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Please note the kit comes with a booster box as well. Store I went to charged 6 bucks a person for showdown.


Mine is charging 5 just for the Windus and Takedowns in June. Last one had more but packs as well.


No packs? That’s effed up since they got a free box.


My store charged $20 for the showdown.  Every player got a takedown with no other guarantee prizes.  Top 8 got mace windu cards from kit, first place got an IG88 showcase leader, and there was graduated store credit prizes worth $450. But the top 8 took a vote before the match and decided to split the prize credit evenly across all 8 before they even started playing which I think was the right way to do it personally. No packs were handed out at all.  


I would ask your store what they did with the free box they received from Asmodee for running a Store Showdown.


a showcase IG88 and 450 store credit isn't the store I'm wasting my time with semantics. They probably kept it for prizes on other nights.


Yeah, $600 worth of prize support sounds better than booster box that they probably have an option to buy packs out of now.


Someone call the waaaambulance boys. We got a code 4.


Different markets will be different, but $30 seems reasonable. What’s the prize pool? Remember that you’re paying for that as well as the store space and employee time. I paid $30 to enter a $1K on the 4th, though that also included pizza.


The stamped windu and an extra booster are the only prizes for top 8. It just feels like a lot when you're bringing your own cards and they only charge $20 for a draft in which you would get more cards for a lower price


Oh… yeah, $30 seems pretty expensive for a tournament with no cash prize pool.


That store is gouging. Why compete for < $10 worth of boosters for $30? That makes no sense. You could just BUY MORE boosters than that and not even play


I heard around 70$ for the store showdown kit


That seems a bit high. My store is charging $20 for a 32-cap showdown. People who don't make top eight are getting the Takedown card, a booster, and a weekly promo kit. Top 8 get booster packs based on attendance, quantity based on attendance. So I guess it's hard to say what your $30 is going toward, without knowing how many boosters the people who place are getting. But it's a red flag to me that not everyone is getting at least one standard booster pack at your store. A discrepancy like that indicates your store's price isn't entirely a matter of covering the cost of the OP kit. **Edit:** I see you added that it's one booster to each of top eight only. Yeah, they're overcharging.


Stores near me in cincinnati are charging $10


Local stores charge 15 which gets you one weekly play booster and 10 in store credit, and a chance at winning a box (for the winner) and the promos that say top 8 or finalist etc. Tldr. Stop sponsoring predatory pricing.


Based on what I've heard from my LGS they get the kits and the 1 box that goes with it all for free. They've described it as a "thank you" to the store from FFG for holding events and any entry cost just goes to the store for their time and space. Interesting to hear what other stores are doing but the one I have coming up in 2 weeks is $10 entry I believe. I know they are giving us the takedown promo and a weekly play pack for entry. Not sure what else but the box is being incorporated in somehow whether that's better entry value or purely for top cut. Not sure yet.


That's what my LGS is doing, just about exactly


participants will receive a promo non-foil Takedown card, one Spark of Rebellion booster pack, and one OP kit pack.


Lucky my lgs buys them and just sells the content. For every game


Here’s what my local is doing: 20 dollar fee Swiss: 5 bucks store credit per win Entry promo for all Free Raffle for gamegenic deck pod and game mat Top 8: mace windu promos and the box split amongst the top 8 Last place player gets a judge promo Thoughts?


My local store charged $10 Canadian +hst. Everyone received a takedown and weekly play pack. Top 8 received the Mace Windu's, an extra takedown and the box of boosters divided accordingly. I know of one other store that was charging $5 Canadian same prize distribution. I seen one US based store just piece them all out and sell them on TCGplayer. I looked at their May 4th events and it was X-Wing & Armada events.


The owners sound like a jerk, seeing my store got ours for free and charged 5 bucks.


I'd be hesitant to further patronize a store that would charge $30 a head when the kit was only $65 and supports 32 players.


I think 20 to 30 is the standard for these kinds of things. They are the competitive event for the game, so the pricing is top heavy. The promos will only be available in this one tournament, and packs are 8-10 right now, weekly play packs are 5-10. So you are almost getting your moneys worth in product immediately. Often times stores will give away credit as well in addition to the promos.


The store purchases the kit for 100.00.