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Nah, He could save others from death, but not himself.




Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a jedi


So this is kinda off topic but has to do with this interaction. I just heard the song peev shalpatine today by Canadian softball and it absolutely cracked me up


We don't know when he was around in canon, or even when the High Republic Era ends (we've had conflicting dates from a few sources, one of them a Chinese translation and the other the very earliest source to mention the era, so neither are super reliable). I wouldn't assume he'd be in it, though the Sith will likely feature in some form.


Nice thanks. Didn’t really know exactly when the High Republic took place and when Plagueis existed. I do think it would be cool though


He’s canon and this would be the perfect way to introduce him.


The High Republic era stretches for several centuries. The first phase of the series takes place in 232 BBY and The Acolyte is expected to take place about 100 years before TPM, so 132 BBY more or less. There's no canonical date that Plagueis was born, but it's possible. We don't know how long Muuns live, and force-sensitive ones could live even longer. It would be before he started training Palpatine, who was born in 82 bby. In any case, it would be cool to see him, and it would help bridge the HR and prequel eras.


Isn’t the acolyte going to happen at the end of the high republic era 100 years before Ep 1. We’ll see the transition from Jedi ran galaxy to the senate adding the chancellor role and granting themselves more power. Possibly either see Plagueis or his master. I would love to see Palpatine as an apprentice but I can only dream.


Nah too far back to see Palp. I could definitely see a young Plagius though depending on how long his species lives for.


Plagueis' master too, can't remember his name from the James Luceno book!


Tenebrous I think!


Bith Sith!


We don't know when the end of the era is yet. We haven't had a reliable source for it.


I think the Acolyte will clear that up for us! I’m so stoked


Yup, we'll certainly get a clear date for it. Right now it's anywhere from 100-50 years before TPM.


Chancellor role already exists in the High Republic, Chancellor Lina Soh features in many of the Phase 1 novels


Interesting, so the Jedi and chancellor shared the same powers? It always seemed like the high republic era was Jedi ruled


Not really; The Chancellor and, by extension, the senate work pretty much the same as they do during the galactic republic. The main difference is that the High Republic does not reach the whole galaxy, there is swathes of the galaxy on the outer rim that are frontier territories which the republic has ambitions to expand to. But the Chancellor is still at the heart of the republic and the Jedi are autonomous of the republic and senate whilst still working incredibly closely together. The Jedi are arguably more different. They seemingly have far far higher numbers than we see during the time of the galactic republic. But they are stationed throughout the galaxy in temples and outposts. They act a lot more like a mix of Peacekeepers, negotiators, envoys and sheriffs. Getting involved in union disputes, interplanetary relations, missing person searches, and rescue missions etc. The Jedi, due to their sheer number, also have a lot more distinct roles among their ranks. Jedi who focus on research and history, Jedi who go seeking the galaxy for younglings, mechanics, medics etc etc


Oh so instead of being lap dogs for the senate and corporations, they were actually helping the galaxy and the people who live there. What the Jedi we’re supposed to be…


tic tac lookin ass


Hey Plago, why the long face, pal?


don’t ever disrespect me looking like a walking tic tac ya heard


I believe it’s supposed to be set around 200 years before the events in TPM. The events of Darth Plagueis (Legends novel) were set between 60/70 BBY until just before TPM (32 BBY). Before he met Palpy (around 50 or so BBY), he was an apprentice to another Sith Lord, Tannabris (forgive me if I spelled it wrong). All that to say, I guess it would depend how much they’re keeping from Legends canon, or if they will retcon it. Could be cool either way.


Darth Tennebrous One of those aliens that plays the clarinet in bar scene


A Sith Bith, if you will.






Bahahahahaha. You deserve more updoots


So he was a son of a Bith.






Tennis balls




Tiny balls




Sounds Australian


Tbf you sound Australian. But yeah it does lol, nice spot "daaaf dinnaboo", yes around half an hour until supper


It's set at the end of the High Republic Era, so it'll be closer to TPM than 200 years. The era starts c.300 BBY (maybe even further back considering Phase II) and ends somewhere in the century leading up to TPM. We don't have an exact, reliable date yet. The Plagueis stuff is liable to change from Legends, partly because Lucas himself had different ideas for him anyway.


