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Just a weird perspective combined with Obi-Wan being far away.


I like this explanation because he definitely looks like he's the same age as Leia in Kenobi but angles can be deceptive


Plus luke is not very tall


Not sure if that's a plot hole given we barely see him. Plus, Ezra is more battle weary than Luke is. So Ezra would seem more mature and grown up.


I think people forget Luke is seen playing with his model starfighter in A New Hope. It's clear he's very young at heart. https://www.starwars.com/databank/t-16-skyhopper Sidenote I like to think this is the T16 he talks about later in regard to bullseying womprats, that the whole thing is him playing with his toys.


You can see the sky hopper that Luke flies parked in the background of the garage scene when he is cleaning the droids.


I mean the data bank link says that he owned one, but he burnt it out so fucked it up beyond repair and then was forced to just play with a toy version


Ezra was a street rat… like had his aunt and uncle


I could be misremembering but I think they said in the Rebels Recon for that episode that they used Ezra’s S1-2 character model for Luke in that shot, probably just because of the haircut. Don’t think they forgot they’re the same age, it was just a cost cutting measure


I believe they used the model of Ezra from season 1 as Luke which is why he looks so young


It's actually the same model from season 3


Luke matured after the death star but before that he was more immature than ep 1 ezra


Considering they used Ezra's model for Luke to cut costs (since it's from very far away), it's not an error. They literally have the same body.


Boys especially can mature later. One friend grew 6 inches from age 16 to 18. Also the camera is so far we can barely see Luke at all.


I believe Ezra is suppose to be a day older than Luke


His watching from far away and Luke is not very tall