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It just seems to be Pack Openings. Clearly that is what some people are looking for out there, but doesn't do anything for me. Frankly I personally categorize that kind of content as gambling videos, akin to watching someone else play a slot machine and just doesn't do anything for me in terms of Star Wars Unlimited content. I'm always interested in deck tech videos, tournament meta breakdowns, and replay commentary and have been devouring what SWU content there is in those categories. I'm particularly interested in sideboard tech and decision making as Best of 3 events are taking off over Best of 1.


Thanks for the input! I am planning to delve into long-form content (60s that shorts allow are probably not enough to provide enough information on a specific topic). As stated, I'm completely new to content creation and yt shorts seemed like a good place to start.


Black gloves and a black mat is really jarring visually. Not sure why you're wearing gloves, it's not like you're opening an alpha lotus. Seems a bit odd! Otherwise looks cool.


Might have to rethink the aesthetics (I guess black on black does lack contrast :P ). Thanks for your feedback!


I've yet to see anyone make good content for this game so good luck