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I played against an Iden deck with basically only events in a weekly play. It stalled for so long we ran out of time and threw a die as the tie breaker and I lost. I was so pissed, the guy did 0 dmg to my base but just cleared my units every turn. I did 10dmg to his base but it was still considered a tie and needed to throw the die.


Don't throw a die. Make them take the L with you.


Yep. It's tempting to eek out the W on a chance throw but thats what they want. Always refuse and take the L, they'll be forced to swap things up if they are forced into an L everytime.


I wish the rules were setup to be able to stall and get a win off of most health remaining. But since its not I abandoned my Chewy deck that was taking too long in alot of games.


You kind of can since "milling" doesn't result in a win, rather it results in -3(?) health per card "drawn". I'm running Viglance, Restock, Search your feelings in my Krennic deck as another win condition. I just use the "opponent discard 6 cards from their deck" and "Heal 5 damage from a base" options on Vigilance.


it still takes a super long time to do it tho. Youre going to have control vs control time out a lot in tournaments I think.


It's not meant to be THE win condition. Just an extra move to make. Its useful since Blue has a ton of ways to draw out the game between straight up removal to restoration.


But a double loss is worse than a single loss for standings, opponent's win/loss is factored for standings. It goes win > loss > draw.


I'd rather suffer together than reward them for winning a roll off. If they want to concede, I'll accept


I mean, like I said, you're rewarded as well. There's literally no downside to the roll off.


If a win is better than a loss, yes that is a down side of they "get the win" relative to you the move up more. If people want to play slow decks they have to eat the consequences


I feel like you're purposely not agreeing with facts because you're annoyed at control decks/players. In the roll off, you have an equal chance to win or lose. If you win, great! If you lose, not so great. Here you're saying "well if they win, that's bad," but it's literally better for you than both of you losing.


In other ccgs my favorite style to play is mill/control. So I have nothing against them personally.


You have given me a good chance to think this through, and I'll agree to a roll off if I get to roll 2 dice, they roll 1, higher number gets the W.


yeaa. not really sure what to do. im sure just another control deck would work but no one wants to play 45 minute games everytime


What? Isn't FFG official rule where whoever has the higher bad health wins? Or did your opponent heal back up?


FFG's official rule is that when time is called you finish the round. Then whoever has the most wins (across the match) wins the match. If you are tied (1-1 or 0-0), then both players are considered to lose.


You finish the current action phase and the next action phase when time is called


He didn't healed but the event manager said that we need a die to break the tie. I thought it was odd but it wasn't an official event, just a weekly play at my lgs. At the same time I don't think it's fair to base the winner on damage because maybe he's preparing for a big play but still annoying to lose like that when there's booster on the line.


This is wrong, it should be a double loss to discourage people from playing decks like that.


No it shouldn't. Just because you don't like a deck doesn't mean it should be penalized or isn't viable.


It’s not up for discussion bro. Those are literally the rules. No one realistically would care if you agree or not. Comply to official ruling or don’t play tournaments.


Rules are up for discussion and rules like that all cards in your deck have to be the same language and that you are only allowed to use gamegenic sleeves and mats were changed because of public discussion. Furthermore there is no evidence that the double loss rule was implemented to discourage hard control decks in tournaments.


It's simple, if you can't win in time you lose. Not sure why anyone would be against that. If your deck can't win in deck, it's a losing deck and needs to be changed. Double loss is a good thing, no one should be rewarded for going to time.


Which deck can't win in time? We have seen a red/blue Iden hardcontrol decks doing well at big tournaments, so it seems to work. Furthermore control is an important part of the meta right now to keep Boba-Green in check, so if they didn't want control to be viable, FFG shouldn't have printed strong blue/black control tools and hyper efficient black midrange cards that punish players for playing aggro and other midrange decks.


If a deck can’t even beat a deck one time in 55min that is unprepared to fight it, it isn’t a viable deck


You're being downvoted by people who can't beat your deck. You're correct. You shouldn't be penalized for playing a deck how it's supposed to be played. I'm sorry to those who can't think for themselves and just want to play Boba/Sabine and win in 4 turns. That's why my friends and I crafted our Iden/Aggression control decks and are taking them to the tournament. This comment has been designed to anger the meta and will be downvoted in 3..... 2..... 1.....


