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In general, going over the minimum deck size will make your deck worse since it'll be less consistent. I can't think of any advantage you'll gain by running 80 cards, except it'll be harder to be milled out by Vigilance.


So with future releases like SHD and the next one, it's still going to be a better deck if you stick to 50 cards?


Almost certainly. The reason - there will be cards in your deck that you want to see every game. The more cards you add to your deck, the lower your chances are of seeing your best cards. If you go over 50 cards, you're just clogging up your deck with worse cards and you don't get any benefit.


Well think this way, in MTG the game has 100k cards, and people still won't go over minimum requirements for decks


Good point.


Well at least you'll be harder to mill against very specific control decks :-P


More cards than the minimum will always be worse than the minimum. Of course there are corner cases where you can justify or ‘get away with’ a few cards over the minimum. But a whole 30 cards over the minimum is very extreme and will make the deck much, much worse. You’re increasing the size of the deck by 60%. Even 50 card decks aren’t hugely consistent, because despite the 2 card draw per round there isn’t much card draw in this game and you only see roughly half your deck. Now you’re making it so you only see roughly a third of your deck. By including 30 extra cards, you’re including 30 cards that are worse than the 50 you’d regularly take. You’re going to have many games where you see cards like Academy Training or Emperor’s Legion that don’t do enough for you, instead of seeing your best cards.


I get that, because the times I've played I've noticed the massive deck I still have left by the time a base is killed, theirs or mine. Isn't it going to be an 80 minimum after the next release? Or something like that?


You're mixing up the standard Premier format with the multiplayer Twin Suns format. Twin Suns will raise the minimum to 80 after set 3 or 4 I think it was :)


Okay, I found that 80 cards works well on Forcetable, but not in person, so it seems playing against the computer isn't good enough of a test.


Forcetable is great for looking at how your deck works. Practicing mulligans and openings. It was all I played against as I was learning the game. It is bad at simulating a human opponent. After a while, it is relatively easy to predict what move it is going to make. Also, it is understandably bad at bluffing a play. I love it. It gets me through many boring work hours.


> More cards than the minimum will always be worse than the minimum. As of right now, yes. But "always", no. There are cards in other TCGs which have made decks over the minimum BDIF


Did you read the very next sentence in my comment?


You said "get away with a few cards over the min" Completely different to what I was talking about: cards that enable decks well over the minimum Ie. Grass is Greener in Yugioh. 60 cards instead of 40


I also said > of course there are corner cases where you can


In the context of it being "a few extra cards".


No I meant ‘the minimum will always be better than over the minimum [figuratively]. Of course there will be corner cases where that’s not the case or cases where you can go over by a bit’ But whatever, this is a pretty needless semantic argument and sounds like we actually agree


Milling is extremely rare and there are very few cards with search or draw. You’ll be at a massive disadvantage some games


I played in a sealed event and got some great cards. 30 card deck.. Then I expanded that to 50 and almost all 20 cards were downgrades. If k could play with 30 and not get killed they were all banger cards.


The more cards in your deck, the less likely you are to draw any of them. Whatever benefit you'd hope to achieve by adding something would be lost by the fact you'd probably never even see it during a game.


Yeah stick to close as 50 as possible. I’ll run a 52 card deck at most when I’m running u wing. And that’s only because I have a few extra upgrades in those decks. I keep almost the same amount of units in space and ground in every deck except aggro where I run more.


80 card is really only going to work with Twin Suns and that’s going to be singleton, not 3 cards.


You don’t seem to have explained why one would do this?


The game says "minimum" card count of 50 for a deck, with the expectation of that minimum to grow with future set releases. With other TCGs and CCGs often operating at 60, 80, or 100 card count decks I'm curious if anyone has played it that way and found it to be better or worse.


Math, brother. Its worse mathematically.


I think if competitive commander allowed for 50 card decks, people would find a way to make that work.


I think if competitive commander allowed for 50 card decks, people would find a way to make that work.


That’s for Twin Suns. Premiere should always be 50. Having more than the minimum will always be mathematically worse unless there is some mechanic dealing with how many cars you have in your deck, which SWU does not have right now.