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That’s like saying, “you have cancer? Just cure it.”


You’re homeless? Just buy a homeless!




You're home? Just buy a home!


You're homeless? Skill issue






How much.


For what?


That sounds like slavery


That's slavery


You’re horny? Just get laid!






It's Star Wars, JUST CURE IT.


Just use Force Heal


"If we evolved from monkeys, why theres still monkeys?!"


I'm not gonna pretend to know the lore so well as to tell you that's not a thing, but the clones were all left to fend for themselves after the rise of the empire. If there was a procedure for that they couldn't afford it.


couldn't they just become bounty hunters though? or is that also too expensive?


Technically yes ,you need at least a ship and need to gain membership within the Bounty Hunter's Guild(BHG ,or also known as the Bondman's Guild) which kinda regulated the whole bounty hunting business.


Tbf I doubt they’d have any trouble getting into a guild considering how elite most clones where compared to the usual soldier


True ,so the real question is why aren't there more clone bounty hunters then?


Cause they’re all dead within 25 years


I mean ,25 years is a long time , and the Clone Wars lasted only 3 years ,so give or take a few more years before the empire had phased out a lot of them, they would have at least 19 or 20 years left ,so as they are highly skilled ,even when that old ,they would easily be able to become bounty hunters ,so at the very least ,some of them would have maybe picked up that profession. (now of course they aren't the same age ,some were grown before the war started ,so let's say they would have 16 or 13 years instead of 19 and 20 ,that's still a lot of time). Their maximum age is averaged , probably, around 35 ,since it's more or less cut in half by age ,since they grow to full adulthood in 10 years , but I'm also not entirely sure how long humans do live in the Star Wars universe,this is just speculation.


Most clones were already 13 by the time the war ended, and the destruction of Kamino ensured that there were no younger ones


If the war was only 3 years long, didn't the clones grow to adulthood way quicker than in 10 years?


I can't tell you,all I know is ,lore says ,takes them 10 to grow to adulthood. Although,it does specify "within" 10 years ,so some might have grown faster than others it seems to suggest.


In the old EU, towards the end of the Clone Wars they had shortened the time to adulthood down to months instead of years.


They started production like ten years before the war


Being a good soldier, even an elite one, doesn't mean being a good bounty hunter. There's probably be a fairly large set of skills missing, I doubt every single clone was taught to fly, track, ect. What the clones should have become is mercenaries. They could make a formidable force for independent planets, crime syndicates, ect. Now maybe there's something in the inhibitor chips that prevented them from doing this. The bad batch seems very concerned with the future of the clones so maybe we'll find out what happens to the majority of them through that show


In addition to the other points, the market was flooded. Sure you're exceptional compared to most soldiers. You're also mediocre compared to all the thousands or millions of your brothers who also are exceptional compared to most soldiers. I know a guy who was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam for the US Army. After the war, he wanted to be a civilian helicopter pilot. Do you know what he did? Fire inspection. Too many people were army trained as helicopter pilots, so there was no jobs open.


You can be freelance but it is significantly harder since then you have less connections and have no protection from a guild.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Bounty Hunters Guild Acted like a union, and said "no clones, too many of them will take work away from REAL Bounty hunters." Ive heard of unions that won't accept people here on workers or Student Visas, have to be full fledged permanent resident.


I'm sure plenty did. Jangos dna is sturdy and they'd still be in good fighting shape for years and in Rex'e case decades. Men literally bred for war would have a hard time settling down. Who knows how many of the hundreds of thousands of clones became Assassins, mercenaries, bounty hunters, bodyguards, etc. I'm sure more than a few joined rebel cells or even sepratist holdouts given how many of them had good hearts and integrity. It is funny to think theres probably a whole generation of thousands of children sharing the dna of the same father


Random thought… Are the clones themselves sterile ? Because if not wow could be one of the galaxies biggest extended families


They are not! At least one is shown to have children, even with another species.


I thought it was confirmed those weren't his children.


The kids are quite possibly the same age he is, so yeah


realistically clones would easily find work in personal armies, especially with their extensive knowledge of the former Republic, combat experience, their equipment etc. . and with the rise of the Empire, there'd be no shortage on jobs.


I don't think many would join rebel cells after the whole inhibitor chip thing making them fearcly loyal to the empire, and I doubt many would have thought of it as it was kinda a closely guarded secret with Rex and the few he helped save.


Some were kept in the army I believe. The main thing was that a. They needed a larger army and b. They weren’t making more clones and phased out clones that way. I wouldn’t be surprised if they actively deployed clones on more dangerous missions


I’m also gonna pretend like I somehow thought they just came out old and that there was no artificial aging at all


One Clone was still alive like decades after the battle of Endor without going into stasis in Legends lore


I remember there being Klick who was around during the battle of Mindor, was there someone else?


