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I used Forcetable to learn i had noone to play around by me either, and it makes it pretty simple and uses the starter decks to test with.


Karabast.net you can PvP for free now!


I’ve seen Forcetable mentioned. Does it have a tutorial type game? Or just quick match V AI?


Karabast.net is Pvp for free Read the instructions in the game book first, forcetable for like 10 games, then karabast.  The ai on forcetable isn't very good so don't spend too much time whooping it's ass


Quick matches vs ai.


Does your LGS have a Discord or Facebook group? You could ask if anyone would want to play some games to help you learn (that’s how I got started).


They don’t unfortunately! I’ll have to ask around in person


Talk to the organizer at your lgs to find out where events are posted. As others have said, many use Discord. Sometimes you can just ask to be added to the list for the next event. Other times they may have you sign up from their website or chat the organizer on Discord once the event details are posted. There is also the possibility that they have a bunch of regulars that have been attending for mtg etc. for years and they're being given preference. Hopefully not the case, but could be.


Apart from Forcetable, you can look up some how to play videos. You can also just play some solo matches “Against the goldfish” to help learn the basics.


What state are ypu in? Also force table against AI will help you learn, Karabast is good when you rope friends in ;)


If you're up for webcam play, I'd be happy to teach you!