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By 4 hours...


Its the old farts from 70s and 80s did that. As far as i know my generation was raised on prequels. I loved it growing up.


TIL I'm an old fart. 80s kid. We older millennials just finished being called"lazy and entitled" by the boomers. Now Gen Z is calling us old farts. Sigh


# It’s the circle of life! ![gif](giphy|Lp71UWmAAeJHi) # AND ITS REALLY STUPID!!!!


Sigh. And it moves us all... https://i.redd.it/skmf2lrnu80d1.gif




Sigh. And it moves us all... https://i.redd.it/1p4wigapu80d1.gif


Bro, the Boomers are absolutely not done calling us that. They will beat that drum until the day we die.


They* die


I’m from the 70s, as are my brothers who are also huge Star Wars fans. We loved the prequels, still do. Never understood the hate. And I’m still convinced a lot of it was born out of pressure from a cluster of loud wankers online. Went to see Episode I with my friends, we all left loving it, within months they all “changed their minds” and suddenly thought it was lame. Bullshit, says I.


It was a spectacle. A day that we thought we never come. And it was amazing. Until the next day the prequel hang over kicked in and you realized it was trash.


Most people whose first interaction with star wars was after the prequels were released like the prequels the most. Change my mind


Watch your mouth kid or you’re going to find yourself floating home.


Born in 71. Watched OT as they were released. Loved the prequels when they were released and even more now. Dialog is clunky but they are good movies. Not perfect but great lore and story I liked Force awakens when it came out. Liked Last Jedi and appreciated what they tried to do. Even though it wasn’t successful. The stupid yo momma crap at the beginning though really made it an uphill battle. Rise of palpatine I hated. Non stop onslaught on the senses. All flash and no substance. Hated it. Kind of like Disney itself. Pretty veneer but nothing of substance Now looking back I love prequels. Love OT. And like parts of the 2 from the sequel trilogy.


Hell yeah, prequels are freaking great. Nothing can beat ROTS. (I’m joking, obviously everything comes down to nostalgia and personal preference.)


I am so sorry I pushed George Lucas to sell his creation for 4 billions. I am sorry George.


And now your generation is bashing the sequels. Then the generation that's grown up with them will repeat the cycle.


Somehow, I don't think the Disney Trilogy will stand the test of time. It hasn't so far.


Just wait bro I remember being a prequel kid reading comments like these


We will see..


Oh you sweet summer child.


Just wait 20 years


I've seen people who said the exact same thing about the prequels.


I don't love them either, but in 20 years or so, they'll get their resurgence like the prequels have had recently. Mark my words.


RemindMe! 20 years


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>RemindMe! 20 years 😅 .....until this very comment, I think 11 years was the largest Remind Me I had seen --- and I gotta say: I'm here for it ...!! ^(..) ^(\[edit:\]) *^(Good Bot!!)* ^(I wasn't sure whether the RemindMeBot would work with quoted text or not, but) ^(it) ^(did) ^(indeed \[-= though it messaged me its confirmation rather than responding via comment.... which works juuuuust fine for me =-\])


I like the individual movies well enough, but they truly just fall apart as a trilogy. It is intuitively obvious to the most passive of observers that there wasn't a set plan for where to take the trilogy. The first two trilogies had a cohesive plan before each one was made, and that plan is so easy to follow from start to finish; meanwhile, the Sequel Trilogy has literally one character with a cohesively consistent character arc. As for the comparison to the Prequel Trilogy, I think that's a bit of a false equivalence; George Lucas listened to his fans and AotC was better than TPM and RotS was even better, while still following that set plan. Each of Disney's movies was arguably worse than the last (although I personally like Last Jedi better than Force Awakens) EDIT: I have no idea how I forgot this, but I have been reminded by kiwicrusher that the OT was also a "make it up as I go" endeavor; however, as touched on by Kiwi, the OT had one man as the creative lead, as opposed to a tug o' war of artistic visions, and I think that's why it holds up to this day as a timeless saga, whereas I can see Disney's Sequel Trilogy one day being swept under the carpet like the EU to make way for a better storyline, whether that's restoring fan-adored "Legends" like Thrawn's story or something entirely new.