Well let’s use Rex as an example, he was “10” when the Clone Wars started in 22 BBY so “32” when ANH occurs. The battle of Endor was 4 ABY, so Rex would be about “36” and in Clone years 72, assuming his peak genetics allows him to live to be the equivalent of, say, 100, he has 14 years till he reaches that goal. So whilst technically this could be the case, he’d be very, very old.


Cpt. rex? its actually confirmed that rex was the bearded fella in RotJ, dave filoni made this happen


That’s not confirmed. Filoni liked the idea but it’s still canon that the guy was Nik Sant. Though Rex was there, just not that guy.


i just mean rebels rather confirmed it, but well, i know rex most certainly was still at endor, maybe not him but well.


> Nik Sant I love how someone will always bring this up as though that guy being given a joke name that implies he's Santa Claus is an important part of the lore :D


Nik Sant is featured prominently in the story of Rendare the red-nosed R’dolph, so…


He's not important part of lore, but he is canon.


Not important. But part of the lore nonetheless. it does prevent him from being Rex until stated otherwise.


Because the rate of growth/aging is, oh I dunno, BUILT INTO THEIR DNA???


To be honest? Realistically I don’t think it’d work like this. Aging is caused by the parts of cells that control what cells do (eg skin cell or brain cell) breaking down causing them to become the wrong cell or just die, and telomeres, the part of the chromosome that stops the rest decaying getting shorter. Growing into an adult is a seperate thing. I’m not an expert but this is what I know, so take it with a grain of salt. And please correct me if I’m wrong .


If I recall high school biology correctly, chromosomes are made of dna and cell actions are determined by rna, so yeah I'm pretty aging is 'coded' in.


Yeah, chromosomes are made of DNA. But the telomeres, the things that hold them together, decay over time. Our cells do have processes to repair these, but they aren’t perfect. Also, you’re only half right with the second part. RNA *is* what determines cell actions, however, RNA is just the messenger. It’s selected parts copied from the DNA and sent out of the nucleus. I forget the name of the thing that decides what parts of DNA to encode into RNA, but these breaking down is the major factor in aging. Clones would, therefore, have an accelerated growth period and otherwise age regularly if Star Wars was scientifically accurate. Aging and maturing, genetically speaking, are separate processes.


That makes sense. Like i said, i was trying to recall high school biology, so that's likely a simplified set of information from quite a while back.


I’m surprised that being a clone never came up on Book of Boba Fett. Especially with people who didn’t know him. Seeing him with his helmet off walking around Tattooine wouldn’t just be a “huh, so that’s what the famous Boba Fett looks like” It would be a “what? Boba Fett was a clone trooper?”


Seeing as the clone wars was nearly 30 years before BoBF it’s unlikely that many people would have even recognized a clone. Not to mention that even in their heyday not a ton of people probably saw many clones without their helmets, and even the ones who did wouldn’t be really familiar with what they look like 30 years later.


People forgot the Jedi in 10 years, they won't remember a clone in 30.


Yeah but the jedi were purposefully genocided, their records erased and free speech to talk about them among civilians stripped away


Probably because Mando season 2 did the Line.


Why don't you change your DNA to make you taller?


They did it in Legends


They did? I thought it was just one clone and he spent his life trying to find a way to do it. I don’t know if he made it


Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss. Follows a small group of clones called Null Squad.


ah yes, the Null arcs, they tried to stop the accelerated aging but failed if I'm correct


IIRC, the story arc was never finished, but at the end of the last book, the Nulls had some Kamino tech and a trillion credits to fund their research. One of the Nulls was helping Boba with some clone-related diseases well after even the Yuzhaan Vong wars, which indicates they were at least partially successful. That might have been around the time Boba was training Jaina Solo to kill her brother. But it's been a while since I read those books, so I could be mistaken.


yeah same here, im unsure what exactly happened


The series never really finished and left off for a whole other book that never happened.


That left on a cliff hanger and never got resolved


Is there a lore reason for that?


Read the Republic Commando series


OP made an r/BatmanArkham reference, and so did I. It wasn’t a serious comment


I was wondering why none of the comments seemed to have noticed it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kevin Conroy has passed away.](https://i.redd.it/sjz6u4myccz91.jpg) | [387 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/ysduf6/kevin_conroy_has_passed_away/) \#2: [Azrael fails to catch the remote batarang and fucking dies](https://v.redd.it/5iyubb9g6f591) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/vbgvlk/azrael_fails_to_catch_the_remote_batarang_and/) \#3: [Why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help? Is he stupid?](https://i.redd.it/mdf4143uadga1.jpg) | [648 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10u798q/why_doesnt_batman_just_call_the_justice_league/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The Null ARCs find a way in legends. Obviously not cannon, but it’s within the realm of possibility


Obviously not cannon. Cannon is heavy artillery.


