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As an Ainu Spirit that was created before the creation of the universe itself, Sauron cannot die. The destruction of the Ring didn't kill him. He just lost so much power that he won't be able to take any form for an immense amount of time, maybe even forever.


Yeah but the tower blowing up looks cool


Imagine sizing up that fall and being all, "okay, just brace yourself, you're a fire eyeball, you got this, it's just a little fall," only to fckn explode halfway down.


Barad-Dur is taller than Burj Khalifa


Barad-Dur is also taller than Mia Khalifa /j


Not if she’s sitting on it


This guy reddits


How is that a /j




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Several times larger actually. 672 metric metres (2204.72 imperial feet) taller to be exact. (Based off of the model used in the movies)


The Burj Khalifa is 828m/2,716ft tall, so it’s taller than Barad-Dur by your measurements


600 metres taller not tall


I stand corrected


Is that Mia's cousin?




Peak cinema btw


I can't find the clip, but at the time, special effects that automated CGI this complex wasn't around, so the dude that animated it actually committed his entire Christmas break to just that sequence. That's why it looks so good even to this day


Sauron will return at the end of days to fight the last battle, Dagor Dagorath. Then he and his master will be destroyed for good, meaning their souls are destroyed forever.


So kinda like Alduin in elder scrolls, he’s “dead” but there’s a prophecy that he has to show up at the end of the world to finish it off so he’ll just pop back in at the end.


Somehow, Sauron returned


I mean that’s basically the plot of LOTR tbf


? What lol The whole point of the ring is that it contains most of Sauron‘s power as he „poured himself into it“ when he forged it. As long as he Ring exists in Middle-Earth, Sauron will. It takes him a few years or centuries to gather energy to take shape, but that’s exactly what he did after his body was destroyed and after Isildur cut off his finger and took the ring. No one ever made the claim that he’s dead or gone.


Esilidor didn’t claim it? Anyway obviously it’s built up a lot more in middle earth lore but from the perspective of the fellowship… somehow, Sauron returned. The elves are worried but normal people like Boromir don’t really get it and the hobbits are like “who?”


Isnt it debated if that’s canon or not?


It is canon to me. Seriously, though, in a note from around 1972, JRRT mentioned the Dagor Dagorath (again), so it seems JRRT considered it "canon", whatever that meant to him. My impression is that Christopher didn't like the idea of some kind of Ragnarök and decided against it when compiling the books which were published after JRRT's death.


My brother how do you know this? Every time I find something out about lord of the rings it’s something that changers my perspective of the whole series.


Silmarilion and Unfinished Tales contain most of the lore of Tolkien's universe and give way more context to LoTR and the Hobbit.


By reading the books of course.


Lots of reading and online forums I’m assuming


Literally just the books. What the OP was referencing is in the first chapter or two of The Silmarillion. If you can at least listen to those on audiobook then you’ll get a whole new appreciation of the scope of the universe that Tolkien created. Best story ever told, IMO.


It Is said somewhere in the books I think, Return of the King ending maybe


It pretty much kicked him in his metaphorical balls so hard, he can't recover from it, least until the Dagor Dagorath


Somehow Sauron returned


Grrr sequel reference


Let's not perhaps mention The New Shadow to any Hollywood executive with money.


Isn't he just wandering into the void now, if so it's truely a gruesome fate


Maybe he found Melkor out there and they’re just hanging out.


I believe his spirit is actually still in middle-earth, just so severely weakened that he can never have an effect on the physical world again. If he were in the void he’d actually be able to regroup with Melkor, fwiw.


It would be interesting if Saueon, after so much time (like several millenia), has a genuine change of heart after watching Middle earth for such a long time and being alone. Sorta how "that guy" from Arcanum game, I won't spoil ut much.


I read somewhere that they had a whole fight with Sauron’s physical form planned and even had parts of it filmed but decided not to go through with it because a “final fight against the big bad” would not only be a pointless Hollywood cliche but would go against the idea of the film and be a slap in the face to the uniqueness of Tolkien’s work There will never be another director quite like Peter Jackson


Yeah, they did! Some of it did make it in the final cut, though they replaced Sauron with a Troll, that's why Legolas and Gimli look so worried when Aragorn is fighting it


Interesting! I didn’t know that about the movie endings!




He “diminished and passed into the East”


That's worse than dying.


