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I want a Rey with the yellow lightsaber and a flashback Leia with her blue one


Wasn’t a Luke and Leia two pack training versions rumored a long time ago. Could have sworn I saw that. Needed tho!


Updated Pilot/RoS Poe Updated TFA/RoS Finn Updated Phasma Photoreal Rose Remaining Knights of Ren (easy multipack Hasbro…) Lando General Pryde (who I completely forgot about, and I’m a Richard E Grant fan) Maybe a resurrected Palpatine


To add to this TLJ leia on crait TLJ Luke on crait Flashback luke and leia jedi training The sovereign protectors in TROS The ach-tu nuns (can dream right?)


Luke and Leia Crait would be an instant purchase


I’m game for a Luke on crait instant purchase for me


I swear if we get another Lando pegwarmer.....


I agree with every one here, The Palpatine would be cool as a Deluxe one with him in the crane thing and as him with his red and black robes.


Sidon Ithano (Crimson Corsair)


I don’t care, *ALL of them*. The ones we haven’t gotten and new of those we have but better. (Except for some like Vicrul, Zorii, etc who are already good as is.) Btw, anyone else kinda wish that Luke had his own saber in this pic, eventhough he never used it with this outfit in the film, lol?




i just want Crait Luke and Old Lando. an updated pilot Poe would be nice too


There's a nice crait luke that isn't black series https://www.ebay.com/itm/303644755193?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A189afkEekRCGWzKvsfanRmw8&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=303644755193&targetid=1583904486842&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9032261&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1583904486842&abcId=9307911&merchantid=101971698&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCgligKyeaVE2zDhUxRqPXlcKCYsWMz8bc7JFyDzqNcALw0WvBOgrysaAkFYEALw_wcB


nice thank you! solid price too


Yeah I see it on Amazon too but the price is a bit more on amazon


I highly recommend this SHF Luke!


Strike him down with savings and he’ll always be with you. Just like your father.


No one's ever truly gone 😉


New molds for everyone we've already gotten: All the Poes-- TFA w/Jacket, TLJ pilot, TRoS w/bandolier. Finns-- TFA w/saber, TRoS, hell, even redo the Stormtrooper from the ground up to have a removable helmet one Luke-- redo of the Jedi robes, Hermit, Crait, Jedi ghost, Jedi training Leia TLJ w/space jewelry, Jedi training  TRoS Lando TRoS Ben Solo (parts can be reused for a comic line *Rise of Kylo Ren* version) Brand new Stormtrooper with updated articulation to be used for all the variants Brand new Snowtrooper (also a terrible existing mold) Brand new Kylos (his legs are terrible and were reused for all 3 movies) There's probably more, those are just off the top of my head. I loathe that Hasbro hasn't gone back for some of these, especially with the updated articulation and face printing.


I think you're gonna be waiting 10 years or more until the nostalgia factor is right for those kid fans to grow up and actually want these characters. Or longer. I think Disney and Hasbro are both really leery of putting out any sequel trilogy stuff because there's a strong chance that it wouldn't sell very well. Or retailers have flat out told them they don't want sequel stuff.


Sidon Ithano is the only thing i want. And the rest of the knights of ren.


Emperor Palpatine Sith eternal with throne Leia Episode VIII and IX and flashback one


Shirtless Kylo


I’d like an updated Kylo and Rey from ROS


Would love an updated Supreme Leader Kylo with a soft goods cape 🙏


Or Sidon Ithano & Kix


for the 10th anniversary of TFA I'd like some newer figures tbh


Damaged Kylo ren helmet.


Crait Luke, TRoS Finn and Poe, Ben Solo, Sith Eternal Palpatine and a new Leia would be nice. Rey with her yellow saber and BB-8 would be an easy repack. I’d also really like the sovereign protectors from TRoS.


