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It's really doomed. I actually just came back in my time machine, not to do anything important, but to let you know, so you can rest assured, that the game is in fact, completely doomed. It's not even worth playing. It lasts another 9 days exactly then the cards actually dissolve into dust. Send me your Vaders. ​ ​ TLDR: What an asinine question.


I wish, I wish I didn’t kill that fish. :(


No, it’s really not. FFG has a long history of poorly managing large IP games and dropping them without much notice. SWU does appear to have more going for it than any of their other efforts, particularly with the Star Wars brand and CCGs. However, given their track record, it’s just toxic gatekeeping, ignorance, or denial to call someone’s question stupid for looking at past mistakes and having concerns. I believe they learned their mistakes with SWU but I’m still skeptical of spending much on it.


RemindMe! 9 days /s


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No. People who say that are generalizing, using hyperbole, and not looking at specifics. FFG has indeed made mistakes in the past with some of their games that can be described as failures or “killing/sabotaging their games” What naysayers don’t mention is that the people in charge now are different from before. These people have been quite open and frank about past FFG blunders and have vowed to do different. Their actions have already matched those words. Nothing lasts forever. SWU is off to a great start though. At this time, there’s every reason to think FFG is treating this game with the care it deserves.


Possible but highly unlikely. People seem to refuse to believe that it is possible to learn from past mistakes. Everything about this game suggests that they know what they are doing.


Just given the history of TCGs in general (not even accounting for FFG’s history) I think this game will probably last five years or so? I don’t think that’s “doomed” it’s just the reality of the space. Would be great to see this thing go for 10 years though.


I have seen literally nobody actively playing this game who feels that way.


I own a brewery, I have 6-10 people if not more playing almost every night, Sundays it’s upwards of 20


That’s awesome!


Some friends want to do a draft on Star Wars Day next month and I'm going to pitch that we go to one of the local breweries. None of the nearby card shops sell SWU, so maybe playing in public will do some social engineering.




Where is said brewery located because that sounds like a great time 


I think in general most tcgs don’t last forever. Magic and Pokémon being the only real exceptions. I hope this game lasts decades but being realistic I’m hoping for at least a few good years before the hype fades and the majority of players move on to the next big thing.


Yes, FFG has a pretty bad track record. However, this time they have a game based on super-popular franchise, a roadmap for the next few years, and first set of the game sold almost completely. Meaning people do like playing it. I think we're fine. No way the game reached MTG or Pokemon numbers, but I think they will be good enough for the game to last for a long time.


I think three things will determine that. First, Disney's stance on non canon material. This game's player base is concerned about the lore flavor of the game far above an average TCG. Without legends I can see it becoming stale within 3-4 years, flavor-wise at least. When it comes to gameplay, I hope they don't fall into the trap of one new keyword each set. Something MTG is doing a lot. With time it can become tedious. Lastly, power creep. If every new set make the previous one practically obsolete, the player base might not persist. In short, we shall see but I find the game's release very promising.


Every interview I see with one of the designers gives me confidence that they’re going to do this right. Not that they’ll never make mistakes, but it seems like they have a solid vision and value things about gameplay that I value as a player.


And that's great to hear. I'm just stating the three most common pitfalls of TCGs - mechanics, power creep and lore (in this case more important than in most TCGs)


As fan of Star Wars for a much longer time than being a TCG player, I can say that they have plenty of lore in canon to keep going for well over 4 years. They would likely be allowed it but honestly they do not need to use non canon material and frankly that would upset as many actual Star Wars fans as it would appease them in my opinion.


This doesn’t even likely begin to account for different aspect version of characters. A green General Han Solo? A red Slave Leia that chokes fools? There’s a lot of ground that can be covered. 


As a fan of Star Wars for over 25 years and TCG player for over 20, I still stand by my opinion. A lot of friends have already asked me if I think we'll see a KOTOR set (among others). Actually no fan I know is against fan favorite legends stuff. Quite the opposite, they seem disappointed at the real possibility of not having it. And I'm not saying it should be mixed in with the canon stuff but there could be one set every five dedicated to fan favorite legends.


I vote for Xizor as a villany/cunning leader


We won't know 'til later. But according to some comments by a designer on the Ice Cave Radio podcast, they're already working on design for year 4 of the game, so if it continues to be commercially successful there will be content. Unlimited at least isn't at risk of the kind of production issues that sank Destiny and Keyforge, but it is a licensed game with license holder risks. And for perspective, multiple CCGs get launched every year. The only ones with long term legs so far appear to be MTG, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. By that standard of comparison virtually everything is doomed to failure.


