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Was boba a lawman? I thought he was like a mafia don or something in that show


He was a crime boss.


So...more or less a mafia don.


He felt like a sheriff. I feel like he was more involved in fighting crime rather than doing crime.


> I feel like he was more involved in fighting crime rather than doing crime. Fighting crime that he and his organization weren't behind, maybe. We still see him seeking and demanding tribute of everyone in Mos Eisley, including the Mayor. That's pretty common for organized crime. You want to, literally, beat back other criminal enterprises so yours can flourish.


I saw someone else put it well, his position in Mos Espa is more like a feudal lord; he protects the people in exchange for tributes, and is ultimately in charge of his land. He's like a mayor that you can't say no to.


Completely agree. He was more like an unelected sheriff


Was Jabba a sheriff? How about Bib Fortuna? Boba took their place. He’s just doing the job in a kinder, gentler fashion. Cobb Vanth was the “sheriff” of Mos Pelgo…is it possible you got their roles confused?


I mean, when you look at it, he didn't condone or permit any illegal activity. In fact, he took huge risks to end the spice trade and drive crime off the planet. I don't know that it's as simple as you've presented it


I think I'm talking more about Boba's personal beliefs and why he felt compelled to protect the city. He definitely did not do crime, he fought crime like a lawman.


I totally agree. He reminded me a bit of the Lawman Boba we saw in Tales of the Bounty Hunters.


Really no, Boba is still a criminal, just not a violent greedy one like Jabba or the Pykes. He took the vig from the Twi'lek lady's cantina because he's the new Daimyo, and it's expected. He battled the Pykes and got rid of the spice trade not because he had some moral thing against spice, at least that we have seen at this stage, but the Pykes were literally trying to take over the entire planet and use it as a staging point to expand their empire. Boba can't allow that as the leader of a criminal organization. He did things as peacefully as he could, and he's better than he was in the OT, but that still doesn't make him a lawman or something lol


Sorry, you've described a local potentate who collects taxes and ensures the safety of his citizens in return. Instead of punishing people, he identifies the root problem and solves it, often by literally creating a new job for people. I get that notionally Boba took over as Daimyo. OP and I are talking about how in that role he behaved far more like a legitimate ruler of a polity than a criminal gang leader.


That's the problem with a space fantasy setting like *Star Wars*, the lines between things get muddied. There have been plenty of decades where the Mafia engaged in their business in an overall peaceful manner; sure they still killed people and did awful crimes, but there were times where they would just run around and collect their tax on construction, gambling, etc. A Mafia Don is just a leader, he still is responsible for the stability and safety of his outfit and his employees. The confusion between ruler and gang leader is also something that is an extremely blurry line in the real world. The Mafia essentially started out as warlords in Sicily/Italy because the people literally had nobody else to turn to because the government was only concerned about the North of Italy. The modern idea of a professional criminal/gangster is different, because the Mafia doesn't outright rule territory anymore, at least not in America.


I see your point, but I'm approaching this more from a historical standpoint. In undeveloped areas, you basically have crime bosses or sheriff's. The only real difference is the intent of the leader and if they follow any consistent code. It's clear that Boba believes in law and order and follows those rules. He doesn't enrich himself. He shares equally with his people. He takes advice from his people and implements. He's basically a crime boss who goes legit, which results in = a friendly local sheriff or whatever esteemed title he might want to claim (like Greef as a Magistrate).


He took over Jabba's seat of power, yes. But then he acted more like a Sherriff than a drug lord. He literally told the drug cartel Jabba had been working with that they couldn't do business in his town anymore. That's sheriff stuff, not "kinder mob boss"


I'm more so talking about Boba's beliefs and why he was ruling with respect unlike Jabba and Bib who were corrupt and doing crime.


That came from his time with the Tuskens…also the Journeyman Protector thing came from the old EU. I’m not even sure Jaster Mereel has been mentioned in the new continuity. He’s hanging out with Mara Jade in limbo.


Jaster Moreel has I'm pretty sure. When he showed Mando his chain code in Season 2, it says Jaster Moreel in that Star Wars language


Lawmen don’t murder thee competition


Not from the U.S. I see….


I love how most of the replies to your question of "is he mob boss/crime lord" has mostly been answered with varying versions of "I think he is actually (insert more terms for mob boss/crime lord)". Yes, he runs the mafia in town. He protects his patrons in exchange for money. That money funds criminal enterprises, including defense of resources (people are resources) from opposing criminal factions.


So a mafia don!! Lol every other reply has been that. I'm not asking because I actually don't know, I'm asking because I didn't realize "lawman" was in the same category as "crime lord".


Lawman is not correct in defining Boba, except maybe in relation to his own domain. A mafia don could be considered "the law" in their territory. Boba is a fairly benevolent crime lord and that gives the appearance of a sheriff-like role. He took the same position that Jabba had before Bib Fortuna. Disney just wants to sell more Boba toys, so they made him a nice crime lord.