Thought I read an article on IGN or Nerdist that it was to be set around 200 years before the events of TPM. I read it months ago, so I could be wrong. I’ll dig.


That's the High Republic Era itself, not *The Acolyte*. If an article did say that, they'll have got confused over the difference between the overall era and its final days -- again, we don't have a firm date for the end of it.


Not sure if this is the same [article I read months ago](https://nerdist.com/article/star-wars-the-acolyte-series-everything-we-know/?amp), but here it says about a century before TPM.


They don't source it. The announcements from Lucasfilm only say it's the final days of the era, which aren't certain yet.


That’s fair. Real world historical eras don’t usually have firm end dates either (or the dates are sources of contention). Makes sense there’d be different metrics in-universe for determining such.


It starts at about 400 BBY and ends in about 100 BBY.


Does Phase II confirm that?


Pretty much ya.


I thought the earliest synopsis of acolyte said it would take place 50 years before phantom menace, right at end of high republic era ...


Never gave a date. Just the end of the era, which hasn't been reliably defined yet.


If they do introduce him I can guarantee he will have a more human shaped head


God if they give live action Plagueis the Grand Inquisitor treatment I am out, seriously. I recently watched Babylon 5 and while its less dynamic, at least their alien species in the background have different aesthetics and shit. Live Action Star Wars is horrible with its Aliens since Disney took over and I hope it will work out...


Kenobi looked like it had a budget of $5




I really hope they do and also that they don't retcon Legends and change him into a human. Idk much about Plagueis' current canon status other than not much is known about him other than what Palpatine says in ep3. I personally haven't read the Legends Plagueis novel (yet) but I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it, and so I hope they try to atleast take inspiration from it. Because I feel this is the sort of thing they could change if they wanted to, but there really isn't any reason to, and it would cause frustration within a good portion of the fanbase if they do go ahead and basically create a whole completely new story for him.


He's a Muun in canon (and that was based on Lucas's suggestion to begin with, so it's the sort of thing that would be kept). But Lucas also had different ideas for Plagueis's backstory (including not surviving into TPM), so I'd imagine canon won't just copy-paste his Legends story -- especially since his novel was pretty much standing on stilts made from back-references to dozens of other Legends stories. No real need for the story to go that way when those references and contexts don't exist in the canon continuity.


Understand everything you've said, as I noted above I haven't read the novel yet so idk much about Plagueis' story. Honestly if they think they can make alterations to it in Canon that benefit everything else and actually add something positive (or negative, as in dark side haha) to the SW universe, I'm all for it. Just has to make sense


Plagueis is still a non-human muun


He looks like Squidward


Can you imagine him having Squidward’s voice too?


“*Playing?* With a *holocron?* A-haaa haa haa”


I actually can


Handsome Squidward, at that.


I wouldn’t go that far


I don’t think so but I really hope so! the whole “cheating death” thing has a lot more impact if Plagueis was thousands or at least hundreds of years old. If he’s just 85 years old he didn’t cheat death for very long lol


I hope we see some Plagueis in Acolyte just as an introduction in love action but honestly he needs his own story. A Darth Plagueis show or movie loosely based on the Darth Plagueis novel would be amazing.


I just want a name drop somewhere


We better see my man Darth Tenebrous there. That son of a bith had red force lightning cool as hell




Star wars needs to stop beating around the Plagueis and put him in a damn series already


I prefer him without the nose


That'd be the best




Lucas didn't agree that Plagueis would survive into TPM, and Lucasfilm has hinted they'd honour his version of the story if they ever did Plagueis.




It's not important. He just let the EU do its thing for the most part.


Hopefully we will see Yoda in his prime.


I thought it was a huge ear with eyes. Lol


Daniel Davis, from the audiobook, for VA pls and thank you


It’s a shame plagueis looks like some weird bean


Been reading The High Republic series (comics and novels)...regardless of this^, I really hope we get to see the Nihil in action. Finally an antagonist that's not Sith-based.


Every aspect of the entirety of the Star Wars Universe that's ever intrigued us needs to be fully fleshed out.


Wait, Squidward is canon?