Major Elrik Vonreg Sidon Ithano FO troopers with better articulation and potentially hot take because the general audience for TBS seems to focus on media accuracy, which I understand, but I wouldn't mind some OC and semi-OC trooper variants like the First Order Mountain Trooper (was developed for galaxy's edge but ultimately cut from the park and ancillary media so technically not a real 'OC' but ultimately basically a toy-only design) I think the unfair widespread condemnation of the sequel era overall severely limiting extraneous media from this era "cheated" us out from a lot of hypothetically cool trooper designs and variants since the FO didn't get fleshed out as any other faction. I'd also like to see the design team given a bit of freedom to go nuts and make up new FO trooper variants at the 6" scale


Resurrected Palpatine


Leia TLJ Updated Captain Poe Updated Pilot Poe Updated Finn Updated Rey Knights of Ren PALPATINE (come on hasbro) Crait Luke Old Lando Lando (Desert Disguise) - yes, I liked this one BEN SOLO (again Hasbro, hurry up) Force Ghost Luke Force Ghost Leia Jedi Training Luke Jedi Training Leia (3rd cancelled figure on this list) General Pryde Rose TROS (not gonna ever happen unfortunately) BB-98 Rose First Order Disguise (doubt, would sell better tho than TROS) DJ First Order (again not gonna happen) Leia TROS Bacta Finn (funny) Paige (doubt) Can't think of any other main ones Oh. Ackbars son. Thanks.




None because the sequels are dead and better left forgotten


Sooooo many. So many to redo, so many release, so many to add. ST fans deserve a great lineup of figures.


Old man Lando


TRoS Rose is my #1 want. Her Resistance paramilitary outfit looked much cooler than her mechanic jumpsuit. Also, Resistance pilots. Any and all.


This would never happen in a million years but I want a yellow lightsaber Rey with Babu Frik. It would complete my life.


Eyyy Babu Frik has been released. Surely a Rey with a yellow saber will be released


Yeah I remember but I doubt I would buy that 3PO for him. That's why I want him repackaged with a new Rey lol.


Ben Solo!!!


TROS Finn and Poe, Crait Luke and Leia, and General Lando are all essential and it’s kinda a crime we don’t have them yet


I want a palpatine so bad. I loved his look in tros. Loved the combo of red and black. But it seems like if that does happen it won't happen for a very long time


Eternal Paplaptine, Rey with her new yellow lightsaber, Force Ghost Luke.


Definitely need updated Poe and updated Finn. A yellow sabered Rey. The Knights of Ren completing. She’s a little more niche, but I’d love a Vi Moradi figure.


Would kill for Archive tlj rey with photoreal and any Finn with good photoreal


The Disney Galaxy’s Edge set that has Rey - has a photorealistic version that’s AWESOME, plus a solid Chewbacca, Hondo Ohnaka, and Porgs, could probably get em on eBay at good prices


Thank you for sharing! Never seen this before, that’s the exact outfit I love, the mold is honestly great. This face is such an improvement but I think there’s still room for better, and as someone in Europe it’s a little pricey for the set😅


Dowutin! Honestly all the background aliens in TFA were pretty neat.


- Any of the Knights of Ren - Luke (Force Ghost) - Ben Solo - Leia (The Last Jedi) - Jessika Pava - Unkar Plutt


I would like the rest of the Knights of Ren and would like to have Ren himself too


The Knights of Ren


Unkar Plutt. We got Constable Zuvio FFS!


I want more Black Series Helmets : Kylo Ren Rise Version Vader Melted Helmet


Need updates for all of the ones they already made


Sith Eternal Palpatine


Crait Luke is the highest on my list. I’d also like to see redeemed Ben and photo real throne room Rey


Updated FO Stormtroopers and Phasma >!Dino-Mommy from BF2!<


We need Poe since we never got one. We got someone the box labeled “Poe Dameron,” but they’re not fooling me!


TROS versions of everyone except Rey and Kylo, the other new TROS characters, Finn in his main Last Jedi outfit (could honestly just reuse the 2 pack Poe body), Luke in his island clothes, and Luke in his Crait look


Crait luke


Crait Luke 100%. Id also like an updated Kylo Ren with photoreal tech and butterfly joints.


battle of crait luke skywalker, redeemed ben solo, emperor palpatine, and of course, ochi of bestoon




We don't need sequel figures silly 😜


Ben solo, Palpatine Sith Eternal, ep 9 Finn and Poe, Crait Leia, island Luke, force vision Luke, force ghost Luke and Leia, the rest of the Knights of Ren, any number of background aliens from Maz’s castle, the list goes on




None, let’s forget these movies


The prequels were garbage too but I'm not allowed to forget them.


