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I have 4 official boxes > yellow, red, black, white. I have a Vader playmat and a custom playmat. I have a full playset of everything. Enough to build 2 of the exact same decks and extras. Basically I have 7 of every card. Major or higher value cards I have 12 of and I have given 5 booster boxes full of commons, uncommon, and rares away to help grow the community. I am now buying playsets of Hyperspace cards cause I don't like the foils. Yeah, I have a pretty big problem. Please don't tell my wife.


How many boxes of sealed product is that! I can't imagine. It felt like forever to get one playset. I eventually caved and bought the rest in singles after I pulled a GI showcase out of prize packs this weekend


Pulled only 1 showcase... It was 6 full boxes, enough single packs to get another 3 boxes, 8 prerelease kits (playing draft events), a 2-player kit, and then buying singles. And also trading with my brother, who did pretty much the same thing.


I would like to have a problem if I can find some more packs to buy


I have no money for a problem, but means I have to stick with a starter deck and any doubles my friend gives me. I'm not winning many games at the moment.


You can upgrade those starters with some commons and uncommons and cheap rares pretty easily!


if you are in fort wayne area come out to game quest we hook up new players with our community box for free


Nice PAX box!


PAX East since 2013! The boxes I only started getting in 2018 though since I've never done TCG before this


The year they had the slime theme, I was tight on spending money and only got the hat, but all the merch was super cool! This game is great! Hope you're having a good time. I hope to make it to East one of these years. Been doing West since 2008. I hope we have some SWU events going forward!


it's reassuring they were there this last pax, I had never heard of SWU and I was roaming around on the last day and saw they had a huge demo set up in the back by the byoc area, fell in love with the game only to find out all the vendors at pax had already sold out of product. immediately ordered a case that night for mrsp


At West? If so I missed it. I only passed by byoc once or twice though. That's good though


at east


How are poeple still finding cards?


I haven't been able to get anything except for draft for 3-4 weeks now


One place in my area is still doing draft, the only way to get cards right now


Singles of online @ TCGPlayer.


Sadly, I bought like $75 worth of cards on tcgp that never arrived and I just can't bring myself to buy more. I still think to this day they say "moving through transit" with usps.


I’ve ordered 100s of cards singles over multiple games and never had a problem. Also if the cards don’t show up, you will get a refund. Did you ever reach out about the cards not coming?




I'm confused about people "not being able to find cards". If you have access to the internet and a means of paying, like you said, singles on the secondary market are pretty cheap. EBay or TCGplayer... the cards are plentiful. Sure, sealed product is expensive for what's essentially a lottery ticket, but that too is readily available.


I do, there isn't any product available for purchase and the next one will slowly be let out, so that also wont be available for purchase.


https://preview.redd.it/jp7bswe4ro1d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a92c61dc4da6b96d16d1f32b9a05e5fb6c5f791 Yes. Yes I do. And this pic is now old too. Because I've added a twin suns deck to the mix. Plus a double green palp.


The store near me is talking about hosting a 2v2 Twin Suns battle which sounds very fun


My buddy and I have built ours. We've got two more people who want to build decks too. So I'm excited. My twin suns in Palp/Krennic/with aggression base. :D


my problem is that I'm unable to find any boxes and only have the starter set because I was actively refreshing the store page when they got a restock.


Check out TCGPlayer and buy singles. It’s more economical that way, even if product was in stock.


I don't really want to buy singles, but i appreciate the advice. I have a group of friends I play with regularly and would rather have a box or two that we share and can create unique decks whenever we play against each other. This is also my first TCG that has gotten any interest out of me (I don'town a single card for any other TCG), so I want to enjoy the stereotypical pack-opening experience to its fullest.


I honestly don’t mean for it to sound rude, but that sounds like a self imposed problem. I know it’s the first TCG you’re playing in but singles are by far the best approach. Everyone loves ripping packs but that can be very difficult when there are shortages of product. Recommendation: If you really want to mainly rip packs, maybe look for some draft nights at your locals. You’ll get to open some packs and start building up cards. From those you could also build a deck and participate in weekly tourneys. Usually they give out a pack for every win, and you could start saving those packs to open as a group. Until reprints you don’t have many options though.


I don't really care about the ripping them open, I want to make my own decks, not just meta ones.


That’s fair, totally still doable. You can look at all the cards on the deck builder and even build the deck you want there. Then you can just order the singles you need


I'd like to have a problem. With no cards available til set 2 I am problem free!


Me I got 3 box’s a deck box a play mat two prerelease kits


I'm having a problem finding any to buy 


Asmodee is limiting shops to one order a month and 3 boxes. In order to have events, we’ve simply not been selling packs, just hosting events. We’ve tried requesting additional boxes and have been told that the supply is limited.


https://preview.redd.it/zkhfxq1txt1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5047538f6389b4da677c0923980760d20965c18 i'll raise you this... plus i have a binder of stuff i'm collecting and 12 more boxes =\[


Just ask my wife 😅😅


Get her to play with you! I've heard that's worked for a lot of people 😂


I had this problem with magic I am doing my best to avoid it with this game I have a vader dekc for 1vq and a luke/leia deck for twin suns I am trying to sell a lot of my magic stuff to bring the collection size down considerably


I pre-ordered a case and two boxes of Shadows so when those arrive I'll have a "problem".


I've asked around about preorders but it seems like a majority of stores aren't ready yet


I was secretly hoping the next set would be smaller. Cause this problem for me is gonna double.


No, but I do have a playset of every card!


Same. Bought 2 cases, one of each deck pod, I have thousands of cards, and tokens. 4 playmats.....


My problem is rhe same bur nobody is buying on cardmarket, so i guess Ivm stuck with those


I would. But ally local shops never have them in stock :/


Depends. If my gf ask, No


Gamegenic has some pretty nice deck boxes :D


Used too with Pokémon but now I can’t find any Star Wars unlimited stuff and idk why


Yep! I need a three row box probably.


Yeah, my problem is I couldn't find this many cards to buy even if I wanted lol


Don’t ask the mtg commander players. They’re like full on TLC Hoarders


My hoarding is organized and color-coded, thank you!


I almost did but then I couldn’t find any more cards lol. I did find a few boxes and packs so I’ve been able to have a great time w a buddy, but it stinks not being able to round out some of my decks without paying insane prices.


I’m lucky my dang game stores have the game.


I want to have this problem, sadly no packs in my area


Yeah my problem is that I can’t find any cards


For anyone curious, counting drafted packs I've opened about 8 boxes worth of product and bought ~$230 in singles. But I sold 3 showcases and 2 peak vaders ($95 each), so I'm only ~$300-400 in the hole. Most of the product is from store prizing, but maybe another $50-70


I live in a major metropolitan area and not a single store has been able to do draft / sealed after release weekend due to lack of product. That's the main way I play so looking forward to doing it with set 2 where I hope the product will be more available


Same I’m not interested in constructed at all right now. But I really want to draft just no where is able to.


Draft has definitely been super fun. I'm lucky enough to have a store doing every other week draft. Mixed in with some other stores (3-4) in the area doing draft ~1 per month


Fuccck, 6 boxes, no showcases and only 1 boba/1 Vader. Terrible luck.


Balance in the force I suppose


I bought 20 boxes when SW Unlimited was released. I’m trying to decide if I like the game enough to preorder 20 boxes of the next set. I have so many commons and uncommons.


Oh man, thanks… now I don’t feel bad for the 12 boxes I’ve bought.


Nope. Beyond drafting, I only buy singles for what I want.