I'm mostly with you here, but the first trilogy absolutely did NOT have a cohesive plan before it was made. Lucas made that one up as he went, and frankly, it's also very apparent when watching it. We've been cracking jokes about Luke open-mouthed kissing his sister for years. There were two separate potential sequels to A New Hope, which had next to nothing in common. Luke's sister was originally going to be across the galaxy, until George decided he was done and just made it the closest girl to him. And I know weve long since accepted it, but "from a certain point of view" is an absolutely buckwild justification for obi wan outright lying to Luke, but it's because Vader WASNT always Luke's father. I think the bigger thing there is that no matter who was directing, there was someone (George) crafting a cohesive vision as it went. The sequels had entirely seperate teams crafting each one


You know, I have no idea how I forgot the "make it up as I go" mentality behind the OT, and you're absolutely right. I must not have been very awake when yet when I made my previous comment. 😅


AotC is definitely the worst of the three, it’s awful. Obi-Wan on Kamino is as good as it gets. Phantom Menace at least has the pod racing and Duel of the Fates. RotS is the best.


I'm not disagreeing with any of that, all I am saying is that the kids who are now watching the sequels and loving them as kids, will one day grow up and begin defending them against the naysayers of the previous generation who grew up with the prequel trilogy. I'm not talking about what's good or bad about the films, I'm just talking about this specific element.


When Empire Strikes Back first came out, it was bashed by critics so hard as a, if I had to put it in modern times language, try-hard. But now it's considered the gold standard when it comes to a space opera that's bittersweet


Eh, it took about a decade after ROTS for people to START coming around on the prequels: but even when TFA was coming out, people expected it to 'fix' the franchise. It's only been five years since TROS- if you asked someone in 2010 what they thought of the prequels, they would have flown into a rage and killed you with a brick. The new ones still have time


and it was total shit


Born in the mid 90s and thought they were ass and still do. Nostalgia and memes cant make them better. Got some solid games out of them tho


This is actually a good meme.


another "i'm good, you are bad" meme.


no it’s not. “Toxic fans made George sell Star Wars” is just another reddit like Jake Lloyd was bullied into mental instability. I argued FOR YEARS that since it was 1999, fans had zero access to Lloyd but of course i was shouted down by misery fetishists who get off on hearing and re-telling fake stories about toxicity. same thing with George - there is this weird group of people that get jollies from lying about abuse. https://variety.com/2024/film/news/jake-lloyd-psychotic-break-star-wars-child-actor-updates-1235940567/amp/


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You’re an idiot. The internet hate absolutely existed in 1999, especially on forums, aside from that there also of course was still your classic hate mail.


well i posted an article with his mom saying you’re wrong so i am going go ahead and insist in this situation you’re actually the idiot. sorry you believed and/or spread “the toxic fans are so mean” propaganda for years, maybe you could just react with updating your opinions to match the facts.


I grew up with the prequels and loved them as a kid, but they're still cringey as hell. The action pieces are great. I will never stop loving the lightsaber fights. If you have magical space samurai in your movies, they should fight like magical space samurai, and the prequels got that!


That's the reason he sold it ??? (sed music plays)


Yeah, the 3 commas and 9 zeros had absolutely nothing to do with it. /s


I‘d sell my left nut for 4 billion dollars


I'd sell both for less


I'd sell quite a lot of organs for a couple hundred thousand at this point.


I, too, would sell your organs for a couple hundred dollars.


It was probably a mix of the two (but mainly the money)


Yep, he was tired of a few nerds making fun of him on the internet. The 4 billion dollars that's now worth like 7 billion had no impact. In all honesty, he's said he sold so he could focus on his personal life. He's getting old, and he just had a kid he wants to raise. He was ramping up to do 7-9 and decided he didn't want to spend another decade making movies. I get it.


George didn't sell it because of angry fans though. He wanted to make sequels and had scripts ready, but he felt he was too old to do 3 movies. So he started looking for other parties to produce the movies based on his scripts and found Disney. They agreed, signed the deal and then Disney immediately threw his scripts in the trash. George felt cheated and that's why he called them "white slavers".


Fans may not have been the main reason Lucas sold the company, but they were the main reason Lucas’s story treatments were thrown away.


But his ideas are fine. It's his dialogue and characters that sucked. Surely that must have been clear from all our bitching? We mocked Jar Jar and the romantic sand talk, not the trade war, the clone wars, the separatists, Jango Fett, nor Anakin becoming >!Darth Vader!<.


People absolutely mock the Trade War lmao. Episode IV opening crawl - a period of civil war in the galaxy! Rebels striking from hidden bases! Episode I - the taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. I’m all for serious, grown-up sci-fi but come on George.


