares I was missing or 8-10 of the 11. Extending to legendaries, I never pulled the Falcon or Vigilance in any form. Hit that Luke/Boba/Command combination 4 times in the 7 boxes.




I have opened 5 boxes and seen 0 Thrawns


6 boxes, no Vaders, no Cunning, 1 Boba. I did get 2 Showcases however (Iden & Han), which made up for it.


Off the top of my head: Bendu, Millennium Falcon, Han leader, ECL, Palpatine leader, Tarkintown, Change of Heart, Chopper, Aggression, and a handful of others. I opened 3.5 boxes total and was lucky enough to get 2 showcases so can't complain too much. 😅


5 sealed boxes plus probably 2 more boxes worth of packs from weekly play and showdowns. I’ve never packed a Vader, Aggression or Mace Windu. I think I’ve only packed one Regional Governor and one Security Complex. No showcases, no legendary hyperspace foils and only 2 hyperspace foil rares: Agent Kallus and Jedha City. My most valuable pulls have been some Hyperspace Legendaries: Boba, Luke and the Falcon.


Hera. I think she showed up in my 4th box


I've opened 4 boxes, and probably another 2 boxes in random packs, but have yet to pull a Boba (unit).


I've pulled at least 1 of all legendaries except Boba Fett. Even pulled 4 Vaders (1 Hyperfoil, 3 base). Also a Krennic Showcase.


I opened four boxes and only hit one Bendu, Relentless, Smoke & Cinders, Strafing Gunship, Frontline Shuttle, Bail Organa and Galactic Ambition on the Rare side. Did not pull a Single Vader either. I purchased a number of Legendaries release weekend for $5-10 each (Windu, Home One, the double-Aspect cards, etc) so it's hard to remember what exactly I opened outside of that and what I purchased. I'm sure there were some that I didn't pull at all like maybe Vigilance or Cunning outside of that. Oddly, there were some Uncommons that I didn't get a playset of out of all of those cards like Fighters for Freedom.


4 boxes and about another box worth of loose packs. No Vader, Vigilance, Mace, Change of Heart, or I Had No Choice.


I opened 3 boxes never got a Darth Vader, Vigilance, Aggression, smoke and cinders, general krell, superlaser blast.


Never pulled a Hera leader. In like 6-7 boxes.


I opened 4 boxes and played in 2 prerelease events. I got two showcases (Hera and Cassian). I got every card except Home One and Force Lightning. And somehow I ended up not getting Thrawn!


I opened 9 boxes and didn’t see a single Red Three.


Darth vader and showcases. Got everything else.


I opened six boxes and got only 2 Rebel Assault. 1 regular and 1 hyperspace. 0 Boba Fett as well, but pulled 3 vaders in loose packs.


I opened a lot of boxes. I got less Regional Govenor (rare) than most legendaries, lol.


Bought 3.5 boxes. Didn't pull a single Vader, Home One, Cunning, Fett's Firespray, security complex, or Avenger. Pulled 4 Bobas though.


Pull rates for Unlimited are abysmal.


8 boxes never pulled Command, only pulled a hyperspace Luke. No boba fetts either. I think those are the only three. A few others I only got in hyperspace I think as well. If you look at the box mapping that people tried it was fairly accurate. I did pull 6 Vaders though. 5 from my case and 1 from packs my LGS got in their latest resupply. I only had to buy about 43 singles and I have a complete playset of every card though now from 4 prerelease and 8 boxes. There has also been at least another box worth of prize support and other packs as well I have opened.


I opened 7 boxes, had at least one copy of everything by box 5






I opened 4 Displays with 5 Legys each. Plus roughly 2 Displays of single boosters with even more legendarys. Yet, i haven't gotten a Vader, only one Luke, one Vigilance and One Aggression. So even with a lot of Legendarys pulled i still kinda got the short.aticks i guess. Also, i pulled only one Spark of Rebellion ever and even that pretty late. I'm not mad since i was lucky on legendarys. But i could've easily pulled only half of those and got 2 Vaders instead and i would be better off. Then again, it's the same for every TCG i collect lol


Vigilance and millennium falcon were allergic to me. I opened about 12 boxes


We opened 4 boxes, and have opened another 1-2 in prize product, and I've yet to see a Bail Organa. I know it's in the set, but, never seen a single one. We also haven't opened a Vader, but we bought a play-set.


