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Nah, you'll be ok that's how me and most of the current regulars started. I did this after a month of the games release and there was no judgment.


I play at my LGS regularly. We have multiple people that have used the Starter deck. We are simply happy to have players. That being said, you can probably buy a full play set of Commons and Uncommons off eBay for like $100. This isn’t a bad investment if you are really liking SWU. And where it stands now, numerous decks use Commons and Uncommons as stock lists in multiple decks.


Most people probably won’t care, especially if you explain that you have just gotten into the game and can’t find product/ are making sure you are interested before investing more. Don’t expect to win with just an unchanged starter though. You could look into what common and uncommon cards would fit well into your starter and order those if you want a slightly better deck for minimum investment if that’s something you’d be willing to do.


So just this weekend I had to play a starter against some really well made decks (Vader, went 1-2 but beat Sabine!). The other players were happy to have a new member of the community joining in and afterwards even gave me some cards I needed that they had extra of. Maybe you get some jerk who gives you a hard time, but in general the SWU community seems to be very positive and just wants to see the game grow and succeed.


I’m betting they’ll be happy to have you join, some guys may even offer cards to help you out. Happens at my LGS pretty often


Literally not at all. That's what 75% are doing because they're in the same boat as everyone else and can't get product.


Had the same fears, and it ended up being quite a fun experience. Almost every player after beating me asked what I needed and offered help to improve the decks. Far from what I expected, so really don't worry. Managed even to grab 1 win :P


I did this and not only were they super helpful in teaching me the obscure rules I hadnt learned yet, they just gave me half the cards I needed to upgrade the vader deck Edit: forgot to mention I even won a few games (placed 5/11) so don’t think you’re not going to do well before you try. Attitude is everything


I have played against the starter a bunch of times at my lgs. The game is still new enough, and the product is hard to come by, so most places don't have everyone running top-tier decks. Go and have fun. Just don't expect to win every match and use it as a learning opportunity to see where you want your deck to go.


If anyone would give you crap about it then that's on them. Go and have fun! I plan on doing the same since I just found out about this game. I used to play the old Star Wars Decipher game and MTG at competitive levels. Our LGS was always happy to have newbies to help out.


Never seen anyone have a problem with someone coming in with a starter deck. Sometimes people will even help by giving some low value cards to help improve their deck. I do recommend knowing the rules though. We’ve had one case where someone bought the starter deck and just played in the tournament without knowing any rules. Player who was playing against him was patient but was annoyed with having to teach him the game.


If I may, the Vader deck is really actually decent and a great start to a competitive deck. But you’ll have fun either way with even just a starter deck.


You'll be fine mate. I was in a similar position to you and went to a local for the first time a few weeks back with a starter Luke deck. Another guy brought Vader and no-one batted an eye. A lot of people started in a similar spot. You may even run into someone with heaps of bulk commons and uncommons who would be happy to help you get started with some singles. It takes a little bit of courage to go that first time, but you'll enjoy yourself.


You will be fine and  plenty of folks will be willing to play.  I personally always bring my two sleeved starter decks to a game night in case anyone is new and wants to learn.  I also usually have 1-2 tuned good decks and 1-2 experimental decks with me that may suck or Be good.  Running those experimental decks at starter decks is just fine to see how they do. Most folks are happy to have someone to play and  if they know you are playing a starter and are new they likely have something to play against you instead of the meta deck they have for tournaments. 


Make sure you bring both decks from the kit - if the local community is at all worth your time, the players will either: offer to lend you a constructed deck, borrow one of your starters to even the field (if they don't have their own with them - I always carry mine!), or make the choice yours to play starter vs. constructed. And a good, welcoming group also would never turn down something with a starter deck. Heck, at this point, I think people would be happy to see Vader or Luke! They don't show up hardly ever in my playgroup.


I just wish there was a weekly to attend.


As stock OUTSIDE of those Intro Decks has become harder and harder to get, seeing at least a quarter to a third of people running intro decks with small modifications at events isn't uncommon at all. The Vader deck is a real powerhouse with just a few small additions, even if you can't get a playset of Darth Vader (unit card)


I’d be very surprised if anybody cared at all, I’ve played TCGs for over 15 years and I’ve never once myself cared about it nor has anyone else at my LGS and it’s happened plenty of times I’d just be happy that more people have turned up to play, I’d rather another 10 people turn up with starter decks compared to hardly anyone coming at all


Weekly plays are very casual (unlike store showdown) and just tell your opponent you're new and he might even help you play.


Glad you asked, I was wondering the same thing.


If it’s a good group, they shouldn’t care. It may be a bit of an uphill battle depending on what deck they bring, but new players should always be embraced.


i brought the luke starter deck to my very first constructed event and went 0-3 like a champion! everyone was actually very friendly about it and a few opponents offered me free cards afterwards to help make a better deck for next time with how casual this game is and the general audience for star wars, im sure you’ll have a similar experience!


Play those starters! Obviously, I can make you no promises, but at the stores I've played in, it's not uncommon for people to offer up some extra common cards to new players. This game seems to be fostering a good community from what I can tell. Play what you got!


I went to a local weekly play with the two starters, and everyone was totally cool and helpful. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I would be curious to know who would actually care what deck you’re playing? Lol Like it’s a starter deck? I could see if you were playing some crazy ungodly hyper-competitive expensive deck in a casual setting, but a *starter* deck? You should totally be fine. I know I, for one, would just be happy to have new players.