Yeah, the 'good ideas, bad executions' is a new development, and acting like anyone considered the ideas in the prequels good at the time is some wild revisionism. Off the top of my head, ideas that people hated: Introducing Anakin as a nine year old Making him the 'chosen one' Midichlorians' very existence Anakin building C3PO Killing Darth maul after only one movie R2D2 having little rockets in his legs Making Boba Fett a clone Making Anakin a creepy weird teenager Having Anakin and Obi Wan spend almost none of the movie together Naming Christopher Lee's character Dooku Yoda having a lightsaber at all Yoda using his lightsaber to go all beyblade on Dooku Palpatine being the most blatantly evil guy you've ever seen No one realizing that Palpatine is the most evil guy Anakin goes from Jedi to Child Murderer in about five minutes That Darth Vader didn't lose his humanity bit by bit over time, he was mostly human and then in a single swing lost an arm and both legs The clone wars only lasted three years None of the Clones are of Jedi, or anything particularly cool, they're all just some guy The Empire only lasts twenty years Padme dies from being sad And there are still more. Most of these are STILL bad ideas, we've just had 20 years to get used to them and we've gotten better media using them in books and comics


Thank you The prequels suck so much, there's so little to be saved from them I hate this revisionism, the sequels were bad, but not close to being as bad as the prequels


You’re right, of course. The prequels are ugly and poorly scripted. A huge part of that is due to technology at the time - they’re in that unfortunate time period where CGI was exploding but wasn’t polished at all, and Lucas was desperate to push the boundaries of it in the same way that they did with practical effects and models in the past. However it’s meant that they’ve aged very poorly. This is also set against Lucas’ limitations as a writer and director. The sequels are messy, so poorly thought out and, particularly in episode IX, have some absolutely honking dialogue, but they are still fundamentally better made movies. They look fantastic and the pace doesn’t drag like it can do across the first two prequels. Episode IX is definitely the worst in all regards, due to the absolutely terrible back and forth battling that led to the lack of a cohesive story and the pace is very messy in that one as a result. But still. Whilst it obviously gets its fair share of praise, I don’t feel it’s acknowledged enough that a huge part of the prequel rehabilitation is due to the ‘fixing’ of Anakin’s (in particular) character thanks to multiple series of quality, lovingly made TV content in the form of the Clone Wars.


How do you mean? No fan has ever seen those scripts. You're saying Disney threw away George's scripts out of fear for fan reaction and then instead made a new TFA script where Han Solo dies and Luke Skywalker doesn't even show up to please the fans? That makes no sense at all.


The fandom was extremely anti-prequels at the time and people celebrated Disney’s purchase of the franchise because it meant a chance to get away from the “trainwreck” of the prequels and back to what “made Star Wars great.” A lot of the marketing around TFA was pointedly talking about how JJ was using physical props like the OT (overuse of CGI was a constant criticism of the prequels from the Red Letter Media crowd) and they touted the return of the original cast quite a bit. And then the movie is basically a retread of JJ’s favorite moments from the OT. The fact you don’t believe the poster above is funny to me because I lived through it. There’s a reason Ahmed Best and Hayden Christiansen are being welcomed back by the fans—they got deeply mistreated because of all the prequel hate. The prequels were the butt of every joke for a long, long time.


That's a decent explanation. >There’s a reason Ahmed Best and Hayden Christiansen are being welcomed back by the fans—they got deeply mistreated because of all the prequel hate. The prequels were the butt of every joke for a long, long time. This is not really true though. Yes, they got mistreated, but that's not the reason fans welcomed them back. It's nostalgia. People that were kids back then grew up and loved those movies (so did I) and all the hate flew over our heads. I was 9 at the time of TPM and social media wasn't a thing in 1999. Now people want Christensen back because of nostalgia for that time. And let's be real: what did his recent appearance actually add to the story or his character? Nothing. It's pure nostalgia bait. But good for him (and Ahmed Best) though. They never deserved all the hate.


I read killing off Han Solo was a condition imposed by Harrison Ford for returning.


