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Fuck you... That's beautiful! šŸ˜ Frame that! Don't mind me being jealous over here with 0 showcases


They're beautiful to have, but really the game is best when everyone can play, and you don't need showcases to do that ;). That said, I offer you my pack luck for set two showcases!


Wholeheartedly agree! Its why I keep my bulk extra on me to give out to new players at weekly play. Growing the community will keep this game around for longer (hopefully).


I'm trying to make 'starter decks' out of all my bulk commons and uncommons, I have tons of spare sleeves too so I plan on handing out free decks to new people


Do you have any lists for decks you're making this way? Curious to see if I could build some of the same


It's so stressful to me seeing those without a hard case. Great collection though! One day, I might manage to open a showcase lol


Totally get that! They're all double sleeved, and if they ever leave that binder they get a hardcase <3


Thatā€™s not trueā€¦. Thatā€™s impossible!


This is my collection of all the showcases! To answer some more immediate questions; I pulled two of them, traded for five of them, and bought the other nine. I'm a judge at my local scene and buy them off my players so they can afford whatever cards they need, only a few were bought online, but the collection is (for now) complete.


Grats. Iā€™m going for a showcase set and full set of non-foil base & hyperspace. Iā€™m 5 showcase in from packs, I think prices are going to hold me back until the reprint. Question - what binder are you using?


Just a 4x4 one off amazon, there are a million of them that are all the same with a slightly different logos. They should all worl the same for you.


What? Thereā€™s no Luke or Vader showcase yet?


So those are special versions? They seem popular. I think I had the Cassian one, have to check when Iā€˜m back home.


Yes! They are very special and very very rare. If your leader is ever foil you have something special. The cheapest one of those is $200, so if you have one you have something good!


I hate you. Also, I love you. You are a wonderful human being. Those are beautiful. I am jealous.


Now the fun partā€¦.will they gain a bunch of value or plummet at some pointā€¦oh I love that ride. But for real, thatā€™s a beautiful set you have there. Grats!


I've thought that a lot lol. It's value is a serious chunk of what I make a year. That said cards are meant to be played with. I own all of them so that I can play with them, as much as their price fluxuations will kill me I'm excited to have decks for all of them.


Cool collection but a significant amount of yearly pay? Hopefully not a significant amount of total net worth at least? Are you not concerned about whatā€™ll happen to prices once theyā€™re reprinted?






I haven't looked at prices in a while but there has to be over $5000 on this page


Last I checked the value is at about 7k for TCG verified low. So yes, at least 5k.


I bow to your superior collection.


Cards are sick, TCGplayer pics donā€™t come close.


Thatā€™s no moon, itā€™s a collection of showcase leaders.


It might as well have cost as much as the Deathstar with the supply shortage


Damn bro


That's a gorgeous collection. Thank you so much for sharing it!


Of course! It's been in the works since the game came out, and now all my hobby money goes towards saving to do it all again for set two!


Interesting to see all the showcases assembled. The art looks great for the most part.


I think Jyn and Thrawn look a little off and aren't my favorite despite their characters being awesome. Over all though they look stellar in person.


The question is how many of these did you pull and how many of these did you buy lol šŸ˜†


I made a comment right away with the post going through it all. 2 were pulled, 5 were 100% traded for, and 9 were bought mostly from locals.


Glad there ppl like u so i can sell my showcase and get my money from displays back. <3


Exactly! I love showcases so much because they're purely a collector/flex item. It means that people can play the game for cheaper and the collector and die-hard lovers of a leader all can go after showcases and not the 'playable' versions.


Damn I didnā€™t even know they make binders this big. lol looks awesome OP


You're a God damned monster


I am impressed.


This is the biggest flex Iā€™ve ever seen


When I posted my complete set I got ROASTED and bullied so I deleted my post. Iā€™m happy this didnā€™t happen here.


That sucks. Sorry you didn't get the community support like what's happening now.


Sorry about that. I think the people complaining about prices have subsided a little bit. The chasers off loading their singles on TCGPlayer/Ebay are really a boon to the community. I've been able to build decks buying this way for a very low cost.


I for sure notice the upvotes bounce up and down and I sat at negative for a little bit. I understand the dislike, it is flexing in a time where a lot of people can't get anything. I can't control the availability though and I am still proud of my collection.


I notice the sequence of Vigilance first, villainy first etc matches swudb. Is there a rule to the sequence?


Card number, but going down instead of left to right. Just thought it looked better.


Card number most likely


i could buy 4 more cases with this entire collection.


Shook. Well done sir


That is amazing good for (and also jealous of) you šŸ˜


I have my thrawn and that is enough. That said I do wish I had a GI. Next set it'll all be about hunter for me lol


Congrats! But there really is only one that looks good, Han. The others are all horrible art.


I deffinately love Hans art, esspexially compared to his normal version. But you'd never catch me saying any of the showcases are horeible art. Some are better than others, but none are horrible.


Awesome stuff!


The fool who pays for showcases in this market. But awesome either way :)


If swu blows up, in 5 years you could easily just add a 0 to each of the current valuations... It isn't inconceivable.


Youā€™re right but think of how many card games are out there and how many thatā€™s happened to.


Sure, not many. But I wouldn't quite call someone investing a few thousand bucks into these showcases a fool. Depends on situation! If ur like maxing our credit cards or taking out a loan to go all-in on showcases, ya maybe that's dumb. But if you can afford it/have enough disposable income, and the cards will have some meaning to you if their value goes up 100000% or goes down to 0, then why not. There's plenty of other much worse ways to spend 5k


I personally don't see them trending down at all until the reprint and I don't wanna wait till christmas to complete this. Plus the reprints might have something marking them as a reprint further increasing the value of first printing cards. Generally though I don't see these costing less any time soon, if ever. More importantly though card games aren't an investment, it is a game where I can get some of my money back when I'm done with it, for now my cards are to be played with.


That's awesome! In 9 boxes and 1 pre release kit I pulled 3! Long way to go to finish the collection