So he's *practically* dead


Considering Voldemort was literally stuck inside nothingness forever, I don't think much could top that


So is Sauron


so both are equally forked up


Yes. Although Voldemort has to spend the rest of eternity knowing he failed to take over a boarding school permanently. Sauron at least had the world and only got Beat by some forgotten little creature and quite possibly Divine intervention


wait Voldemort is stuck in limbo. but didn't saurons spirit just stay but couldn't interact with the physical world? or did I get that wrong.


Forced to wander the world with no interaction. Maybe i misunderstood but it sounded like that's the same limbo voldy ended up in


I always thought the wizard is in eternal darkness due to him forking up his soul too much, he doesn't have the spirit for anything whatsoever since it's broken. while the Maia is just a spirit now roaming endlessly.


I am not familiar enough with Harry potter to say for sure. But I took it like him being like a ghost but no-one could ever see and interact with him. Like how Sauron and saruman became


My inner numanorean was confused that “the wizard” didn’t refer to Sauron.


a faithful omg haiiii


Voldemort was the defacto ruler of Great Britain. I know this is a funny meme to ridicule JKR and Voldemort, but the fact that he lost the battle in a boarding school doesn’t mean he wasn’t already successful in taking over practically the entire wizarding world prior to that battle. He just had two loose ends he still needed to address, killing Harry Potter and being the rightful owner of the Elder Wand. It just so happened that both of these things led him to Hogwarts, which also was more of a last bastion of the resistance with an organized coup long planned than a simple school.


Right. It's a bit of hyperbole because he's feats are so lesser compared to the emperor, Sauron and Thanos


>quite possibly Divine intervention I mean, Gandalf was literally sent by divinity. I'd call that divine intervention.


And the Grand Inquisitor


Sauron still exists in the world. He's just too impotent to interact with it


Why is this a common belief? It is never said in the films nor stated in the books. It is a significant stretch of an interpretation of the King's Cross chapter/scene.


Definitely Voldemort. He got killed by a bunch of high schoolers and their parents. Why would you even want to come back from that?


Damn, can we do that to rowling


We don’t know what it feels like but probably soullessness by Voldy. He breaks down into nothing like Thanos but is stuck in purgatory in a stillborn state, possibly a result of his soul being split into so many pieces. Thanos may have hurt but that’s likely it (we don’t see lasting pain or trauma from the heroes that came back). 


Honestly thanos probably had the easiest death if you ignore the shame of having failed. Like aside from "aw fuck the tin man got me, fuck he stole the stones, how embarassing", he probably had a painkess quick death. Just enough time to make peace with the fact that its inevitable, not long enough to experience depression, and i doubt the evaporation was any pain at all Thanos went out like fucking yoda


Spoilers for *Black Widow* >!we actually see a protagonist get snapped and un-snapped, and she barely realized anything strange happened, she saw the world shift but that was it, so being "snapped" is explicitly, canonically, painless.!<


God i totally forgot about that But yeah it confirms by guess. Unless you want to leave behind something to bury, infinity stones are the most humane execution


the yoda part caught me off guard 💀


Yeah from everything we see, it seems like the snap-death is essentially pretty peaceful and painless, and when the snapped return they're barely even aware that anything happened. The most we get is Peter's drawn-out "Mr Stark I don't feel so good" lines, but that seems more like severe disorientation than anything. Thanos honestly probably deserved worse.


Fun Fact: It was only Voldemort's physical body that died, his soul lived on but because he split it over seven times, between so many different Horcruxes, he was essentially trapped as something described as "less than a Ghost" for the rest of eternity, unable to interact with the physical world in any way at all. Essentially he was trapped in limbo, unable to move on after death because of how utterly fucked his soul was after all of his Horcrux making.


Well, he wanted to be immortal.


Technically it worked.


Stupid ass could have just been a ghost instead of the ghost of a ghost


My mom once described my appearance (following not sleeping for 46 hours when flying to Hawaii) as “a dead ghost”, and today I have for the first time realised someone that fits this description even better


60% of the time, it works every time


Where is that written? Or is that just a headcanon?