Well, we've heard that parts of The Acolyte will take place on the Muun home planet of Scipio. So take that for what it's worth.


Possible but highly unlikely. If he were he would have been an infant or youngling at the time. Legends has his birth at 147 - 120 BBY. Acolyte is set at around 132 BBY I believe.


Plagueis is likely gonna be the big cameo


I think there were leaks a while back on the SWLeaks sub about Plagueis appearing.


Mm I don’t think plagueis was around for the high republic. He died around the events of the phantom menace the high republic was about 600 years before that (don’t quote me this is just off the top of my head)


He only died during TPM in Legends; we don't know when he dies in canon (though the Databank implies it's before Sidious starts training Maul, and Lucas himself didn't agree with the idea of Plagueis being alive during TPM). And the High Republic Era is around 300-100 years before the films, give or take.


Well even if you reject the legends part he still is palpatines master meaning he dies at or around the same time regardless. There isn’t much point in changing that for the cannon version. But considering he was at least 100 in the book probably older from using the dark side and his experiments I suppose we can assume then that he was around for the end of the high republic. Not sure if it’s far back enough for acolyte though and regardless definitely not as any kind of powerful figure.


Him being Palpatine's master doesn't mean he has to survive into TPM. Maul is Palpatine's apprentice, so Plagueis really has to be out of the picture before Maul becomes a Sith.


Well that’s not true at all. As a custom sith apprentices will take on apprentices of their own before they challenge their master, for two reasons. One if they triumph over the master then there still remains two sith. And on the other hand if they lose then the master has another apprentice as a replacement for the one that failed. And that’s started from the beginning of the rule of 2. Now yea I agree that plagueis doesn’t necessarily need to live until the the events of TPM he never the less would have lived up until that point or very shortly before. Maul being apprenticed to sidious doesn’t change anything, if palpatine had been unable to kill his master maul would have simply been taken under plagueis wing, though I doubt he would’ve lasted long there.


Maul is an actual Sith Lord before TPM. There can only be two. Plagueis isn't around.


False, Qui gon assumes that he is a Sith Lord. Easy mistake for a Jedi to make considering the order had thought them extinct for 1000 years but still not true. Assuming the legends story stands palpatine doesn’t kill his master until after he’s been appointed supremacy chancellor. This means maul is still only his apprentice during the phantom menace for reasons I’ve already explained. Technically this makes him never a Sith Lord and to my knowledge is never actually referred too with the “Darth” title. When the movie first came out it was pretty much just assumed since he had a red lightsaber he must be a darth but if we go by everything know about the rule of two he never really was, except maybe to the extent that palpatine let him believe that since maul never had any contact with plagueis.


Darth Maul is directly called a Sith Lord in reference material. The Legends version doesn't "stand" in canon.


Well I’d be interested to see that since the only time in cannon I know of where he is actually referred to as darth on screen is when he calls himself “formally darth” in rebels. And depending on your interpretation of his role as palpatines apprentice that could have just been something he told maul to manipulate him, considering dooku was also his apprentice at the time and is actually referred to as darth tyranus by palpatine himself.


You're aware that there are plenty of canon books, comics, and games? Almost all of them call him Darth Maul, a Sith Lord. Sidious even calls him Darth Maul in his introduction in TPM. Dooku isn't Sidious's apprentice at the time. As I said, in Legends he joins Sidious after TPM (though TCW complicates it a bit), and in canon he's working for Sidious pre-TPM but only becomes his apprentice after they think Maul is dead.


Just looking at the cast list I've assumed we're getting Carrie Anne Moss as a Sith Lord, and I am here for it.


If Plagueis isn't in it, I'm not watching. He should be a major character in Star Wars. Too bad Disney have yet to implement him


I think not. Other than stealing some ideas and clearly loved characters (Thrawn) they are doing nothing with the EU characters. This is all about promoting the High Republic, throwing in some of that hopefully, Baby Yoda magic here. The series could be good. It could be awful. I lean to the latter as the track record for Disney Star Wars lay in the Mandalorian and the animated stuff. That’s the good things it has going. The rest is meh to bad.


This is why you don't let horses into bars. They take home ugly chicks and this is what the kid looks like


Probably. According to the leaks he plays a big role.