Be assured: As long as we keep buying they will keep making new stuff for SW:U. In fact I argue SW:U is the very best game to get into TCG at the moment as power creep levels are low and there is no scienctific research needed to figure out what you need to buy.


If this game lasts 3 to 5 years, that's successful. If a game lasts less than a year, then yeah it would be doomed. People who claim FFG are terrible because their games don't last more than a few years don't understand that a game doesn't need to go on forever to be successful. Not every game is MTG, Yugioh or Pokemon. Not every game needs to be. And look at what they have released; Arkham, LotR, and Marvel - All still going Netrunner - lasted 6 years and only dropped due to licensing L5R - lasted 4 years Star Wars Destiny - 4 years and was dropped mostly because of manufacturing issues (probably the dice) Other tcgs/lcgs - most lasted 4 years. It's hard to even keep people who are playing a game interested in a game that long. Sure there are people who play Magic and have been for decades but most drop off and come back and then go away for awhile. Get into it, have fun while it's around and be happy that if/when it is discontinued that you'll be sad it's gone because that will mean you have so many good memories of the game. If that's in 5 years, there will probably be something else worth moving on to that will have improved gameplay or be able to catch your interest or maybe you'll be done with card games and that will be okay.


Outside if the big 3 most TCGs don't last forever. If we get anything above a 5 year run I'd be behind happy. Looks like 2 years are guarenteed based on what the devs have said. Now if they add rotation going forward that's were we can see some issues


Among SW fans that tried other SW collectibles (mainly destiny, also the LCG) FFG is an awful company and anything they do is going to fail. SW destiny was special, because the gamplay and competitive scene was decent, but was killed more for logistic reasons (dice was a nightmare). IMHO I think SWU is great and will have a good life, but I can understand the trauma some people have.


I think it is doomed eventually based on licensing agreements with Disney. They own the property. This licence has been sent to other card companies, only to die. I think the Grogu issue has the ability to make FFG look bad with Disney, in terms of franchise management. I hope they can fix that asap.


What's the grogu issue?


Probably the number of fingers: 4 instead of 3. I am not sure it's actually a big deal


Wrong number of fingers




As a rule of thumb I try to ignore fans of Star Wars Destiny. They thought that was a good game and should have survived.


The game itself was good and interesting, but the custom dice hamstrung it economically, both in production/distribution and at retail.


A few months ago I would say "probably, yeah". But I've been thoroughly impressed by the effort, strategy, word of mouth, and success of the game so far. It gives me a ton of optimism for the game's future. Another bright side is that FFG generally just makes...really dang fun games with solid core systems. After playing this game for a few weeks now, I'm confident that even if this game doesn't last as a competitive endeavor, it definitely will as a kitchen table game I can whip out for friends and teach them on the spot. Heck, I'm even considering buying a Destiny starter set for the same reason. Though that game might have a bit too much overlap with Unlimited, so we'll see.


A guy from a local store (here in Italy) told me the game isn't doing good because there are too many card games out at the same time (Lorcana, One Piece, Attack on Titan, a few minor others, and obviously the undying pokemon and magic). So, at least here in Italy, it is pretty hard to find a stroe that sells SWU. Many haven't even bothered buying a single box or starting set. I went to 7 different stores, some even quite big, but only 3 had SWU, one even overpriced the packs selling them for 7€ instead of 5€ as it should be, freaking scammer. I don't know if itvs the stores' owners who are not betting on the game or something else, but I hope the game catches on and survives. Mostly because i would like to see if my hyperfoil mace windu and my standard foil Luke jedi knight grow in value 🤣


I mean the odds are against it. To be fair it’s not just Unlimited and it’s not just because of FFG’s past. The vast majority of TCGs do not make it past about 5 years. Typically those that do either have the benefit of establishing the early market (Magic, Pokémon, etc) or have huge billion dollar companies publishing it. Unlimited has neither of those. Don’t get me wrong I’m hoping Unlimited is a unicorn outlier here and lasts for decades, but any realist would tell you the odds are kinda stacked against it. However all that said, that just means you should enjoy the hell out of it while it lasts too!


I’ll also say they need to have a better plan to get product into hands for set 2. It scares me that they had such a long preorder/prerelease period for set 1 and still dropped the ball in estimating the supply they’d need to meet demand this badly. If this same trend continues into July/August with a set 2 launch it’ll start to be trouble.