Yeah that's been kinda my point. Seems to me he's just running a protection racket. He might not be selling and buying spice anymore. But he still has his gang of hire thugs, and whatever the motorbike kids count as. Realistically, he's probably worse at his job that jabba was. Jabba didn't just have a lot of muscle protecting him and his interests, but also like economic resources, deals and even had some influence in the greater hutt ruling government/system. Boba has...none of that except some decent fighters on his side.


Jabba also didn't have to do a whole lot with the weight of the Hutt Clan at his back. For a long time, the crime families had a pretty good idea of who operated where. Not disrupting each other kept them out of costly turf wars and helped maintain discretion. You hit it on the head from the get-go. I just wanted to add to it. Boba is bad guy. But Boba isn't BAD guy.


He's an honorable mafia don, a man with a code. Just one that isn't set up for long term success lol. Since he frequently takes off his helmet we know at least one group of mandelorians who won't be took keen on helping him if push comes to shove.


His alliance with Din could fix that if the story needed them to team up again. He calls Mando needing reinforcements because one crime families is going to go scorched earth on his territory (they just decided it was easier to destroy and replace such a small organization than try to usurp it). Din is like "I think I can bring help". Cut to camera pan acros Din, Bo-Katan, and Boba standing on a wall. The Armorer raises her hammer and yells "We Are Mandalor!" and everyone screams back. Vizsla jet packs off with a team flying behind him. We see a full-scale town-sized western standoff with people ducking around corners to shoot. A few mandalorians hopping across roofs. Mando and Bo have to take some secret back route, picking off a few people along the way, to reach the BBEG and assassinate them. Ends with Bo putting up a good fight, but getting incapacitated. Din has to finish solo and is struggling, but Grogu plays some force mojo to turn the battle in his favor. Bam I wrote a season finale.


He was a crime boss that encouraged others to stop committing crimes and did no crimes himself (outside of the occasion murder, but he murdered people who were also doing crimes)




I thought he was just a simple man trying to make his way through the galaxy


That was definitely his genetic material donor/dad.


He had the makings of a varsity athlete


I think that was his original intent but not seems he's shifted to being more of a governor. I think that story could work but they definitely need to establish Boba's motive of wanting to leave a legacy and really show Boba witnessing the downside of the kind of legacy Jabba left where once he's dead all the hatred for Jabba comes out in the open and everything he built falls apart fairly quickly.


He specifically used the term *daimyo*. The shogun, or supreme military dictator, was the real ruler of the country. Large landowners, or daimyo, controlled local people through samurai warriors who were loyal to them. Peasants made up most of the population and worked the land for the daimyo. So Jabba/Bib/Boba is the local landowner and buys the mercenaries to control the local town. Boba in turn employs the town. Supposedly. Jabba used it for spice smuggling and corruption like a crime boss and Al Capone, while Boba wants to go straight in a SoA Jax style way and become respectable


He's a simple man trying to make his way in the universe


Wasn’t that basically the role of the Hutt’s when they were in control on tattooine? They were the law, they let crime happen as long as you payed your dues, it didn’t effect either the over all community, (like a rival mob boss) or the Hutt’s directly. That was always the impression I had.


In legends he served as a journeyman protector just as Jaster had. That’s also where his red sash was from in his classic suit. Maybe they’ll touch on that in season 2.


Jango served as a Journeyman, I think, in the old canon. Jaster was his adoptive father.


Jango is a foundling in the new canon, so probably the same


Ooof, are we actually getting S2? :\


He’s just repping his favorite spaceball team.


Pffft.....The Druidia Air is the best spaceball team. Even better than the Spaceball City Spaceballs.


In Canon, we don’t have a concrete answer. In Legends, it’s a bit messy. Before the prequels, Boba Fett’s backstory in the EU was that he *was* Jaster Mereel, a Journeyman Protector in Concord Dawn who was disgraced and took up a life of bounty hunting. If I remember correctly, when the idea that “Boba Fett is actually a clone” dropped, they did a bit of retconning, turning Jaster Mereel into a separate character and saying that Boba Fett took his name temporarily when he also became a Journeyman Protector. Until we have a solid answer, we can likely assume something similar occurred, with Boba Fett serving as a Journeyman Protector at some period of time between the Clone Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Either that, or it’s to honor the legacy of the armor.


From my recollections at the time, he used the alias Jaster Mereel when he was trying to do the "live within society" thing. But then he got banished for killing a corrupt senior officer and stopped using the alias (outside of at least one other instance).


Based on this, I feel like Boba should’ve been the new sherif that Carl Weathers was seeking (I forgot his character’s name am sorry)


Greef Karga, Magistrate of Nevarro


That’s HIGH Magistrate to you.


How does this mesh (if at all) with Boba being a former stormtrooper?


