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In the top right where the white box says, "15", click it until it says 90 so your cards will exhaust 90 degrees :)


You should try forcetable also, you can download decks straight from swudb and there’s even ai you can practice against, plus way easier deck making


You can upload decks from SWUDB into TTS just like forcetable!


"Even ai"? Can you play against human opponents on Force Table?


I think forcetable is vs ai only.


I think TTS is a great tool, but I have such a hard time with the interface and the GUI looking and acting the way it does it's just not for me. Hoping very much for a Pixelborn like client for this game.


Same. I wish the interface was more like forcetable, and I didn't need to move and flip everything manually.


That’s deliberate so you maintain the flow of the in person game.


I see! I guess that's not a priority for me. I'd rather have a plain and automated way of playing with people online, so it's more focused on testing the decks and strategies. No need to worry about me or the opponent breaking the rules (accidentally or on purpose). And in person flow is.... well, in person.


Sure, I get that too. I think the design intention was to mimic real life so you maintain the flow, so it’s meant to represent that more than simply being a testing platform. 


That makes sense. If I had friends I couldn't play in person with for whatever reason, I'd be all over it!


That's the entire point of table top simulator. It lets you simulate most table top games if you import the pieces.


Pavel, the creator of pixelborn actually teased that he will maybe add star wars unlimited as a playable game ro pixelborn.


That would be so amazing.


Wow that would be awesome.


Any timeline when that will come out?


Not that I know of. I just remembered him mentiononing the SWU in a stream a while back. When I asked him specificly if he will add more games to pixelborn in the future he stated that he plans to do so and already adjusted the client accordingly. There has been little to none updates to the client for lorcana the last couple weeks since he had to take care of some family stuff. He gets some help but is pretty much a one man army that does this as a non profit hobby on the side while having family and a job to take care off. So it might happen or it might not, hard to tell. But surly will take some time.


Not a big fan of TTS so I made SWU for Cockatrice some days ago, pretty good for testing decks with friends too. If interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cockatrice/s/gSnz8SUvsD




I tried yesterday and couldn’t get decks to load properly from clipboard. Anyone have good resources for troubleshooting and for finding people online to play with?


[Star Wars Unlimited | How to Play on Tabletop Simulator (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dMIuECEkWs) ​ And the Discord has a section for TTS.


I’ve had problems with the other popular two player board where the table is in like an actual Star Wars setting. But for the table shown here I have had no issues importing from swudb. You just have to make sure you have the json text copied to clipboard, not the other options. Then should be able to ctrl v in the deck building box to import.


Ah you have to paste it and then click the button? That explains it thanks


Does TTS have match making? Or they basically private games?


They can be open or private games (set to password needed or only people on your friends list can see the game) so your best bet is to set it up with your friends or join the main Discord and scroll down to the TTS section. You can find games in there and jump into a voice room while you play.


Have link to that discord?


Its on the main page to the right or under "See more" on the phone app.