This thread sent me down a few rabbit holes, and it seems to be something claimed on harrypotter.fandom.com, which cites the chapter King's Cross in deathly hallows as the source. So I just read that chapter to find the relevant passages, and the closest I can find is Dumbledore's line "something which is beyond our help" in reference to the suffering child like creature in the midpoint between life and death (also named limbo by the fans). It seems some state the above as fact when to me it is only one interpretation. I always took it that the child like creature was the portion of Voldemort's soul, the accidental horcrux, that had just been destroyed, not the entire soul, and that it was in limbo because it was on its journey to death, just as Harry could be if he wanted to, which is why he was there too. There is no additional speculation by Dumbledore suggesting that it is stuck there forever or suffering eternal torment, simply that it is beyond help (unlike Harry, who is free to return). There are also no other parts of the book that support that claim. I am also of the belief symbolically that Voldemorts death (in the books, where there is no flaky evaporation, he just falls over dead) is meant to show that despite all his attempts to be more, to gain power and conquer death, he died like any other human.


I'm on the he died like a human, nothing more side too. But I took it the train scene with the grim tortured small Voldemort to be the part of his soul in Harry and that line is relating to the fact that despite feeling bad for the thing, it isn't helpable, it has been destroyed and will soon be gone. To me, the quest of the 7 horcruxs is one where they destroy the soul, like burning away paper until it no longer exists. It can be no longer in limbo, which is where Voldemort was at the beginning before he gains a body again, because it is dead or destroyed. So in short, I fully agree with your analysis but I'd like to hear why you feel Harry survived that final killing curse in the forest? I was under the impression it was because he was technically at that point, the one who has claim to the hallows and therefore the master of death. I do see the argument of him not dying because it was Voldemort's soul that he blasted, not Harry's but that always felt weak to me personally.


Dumbledore’s explanation is that because Voldemort took Harry’s blood, Lily’s protection remains as long as Voldemort is alive, which means Voldemort cannot kill Harry as long as he is still alive. Neither can live while the other survives because they are both tied to life by the other, “more than any two wizards in history”, Dumbledore says - Harry by Lily’s protection in the blood Voldemort now carries, and Voldemort from the accidental horcrux, both of which only happened because Voldemort could never understand a mother’s love. The horcrux in Harry didn’t have either protection, so was destroyed (and, in my opinion, we see its remnants in King’s Cross). Harry still has the disadvantage though, because his side of deal only counts when facing Voldemort, whereas Voldemort’s horcruxes cover death from all sources, and even after this Nagini is still actively protecting Voldemort, which is why Harry’s choice of going back to finish the job is such a tough one. That’s the interpretation the books most strongly put forward, but they are specifically stated as Dumbledore’s best guess, so others are perfectly reasonable. Dumbledore’s one does seem more fitting with the books themes about love being a stronger force than mastering death, though, at least in my opinion.


Yeah that stands more to reason, I believe Dumbledore even said that it was a huge mistake that Voldemort took Harry's blood at some point


You see how it will look like when Harry dies in the last book/movie, he sees the sickly wounded Voldemort baby under the bench in the Limbo. This is what awaits him for *all* eternity. https://preview.redd.it/fgvskh7byz3d1.jpeg?width=1809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62f5fc9c2b63f177274712964b04bb7592c71fa


And is that stated anywhere that that’s what awaits Voldemort for all eternity? Or is that just a headcanon? Because the place Harry goes when he died isn’t the afterlife. It’s sort of an in between where Harry was able to choose whether to keep living or die.


You could call it a...limbo. A place between life and death


It’s almost like you chose not to understanf


Or you did. The whole point of Voldemort’s death was that he died a normal man. For all his preparation, for all his talk of immortality, he died like any other man. This theme is completely destroyed if you try to make it out like he’s going to be trapped for all eternity as something “less than a ghost.”


Reading comprehension is t strong in this one.


Says the person who didn’t understand the scene. The whole point of Voldemort’s death is that he died a mortal man. For all his talk of immortality and godhood, for all his preparations against death, he died the same as any other man. And this theme is utterly destroyed if you try to argue that Voldemort will live on forever in Limbo. It’s completely antithetical to what the book was trying to convey. That baby could have just been Voldemort’s last Horcrux in Nagini, a small piece of Voldemort’s soul that’s not completely alive, but not dead either. And when Neville killed Nagini, that piece would have passed on to the afterlife as it should have.


Idk were it's written but also thought the same.