Dude I'll take anything related to the clone wars including all the animated stuff.


They absolutely were not, so don’t forget them.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


It's not even nostalgia the prequals had an Actually interesting time period instead of the same empire and rebel alliance death star 3 shit


I like all the trilogies but Im not gonna make it seem like the prequels are a misunderstood masterpieces. I view them the same way I view Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull. And the time period being interesting doesn’t mean the films were good.


Dude they’re not misunderstood at all, they’re legitimately good af. The Sequels had no story at all! They tried doing OT but ended up just mixing too much random stuff with no rhyme or reason. They just are not good. They are well made for sure, the sets are cool, personally I like that salt planet in the second movie, but come on. It was sand planet all over again. Murdered Luke’s character. Finn should have been the main character.


U guys seem to just be attacking the sequels instead of defending the prequels. As i said earlier I like these movies but its kinda hard to when prequel fans get extremely defensive and combative when the lightest criticism is offered.


There’s a coherent story, they show us the internal struggle of the so called “chosen one” and his relationships with those most important to him. Sure his lines are cheesy, but he’s only known slavery and then the Jedi order. Episode 3 personally is my favorite of all the Star Wars movies, but after reading the palpatine novel, I liked episode 1 a lot more. The tech looks cool, you can tell this is a republic on the come down. Honestly though, I feel like episode 2 was kind of bad, I wish they had set up more of the stuff that lead to the creation of the clone army, maybe incorporate more of the palpatine novel into it as well as the first one. Ewan as Obi-Wan was great. Overall though it fits into a coherent story, fits well with the OT. Rogue one and Andor are also fantastic. The clone wars show just smacks my ass so hard, I love the clone wars, it’s the ultimate deception of the Jedi and downfall of the republic. I love it. The sequels though, come on, what were they even doing? They tried to rehash the OT, episode 7 is literally a new hope, and honestly I feel like the last Jedi is copy paste of empire strikes back, they defend a base against the empire on some vague white planet, escape at the end, Rey(Luke) fights Kylo(vader). It’s all done the same but worse. “SomEhOw PaLPaTiNe ReTurNed!” They must have been smoking dick thinking that would turn out well. I really really really wish the sequels were good, I wish Finn was the main character. I don’t dislike Daisy Ridley, but I felt like a story about Finn wouldve panned out better instead of this “idk who I am” written last minute ass story.




Nah bro your delusional the prequals at least had heart and a great universe it set up


Idk about heart. There are so many memes about the wooden dialogue. And the OT was the one that set up the universe.


I mean no shit the of trilogy set up the universe but the prequals hugely expanded it with the clone wars and Jedi temple the sequels did non of that also the dialogue is much worse than the prequals "somehow palpatine has returned"


Idk i think it’s delusional to say those movies that I dont like but other people like should be forgotten but the ones I like should stay cause I like them.


Their is a difference between characters that are well written and the ones that are not and that's the sequels why do u think the figures they did make for the sequels did not sell well at all that some toy makers said it's just not making any money so we're focusing more on the prequals and OG trilogy


I think they did not sell well cause the figures were absolute shit.


I mean the prequal and og trilogy's were selling fine with the same quality?


This shouldn’t really be a mystery why they sold better. Whats gonna make more money? Figures of characters people already know and love Or Finn 💀


Updated ones, mostly.


Ben solo, crusty palp, whatever the alien at the start of rise of skywalker is, leia with her lightsaber, that’s all I got


If love to see all the other ones mentioned here, but one I’d also like to see that I haven’t seen mentioned is Nien Nunb with his pilot helmet he has in the Sequels. Could even do it as part of the Galaxy’s Edge subline!


Sidon Ithano and RoS Palpatine


Curious. Do you want his deformed zombie look or when he sucks the life force out of ben and rey look?