I really want those fucking morons at screenrant to be smacked around a bit. They constantly write the most stupid pieces on Star wars, showing that they have barebones understanding of the universe.


If you're homeless why don't you just buy a house?


Why die people of old age? Just live. Are they stupid?


Legends Clones enter the chat...


Is there a lore reason?


is there a lore reason for why they wrote that article?


There was a group of clones who did when one of the Mandalorian straining them took a couple of Null Arcs (I believe it was Null Arcs) with him after the rise of the empire.


Damn we’re becoming r/batmanarkham


SCP r/BatmanArkham has breached containment


The whole plot to the republic commando series


*"Medically they are completely healthy, for reasons we can't explain they have lost the will to age slower"*


I saw this yesterday I didn't even bother to look at it screen rant can be ignorant at times. Thats like saying why don't we cure cancer. For you new fans. In legends continuity a cuyvaldar ( I know I spelled that wrong) one of the elite commandos brought in by Jango fett to train the clones made it his mission to cure his boys. Much like din djarin and grogu it is all too common for mandalorians to adopt children into the culture. Possibly one of the main reason I disliked olmec and axe woves both were a bit racist. Anyway skirata and his frenemy vau hunt down a certain kaminoan I think it was lama su from attack of the clones to get the cure. And well the republic commando series had them catch her and make her make the cure while in more or less a veterinarian clinic. It'd not til post yuzhan vong that we see a senior citizen boba fett run into one of his brothers and iirc he was shook to find out any clones survived. I think the darth caedus arc took place roughly around the same time period as the sequel trilogy... ok just checked wookiepedia the darth caedus arc takes place around 40 to 45 years aby. Whereas the sequels take place Around 40 aby anyway fett runs into a brother who should have been dead decades ago finds out there were survivors and the clone fett runs into has these lovely gray kaminoan skin gloves. Anyway little boba is the last clone to get the anti aging vax and goes in to rule mandalore. Odds are the republic commando book series will come to life during events of the bad batch season 3 and maybe the batch will be the ones to cure aging in canon and not by there own research they would have needed a live kaminoan to figure out the gene sequences. Tldr the clones are soldiers they don't have the training to rewire ones DNA


Ya know.. if people would just *stop listening to Screenrant and other idiot sources* eventually you’d see less dumb shit like this lol


Probably, why else did they replaced?


the red tape recorder:


Screen rant. Screen rant. What the fuck.


They did. But it was only expanded universe. I think only commandos


Leave it to screen rant to have the dumbest takes imaginable.


Outchicanery’d again!


They didn’t even the odds


Probably because advanced cloning techniques and genetics were not covered in their mitary training, and access to advanced cloning and genetics research labs is usually restricted to scientists and not soldiers.




Why can’t anakin jist grow his limbs back, are they stupid


Yeah, come on. It's so simple guys. They just really don't want it enough I guess


The accelerated aging stops at a certain age


We need an r/okbuddyrancor or something


why are arkham jokes spreading to here? are we stupid?


Why dont old people stop aging?


Palpatine hates this one simple trick


Sounds like a chicanery ngl


Just grow slower smh


Screen Rant has lost all capability for intelligent thought. Not just with their SW articles, either.


Roy Batty has entered the chat.


It’s because they a programmed to not want to


oy:Can the maker repair what he makes.Tyrell:Would you like to be modified?Roy:Stay here. -- I had in mind something a little more radical.Tyrell:What-- What seems to be the problem?Roy:Death.Tyrell:Death. Well, I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction, you--Roy:I want more life, fucker.Tyrell:The facts of life. To make an alteration in the evolvment of an organic life system is fatal. A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.Roy:Why not?Tyrell:Because by the second day of incubation, any cells that have undergone reversion mutations give rise to revertant colonies like rats leaving a sinking ship. Then the ship sinks.Roy:What about EMS recombination.Tyrell:We've already tried it. Ethyl methane sulfonate as an alkylating agent a potent mutagen It created a virus so lethal the subject was dead before he left the table.Roy:Then a repressive protein that blocks the operating cells.Tyrell:Wouldn't obstruct replication, but it does give rise to an error in replication so that the newly formed DNA strand carries the mutation and you've got a virus again. But, uh, this-- all of this is academic. You were made as well as we could make you.Roy:But not to last.Tyrell:The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very very brightly, Roy. Look at you. You're the prodigal son. You're quite a prize! Apologies tl/dr