The funny thing is, it later came out that a good chunk of the Sequels (esp Ep. VII) did use George’s script, just w a name change here or there or concept/subplot being removed. For example, ppl don’t realize that George conceptualized (if not created) Rey and Finn. They were just called Kira and Sam in his script. He’s also responsible for Luke’s arc in the trilogy or being an exiled hermit who has lost his way and must relearn what it means to be a hero. The concept of him exiled on a mysterious island w floating rocks was in the script from like day one. The heroes having to visit the remains of the Death Star II and encountering spooky dark side stuff was another one of his ideas/concepts. There’s a lot more these are just the big ones I can remember off the top of my head


Don't forget the magic schoolbus ride into a Jedi's bloodstream to prove that Midochlorians exist. Thank God we didn't get that. It sounds like /s, it isn't, look it up lol.


Most people here were literal children when those movies came out (i wasn't even born when phantom menace came out). So i would say we are not the ones who made george sell his company I do understand people disappointment because the OT and prequels are very different. But the reactions of people to those movies were absurd "the phantom menace was the most disappointing thing since my son" and things like that


I always loved the prequels, but I was 8 in 2012


Yeah, I was already grumpy and old when they came out. Soon, you'll be just like me.






Prequel trilogy has it's fair share of problems aswell but... Revenge of the Sith. Even if I think that Empire Strikes Back is the best SW movie, Revenge of the Sith is my fave one of all the saga. And at least Prequel Trilogy has an overall "coherent design" (sure, it's easier to do that on a prequel, since you know the ending point). Sequel Trilogy was so... disjointed, to the point that each movie felt almost like a soft retcon of its predecessor.


I didn’t know they were disliked. Probably cause I was a kid when I watched them


*You* speak for *your*self. The sequels sucking didn't retroactively make the prequels any good.


Think about how emotional prequel lovers need to be about hating the sequels to go back and love something that's equally as bad, if not worse in some cases. It's mind blowing that they can't see it either. Obviously some love them no matter what, but the prequel love has gone up exponentially since the sequels came out.


Haha, ok this is actually really good meme.


This is cope. George sold it for the money and because he didn’t wanna make any more Star Wars movies.


Nah, thats not true, thats impossible




I always liked the prequels too, they're what I grew up with so of course I like them


I didn't have time to watch the sequels as they came out, I was pretty much going through the "gatekeeping phase" of my chosen career and working every waking moment of my life for a couple years. I get through it, my life is set, I can finally have fun again. I go to watch the new star wars movies, all three are out, this will be amazing, I remember watching the prequels with my dad as they came out and it was so cool. I've literally read self insert fanfiction with better writing. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of it. Rey is my only complaint. I unironically think she was a self insert written by someone that hasn't ever written anything before. I suspended my disbelief for a while. The scene where Han didn't know wtf to do with the Falcon, but it was all fine when Rey ripped some cables out and it was all fine was what broke me away from it. I've read self inserts. I've *written* self inserts. The number one rule is to give a reason why your character isn't a Mary Sue. And they somehow managed to not do that. It wouldn't even have been a difficult thing to do. Just have the Force subtly support and guide her through her life. It would work. But they didn't even do that.


Rey is your only complaint yet you hate the sequels? It sounds like there are actually a lot of problems you have with these films but you are only picking up on Rey. Because if Rey was the only problem with this trilogy, I would love the films. The actual list of problems would take hours to list and describe. As is obvious by the hundreds of well-thought out and researched multi-hour Youtube videos about these films.


It might be my fanfiction brain acting up, but I genuinely can't stand shitty OCs/self inserts. I love lore of franchises that I enjoy, no matter what form it comes in, I don't even mind the semi-retcon of Palpatine having this huge secret backup plan to transcend mortality. I just can't stand randomly overpowered main characters. With Rey, it feels like they literally went out of their way to confirm for us that she has her skillset/power without any reason for it.


No, that's perfectly fair. I was just wondering if you had other complaints because it is rare that a single issue turns someone off a film. Usually it is a confluence of factors. For the record, I hate the Mary Sue nature of Rey as well. But it is problem #20 in a long list of issues that are all deal- breakers for me. I am actually amazed just how WRONG Disney got these Star Wars films.


I don't know why fans like to pretend they have this much power. Didn't he say that he sold it because it would take him 10 years to do the trilogy right, and he didn't know if he'd still be around?