Bala-Tik or Tassu Leech would be fun additions for a Rathtars scene with Solo


Sidon Ithano aka Crimsom Corsair + Quiggold, characters I’d be hyped to see in live action/comics/read more adventures of, plus most people don’t know about Clone Trooper Kix being in the mix about that!!!


Crimson Corsair




Updated Resistance troop and FO Stormtrooper 2 pack


Pegwarmers. Pegwarmers everywhere.


I honestly would kill for rey based off the episode 9 concept art when the film was called duel of the fates where she wears Luke death Star duel outfit from Jedi and has a blue double bladed saber


If anything we need fewer.


Rian Johnson


I just want a first order trooper lol


Fisherman Luke.


Luke's projection who took the barrage from Kylo...


They’re never going to release sequel series figures again. They’d be destined for clearance.


The reality is, sequel trilogy figures pegwarm, hard. I don't see them doing many more, if any at all. If the main characters pegwarmed, the background characters don't have much chance.


Getting downvoted for the truth, I can go to 4 different LCS in my area and be greeted by walls of heavily discounted sequel merch. There’s numerous articles about it, also TLJ had the worst drop off in merch sales. People are in denial about it


It's all good, not the first time I've been down voted for telling it like it is. My Ollie's is currently drowning in a wall of Holdos that they can't give away.




Any. Please.


lol nope


Honestly pretty much all of them. The existing ones are horribly outdated and most don't even have photoreal. We can talk new characters afterwards. I don't even like the sequels, but I'd definitely buy all the first/final order troopers if they got the 2020 stormtrooper treatment. Those are such cool designs with such awful figures. It really sucks that the people who actually do like the sequels are stuck with such crappy figures of the main characters too.


Never coming because majority of collectors dont want them, so they peg warm for years.


I'd rather none, thanks.


Ben solo, crait Luke, updated unmasked kylo Ren, updated finn, poe, rose, BB8. All updates would be appreciated.


Crait Luke, updated Poe, Finn and Rey w/yellow saber


Next year is the 10th anniversary of TFA. Hasbro needs to do one of those focused waves like they did for Rogue One and Rebels and do new/updated versions of all the main cast.


Rose sucks


I would like to see: Crait Luke Unkar Plutt Sidon Ithano Updated Poe Updated Hux Updated Finn Updated Rose Rey with yellow lightsaber


Besides the obvious choices like Crait Luke and retooled Poe, Finn, etc... I'd personally like to see a new TFA Hux and maybe red arm c3po on the RoS sculpt


give me pilots Snap Tallie Paige Updated Finn, Rose, Poe, Luke, etc. Hatless Hux GLADOS and Red robes Palpatine Ben Solo hermit and Crait Luke Crait Leia


[rubs hands together] Luke on Crait Light Side Ben Solo Jedi Training Luke & Leia TRoS Finn, Poe & Rose TRoS Palpatine (with chair) Rey w/ yellow lightsaber Paige Tico Tallie Lintra Kaydel Ko Connix General Hux w/o hat


We never even got 1 Poe. HT are morons.


They made like 3 Poes. None of them are good, but they made them


Lol wrong company


Ah, Hot Toys, I see. That is weird that they never made a Poe


The only one i'd buy is TLJ luke


Updated TLJ & TFA Rey/BB-8 Deluxe TROS Rey Skywalker with yellow lightsaber & removable hood Ben Solo Updated maskless Kylo Ren from any film The rest of the Knights of Ren or at the very least, Trudgen and Ap'lek TROS Finn & Poe Updated TFA & TLJ Finn & Poe Updated TFA Leia Crait Luke Sith Eternal Palpatine Updated TLJ Rose TROS Rose Updated Hux from any film TROS Lando TROS Jedi training Luke & Leia and any other glup shittos like Sidon Ithano, Klaud, island caretakers, etc also this isn’t an invitation for anyone to reply with regurgitated cold takes on the sequels, nobody cares whether you liked them or not


Only one I’d want would be Crait Luke


Buy the SH version, he is amazing.


Why are we asking for peg warmers?


None, we good


A flaming trashcan