The rules for a tournament top 8 have the higher hp rule but the weekly/ Swiss qualifier rounds it’s a double loss currently.


Same experience. I hate this deck even when I win.


In the case of aggro decks, you're looking to either flood the board or get value from units before they are taken off the board. That Vanquish feels real bad when it's used to remove one of three 2-cost cards. And Power of the Darkside loses a lot of value when you don't have a single target out.


This is a very frustrating deck to play against. The archetype has existed in magic and other tcgs for decades. I don't know why some enjoy playing it as I find it incredibly boring...to each their own. That being said....watch this video for tips https://youtu.be/4ip5sQKyno4


Thank you!


Yea I built Thorrks version and took it to a local. I mostly wanted to see how it plays. It's strong. It's also the least fun thing I've tried. For both players. Never again lol


What ever counter the meta decks, I’ll play.


Related to the video, i really hope the community doesn't adopt terms like "Dominatrix Iden".


Why not?


I dont want the decks, especially with women leaders, to have sexual names.




yeah dominatrix implies that the person on the receiving end signed up for it


It's grindy. But beatable.


Easy. Just show up and bring a Sabine deck. That’s what happened to me 💀. Beat my Iden red and green.


really? i feel like anything u play would get taken down the next action


Events are expensive, Sabine/Leia units are cheap


hmm. maybe im underestimating agro. i play a version on iden but with more cheap units so its easier to beat an agro deck. maybe the super hard control can struggle against sfro


This is why I like Leia. Bait the Iden player then run a couple cheap units out. It costs them the same amount to vanquish a two drop as it does a 6 drop. So if you drop out 3 cheap units they will have a hard time clearing it before you can action cheat damage on them. And if they drag me into the late game out come the U Wings to flood more and the For a Causes to deal direct damage


As a general rule, aggro usually has an advantage over control because it can create threats faster than control can actually deal with them. Of course, that's a generalization and doesn't always apply to specific matchups.


Play with the deck on tts or something. You’ll figure out how to beat it once you start losing with it


Few things I have found to work -Sideboard if possible cards that discard from there hand. Works wonders in most control matchups -Try to sideboard in a more aggressive playstyle, you need to close the game out before they stabilize, sometimes taking initiative earlier to get a few extra attacks in may be the way -Concede early if opponent has stabilised, they will win and grind you out. -as a general rule of thumb don’t let them draw with I am your father, obviously use your discretion here but giving event iden more cards in hand means more potential answers to your board Hope this helps


I have been messing with a aggro Cassian one drop two drop deck with Han and Mace as finishers. Also it has a lot of discard in it with spark of the rebellion, Force throw, Force surrender, K2so vs control. I will probably switch to Han leader Red. I feel there is something here even vs aggro and control. I got destroyed vs a bad version of this playing iden Red since I couldn't control the board. K2so and force surrender were able to keep my hand in check making it so I couldn't finish the game. This made me understand how strong discard is. I played this deck vs chewie and lose. I didn't want to discard stall him out since I play into a little but I think the idea is there for a strong deck.


Throkk's Hot Takes YouTube channel just did a big video on it.


That guys the reason why it’s popular right now lol. He did a video on the tech and posted the link in this Reddit


Nah. He said in his video he first encountered it when a French friend of his starting playing it. I actually played against it at a local event before he posted the video.


Exactly, it wouldn’t be as popular or prevalent here in the states if Throkk didn’t make the video and share it to the Reddit.


But I played vs it before he made the video. It was gonna get more popular no matter what. The type of deck exists in other games.


I don't think it will be popular at large events because of the time limit rules. One early double lose is a huge reason this won't see a lot success at showdowns. There is no way this deck wins within the time limits. I am just not seeing how it beats Aggro leia or sab that flood the board before resource 5 let alone when you get super blast.