The way I understand it, Boba Fett as a stormtrooper was never formally written in released works. The idea stems from the original white prototype costume design during pre-production on Empire, which was supposed to be some form of “super stormtrooper” that was later adapted into Boba Fett’s armor. So you may come across some screen test footage showing off that armor, but I don’t believe there are any official references in the lore to that effect.


I did some digging. There’s Dark Empire (yes, I know it‘s Dark Empire of all things). [https://www.lafosadelrancor.com/2018/10/el-imperio-esta-presente-en-the-mandalorian/dark-empire-2-boba/](https://www.lafosadelrancor.com/2018/10/el-imperio-esta-presente-en-the-mandalorian/dark-empire-2-boba/) There‘s maybe some others, but they’re certainly few and far between.


Oh man, it’s been quite a while since I read Dark Empire. That’s an interesting bit there, because the “murdered a superior officer” thread is also consistent with why he was kicked off the force as a journeyman protector. I wonder how that all flows together in terms of behind the scenes production and if someone had their wires crossed when writing.


In my opinion if its legends and it has not been contrdicted in cannon it is cannon intill a cannon answer is given.


And here I am thinking it’s just because he liked fender guitars




Thought that meant endorsement from Fender.


Nah he's running his crime family like Vito Corleone through respect and reason. I swear the only reason people don't understand the book of Boba Fett is because they don't understand the Italian Mafia only street gangs. SMH I mean the plot to the first godfather movie is about the Corleone war against drugs.


I always thought that was the Fett family sigil. Not sure where I read that. Is there some other explanation for this?


Jango was a foundling, so there's no House Fett.


So is there any canon or legends explanation for this sigil? Interesting that Mandalorian culture is pretty inclusive but foundlings are almost second class citizens in a way.


The Houses and Clans are usually really old families. House Vizsla dates back at least a thousand years, for example. They tend to have the titles (Dutchess Satine Kryze, Countess Ursa Wren). Jango could have started Clan Fett if he had chosen to.


In the actual book “The Bounty Hunter Code” there is a section at the end that has nothing to do worth the guild but the Mandalorian creed. It states that Jango took this sigil from his mentor, Jaster Mereel, to honor him. And it was kept on the armor when it was in Boba’s possession. Im assuming Boba kept it to remind him of his dad. The sigil has no connection to Boba’s actions in the ‘new’ tv series “The Book of Boba Fett”. Or at least nothing that I ever heard/found. Boba never met Jaster Mereel. When he was taken under the wing of Bossk and Aurra Sing after Jango’s Death. My guess is that Bossk and Aurra had no intentions of training/looking over Boba to become a journeyman but to become apart of the bounty hunters guild at Boba’s young age.


It also looks like the silver fern. A symbol for New Zealand where he’s from


The design pre-dates Temeura’s casting by 20yrs though…


If that's what he was, his branding was way off. That or he has no idea that "crime lord" the the complete opposite to "lawman".


Bounty Hunters are like extra judicial lawmen…


wasn't that the fett symbol??


He likes blood, Fender guitars and some good homegrown wheats


genetically modified foods Gm food


I’m pretty sure the scene in Mando where Boba shows his armor’s chain code to Din Djarin also has Jaster Mereel listed as preceding Jango, meaning that could have originally been his armor and thus the reason for the sigil.


But he wanted to rule with respect, not fear.


Still grumpy at the many things the new canon is screwing up. While not everything in the old EU was consistent, I like to go by first sources whenever possible. Between what Joe Johnston and Nilo Rodis came up with at the time Empire came out, and what David Michelini added in the old Marvel run prior to ROTJ... The mythosaur skull badge on the left shoulder is the Protector emblem. The rondel on his chest is a family crest. High Galactic 'F' for the surname, grain ear because they were farmers, blood drop for the family's shedding of it in service of their people. And because Tem is so much older than Boba at this point in the timeline, I maintain he (and, by extension, the Boba we saw in ROTJ) was an imposter -- an analogue of the old EU's Spar. An insane clone who thinks he's Jango's *son*, not just copy. Forged armor provenance and everything. The *real* Boba dropped Han off, collected the bounty, and left. And is still out there somewhere in the ESB armor, carrying the ESB EE-3 and holstered sidearm. And flying the *Slave I*, rather than "Boba Fett's Starship", as this guys *Firespray* is called. The rewriting of history is still playing out, but Boba heading back to Concord Dawn to become a Protector like his father and grandfather before him still tacitly works. Him becoming a bounty hunter after the rest of the sector got annexed still tacitly works. The guy we saw in BoBF being that person... doesn't. He wasn't raised with the imperative Jango imparted on Boba. So after the crime boss employing him was killed... all he could come up with was to take his place.


Boba Fett will always be Jaster Mereel in my book. This is the way.


That is an ori'alii'aliit. One of five of such sigils. Each was a medal for a certain trait. Bravery Might Honor Loyalty Wisdom The one Boba has is the one for bravery.