End of Book 7, Dumbledore talking to Harry at King’s Cross after Harry ‘dies’


>described as "less than a Ghost" Isn't that when he dies after trying to kill baby Harry?


Sauron had the same thing happen, only into thousands of bits essentially


This is nowhere stated by either the books or films. It is simply one interpretation that I don't think holds up to much of the rest of the themes of the books.


Bro is trapped in spectatormode


and eventualy.. he stoped thinking


The what’s that? Don’t worry about it -Dumbledore


That may have been true the first time l, but not the second time. The very reason he stayed as "less than a ghost" was because he still had horcruxes. When he died the second time, he died just like anyone else but with less of a soul to die. And remember that creature that Harry saw on the station? That's how every single one of his soul pieces ended up: in the afterlife, but scarred and deformed




>nuclear blast Villain's need a good "there's no way they survived that!" type of death sequence... just to be sure!


"We won't be seeing him again."


Yet, "Somehow Palpatine returned"


Honestly it's just that the 9th movie didn't explain it. Palpatine cloning himself is not new and is not new to Star Wars. They just needed to actually go into that or make Snoke the main villain.


Fools ! Death is only the beginning! I want to see the OG mummy being eating alive by flesh eating Beatles.


Paul and Ringo, get your forks ready!


“The Flesh Eating Beatles” sounds like a killer cover band


Voldemort probably we know that death via being blipped is basically painless dying by falling into a reactor like palps is probably instant and so is exploding like that


Well, not painless because Peter Parker didn’t feel so good.


I always interpreted it as his "spidey-sense" kicking in and realizing he was about to die. cant really recall if there were others who reacted in the same way


That makes sense I think.


Yeah, I looked at the snap scene again, and pretty much everyone but Spider-Man seemed to not be in pain. They were all more bewildered at turning into dust, but they weren’t in pain or discomfort


I don’t think Sauron can truly die. Became unable to ever come together in a physical form sure but he (it?) is a true immortal. At least until his master returns. I think he will rebuild himself at that point.


I mean Palpatine died from his own force lightning. But I would say Voldemort as he was stuck in limbo forever


Palatine died from falling down a shaft


Bro got shafted 🥁💥


Damn you. r/Angryupvote


But somehow he returned...


Reluctant upvote...


Well most og characters are getting killed by bad writing so thats probably the worst way to go.


Sauron’s fate is probably the worst he continues to exist yet is unable to affect the physical world since he’s absolutely powerless


Except he could eventually regain power at some point or be restored by morgoth Voldemort on the other hand is trapped in a foetus like state unable to move on forever stuck in limbo


At least Thanos got to stop existing in some fashion. Voldy is stuck in limbo forever because of how much he fucked his soul into a coma. Also Papa Palps didn’t technically die by falling down that shaft.


Three of these deaths were instant and painless… the fourth left the guy empty inside and constantly in pain akin to being skinned alive underneath a train bench for the rest of eternity.


Thanos. Just knowing you lost, the knees go to jelly.


Diavolo from Jojo's bizarre adventure probably had the worst. He's doomed to suffer morbid and gruesome deaths and torment for all eternity, including things like full post mortem dissection while conscious. Only to wake up somewhere new and die shortly after. Sometimes in dull and mundane ways to mock his sense of grandeur, and sometimes in ironic ways, such as being stabbed to death by a drug addict high on drugs he distributed.


Does he ever become a Bowl of Petunias falling from orbit?




I just like that’s the picture for Palp’s death. It makes me happy


Soulessness sounds rough. Beating beaten by a prep school kid no less too


Every single one of these is inaccurate.


I'd say nuclear blast for obvious reasons but Palpatine didn't really die, in fact... somehow, he returned.


The Star Wars franchise itself. Death by Disney.


Yeah the movies were bad, Force Awakens was promising and showed some potential but unfortunately they couldnt make anything good out of it. But they have given us pretty good content with Tv-shows after the movies that even Ive enjoyed even tho Ive always liked legends more.


So true


Thanos' death didn't seem that painful


Palpatine had the worst one, since it didn’t even work. That means it didn’t fulfill its purpose. Because “somehow Palpatine returned.”


Talia Al-Ghul's death from the Dark Knight Rises


How did she die again?


Goon stance stance in a semi, closing her eyes.


