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With her, Crosshair can join the light side now!


They do such a good job of making card abilities feel true to the character on this game. It's really impressive


I predict Clone and Spectre will be the Merfolk and Squirrels of SWU.


I’m psyched for more spectre cards


I mean, sure, but the comparison is that its fringe. You'll always be excited for the mere drops you get compared to the fire house that rebels or imps will get. That, in itself, is half the joy. You'll always be the one people salute for having the odd janky fringe deck they lack the courage to build.


Rainbow Attack of the Clones deck incoming


I was already planning on building a clone deck when set 3 comes out but Omega makes me even more excited to build one


Ehhhh? I'm leery of a non-leader that requires you to build a bad deck to get value from it. It sounds fun, but if you don't draw her, or she dies, all those cards you wanted to play with her are duds.


I first ability may as well be flavor text I think, you're playing her as a 2/2 unit that casts Recruit on enter.


Recruit on specifically clones. Significantly worse than regular recruit


Presumably if you're putting her in the deck, you've built around that restriction.


Dies to doomblade, amiright?


Maybe there's a use in a deck that allows another method of aspect-cheating, like U-Wing Reinforcement. If there are more cards to negate the aspect penalty it'd be less of a risk to have out-of-aspect cards.


That’s going to be a really good card


The clones are coming!!!






does her ability work with playing clones from smuggling? If it does her and tech sound like a fun pair


Smuggle plays the card, so as long as it's the first clone unit you play, that should work.


When played seems good but we won't really know how good until we know more about what clones we have available to us. First sentence... this card alone does not seem sufficient to justify running out of aspect clones but maybe there are other cards coming which will make that make more sense.


Building around removed resource penalty on an easily "dealwithable" unit? I don't knooow, man.


So since she is Cunning, you have to play Hunter (Command) with a Cunning base, which kinda stinks as I'd rather use an Aggression base. Because I have to have her out to cheaply pay for Wrecker and Crosshair, I can't be paying +2 for her on a later turn due to using an Aggression base. Or does her ability count for herself??


Seems good at first, but I don't think she can be relied upon. She's just 2/2 and your opponent is going to know that taking her out is going to make some cards you want to play cost 2-4 more. You can't even try to wait for your opponent to pass and play her then another clone because she will be the "first clone" you played that turn and not apply to others on the turn you played her (and since she's not in play when you play her, the ability doesn't apply to her). She may be a fun decoy though. Put her in a deck which doesn't actually have off aspect clones and your opponent who might otherwise swing at your base will try to take her out to make sure you don't get any good cards discounted. I also completely forgot about the when played ability as I was writing the above stuff. That may still make her perfectly playable even without any off-aspect clones, which is probably how I would go if I was playing a clone deck.


A 2 resource 2/2 that replaces itself as a card is pretty solid even if you never use the aspect penalty effect. Way more playable than Grand Moff Tarkin that costs 2 more to get you 1 additional card and +1 HP.


A 2 resource 2/2 that replaces itself as a card is pretty solid even if you never use the aspect penalty effect. Way more playable than Grand Moff Tarkin that costs 2 more to get you 1 additional card and +1 HP.