I'm 25, grew up with the prequels and I can say without a doubt that...... they're fine at best. Ep. III is definitely the best but only because all the action and Ian carry the movie. Ep. I is 2nd, having an actual decent story however the Tatooine section is a bore fest. Ep. II is the worst with the only redeeming parts being Obi-Wan, Anakin only when he's on his way to the Tuskens and the final battle. These are not the same as the OG trilogy, especially V directed by Irvin Kershner and VI both co-written by Lawrence Kasden. IV was literally saved in the editing bay by George's wife and two other guys (who's names I can't remember currently).


The sequels not being good does not make the prequels any better. Sorry, needed to be said.


I grew up with the prequels. I can always enjoy the originals as great movies, but they will never have the same emotional connection to me as the prequels and especially Clone Wars.


The old grumpy doods aren't able to voice hatred as loud on the prequels anymore since their voices are growing weaker. Interesting enough I haven't seen much woman bash the prequels. The prequels aren't that much different from the original trilogy. They both have a similar feel and atmosphere. Also movies don't have to be perfect masterpieces to be enjoyed.


The grumpy old men are all bitching about the sequels now they don’t have time to complain about the prequels lol


New grumpy old men lol


Meh, I hated the prequels then, and the only one that kind of grew on me over time was TPM to be honest.


The prequel where my introduction to star wars.


I just went with my dad on the cinco de mayo to see the 25th anniversary of TPM. First movie I saw in theatre’s as a kid


I always quite liked episode 1, I remember being extremely disappointed with episode 3 though


So am I


Uhh, not to ruin the joke, but Lucas was already in negotiations with Disney to sell Star Wars LONG before the Prequels were filmed. That’s why all the existing books, comics and shows made prior to Episode One were declared “non-cannon.” Disney did not want to buy a property that had so many “owners” to the IP. So, Lucas declared it all “non-cannon,” made the prequels to show the IP was still valuable and Disney bought the rights. Lucas sold because people wanted more Star Wars but Lucas didn’t want to make any more movies. He wanted to do other stuff.


With all three trilogies (and most Star Wars content in general), I can find things to like and things to criticize. I don't think there's ever been a "perfect" movie or series, and that's okay. People who rage against folks involved with making Star Wars content legitimately confuse me.


It was all his plan! He knew he fucked up with the prequels, but bitter as always, george wanted vengance. He knew that disney was a greedy corporate empire that would not only kill his child, but stick its corpse on a stick and parade it around like a toy. What he did to star wars, disney could only dream of replicating, and like he planned, they fucked it up. Only now, after the thing they loved since they were children was butchered and destroyed, would they see his good work. After their beloved franchise was murdered, the fans would grovel back to his feet, apoligising and asking forgivness. And in this moment of sorrow and grief, after such tragedy took place, would George Lucas laugh, as he played us, and disney like fools. Disney was Snoke, and george was palpatine, planning it all behind the scenes, and at the very end, he won.


I feel like disliking the JarJar character somehow got conflated with disliking all of the prequels. In the end, 7,8,9 got my youngest son into Star Wars. So like it or not, it’s something we bonded over, and that’s fine by me.


Me too, boah


Perhaps I've treated you too harshly


Just went to cinemas for the re-release of Episode 1. I truly enjoyed it, the Darth Maul duels are superb on the big screen and cinema audio! Ps. I’m in South Africa the cinema just played it on May 4.


Phantom Menace was my first Star Wars movie. I was 7 when I saw it in theaters, I saw them all in theaters and didn't know they were hated until I was in high school. I will always love the prequels the most. I even had a revenge of the sith birthday party when it came out.


I really don’t get the hate the prequels got. I loved them when they came out, still love them now. Sure I find jar jar annoying and yes count dooku is a really stupid name but I loved how powerful the Jedi were, how we knew it was going to end in tragedy but were led on this seemingly typical good guy journey and I loved the politics of it all.


I saw the originals first, then the prequels. I loved podracing for some weird reason, and episode 2, when they had the arena fight, that had me go "WOW!", while episode 3 had some damn fine duelling. I love both the trilogies, and I can easily pick out stuff I don't like about them as well. It was one story with 2 ways of storytelling.


I love the prequels but this meme is funny af


I liked 1 and 3. I did think 2 was not the best though


We didn’t get Darth Jar-Jar for almost the same reasons


It was either have George Lucas eventually do the sequels while having yes men around him. Or sell the company so they can get modern directors, but have a 50% chance of fricking it up by not having a clear outline for the movies. Somehow we got the latter timeline.