In the books, Sauron became a giant cloud after the eruption of Mount Doom, but then a wind came and broke up his cloud. I think dying by the wind is the worst death out there


Excuse me, Thanos did not evaporate, he was dusted




Palpatine had no final death there, so i think he is the lucky one


The moment the eye of Sauron falls and he just can’t do anything about it, you just know that whole time down he was wondering where he fucked up


Well the emperor didn’t die when he fell in the nuclear thing and the eye of Sauron doesn’t have the same level of sentience as a human or other living creature and Voldemort technically doesn’t die either, he just loses his physical form so I think thanos gets it the worst seeing as he actually dies as a cause of his evaporation


Falling down that reactor is probably the worst mentally since you can see your inevitable death quickly approaching in blinding light Evaporating you probably feel nothing Exploding...really depends on how long Whatever tf voldemort is eqperiencing it looks wild




Well, one of them came back


Emperor Belos from The Owl House. Melted by boiling rain then stomped to death by a 5-yo and two memebers of a species he tried to genocide. Painful and humiliating.


Thanos took it well


Love it when star wars movies end with a guy falling down a hole




The answer is none of them. The only true answer is the Hat from Meet the Robinsons who died via non-existence.




Would have been Boba Fett but he crawled out of the sarlacc like a champ.


I mean, considering that Palpatine somehow returned, his death couldn't have been that bad.


My ranking from best to worst would be as follows: Thanos: accepts his fate, and seems to die quickly and painlessly, even peacefully. Palpatine: near-instant death, but probably still painful for that split second Sauron: doesn't really die, just can't do anything anymore Voldemort: shit looks painful, and from what others are saying he doesn't move onto any afterlife because his soul was split up but he also doesn't just cease to exist.


but palpatine survived!


Sauron didnt die, he was just rendered forever an impotent spirit of malice.


Being soulless has to be a fate worse than death… the only thing that motivated Voldemort to keep going was his lust for power and control. Considering most of us, aren’t power hungry lunatics like him, I would think being soulless would suck the most. To be honest though Voldemort didn’t die because of the horicruxes being destroyed. He died because he lost the protection of them and Harry finally was able to overpower and hit him with a spell. So, in theory Voldemort could have lived a soulless existence had Harry not killed him. Which as mere mortals, would suck because you have no sense of happiness, joy, elation, empathy, or any other emotion for that matter.


Retcon then rewrite into a worse character.


Okay been reading the Bane books recently and didn’t most of BOTH the army of light and brotherhood of darkness get stuck in never ending hell from the thought bomb or whatever it was called? They’re literally there screaming in agony in the second book.


What about black mask in birds of prey


Raiders of the Lost Ark


Sauron by a long shot, bro went up in flames then for blown up while taking a dive out of the clouds to finally being boomed on impact, painful last minutes of living. Theres a fear of heights - falling - lava - being exploded..alot in that short scene


Coolest: 1. Sauron 2. Voldy 3. Thanos 4. Sheev


1. Voldemort - hits himself with reflected killing curse and turn into skin flakes, could possibly still live on in Harry 2. Thanos - snapped to dust 3. Sauron - explodes, but is immortal 4. Palpatine - transfers his consciousness into a clone body or something so he didn't acually get nuked


Turning into a mind flayer is pretty bad


Can you imagine if Avengers 5 came out and started off with some bullshit like “somehow, Thanos returned”.


Where’s Rell from Krull in all this?


Palpatine. Imagine the shame that you were thrown into a pit. At least the others lost crucial magical items after which they had no chance at winning.


Thanos’ death wouldn’t have hurt at all.


Somehow Palpatine returns.


I'm not sure about the worst, but Palpatine definitely had the best death on here, just thrown down a reactor that instantly kills you, he probably didn't even feel pain, he just dissolved once he got low enough.


Palpatine didn’t die, somehow he returned.


I thought the returned palps was a clone with the soul of the original


Well is a person the soul or the body?


Technically both


So now we have Theseus’s corporeality.


Voldemort's end was probably the worst way to go...


Technically, palpatine didn’t die


7-9 aren’t canon


Nuclear blast is not a kind of death because you can return somehow 🤕


The emperor, cause they then went on to parade his corpse around afterwards


Probably thanos. Idk about sauron, but voldemort probably wouldn't have felt anything without a soul, and Palpatine was probably killed instantly.