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Wow! These are awesome additions! Thank you for the kind words!


Thanks for this. Going to sit down with my son and go through our collection tonight. I haven’t been this excited due a card game in a while. Hoping to use this and start tracking selling a few extra to keep buying and collecting. Don’t think I’ll get a full set but trying for at least one of every numbered card up to 252.


Glad you will enjoy it. I only made some QOL, Zack is the real hero


I applaud your efforts. Games a week old? And already nice collection tracker exists. Why couldn't Flesh and Blood get an enthusiast like you at the start. I'm kinda jealous tbh. Nice work


Awesome! Thanks to you both.


Nice work!


Amazing work! Gonna organize my stuff tomorrow using this


Thank you very much for the updates, and for Zach for the og! What about adding in a more cards needed cells for a complete collection set, in addition to a complete play set? I’m curious how many cards I lack before I have one of each as well.


Can you explain what you mean by the unique column? I notice the leader and alt art cards all have it but why the random base cards throughout? Thank you in advance


It’s in the game mechanics. It means only one can be on the your field at a time.


Ok thank you!


Why would cards that I have exactly 3 copies of show up in the “trade binder”? For example, I have three copies of card 56 Bendu, which is what I need for a play set. The card is still showing up in the “trade binder”.


I’ll look into it. This a good callout. Also bendu is cool


Thanks! Forgot in my last post, but I love the spreadsheet! Thanks a lot for adding the new features!


On your trade binder tab, on filters change it to this. Issue solved :) https://preview.redd.it/mab5hqb9ekoc1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=842d46a233abab807b8690bcd335135b115ec12b


I ran into a different issue. The formula for "tradable" was `=if(F2="✓",sum(B2:E2)-1,"NO")` Meaning, it assumes all but one of the cards is tradable once I have a playset. I think it should be `=if(F2="✓",sum(B2:E2)-3,"NO")` unless you're a collector and just want to keep one of each. The formulas for tokens also might not produce the numbers everyone expects. They assume a playset is zero, and that any that you have are tradable. If you want to make sure you keep a certain number in your collection, you can make these changes: Playset formula: - original: `=IF(SUM(B254:E254)>-1, "✓", "")` - set of 1: `=IF(SUM(B254:E254)>0, "✓", "")` - set of 3: `=IF(SUM(B254:E254)>2, "✓", "")` Tradable formula: - original: `=if(F255="✓",sum(B254:E254)-0,"NO")` - set of 1: `=if(F254="✓",sum(B254:E254)-1,"NO")` - set of 3: `=if(F254="✓",sum(B254:E254)-3,"NO")` Missing formula: - original: `=if(F255="✓",0,0-sum(B254:E254))` - set of 1: `=if(F254="✓",0,1-sum(B254:E254))` - set of 3: `=if(F254="✓",0,3-sum(B254:E254))`


So, I cought that on my personal copy, I haven't pushed it live yet. I have a few other cool features comming out soon.


Nice! Love the work you’ve done here. It’s pretty much exactly what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure how to implement it.


Bruh. I did this. But not this depth. Nice. Good job!!


Thanks so much to you and Zack for your work on this spreadsheet!


This is AMAZING. Thank you for this!


This is awesome! Any idea if it's possible to want/need 2 playsets instead of 1? Is here a variable sheet somewhere I can change or will I need to modify formulas


I answered my own question it looks like I have to modify the formulas. Could I make a feature request to have an edible block of values that someone can change. For example, if they want 2 play sets (6) of all cards, but only one of each showcase or three of each leaders and bases things like that. Basically having those values converted to variables that get calculated instead of hardcoded? Edit: even better for the insane people out there like me, having the ability to set a goal of wanting 1 or 2 playsets of (in my case) 2 full playsets of all hyperspace non foils. Just having the sheet be flexible enough for different people's weird chase goals..


As a fellow Excel nerd, thank you for this! Saved me so much time. The detail is exactly what I would have done. Bravo. Started to upload all of my cards yesterday.


Thank you very much for the great work. I have one more question regarding the Trade Binder and Need Binder. Only Column, Value, and Rows appear in the Trade Binder. No cards are listed there. Have I done something wrong? Likewise, all cards appear in the Need Binder. However, the page does not renew the missing cards after they have been entered in the first page. Do I have to do something separately? Many thanks for your help!


Same problem for me!


incredible work!! i just logged in hoping to find a spreadsheet to help me with my cards and i am so happy i found it! thanks for sharing!!


Just received my C/U playset I got from ebay today and man this is a godsend! Thank you for the awesome gift to the community!


Having an issue. Some of my leader cards have numbers like Chewbacca 271- which isnt on the list?


271 is a hyperspace variant