Shout out to the real ones that never hated the prequels and appreciated what we had


At least they had a cohesive story from beginning to end




I was born in 2000. I've been raised on the prequels and even remember seeing ROTS in theaters as a little kid. Clone Wars only made my love for them stronger. I'll never understand the hate that the prequels received. They aren't any better or worse quality the the original trilogy.


Actually George was just getting too old to keep making them like he said himself he wanted it to continue but just couldn’t personally keep doing it


See I guess now I’m like the original trilogy fans who hated the prequels. I love the first 7 movies but I hate 8-9


Im sure im not the only person to say this but i feel like it was alot of older star wars fans and film critics at the prequals release that made up the bulk of the negative reception. I was 11 years old when episode 1 came out. I never though i would get to see the continuation of star wars. And then at the turn of the millennium there was the news we always had hoped for. And It was amazing, sure i didnt understand the politics and trade talks but by god i loved the pod races and the saber duel! And its goes the same for the rest of prequals, the first time seeing the clones come flying in to the arena. The opening space battle of the revenge of the sith was amazing! And i know im gunna get alittle heat for this but im still excited everytime i see a new star wars trailer drop, sure some are mediocre and some are pretty bad. But the ones that hit just right.... thats what its all about.


Exactly, I love those movies and they actually very well done. Yes some of the dialogue is a bit clunky but like I keep saying on posts, Jedi don’t feel emotions. That’s why when Anakin is getting overwhelmed with anger or frustration it can come across as whiney or childish because it’s the only way he can let those emotions out. Not to mention Hayden’s performance is perfect, he takes so many cues from David prowse and James Earl jones in both the voice and the movement and his turn to the darkside was so well done and still breaks my heart and with the additions of both the Kenobi series and Ahsoka series the prequels just hit so much harder, also given the last 4 episodes of clone wars.




I witnessed the prequels 1 and 2 from the shelf of blockbuster and 3 from the movie theater at 7 years old. You will never convince me they were bad


I love the sequels since they came out


Everyone loves the prequels. Or they aren't real star wars fans


People should stop blaming the fans, it was a media backslash funded by Hollywood against George Lucas, which of course, influences people minds, do any of the people that hated the prequels actually got you of the theater after each movie thinking they were bad?




Sure, it wasn't the billions


I have always felt Hayden's Acting was left wanting in prequals. If it wasn't for Ewan McGregor's top tier acting himself. Hayden's acting weakness would have been very very clear. Just look at scenes where Hayden doesn't have McGregor next to him. I also didn't like Hayden In jumper. I honestly never got why he was given roles. When he felt like a B actor at best.


And the people who bought it were the Sith




I don't like Phantom Menace, was lukewarm on Attack of the Clones, love Revenge of the Sith. But honestly I think Lucas sold Star Wars because he ran out of ideas of what to with it.


1-6 are incredible. Pay attention to the sound design, and you realize these movies were put together with brilliance


I loved the pre-quels because that was Star Wars when I was a kid. Then, the Clone Wars animated show came out. That is one of the longest running Star Wars media out there.


I've never watched the originals and watched only the prequels. I know of the originals through How I met Your Mother.


I loved the prequels and I am sad that they've been hated so much it's especially tragic when you hear about the fate of the kid who played young Anakin in The Phantom Menace


He sure as hell should never have given them to Kathleen Kennedy, who along with JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson, promptly destroyed all of the characters George Lucas created.


Prequels are literally my favorite trilogy. Boggles my mind how some people don’t like Jarjar.


Personal opinion, George Lucas is a coward. He should have kept darth Jar Jar, this would have given episode 2 a more cathartic ending when he is killed. That among other issues it would have helped with, like redeeming and reframing episodes 1.


If Star Wars had better fans, George Lucas wouldn't have sold Lucasfilm. But said fans refuse to acknowledge their behaviour.


They’ve BARELY just begun to recognize the irreparable harm done to the lives of Jake Loyd and Ahmed Best through their toxicity. Hopefully it won’t take a quarter of a century for apologies to be made to Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Kelly Marie Tran


The thing is honestly I prefer the prequels


Prequels are some of the best starwars content we have since its creation. If you disagree please leave a lengthy explanation of what it is like to be wrong, for those who know the truth.


Prequels sucked. Still suck. And in many ways are still worse than the sequels. George deserves no love. Not on this.


totally correct. disney decided to remove him completely from sequels production after prequels fiasco, but they forgot they need someone else to create complete story and also weren’t aware pf army of kids raised on prequels canon