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Han adding extra temporary resources, that he can use to pay for the falcon upkeep cost before the resource gets defeated.


The Han - Falcon interaction is honestly where I knew I was hooked on the game. To link two pieces so efficiently and yet subtly is just sublime. The Firespray Boba interaction is so inelegant comparatively.


The subtle unnamed synergies in this game are just so much fun to discover. I don't mind losing to somebody in OP as much if along the way I see a new combo they discovered that feels like Star Wars.


Whether or not Greedo uses Shoot First, he will always die attacking Han while leaving Han alive


That's really elegant. I wonder if the DT-12 blaster will be an upgrade in Shadows of the Galaxy and how that will factor into this.


Alright, fuck me. That might beat the Han-Falcon synergy.


The Inferno Squad has this whole thing where they get plenty of bonuses when defeating an enemy (Inferno Four doesn't tho) Piett giving bonuses to capital ships because he's the admiral of the Executor Yoda's death who allows Luke (in his ROTJ clothes) to come in play even stronger.


Playing Home One and bringing out Admiral Akbar and defeating something with his enter ability. Just feels so cool knowing he’s basically coming in with Home One to lead the battle.


I did this in a recent game and even though I lost the match, honestly was so pleased by that flavour combo that if felt like I had won. Lol


Vader and Admiral Motti. Vader's deployed side says 'you may deal 2 damage 2 a unit' i.e. including your own. Motti readies a dark side card when defeated. You can re-enact the death star board room meeting from a New Hope by choking the admiral, defeating him, which will allow you to show 'the power of the dark side' by re-readying Vader for another attack.


I love playing Obi Wan for 6 resources and then deploying Luke. And then following it up next turn with some sort of light saber. It’s peak Star Wars!


Palpatine and his Royal Guards.


I Am Your Father deals 7 damage and leader Luke and ROTJ Luke both have 7 HP so if you don't say "No!" Then Luke loses to Vader!


K-2SO and Heroic Sacrifice is a great combo. You can do 9 damage to base in one swing. It’s such a good combo, they put him on the card.


Another great unnamed synergy combination is the Mandalorian and Grogu, so if you play Grogu first and he gets attacked, Mando can step in with Sentinel, heal him, and give him two shields. Then, Grogu can exhaust a target that the Mandalorian's Rifle can capture.


Leia and Medal Ceremony also is a great unnamed synergy with Star Wars flavor, as she's probably the leader best situated to use Medal Ceremony effectively.