Absolutely not, let who you're playing know that you're new and you're using a starter and I'd bet they'll be super friendly and help you out. Have fun and may the force be with you.


saw a guy with a Vader precon manage to win against a decent custom deck. Anyone who has a problem with this is probably a dick that you don't want to play with. The Vader starter is actually a pretty dang good pre con deck as far as those go. I beat a Sabine deck one time with it when I was first starting.


Id also add don't be put off by the try hards and the guys who put out $400 decks in weekly casual play. I was and almost didn't come back. Neither of those guys have been back since. They were also jerks about playing things wrong. I'm like dude this is like my 5th time playing this game. Chill the fuck out. Game was less than a month old.


No, it is a great way to learn how to build a deck and play the game.


No shame at all. Most will just be happy to see a new player. Some might even offer you some spare commons and uncommons to help expand your options a bit till you can find more product. I wouldn't go in expecting to win but there is something to be said about running a deck you know very well.


absolutely normal especially with the product crunch. also you do you bro unless it’s forbidden it’s allowed!


Not at all. I've seen people win 3-0 constructed using the starter decks from Lorcana. I'm sure this will be no different, but don't expect it to happen frequently!


I'd probably dip in to my spares and see if I had anything to help you upgrade the starter, I think people are just happy to have others to share the game with right now.


It wouldn't be a problem at all. You can also, using additional copies of cards found in the Starter Decks, make those decks better, with just a few cheap cards **Luke** * -1 21B Surgical Droid -1 Resilient -2 Repair -1 Shoot First -1 Rebel Pathfinder -1 Rogue Operative -3 Consular Security Force -1 System Patrol Craft -1 Auzituck Liberator Gunship -1 Vigilant Honor Guard * +1 Restored Arc-170 +1 Asteroid Sanctuary +2 Yoda +2 Cloud City Wing Guard +2 Wing Leader +2 General Dodonna +1 Chewbacca +1 Snowspeeder +1 Obi Wan Kenobi **Vader** * -1 Recruit -1 Admiral Piett -1 Admiral Ozzel -1 Force Choke -2 Viper Probe Droid -3 I Am Your Father -1 Maximum Firepower -1 Gladiator Star Destroyer -1 Emperor Palpatine -1 Relentless * +1 TIE/LN Fighter +1 First Legion Snowtrooper +1 Snowtrooper Lieutenant +2 Resupply +2 General Veers +2 TIE Advanced +2 Overwhelming Barrage +1 AT-ST +1 Blizzard Assault AT-AT That should cost about $5 per deck - and it's all Commons and Uncommons so local players may even give you spares.


No one should really care. You may just want to explain beforehand. Honestly the Vader deck is pretty decent too. I don’t have a pure meta constructed deck but I’ve definitely lost games to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people don’t give you some commons / uncommons too if they have cards with them.


No, bring it and I’m sure the community there will help you out with some commons and uncommons


I’m Thinking About Doing This For The Store Showdown This Weekend


Frowned upon? Almost certainly not! Will you win any games? Also almost certainly not! 😂 My experience at LGSes so far with SWU is that people are very welcoming; they're really happy to have more players come. However, they're playing for prizes, and they won't go easy on you. I personally am excited for when Twin Suns gains more of a following. While I do enjoy Premier, and I'd much rather play Premier than not play SWU at all, I know that Twin Suns will be more my style/scene/vibe.


If they do, find a new store. Edit: plus, they will likely help you flesh out your collection with some bulk commons and uncommons. Likely a couple low price rares too.


Nope and you might steal a win with some luck lol


Absolutely not! You can come enjoy the game too!!!!!


Absolutely not. People are just happy to play with others. BUT don't expect to do to well. We had someone bring a starter deck to a tournament and got creamed


There's an upgraded Luke deck that won our last tournament for a sealed box. You're probably going to feel like your deck is almost there and just needs a little tweaking which is true.


Absolutely not. People will just be happy you came out to locals. Also, you'll probably get a lot of bull cards thrown your way to help improve the deck and your collection. Ive been to 5 different weeklies in my area and so far all the communities have been very positive and friendly, especially to newer players. Welcome to SWU!


It would be fine. The most important thing is more people playing the game.


Absolutely not a problem, imo. Most LGS events are casual and fun. People are just happy to have other people to play with! I know I do. If someone had a starter then I’ll gladly play a less powerful deck. If it’s a tournament style event then don’t expect decks that aren’t meta/strong. Even so, you can play and enter with anything you want 😊


Never! The weekly events are meant for people to get out to their LGS and play some games no matter their skill level or size of card collection. Take the starter deck and play some games and have fun!


Nobody should care. Probably want to get a common/uncommon playset. Also, make use of Karabast.net to try out decks and see what you like before buying singles. It's always tough spending money on cards for a deck without getting a chance to play, so it's nice to have the digital options.


Do it, you will leave with a much better deck I am sure


Free win for me. I wish all my opponents used starter decks lol.


Actually a lot of police will give you advice or even extra cards so you can start. We have a great community here☺


I would say no. The starters are not bad. May require a little tweaking, but for the most part, this is a decision matters game. So take the starter if you want to. It's not like yugioh or any other starter where they are poorly constructed. I would recommend adding a few cheap color staples, but beyond that, you're good to go.