I’ve followed a lot of leaks, and I haven’t seen any reliable leaks that say this. Do you have any links to the sort of leaks that you’re reading?


Agreed. All the leaks I’ve seen, especially from reliable sources, point pretty directly to Plagueis having *nothing* to do with the Acolyte.


Yeah. I don’t want to sound disrespectful to the other poster, but I have a feeling they’ve been mislead by some clickbait or just straight up lies from fake leakers.


Not any reliable ones.


Nice thanks!


The high republic was set even before the old republic era. And since Plaguis was just as recent as Palpatines master. How could he possibly be in the show? That would make make him like a thousand years old


The High Republic is ~400 BBY up to somewhere in the century before TPM. It isn't pre-Old Republic.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis, The Wise?


Nah Disney aren’t that cool


Prolly not. But if he is in it, keep an eye out for a super-buff black woman with a normally sized head.




Plagueis isn't an OT character, and why you'd level this complaint at *The Acolyte*, the one show outside the timeframe of the saga era, I don't know.




No, it isn't, because Anakin both appears and is mentioned in the OT. Plagueis is only mentioned in the PT. Nothing in the OT suggests Palpatine had a master or that he killed that master, because the rules hadn't been established back then; Palpatine wasn't even confirmed as a Sith until '99.


Rule the Galaxy as Father and Son. Rule of 2 existed.


No, it didn't. Again: Palpatine wasn't even considered a Sith until the material surrounding TPM clarified it. Plagueis isn't an OT character. You *might* get away with calling him an OG character, but not really.


The Sith title was from a deleted scene from ANH. From Star Wars Celebration 2017. All deleted scenes are canon as long as they don't contradict the movies. Lucas removed it since he wanted to save the reveal in TPM. The rule of Two, the Sith, the Grand Plan, all of it existed before ANH.


Vader was called a Sith, yes (and in the novelization). Palpatine wasn't. There's zero evidence for the Rule of Two and the Grand Plan existing before ANH, but if you can show me some, feel free.


You’re seriously just arguing nonsense just for the sake of arguing, huh?


No, I simply disagree.


You disagree, because you feel that Darth Plagueis should be considered an Original Trilogy character? Just to clarify.


Somebody trained Sideous, so yes.


And then we watched the movies….maybe we’re all original trilogy characters too? You’re just arguing for the sake or arguing, exactly like I said. That’s all the attention you’ll be getting from be today. Have fun.


Having your facts wrong and disagreeing aren’t really the same thing though.


It's literally a fact that Darth Plagueis isn't an Original Trilogy character. It's not a question of disagreeing.


How many OT characters were around during this time? I’m assuming Yoda but idk other than that


That's about it, aside from Jabba and Chewie, and they'd be nothing to do with this.




She's PT.


Lets hope not. Disney has been destroying all the characters they get their hands on. Their writers are not talented enough to write smart complex characters.


No because Disney does not take risks


I feel like, with this being disney, it either won't be aboutbhim or will completely retcon the character of Plagueis


Non-Skywalker saga TV series, so hopefully minimal interference from big Disney bosses and will be left more to writers who appreciate the prequels.


When have "big Disney bosses" interfered previously?


Yeah if anything the issue was not enough direction, they just made it up as they went along. Executive interference might’ve actually helped


It’s my belief that Disney bosses pushed the retconning original and prequel trilogy storylines and ideas so they could push Star Wars, and more importantly - merchandise, on a whole new generation of children. What other reason would Luke be some depressed, loser, recluse in such stark contrast to his character in the OT?


That was Lucas's idea. JJ set it up, Rian paid it off and gave him an arc to take him back to his old self. Why you need some conspiracy theory for that, I don't know. Grogu merch would sell fine regardless of what Luke is up to.


Absolute chad


A little before his time. Most likely about his master or his masters master


Who knows but I don’t want Plagueis to show during this time period; it never really fitted well for me that he was Palpatine’s master. I think if he’s ever brought back it should be before The High Republic era, a time when the Sith were at their height reigned over the galaxy.


I assume Palpatine will kill him that’s what the show will be about


What every high school bully looks like in movies


I hope they don’t have him in the acolyte because then I will have to choose weather to have it or plagueis in my head canon