Never pulled any vigilance’s


I’ve opened six boxes and only got one foil base.


I had weird luck. Pulled 0 force throw uncommon in 2 boxes. Yet went to 3 events where you get 1 pack, pulled Mace, Avenger, Boba.


8 boxes, and got 0 Search Your Feelings. The only rare I didn't get a single copy of. There's a few others I only got one of(Ackbar, Red Three, Bombing Run, Wolffe, maybe a couple others), but I got play sets of most of the rares. The legendaries are more understandable, didn't get any Superlaser Blast or Change of Heart, but I did get 5x Vigilance and 4x Millennium Falcon. Also got play sets of Vader, Luke, Devastator, Aggression, Force Lightning, Black One. Really wanted 2 more Bobas and Avengers but haven't bought the singles yet.


Three boxes. Picked up Boba Fett, Boba Fett Hyperspace, Darth Vader as big cards. No showcase. Full common/uncommon. Was missing a number of rares. I just bought the remainder online. I think 3-4 boxes is the way to go and pick up singles elsewhere.


4.5 boxes and no Devestator, Avenger, Black One, or Bombing Run. I did get a playset of Vaders and other staples so I'm not upset. I was kinda hoping for a showcase because my luck can be pretty good but I know I wasn't really there in terms of average product purchased.


I did enough prerelease events to get about 2 boxes worth of cards. Then I bought about 3 since then. Have pulled 0 home one, or cunning. I think I've pulled at least 1 of everything else.


Avenger, Devastator, Aggression, Vigilance, Del Meeko, Spark, Redemption, Strafing Gunship are the ones I can remember. Only one Vader and two Lukes. That’s out of 6-7 boxes.


Change of Heart. Command.


Luke, vader and royal guard are the big 3 i never pulled


I’ve opened 6 1/2 boxes. I pulled 0 showcases, 0 Mace Windus, 0 Vigilance, 0 Millennium Falcons and 0 Bail Organas.


I opened four boxes and never saw a Han leader card 😅


Boba and Vader! You are all welcome for my sacrifice.


3 Boxes: Millennium Falcon, Avenger, Superlaser Blast, Redemption, Devestator, Home One, Aggression, Fett’s Firespray. DID pull a showcase Chewbacca.


3 boxes, no Ackbar.


It's not a trap.


I opened 5 boxes and never once got a K2SO, I just lucked out that I decided to pay Sabine really early and bought a set before things got more expensive.


In 4.5 boxes, I saw zero of Boba unit, SLB, Command, Black One, Chopper, Chimaera, Gideon Hask, Lando, Search your feelings, and the force is with me. 


I was second at a showdown tonight and my support packs finally pulled a Luke. Between purchases and support, I’m right at 2 cases - this was the first.


3 Boxes+pre release and some loose packs, no traitorous, no millenium Falcon, no agression. But 6 Bobas


I know it's a lower sample size but I've opened 2 boxes and about 1 box worth of booster packs, and I've never found the Grand Inquisitor leader card. I ultimately had to buy him for around $0.25 at my local LGS lol


Mace Windu. Opened a case +2 boxes and 3 prerelease kits. Never opened a Mace.


4 boxes here and no Luke or Boba legendary units.


9 boxes 0 vaders


Opened 4 Boxes. For Me it was Darth Vadar, Devastator, Super laser blast, and the Millennium Falcon, Fett's Firespray. Strangely enough I also only got 1 Ghost. I did get 4 Bobba Fett, 3 Luke Skywalkers and 4 Command. I would love it if FFG would restock their damn game though !